This is CoAP library with a focus on simplicity. It offers minimal CoAP PDU construction and decoding to and from byte buffers.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cantcoap.cpp	Tue Oct 08 14:36:01 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1798 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, Ashley Mills.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+   list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+   and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 
+ */
+// version, 2 bits
+// type, 2 bits
+	// 00 Confirmable
+	// 01 Non-confirmable
+	// 10 Acknowledgement
+	// 11 Reset
+// token length, 4 bits
+// length of token in bytes (only 0 to 8 bytes allowed)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "cantcoap.h"
+#ifndef MBED
+#include "arpa/inet.h"
+#include "netdb.h"
+#include "bsd_socket.h"
+/// Memory-managed constructor. Buffer for PDU is dynamically sized and allocated by the object.
+ * When using this constructor, the CoapPDU class will allocate space for the PDU.
+ * Contrast this with the parameterized constructors, which allow the use of an external buffer.
+ *
+ * Note, the PDU container and space can be reused by issuing a CoapPDU::reset(). If the new PDU exceeds the 
+ * space of the previously allocated memory, then further memory will be dynamically allocated.
+ *
+ * Deleting the object will free the Object container and all dynamically allocated memory.
+ *
+ * \note It would have been nice to use something like UDP_CORK or MSG_MORE, to allow separate buffers 
+ * for token, options, and payload but these FLAGS aren't implemented for UDP in LwIP so stuck with one buffer for now.
+ *
+ * CoAP version defaults to 1.
+ *
+ * \sa CoapPDU::CoapPDU(uint8_t *pdu, int pduLength), CoapPDU::CoapPDU::(uint8_t *buffer, int bufferLength, int pduLength), 
+ * CoapPDU:CoapPDU()~
+ *
+ */
+CoapPDU::CoapPDU() {
+	// pdu
+	_pdu = (uint8_t*)calloc(4,sizeof(uint8_t));
+	_pduLength = 4;
+	_bufferLength = _pduLength;
+	//options
+	_numOptions = 0;
+	_maxAddedOptionNumber = 0;
+	// payload
+	_payloadPointer = NULL;
+	_payloadLength = 0;
+	_constructedFromBuffer = 0;
+	setVersion(1);
+/// Construct a PDU using an external buffer. No copy of the buffer is made.
+ * This constructor is normally used where a PDU has been received over the network, and it's length is known.
+ * In this case the CoapPDU object is probably going to be used as a temporary container to access member values.
+ *
+ * It is assumed that \b pduLength is the length of the actual CoAP PDU, and consequently the buffer will also be this size,
+ * contrast this with CoapPDU::CoapPDU(uint8_t *buffer, int bufferLength, int pduLength) which allows the buffer to 
+ * be larger than the PDU.
+ *
+ * A PDU constructed in this manner must be validated with CoapPDU::validate() before the member variables will be accessible.
+ *
+ * \warning The validation call parses the PDU structure to set some internal parameters. If you do
+ * not validate the PDU, then the behaviour of member access functions will be undefined.
+ * 
+ * The buffer can be reused by issuing a CoapPDU::reset() but the class will not change the size of the buffer. If the
+ * newly constructed PDU exceeds the size of the buffer, the function called (for example CoapPDU::addOption) will fail.
+ *
+ * Deleting this object will only delete the Object container and will not delete the PDU buffer.
+ *
+ * @param pdu A pointer to an array of bytes which comprise the CoAP PDU
+ * @param pduLength The length of the CoAP PDU pointed to by \b pdu
+ * \sa CoapPDU::CoapPDU(), CoapPDU::CoapPDU(uint8_t *buffer, int bufferLength, int pduLength)
+ */
+CoapPDU::CoapPDU(uint8_t *pdu, int pduLength) {
+	// pdu
+	_pdu = pdu;
+	_bufferLength = pduLength;
+	_pduLength = pduLength;
+	_constructedFromBuffer = 1;
+	// options
+	_numOptions = 0;
+	_maxAddedOptionNumber = 0;
+	// payload
+	_payloadPointer = NULL;
+	_payloadLength = 0;
+/// Construct object from external buffer that may be larger than actual PDU.
+ * This differs from CoapPDU::CoapPDU(uint8_t *pdu, int pduLength) in that the buffer may be larger
+ * than the actual CoAP PDU contained int the buffer. This is typically used when a large buffer is reused
+ * multiple times. Note that \b pduLength can be 0.
+ * 
+ * If an actual CoAP PDU is passed in the buffer, \b pduLength should match its length. CoapPDU::validate() must
+ * be called to initiate the object before member functions can be used.
+ *
+ * A PDU constructed in this manner must be validated with CoapPDU::validate() before the member variables will be accessible.
+ *
+ * \warning The validation call parses the PDU structure to set some internal parameters. If you do
+ * not validate the PDU, then the behaviour of member access functions will be undefined.
+ * 
+ * The buffer can be reused by issuing a CoapPDU::reset() but the class will not change the size of the buffer. If the
+ * newly constructed PDU exceeds the size of the buffer, the function called (for example CoapPDU::addOption) will fail.
+ *
+ * Deleting this object will only delete the Object container and will not delete the PDU buffer.
+ *
+ * \param buffer A buffer which either contains a CoAP PDU or is intended to be used to construct one.
+ * \param bufferLength The length of the buffer
+ * \param pduLength If the buffer contains a CoAP PDU, this specifies the length of the PDU within the buffer.
+ *
+ * \sa CoapPDU::CoapPDU(), CoapPDU::CoapPDU(uint8_t *pdu, int pduLength)
+ */
+CoapPDU::CoapPDU(uint8_t *buffer, int bufferLength, int pduLength) {
+	// sanity
+	if(pduLength<4&&pduLength!=0) {
+		DBG("PDU cannot have a length less than 4");
+	}
+	// pdu
+	_pdu = buffer;
+	_bufferLength = bufferLength;
+	if(pduLength==0) {
+		// this is actually a fresh pdu, header always exists
+		_pduLength = 4;
+		// make sure header is zeroed
+		_pdu[0] = 0x00; _pdu[1] = 0x00; _pdu[2] = 0x00; _pdu[3] = 0x00;
+		setVersion(1);
+	} else {
+		_pduLength = pduLength;
+	}
+	_constructedFromBuffer = 1;
+	// options
+	_numOptions = 0;
+	_maxAddedOptionNumber = 0;
+	// payload
+	_payloadPointer = NULL;
+	_payloadLength = 0;
+/// Reset CoapPDU container so it can be reused to build a new PDU.
+ * This resets the CoapPDU container, setting the pdu length, option count, etc back to zero. The
+ * PDU can then be populated as if it were newly constructed.
+ *
+ * Note that the space available will depend on how the CoapPDU was originally constructed:
+ * -# CoapPDU::CoapPDU()
+ *
+ * 	Available space initially be \b _pduLength. But further space will be allocated as needed on demand, 
+ *    limited only by the OS/environment.
+ *
+ * -# CoapPDU::CoapPDU(uint8_t *pdu, int pduLength)
+ *
+ *		Space is limited by the variable \b pduLength. The PDU cannot exceed \b pduLength bytes.
+ *		 
+ * -# CoapPDU::CoapPDU(uint8_t *buffer, int bufferLength, int pduLength)
+ *
+ *		Space is limited by the variable \b bufferLength. The PDU cannot exceed \b bufferLength bytes.
+ *
+ * \return 0 on success, 1 on failure.
+ */
+int CoapPDU::reset() {
+	// pdu
+	memset(_pdu,0x00,_bufferLength);
+	// packet always has at least a header
+	_pduLength = 4;
+	// options
+	_numOptions = 0;
+	_maxAddedOptionNumber = 0;
+	// payload
+	_payloadPointer = NULL;
+	_payloadLength = 0;
+	return 0;
+/// Validates a PDU constructed using an external buffer.
+ * When a CoapPDU is constructed using an external buffer, the programmer must call this function to
+ * check that the received PDU is a valid CoAP PDU.
+ *
+ * \warning The validation call parses the PDU structure to set some internal parameters. If you do
+ * not validate the PDU, then the behaviour of member access functions will be undefined.
+ *
+ * \return 1 if the PDU validates correctly, 0 if not. XXX maybe add some error codes
+ */
+int CoapPDU::validate() {
+	if(_pduLength<4) {
+		DBG("PDU has to be a minimum of 4 bytes. This: %d bytes",_pduLength);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	// check header
+	//   0                   1                   2                   3
+   //  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+   // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+   // |Ver| T |  TKL  |      Code     |          Message ID           |
+   // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+   // |   Token (if any, TKL bytes) ...
+   // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+   // |   Options (if any) ...
+   // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+   // |1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1|    Payload (if any) ...
+   // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+	DBG("Version: %d",getVersion());
+	DBG("Type: %d",getType());
+	// token length must be between 0 and 8
+	int tokenLength = getTokenLength();
+	if(tokenLength<0||tokenLength>8) {
+		DBG("Invalid token length: %d",tokenLength);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	DBG("Token length: %d",tokenLength);
+	// check total length
+	if((COAP_HDR_SIZE+tokenLength)>_pduLength) {
+		DBG("Token length would make pdu longer than actual length.");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	// check that code is valid
+	CoapPDU::Code code = getCode();	
+	if(code<COAP_EMPTY ||
+		(code>COAP_DELETE&&code<COAP_CREATED) ||
+		(code==0x8E) ||
+		DBG("Invalid CoAP code: %d",code);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	DBG("CoAP code: %d",code);
+	// token can be anything so nothing to check
+	// check that options all make sense
+	uint16_t optionDelta =0, optionNumber = 0, optionValueLength = 0;
+	int totalLength = 0;
+	// first option occurs after token
+	int optionPos = COAP_HDR_SIZE + getTokenLength();
+	// may be 0 options
+	if(optionPos==_pduLength) {
+		DBG("No options. No payload.");
+		_numOptions = 0;
+		_payloadLength = 0;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	int bytesRemaining = _pduLength-optionPos;
+	int numOptions = 0;
+	uint8_t upperNibble = 0x00, lowerNibble = 0x00;
+	// walk over options and record information
+	while(1) {
+		// check for payload marker
+		if(bytesRemaining>0) {
+			uint8_t optionHeader = _pdu[optionPos];
+			if(optionHeader==0xFF) {
+				// payload
+				if(bytesRemaining>1) {
+					_payloadPointer = &_pdu[optionPos+1];
+					_payloadLength = (bytesRemaining-1);
+					_numOptions = numOptions;
+					DBG("Payload found, length: %d",_payloadLength);
+					return 1;
+				}
+				// payload marker but no payload
+				_payloadPointer = NULL;
+				_payloadLength = 0;
+				DBG("Payload marker but no payload.");
+				return 0;
+			}
+			// check that option delta and option length are valid values
+			upperNibble = (optionHeader & 0xF0) >> 4;
+			lowerNibble = (optionHeader & 0x0F);
+			if(upperNibble==0x0F||lowerNibble==0x0F) {
+				DBG("Expected option header or payload marker, got: 0x%x%x",upperNibble,lowerNibble);
+				return 0;
+			}
+			DBG("Option header byte appears sane: 0x%x%x",upperNibble,lowerNibble);
+		} else {
+			DBG("No more data. No payload.");
+			_payloadPointer = NULL;
+			_payloadLength = 0;
+			_numOptions = numOptions;
+			return 1;
+		}
+		// skip over option header byte
+		bytesRemaining--;
+		// check that there is enough space for the extended delta and length bytes (if any)
+		int headerBytesNeeded = computeExtraBytes(upperNibble);
+		DBG("%d extra bytes needed for extended delta",headerBytesNeeded);
+		if(headerBytesNeeded>bytesRemaining) {
+			DBG("Not enough space for extended option delta, needed %d, have %d.",headerBytesNeeded,bytesRemaining);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		headerBytesNeeded += computeExtraBytes(lowerNibble);
+		if(headerBytesNeeded>bytesRemaining) {
+			DBG("Not enough space for extended option length, needed %d, have %d.",
+				(headerBytesNeeded-computeExtraBytes(upperNibble)),bytesRemaining);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		DBG("Enough space for extended delta and length: %d, continuing.",headerBytesNeeded);
+		// extract option details
+		optionDelta = getOptionDelta(&_pdu[optionPos]);
+		optionNumber += optionDelta;
+		optionValueLength = getOptionValueLength(&_pdu[optionPos]);
+		DBG("Got option: %d with length %d",optionNumber,optionValueLength);
+		// compute total length
+		totalLength = 1; // mandatory header
+		totalLength += computeExtraBytes(optionDelta);
+		totalLength += computeExtraBytes(optionValueLength);
+		totalLength += optionValueLength;
+		// check there is enough space
+		if(optionPos+totalLength>_pduLength) {
+			DBG("Not enough space for option payload, needed %d, have %d.",(totalLength-headerBytesNeeded-1),_pduLength-optionPos);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		DBG("Enough space for option payload: %d %d",optionValueLength,(totalLength-headerBytesNeeded-1));
+		// recompute bytesRemaining
+		bytesRemaining -= totalLength;
+		bytesRemaining++; // correct for previous --
+		// move to next option
+		optionPos += totalLength; 
+		// inc number of options XXX
+		numOptions++;
+	}
+	return 1;
+/// Destructor. Does not free buffer if constructor passed an external buffer.
+ * The destructor acts differently, depending on how the object was initially constructed (from buffer or not):
+ *
+ * -# CoapPDU::CoapPDU()
+ *
+ * 	Complete object is destroyed.
+ *
+ * -# CoapPDU::CoapPDU(uint8_t *pdu, int pduLength)
+ *
+ *		Only object container is destroyed. \b pdu is left intact.
+ *		 
+ * -# CoapPDU::CoapPDU(uint8_t *buffer, int bufferLength, int pduLength)
+ *
+ *		Only object container is destroyed. \b pdu is left intact.
+ *
+ */
+CoapPDU::~CoapPDU() {
+	if(!_constructedFromBuffer) {
+		free(_pdu);
+	}
+/// Returns a pointer to the internal buffer.
+uint8_t* CoapPDU::getPDUPointer() {
+	return _pdu;
+/// Set the PDU length to the length specified.
+ * This is used when re-using a PDU container before calling CoapPDU::validate() as it
+ * is not possible to deduce the length of a PDU since the payload has no length marker.
+ * \param len The length of the PDU
+ */
+void CoapPDU::setPDULength(int len) {
+	_pduLength = len;
+/// Shorthand function for setting a resource URI.
+ * This will parse the supplied \b uri and construct enough URI_PATH CoAP options to encode it.
+ * The options are added to the PDU.
+ * 
+ * At present queries are not handled. TODO Implement queries.
+ *
+ * \note This uses an internal buffer of 16 bytes to manipulate strings. The internal buffer will be
+ * expanded dynamically if necessary (path component longer than 16 bytes). The internal buffer will
+ * be freed before the function returns.
+ * 
+ * \param uri The uri to parse.
+ * \param urilen The length of the uri to parse.
+ *
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
+ */
+int CoapPDU::setURI(char *uri, int urilen) {
+	// only '/' and alphabetic chars allowed
+	// very simple splitting done
+	// sanitation
+	if(urilen<=0||uri==NULL) {
+		DBG("Null or zero-length uri passed.");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	// single character URI path (including '/' case)
+	if(urilen==1) {
+		addOption(COAP_OPTION_URI_PATH,1,(uint8_t*)uri);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	// local vars
+	char *startP=uri,*endP=NULL;
+	int oLen = 0;
+	int bufSpace = 16;
+	char *uriBuf = (char*)malloc(bufSpace*sizeof(char));
+	if(uriBuf==NULL) {
+		DBG("Error allocating temporary memory.");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	while(1) {
+		// stop at end of string
+		if(*startP==0x00||*(startP+1)==0x00) {
+			break;
+		}
+		// ignore leading slash
+		if(*startP=='/') {
+			DBG("Skipping leading slash");
+			startP++;
+		}
+		// find next split point
+		endP = strchr(startP,'/');
+		// might not be another slash
+		if(endP==NULL) {
+			DBG("Ending out of slash");
+			endP = uri+urilen;
+		}
+		// get length of segment
+		oLen = endP-startP;
+		// copy sequence, make space if necessary
+		if((oLen+1)>bufSpace) {
+			char *newBuf = (char*)realloc(uriBuf,oLen+1);
+			if(newBuf==NULL) {
+				DBG("Error making space for temporary buffer");
+				free(uriBuf);
+				return 1;
+			}
+			uriBuf = newBuf;
+		}
+		// copy into temporary buffer
+		memcpy(uriBuf,startP,oLen);
+		uriBuf[oLen] = 0x00;
+		DBG("Adding URI_PATH %s",uriBuf);
+		// add option
+		if(addOption(COAP_OPTION_URI_PATH,oLen,(uint8_t*)uriBuf)!=0) {
+			DBG("Error adding option");
+			return 1;
+		}
+		startP = endP;
+	}
+	// clean up
+	free(uriBuf);
+	return 0;
+/// Concatenates any URI_PATH elements into a single string.
+ * Parses the PDU options and extracts all URI_PATH elements, concatenating them into a single string with slash separators.
+ * 
+ * \param dst Buffer into which to copy the concatenated path elements.
+ * \param dstlen Length of buffer.
+ * \param outLen Pointer to integer, into which URI length will be placed.
+ *
+ * \return 0 on success, 1 on failure. \b outLen will contain the length of the concatenated elements.
+ */
+int CoapPDU::getURI(char *dst, int dstlen, int *outLen) {
+	if(outLen==NULL) {
+		DBG("Output length pointer is NULL");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if(dst==NULL) {
+		DBG("NULL destination buffer");
+		*outLen = 0;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	// check destination space
+	if(dstlen<=0) {
+		*dst = 0x00;
+		*outLen = 0;
+		DBG("Destination buffer too small (0)!");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	// check option count
+	if(_numOptions==0) {
+		*dst = 0x00;
+		*outLen = 0;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	// get options
+	CoapPDU::CoapOption *options = getOptions();
+	if(options==NULL) {
+		*dst = 0x00;
+		*outLen = 0;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	// iterate over options to construct URI
+	CoapOption *o = NULL;
+	int bytesLeft = dstlen-1; // space for 0x00
+	int oLen = 0;
+	// add slash at beggining
+	if(bytesLeft>=1) {
+		*dst = '/';
+		dst++;
+		bytesLeft--;
+	} else {
+		DBG("No space for initial slash needed 1, got %d",bytesLeft);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	for(int i=0; i<_numOptions; i++) {
+		o = &options[i];
+		oLen = o->optionValueLength;
+		if(o->optionNumber==COAP_OPTION_URI_PATH) {
+			// check space
+			if(oLen>bytesLeft) {
+				DBG("Destination buffer too small, needed %d, got %d",oLen,bytesLeft);
+				return 1;
+			}
+			// case where single '/' exists
+			if(oLen==1&&o->optionValuePointer[0]=='/') {
+				*dst = 0x00;
+				*outLen = 1;
+				return 0;
+			}
+			// copy URI path component
+			memcpy(dst,o->optionValuePointer,oLen);
+			// adjust counters
+			dst += oLen;
+			bytesLeft -= oLen;
+			// add slash following (don't know at this point if another option is coming)
+			if(bytesLeft>=1) {
+				*dst = '/';
+				dst++;
+				bytesLeft--;
+			} else {
+				DBG("Ran out of space after processing option");
+				return 1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// remove terminating slash
+	dst--;
+	bytesLeft++;
+	// add null terminating byte (always space since reserved)
+	*dst = 0x00;
+	*outLen = (dstlen-1)-bytesLeft;
+	return 0;
+/// Sets the CoAP version.
+ * \param version CoAP version between 0 and 3.
+ * \return 0 on success, 1 on failure.
+ */
+int CoapPDU::setVersion(uint8_t version) {
+	if(version>3) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	_pdu[0] &= 0x3F;
+	_pdu[0] |= (version << 6);
+	return 1;
+ * Gets the CoAP Version.
+ * @return The CoAP version between 0 and 3.
+ */
+uint8_t CoapPDU::getVersion() {
+	return (_pdu[0]&0xC0)>>6;
+ * Sets the type of this CoAP PDU. 
+ * \param mt The type, one of: 
+ */
+void CoapPDU::setType(CoapPDU::Type mt) {
+	_pdu[0] &= 0xCF;
+	_pdu[0] |= mt;
+/// Returns the type of the PDU.
+CoapPDU::Type CoapPDU::getType() {
+	return (CoapPDU::Type)(_pdu[0]&0x30);
+/// Set the token length.
+ * \param tokenLength The length of the token in bytes, between 0 and 8.
+ * \return 0 on success, 1 on failure.
+ */
+int CoapPDU::setTokenLength(uint8_t tokenLength) {
+	if(tokenLength>8)
+		return 1;
+	_pdu[0] &= 0xF0;
+	_pdu[0] |= tokenLength;
+	return 0;
+/// Returns the token length.
+int CoapPDU::getTokenLength() {
+	return _pdu[0] & 0x0F;
+/// Returns a pointer to the PDU token.
+uint8_t* CoapPDU::getTokenPointer() {
+	if(getTokenLength()==0) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return &_pdu[4];
+/// Set the PDU token to the supplied byte sequence.
+ * This sets the PDU token to \b token and sets the token length to \b tokenLength.
+ * \param token A sequence of bytes representing the token.
+ * \param tokenLength The length of the byte sequence.
+ * \return 0 on success, 1 on failure.
+ */
+int CoapPDU::setToken(uint8_t *token, uint8_t tokenLength) {
+	DBG("Setting token");
+	if(token==NULL) {
+		DBG("NULL pointer passed as token reference");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if(tokenLength==0) {
+		DBG("Token has zero length");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	// if tokenLength has not changed, just copy the new value
+	uint8_t oldTokenLength = getTokenLength();
+	if(tokenLength==oldTokenLength) {
+		memcpy((void*)&_pdu[4],token,tokenLength);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	// otherwise compute new length of PDU
+	uint8_t oldPDULength = _pduLength;
+	_pduLength -= oldTokenLength;
+	_pduLength += tokenLength;
+	// now, have to shift old memory around, but shift direction depends
+	// whether pdu is now bigger or smaller
+	if(_pduLength>oldPDULength) {
+		// new PDU is bigger, need to allocate space for new PDU
+		if(!_constructedFromBuffer) {
+			uint8_t *newMemory = (uint8_t*)realloc(_pdu,_pduLength);
+			if(newMemory==NULL) {
+				// malloc failed
+				DBG("Failed to allocate memory for token");
+				_pduLength = oldPDULength;
+				return 1;
+			}
+			_pdu = newMemory;
+			_bufferLength = _pduLength;
+		} else {
+			// constructed from buffer, check space
+			if(_pduLength>_bufferLength) {
+				DBG("Buffer too small to contain token, needed %d, got %d.",_pduLength-oldPDULength,_bufferLength-oldPDULength);
+				_pduLength = oldPDULength;
+				return 1;
+			}
+		}
+		// and then shift everything after token up to end of new PDU
+		// memory overlaps so do this manually so to avoid additional mallocs
+		int shiftOffset = _pduLength-oldPDULength;
+		int shiftAmount = _pduLength-tokenLength-COAP_HDR_SIZE; // everything after token
+		shiftPDUUp(shiftOffset,shiftAmount);
+		// now copy the token into the new space and set official token length
+		memcpy((void*)&_pdu[4],token,tokenLength);
+		setTokenLength(tokenLength);
+		// and return success
+		return 0;
+	}
+	// new PDU is smaller, copy the new token value over the old one
+	memcpy((void*)&_pdu[4],token,tokenLength);
+	// and shift everything after the new token down
+	int startLocation = COAP_HDR_SIZE+tokenLength;
+	int shiftOffset = oldPDULength-_pduLength;
+	int shiftAmount = oldPDULength-oldTokenLength-COAP_HDR_SIZE;
+	shiftPDUDown(startLocation,shiftOffset,shiftAmount);
+	// then reduce size of buffer
+	if(!_constructedFromBuffer) {
+		uint8_t *newMemory = (uint8_t*)realloc(_pdu,_pduLength);
+		if(newMemory==NULL) {
+			// malloc failed, PDU in inconsistent state
+			DBG("Failed to shrink PDU for new token. PDU probably broken");
+			return 1;
+		}
+		_pdu = newMemory;
+		_bufferLength = _pduLength;
+	}
+	// and officially set the new tokenLength
+	setTokenLength(tokenLength);
+	return 0;
+/// Sets the CoAP response code
+void CoapPDU::setCode(CoapPDU::Code code) {
+	_pdu[1] = code;
+	// there is a limited set of response codes
+/// Gets the CoAP response code
+CoapPDU::Code CoapPDU::getCode() {
+	return (CoapPDU::Code)_pdu[1];
+/// Set messageID to the supplied value.
+ * \param messageID A 16bit message id.
+ * \return 0 on success, 1 on failure.
+ */
+int CoapPDU::setMessageID(uint16_t messageID) {
+	// message ID is stored in network byte order
+	uint16_t networkOrder = htons(messageID);
+	// bytes 2 and 3 hold the ID
+	_pdu[2] &= 0x00;
+	_pdu[2] |= (networkOrder >> 8);    // MSB
+	_pdu[3] &= 0x00;
+	_pdu[3] |= (networkOrder & 0x00FF); // LSB
+	return 0;
+/// Returns the 16 bit message ID of the PDU.
+uint16_t CoapPDU::getMessageID() {
+	// mesasge ID is stored in network byteorder
+	uint16_t networkOrder = 0x0000;
+	networkOrder |= _pdu[2];
+	networkOrder <<= 8;
+	networkOrder |= _pdu[3];
+	return ntohs(networkOrder);
+/// Returns the length of the PDU.
+int CoapPDU::getPDULength() {
+	return _pduLength;
+/// Return the number of options that the PDU has.
+int CoapPDU::getNumOptions() {
+	return _numOptions;
+ * This returns the options as a sequence of structs.
+ */
+CoapPDU::CoapOption* CoapPDU::getOptions() {
+	DBG("getOptions() called, %d options.",_numOptions);
+	uint16_t optionDelta =0, optionNumber = 0, optionValueLength = 0;
+	int totalLength = 0;
+	if(_numOptions==0) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	// malloc space for options
+	CoapOption *options = (CoapOption*)malloc(_numOptions*sizeof(CoapOption));
+	// first option occurs after token
+	int optionPos = COAP_HDR_SIZE + getTokenLength();
+	// walk over options and record information
+	for(int i=0; i<_numOptions; i++) {
+		// extract option details
+		optionDelta = getOptionDelta(&_pdu[optionPos]);
+		optionNumber += optionDelta;
+		optionValueLength = getOptionValueLength(&_pdu[optionPos]);
+		// compute total length
+		totalLength = 1; // mandatory header
+		totalLength += computeExtraBytes(optionDelta);
+		totalLength += computeExtraBytes(optionValueLength);
+		totalLength += optionValueLength;
+		// record option details
+		options[i].optionNumber = optionNumber;
+		options[i].optionDelta = optionDelta;
+		options[i].optionValueLength = optionValueLength;
+		options[i].totalLength = totalLength;
+		options[i].optionPointer = &_pdu[optionPos];
+		options[i].optionValuePointer = &_pdu[optionPos+totalLength-optionValueLength];
+		// move to next option
+		optionPos += totalLength; 
+	}
+	return options;
+/// Add an option to the PDU.
+ * Unlike other implementations, options can be added in any order, and in-memory manipulation will be
+ * performed to ensure the correct ordering of options (they use a delta encoding of option numbers).
+ * Re-ordering memory like this incurs a small performance cost, so if you care about this, then you
+ * might want to add options in ascending order of option number.
+ * \param optionNumber The number of the option, see the enum CoapPDU::Option for shorthand notations.
+ * \param optionLength The length of the option payload in bytes.
+ * \param optionValue A pointer to the byte sequence that is the option payload (bytes will be copied).
+ * \return 0 on success, 1 on failure.
+ */
+int CoapPDU::addOption(uint16_t insertedOptionNumber, uint16_t optionValueLength, uint8_t *optionValue) {
+	// this inserts the option in memory, and re-computes the deltas accordingly
+	// prevOption <-- insertionPosition
+	// nextOption
+	// find insertion location and previous option number
+	uint16_t prevOptionNumber = 0; // option number of option before insertion point
+	int insertionPosition = findInsertionPosition(insertedOptionNumber,&prevOptionNumber);
+	DBG("inserting option at position %d, after option with number: %hu",insertionPosition,prevOptionNumber);
+	// compute option delta length
+	uint16_t optionDelta = insertedOptionNumber-prevOptionNumber;
+	uint8_t extraDeltaBytes = computeExtraBytes(optionDelta);
+	// compute option length length
+	uint16_t extraLengthBytes = computeExtraBytes(optionValueLength);
+	// compute total length of option
+	uint16_t optionLength = COAP_OPTION_HDR_BYTE + extraDeltaBytes + extraLengthBytes + optionValueLength;
+	// if this is at the end of the PDU, job is done, just malloc and insert
+	if(insertionPosition==_pduLength) {
+		DBG("Inserting at end of PDU");
+		// optionNumber must be biggest added
+		_maxAddedOptionNumber = insertedOptionNumber;
+		// set new PDU length and allocate space for extra option
+		int oldPDULength = _pduLength;
+		_pduLength += optionLength;
+		if(!_constructedFromBuffer) {
+			uint8_t *newMemory = (uint8_t*)realloc(_pdu,_pduLength);
+			if(newMemory==NULL) {
+				DBG("Failed to allocate memory for option.");
+				_pduLength = oldPDULength;
+				// malloc failed
+				return 1;
+			}
+			_pdu = newMemory;
+			_bufferLength = _pduLength;
+		} else {
+			// constructed from buffer, check space
+			if(_pduLength>_bufferLength) {
+				DBG("Buffer too small for new option: needed %d, got %d.",_pduLength-oldPDULength,_bufferLength-oldPDULength);
+				_pduLength = oldPDULength;
+				return 1;
+			}
+		}
+		// insert option at position
+		insertOption(insertionPosition,optionDelta,optionValueLength,optionValue);
+		_numOptions++;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	// XXX could do 0xFF pdu payload case for changing of dynamically allocated application space SDUs < yeah, if you're insane
+	// the next option might (probably) needs it's delta changing
+	// I want to take this into account when allocating space for the new
+	// option, to avoid having to do two mallocs, first get info about this option
+	int nextOptionDelta = getOptionDelta(&_pdu[insertionPosition]);
+	int nextOptionNumber = prevOptionNumber + nextOptionDelta;
+	int nextOptionDeltaBytes = computeExtraBytes(nextOptionDelta);
+	// recompute option delta, relative to inserted option
+	int newNextOptionDelta = nextOptionNumber-insertedOptionNumber;
+	int newNextOptionDeltaBytes = computeExtraBytes(newNextOptionDelta);
+	// determine adjustment
+	int optionDeltaAdjustment = newNextOptionDeltaBytes-nextOptionDeltaBytes;
+	// create space for new option, including adjustment space for option delta
+	DBG_PDU();
+	DBG("Creating space");
+	int mallocLength = optionLength+optionDeltaAdjustment;
+	int oldPDULength = _pduLength;
+	_pduLength += mallocLength;
+	if(!_constructedFromBuffer) {
+		uint8_t *newMemory = (uint8_t*)realloc(_pdu,_pduLength);
+		if(newMemory==NULL) {
+			DBG("Failed to allocate memory for option");
+			_pduLength = oldPDULength;
+			return 1; 
+		}
+		_pdu = newMemory;
+		_bufferLength = _pduLength;
+	} else {
+		// constructed from buffer, check space
+		if(_pduLength>_bufferLength) {
+			DBG("Buffer too small to contain option, needed %d, got %d.",_pduLength-oldPDULength,_bufferLength-oldPDULength);
+			_pduLength = oldPDULength;
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	// move remainder of PDU data up to create hole for new option
+	DBG_PDU();
+	DBG("Shifting PDU.");
+	shiftPDUUp(mallocLength,_pduLength-(insertionPosition+mallocLength));
+	DBG_PDU();
+	// adjust option delta bytes of following option
+	// move the option header to the correct position
+	int nextHeaderPos = insertionPosition+mallocLength;
+	_pdu[nextHeaderPos-optionDeltaAdjustment] = _pdu[nextHeaderPos];
+	nextHeaderPos -= optionDeltaAdjustment;
+	// and set the new value
+	setOptionDelta(nextHeaderPos, newNextOptionDelta);
+	// new option shorter
+	// p p n n x x x x x
+	// p p n n x x x x x -
+	// p p - n n x x x x x
+	// p p - - n x x x x x
+	// p p o o n x x x x x
+	// new option longer
+	// p p n n x x x x x
+	// p p n n x x x x x - - -
+	// p p - - - n n x x x x x
+	// p p - - n n n x x x x x
+	// p p o o n n n x x x x x
+	// note, it can only ever be shorter or the same since if an option was inserted the delta got smaller
+	// but I'll leave that little comment in, just to show that it would work even if the delta got bigger
+	// now insert the new option into the gap
+	DBGLX("Inserting new option...");
+	insertOption(insertionPosition,optionDelta,optionValueLength,optionValue);
+	DBGX("done\r\n");
+	DBG_PDU();
+	// done, mark it with B! 
+	return 0;
+/// Allocate space for a payload.
+ * For dynamically constructed PDUs, this will allocate space for a payload in the object
+ * and return a pointer to it. If the PDU was constructed from a buffer, this doesn't
+ * malloc anything, it just changes the _pduLength and returns the payload pointer.
+ *
+ * \note The pointer returned points into the PDU buffer.
+ * \param len The length of the payload buffer to allocate.
+ * \return Either a pointer to the payload buffer, or NULL if there wasn't enough space / allocation failed.
+ */
+uint8_t* CoapPDU::mallocPayload(int len) {
+	DBG("Entering mallocPayload");
+	// sanity checks
+	if(len==0) {
+		DBG("Cannot allocate a zero length payload");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	// further sanity
+	if(len==_payloadLength) {
+		DBG("Space for payload of specified length already exists");
+		if(_payloadPointer==NULL) {
+			DBG("Garbage PDU. Payload length is %d, but existing _payloadPointer NULL",_payloadLength);
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		return _payloadPointer;
+	}
+	DBG("_bufferLength: %d, _pduLength: %d, _payloadLength: %d",_bufferLength,_pduLength,_payloadLength);
+	// might be making payload bigger (including bigger than 0) or smaller
+	int markerSpace = 1;
+	int payloadSpace = len;
+	// is this a resizing?
+	if(_payloadLength!=0) {
+		// marker already exists
+		markerSpace = 0;
+		// compute new payload length (can be negative if shrinking payload)
+		payloadSpace = len-_payloadLength;
+	}
+	// make space for payload (and payload marker if necessary)
+	int newLen = _pduLength+payloadSpace+markerSpace;
+	if(!_constructedFromBuffer) {
+		uint8_t* newPDU = (uint8_t*)realloc(_pdu,newLen);
+		if(newPDU==NULL) {
+			DBG("Cannot allocate (or shrink) space for payload");
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		_pdu = newPDU;
+		_bufferLength = newLen;
+	} else {
+		// constructed from buffer, check space
+		DBG("newLen: %d, _bufferLength: %d",newLen,_bufferLength);
+		if(newLen>_bufferLength) {
+			DBG("Buffer too small to contain desired payload, needed %d, got %d.",newLen-_pduLength,_bufferLength-_pduLength);
+			return NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	// deal with fresh allocation case separately
+	if(_payloadPointer==NULL) {
+		// set payload marker
+		_pdu[_pduLength] = 0xFF;
+		// payload at end of old PDU
+		_payloadPointer = &_pdu[_pduLength+1];
+		_pduLength = newLen;
+		_payloadLength = len;
+		return _payloadPointer;
+	}
+	// otherwise, just adjust length of PDU
+	_pduLength = newLen;
+	_payloadLength = len;
+	DBG("Leaving mallocPayload");
+	return _payloadPointer;
+/// Set the payload to the byte sequence specified. Allocates memory in dynamic PDU if necessary.
+ * This will set the payload to \b payload. It will allocate memory in the case where the PDU was
+ * constructed without an external buffer.
+ *
+ * This will fail either if the fixed buffer isn't big enough, or if memory could not be allocated
+ * in the non-external-buffer case.
+ * 
+ * \param payload Pointer to payload byte sequence.
+ * \param len Length of payload byte sequence.
+ * \return 0 on success, 1 on failure.
+ */
+int CoapPDU::setPayload(uint8_t *payload, int len) {
+	if(payload==NULL) {
+		DBG("NULL payload pointer.");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	uint8_t *payloadPointer = mallocPayload(len);
+	if(payloadPointer==NULL) {
+		DBG("Allocation of payload failed");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	// copy payload contents
+	memcpy(payloadPointer,payload,len);
+	return 0;
+/// Returns a pointer to the payload buffer.
+uint8_t* CoapPDU::getPayloadPointer() {
+	return _payloadPointer;
+/// Gets the length of the payload buffer.
+int CoapPDU::getPayloadLength() {
+	return _payloadLength;
+/// Returns a pointer to a buffer which is a copy of the payload buffer (dynamically allocated).
+uint8_t* CoapPDU::getPayloadCopy() {
+	if(_payloadLength==0) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	// malloc space for copy
+	uint8_t *payload = (uint8_t*)malloc(_payloadLength);
+	if(payload==NULL) {
+		DBG("Unable to allocate memory for payload");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	// copy and return
+	memcpy(payload,_payloadPointer,_payloadLength);
+	return payload;
+/// Shorthand for setting the content-format option.
+ * Sets the content-format to the specified value (adds an option). 
+ * \param format The content format, one of:
+ *
+ *
+ * \return 0 on success, 1 on failure.
+ */
+int CoapPDU::setContentFormat(CoapPDU::ContentFormat format) {
+	if(format==0) {
+		// minimal representation means null option value
+		if(addOption(CoapPDU::COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT,0,NULL)!=0) {
+			DBG("Error setting content format");
+			return 1;
+		}
+		return 0;
+	}
+	uint8_t c[2];
+	// just use 1 byte if can do it
+	if(format<256) {
+		c[0] = format;
+		if(addOption(CoapPDU::COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT,1,c)!=0) {
+			DBG("Error setting content format");
+			return 1;
+		}
+		return 0;
+	}
+	uint16_t networkOrder = htons(format);
+	c[0] &= 0x00;
+	c[0] |= (networkOrder >> 8);     // MSB
+	c[1] &= 0x00;
+	c[1] |= (networkOrder & 0x00FF); // LSB
+	if(addOption(CoapPDU::COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT,2,c)!=0) {
+		DBG("Error setting content format");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+/// Moves a block of bytes to end of PDU from given offset.
+ * This moves the block of bytes _pdu[_pduLength-1-shiftOffset-shiftAmount] ... _pdu[_pduLength-1-shiftOffset]
+ * to the end of the PDU.
+ * \param shiftOffset End of block to move, relative to end of PDU (-1).
+ * \param shiftAmount Length of block to move.
+ */
+void CoapPDU::shiftPDUUp(int shiftOffset, int shiftAmount) {
+	DBG("shiftOffset: %d, shiftAmount: %d",shiftOffset,shiftAmount);
+	int destPointer = _pduLength-1;
+	int srcPointer  = destPointer-shiftOffset;
+	while(shiftAmount--) {
+		_pdu[destPointer] = _pdu[srcPointer];
+		destPointer--;
+		srcPointer--;
+	}
+/// Moves a block of bytes down a specified number of steps. 
+ * Moves the block of bytes _pdu[startLocation+shiftOffset] ... _pdu[startLocation+shiftOffset+shiftAmount]
+ * down to \b startLocation.
+ * \param startLocation Index where to shift the block to.
+ * \param shiftOffset Where the block starts, relative to start index.
+ * \param shiftAmount Length of block to shift.
+ */
+void CoapPDU::shiftPDUDown(int startLocation, int shiftOffset, int shiftAmount) {
+	DBG("startLocation: %d, shiftOffset: %d, shiftAmount: %d",startLocation,shiftOffset,shiftAmount);
+	int srcPointer = startLocation+shiftOffset;
+	while(shiftAmount--) {
+		_pdu[startLocation] = _pdu[srcPointer];
+		startLocation++;
+		srcPointer++;
+	}
+/// Gets the payload length of an option.
+ * \param option Pointer to location of option in PDU.
+ * \return The 16 bit option-payload length.
+ */
+uint16_t CoapPDU::getOptionValueLength(uint8_t *option) {
+	uint16_t delta = (option[0] & 0xF0) >> 4;
+	uint16_t length = (option[0] & 0x0F);
+	// no extra bytes
+	if(length<13) {
+		return length;
+	}
+	// extra bytes skip header
+	int offset = 1;
+	// skip extra option delta bytes
+	if(delta==13) {
+		offset++;
+	} else if(delta==14) {
+		offset+=2;
+	}
+	// process length
+	if(length==13) {
+		return (option[offset]+13);
+	} else {
+		// need to convert to host order
+		uint16_t networkOrder = 0x0000;
+		networkOrder |= option[offset++];
+		networkOrder <<= 8;
+		networkOrder |= option[offset];
+		uint16_t hostOrder = ntohs(networkOrder);
+		return hostOrder+269;
+	}
+/// Gets the delta of an option.
+ * \param option Pointer to location of option in PDU.
+ * \return The 16 bit delta.
+ */
+uint16_t CoapPDU::getOptionDelta(uint8_t *option) {
+	uint16_t delta = (option[0] & 0xF0) >> 4;
+	if(delta<13) {
+		return delta;
+	} else if(delta==13) {
+		// single byte option delta
+		return (option[1]+13);
+	} else if(delta==14) {
+		// double byte option delta
+		// need to convert to host order
+		uint16_t networkOrder = 0x0000;
+		networkOrder |= option[1];
+		networkOrder <<= 8;
+		networkOrder |= option[2];
+		uint16_t hostOrder = ntohs(networkOrder);
+		return hostOrder+269;
+	} else {
+		// should only ever occur in payload marker
+		return delta;
+	}
+/// Finds the insertion position in the current list of options for the specified option.
+ * \param optionNumber The option's number.
+ * \param prevOptionNumber A pointer to a uint16_t which will store the option number of the option previous
+ * to the insertion point.
+ * \return 0 on success, 1 on failure. \b prevOptionNumber will contain the option number of the option
+ * before the insertion position (for example 0 if no options have been inserted).
+ */
+int CoapPDU::findInsertionPosition(uint16_t optionNumber, uint16_t *prevOptionNumber) {
+	// zero this for safety
+	*prevOptionNumber = 0x00;
+	DBG("_pduLength: %d",_pduLength);
+	// if option is bigger than any currently stored, it goes at the end
+	// this includes the case that no option has yet been added
+	if( (optionNumber >= _maxAddedOptionNumber) || (_pduLength == (COAP_HDR_SIZE+getTokenLength())) ) {
+		*prevOptionNumber = _maxAddedOptionNumber;
+		return _pduLength;
+	}
+	// otherwise walk over the options
+	int optionPos = COAP_HDR_SIZE + getTokenLength();
+	uint16_t optionDelta = 0, optionValueLength = 0;
+	uint16_t currentOptionNumber = 0;
+	while(optionPos<_pduLength && _pdu[optionPos]!=0xFF) {
+		optionDelta = getOptionDelta(&_pdu[optionPos]);
+		currentOptionNumber += optionDelta;
+		optionValueLength = getOptionValueLength(&_pdu[optionPos]);
+		// test if this is insertion position
+		if(currentOptionNumber>optionNumber) {
+			return optionPos;
+		}
+		// keep track of the last valid option number
+		*prevOptionNumber = currentOptionNumber;
+		// move onto next option
+		optionPos += computeExtraBytes(optionDelta);
+		optionPos += computeExtraBytes(optionValueLength);
+		optionPos += optionValueLength;
+		optionPos++; // (for mandatory option header byte)
+	}
+	return optionPos;
+/// CoAP uses a minimal-byte representation for length fields. This returns the number of bytes needed to represent a given length.
+int CoapPDU::computeExtraBytes(uint16_t n) {
+	if(n<13) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if(n<269) { 
+		return 1;
+	}
+	return 2;
+/// Set the option delta to the specified value.
+ * This assumes space has been made for the option delta.
+ * \param optionPosition The index of the option in the PDU.
+ * \param optionDelta The option delta value to set.
+ */
+void CoapPDU::setOptionDelta(int optionPosition, uint16_t optionDelta) {
+	int headerStart = optionPosition;
+	// clear the old option delta bytes
+	_pdu[headerStart] &= 0x0F;
+	// set the option delta bytes
+	if(optionDelta<13) {
+		_pdu[headerStart] |= (optionDelta << 4);
+	} else if(optionDelta<269) {
+	   // 1 extra byte
+		_pdu[headerStart] |= 0xD0; // 13 in first nibble
+		_pdu[++optionPosition] &= 0x00;
+		_pdu[optionPosition] |= (optionDelta-13);
+	} else {
+		// 2 extra bytes, network byte order uint16_t
+		_pdu[headerStart] |= 0xE0; // 14 in first nibble
+		optionDelta = htons(optionDelta-269);
+		_pdu[++optionPosition] &= 0x00;
+		_pdu[optionPosition] |= (optionDelta >> 8);     // MSB
+		_pdu[++optionPosition] &= 0x00;
+		_pdu[optionPosition] |= (optionDelta & 0x00FF); // LSB
+	}
+/// Insert an option in-memory at the specified location.
+ * This assumes that there is enough space at the location specified.
+ * \param insertionPosition Position in the PDU where the option should be placed.
+ * \param optionDelta The delta value for the option.
+ * \param optionValueLength The length of the option value.
+ * \param optionValue A pointer to the sequence of bytes representing the option value.
+ * \return 0 on success, 1 on failure.
+ */
+int CoapPDU::insertOption(
+	int insertionPosition,
+	uint16_t optionDelta, 
+	uint16_t optionValueLength,
+	uint8_t *optionValue) {
+	int headerStart = insertionPosition;
+	// clear old option header start
+	_pdu[headerStart] &= 0x00;
+	// set the option delta bytes
+	if(optionDelta<13) {
+		_pdu[headerStart] |= (optionDelta << 4);
+	} else if(optionDelta<269) {
+	   // 1 extra byte
+		_pdu[headerStart] |= 0xD0; // 13 in first nibble
+		_pdu[++insertionPosition] &= 0x00;
+		_pdu[insertionPosition] |= (optionDelta-13);
+	} else {
+		// 2 extra bytes, network byte order uint16_t
+		_pdu[headerStart] |= 0xE0; // 14 in first nibble
+		optionDelta = htons(optionDelta-269);
+		_pdu[++insertionPosition] &= 0x00;
+		_pdu[insertionPosition] |= (optionDelta >> 8);     // MSB
+		_pdu[++insertionPosition] &= 0x00;
+		_pdu[insertionPosition] |= (optionDelta & 0x00FF); // LSB
+	}
+	// set the option value length bytes
+	if(optionValueLength<13) {
+		_pdu[headerStart] |= (optionValueLength & 0x000F);
+	} else if(optionValueLength<269) {
+		_pdu[headerStart] |= 0x0D; // 13 in second nibble
+		_pdu[++insertionPosition] &= 0x00;
+		_pdu[insertionPosition] |= (optionValueLength-13);
+	} else {
+		_pdu[headerStart] |= 0x0E; // 14 in second nibble
+		// this is in network byte order
+		DBG("optionValueLength: %u",optionValueLength);
+		uint16_t networkOrder = htons(optionValueLength-269);
+		_pdu[++insertionPosition] &= 0x00;
+		_pdu[insertionPosition] |= (networkOrder >> 8);     // MSB
+		_pdu[++insertionPosition] &= 0x00;
+		_pdu[insertionPosition] |= (networkOrder & 0x00FF); // LSB
+	}
+	// and finally copy the option value itself
+	memcpy(&_pdu[++insertionPosition],optionValue,optionValueLength);
+	return 0;
+/// Prints the PDU in human-readable format.
+void CoapPDU::printHuman() {
+	INFO("__________________");
+	if(_constructedFromBuffer) {
+		INFO("PDU was constructed from buffer of %d bytes",_bufferLength);
+	}
+	INFO("PDU is %d bytes long",_pduLength);
+	INFO("CoAP Version: %d",getVersion());
+	INFOX("Message Type: ");
+	switch(getType()) {
+			INFO("Confirmable");
+		break;
+			INFO("Non-Confirmable");
+		break;
+			INFO("Acknowledgement");
+		break;
+		case COAP_RESET:
+			INFO("Reset");
+		break;
+	}
+	INFO("Token length: %d",getTokenLength());
+	INFOX("Code: ");
+	switch(getCode()) {
+		case COAP_EMPTY:
+			INFO("0.00 Empty");
+		break;
+		case COAP_GET:
+			INFO("0.01 GET");
+		break;
+		case COAP_POST:
+			INFO("0.02 POST");
+		break;
+		case COAP_PUT:
+			INFO("0.03 PUT");
+		break;
+		case COAP_DELETE:
+			INFO("0.04 DELETE");
+		break;
+			INFO("2.01 Created");
+		break;
+			INFO("2.02 Deleted");
+		break;
+		case COAP_VALID:
+			INFO("2.03 Valid");
+		break;
+			INFO("2.04 Changed");
+		break;
+			INFO("2.05 Content");
+		break;
+			INFO("4.00 Bad Request");
+		break;
+			INFO("4.01 Unauthorized");
+		break;
+			INFO("4.02 Bad Option");
+		break;
+			INFO("4.03 Forbidden");
+		break;
+			INFO("4.04 Not Found");
+		break;
+			INFO("4.05 Method Not Allowed");
+		break;
+			INFO("4.06 Not Acceptable");
+		break;
+			INFO("4.12 Precondition Failed");
+		break;
+			INFO("4.13 Request Entity Too Large");
+		break;
+			INFO("4.15 Unsupported Content-Format");
+		break;
+			INFO("5.00 Internal Server Error");
+		break;
+			INFO("5.01 Not Implemented");
+		break;
+			INFO("5.02 Bad Gateway");
+		break;
+			INFO("5.03 Service Unavailable");
+		break;
+			INFO("5.04 Gateway Timeout");
+		break;
+			INFO("5.05 Proxying Not Supported");
+		break;
+	}
+	// print message ID
+	INFO("Message ID: %u",getMessageID());
+	// print token value
+	int tokenLength = getTokenLength();
+	uint8_t *tokenPointer = getPDUPointer()+COAP_HDR_SIZE;
+	if(tokenLength==0) {
+		INFO("No token.");
+	} else {
+		INFO("Token of %d bytes.",tokenLength);
+		INFOX("   Value: 0x");
+		for(int j=0; j<tokenLength; j++) {
+			INFOX("%.2x",tokenPointer[j]);
+		}
+		INFO(" ");
+	}
+	// print options
+	CoapPDU::CoapOption* options = getOptions();
+	INFO("%d options:",_numOptions);
+	for(int i=0; i<_numOptions; i++) {
+		INFO("OPTION (%d/%d)",i,_numOptions);
+		INFO("   Option number (delta): %hu (%hu)",options[i].optionNumber,options[i].optionDelta);
+		INFOX("   Name: ");
+		switch(options[i].optionNumber) {
+				INFO("IF_MATCH");
+			break;
+				INFO("URI_HOST");
+			break;
+				INFO("ETAG");
+			break;
+			break;
+			break;
+				INFO("URI_PORT");
+			break;
+			break;
+				INFO("URI_PATH");
+			break;
+			break;
+				INFO("MAX_AGE");
+			break;
+			break;
+				INFO("ACCEPT");
+			break;
+			break;
+			break;
+			break;
+				INFO("BLOCK1");
+			break;
+				INFO("BLOCK2");
+			break;
+				INFO("SIZE1");
+			break;
+				INFO("SIZE2");
+			break;
+			default:
+				INFO("Unknown option");
+			break;
+		}
+		INFO("   Value length: %u",options[i].optionValueLength);
+		INFOX("   Value: \"");
+		for(int j=0; j<options[i].optionValueLength; j++) {
+			char c = options[i].optionValuePointer[j];
+			if((c>='!'&&c<='~')||c==' ') {
+				INFOX("%c",c);
+			} else {
+				INFOX("\\%.2d",c);
+			}
+		}
+		INFO("\"");
+	}
+	// print payload
+	if(_payloadLength==0) {
+		INFO("No payload.");
+	} else {
+		INFO("Payload of %d bytes",_payloadLength);
+		INFOX("   Value: \"");
+		for(int j=0; j<_payloadLength; j++) {
+			char c = _payloadPointer[j];
+			if((c>='!'&&c<='~')||c==' ') {
+				INFOX("%c",c);
+			} else {
+				INFOX("\\%.2x",c);
+			}
+		}
+		INFO("\"");
+	}
+	INFO("__________________");
+/// Prints the PDU as a c array (useful for debugging or hardcoding PDUs)
+void CoapPDU::printPDUAsCArray() {
+	printf("const uint8_t array[] = {\r\n   ");
+	for(int i=0; i<_pduLength; i++) {
+		printf("0x%.2x, ",_pdu[i]);
+	}
+	printf("\r\n};\r\n");
+/// A routine for printing an option in human-readable format.
+ * \param option This is a pointer to where the option begins in the PDU.
+ */
+void CoapPDU::printOptionHuman(uint8_t *option) {
+	// compute some useful stuff
+	uint16_t optionDelta = getOptionDelta(option);
+	uint16_t optionValueLength = getOptionValueLength(option);
+	int extraDeltaBytes = computeExtraBytes(optionDelta);
+	int extraValueLengthBytes = computeExtraBytes(optionValueLength);
+	int totalLength = 1+extraDeltaBytes+extraValueLengthBytes+optionValueLength;
+	if(totalLength>_pduLength) {
+		totalLength = &_pdu[_pduLength-1]-option;
+		DBG("New length: %u",totalLength);
+	}
+	// print summary
+	DBG("~~~~~~ Option ~~~~~~");
+	DBG("Delta: %u, Value length: %u",optionDelta,optionValueLength);
+	// print all bytes
+	DBG("All bytes (%d):",totalLength);
+	for(int i=0; i<totalLength; i++) {
+		if(i%4==0) {
+			DBG(" ");
+			DBGX("   %.2d ",i);
+		}
+		CoapPDU::printBinary(option[i]); DBGX(" ");
+	}
+	DBG(" "); DBG(" ");
+	// print header byte
+	DBG("Header byte:");
+	DBGX("   ");
+	CoapPDU::printBinary(*option++);
+	DBG(" "); DBG(" ");
+	// print extended delta bytes
+	if(extraDeltaBytes) {
+		DBG("Extended delta bytes (%d) in network order: ",extraDeltaBytes);
+		DBGX("   ");
+		while(extraDeltaBytes--) {
+			CoapPDU::printBinary(*option++); DBGX(" ");
+		}
+	} else {
+		DBG("No extended delta bytes");
+	}
+	DBG(" "); DBG(" ");
+	// print extended value length bytes
+	if(extraValueLengthBytes) {
+		DBG("Extended value length bytes (%d) in network order: ",extraValueLengthBytes);
+		DBGX("   ");
+		while(extraValueLengthBytes--) {
+			CoapPDU::printBinary(*option++); DBGX(" ");
+		}
+	} else {
+		DBG("No extended value length bytes");
+	}
+	DBG(" ");
+	// print option value
+	DBG("Option value bytes:");
+	for(int i=0; i<optionValueLength; i++) {
+		if(i%4==0) {
+			DBG(" ");
+			DBGX("   %.2d ",i);
+		}
+		CoapPDU::printBinary(*option++);
+		DBGX(" ");
+	}
+	DBG(" ");
+/// Dumps the PDU header in hex.
+void CoapPDU::printHex() {
+	printf("Hexdump dump of PDU\r\n");
+	printf("%.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x",_pdu[0],_pdu[1],_pdu[2],_pdu[3]);
+/// Dumps the entire PDU in binary.
+void CoapPDU::printBin() {
+	for(int i=0; i<_pduLength; i++) {
+		if(i%4==0) {
+			printf("\r\n");
+			printf("%.2d ",i);
+		} 
+		CoapPDU::printBinary(_pdu[i]); printf(" ");
+	}
+	printf("\r\n");
+/// Prints a single byte in binary.
+void CoapPDU::printBinary(uint8_t b) {
+	printf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d",
+		(b&0x80)&&0x01,
+		(b&0x40)&&0x01,
+		(b&0x20)&&0x01,
+		(b&0x10)&&0x01,
+		(b&0x08)&&0x01,
+		(b&0x04)&&0x01,
+		(b&0x02)&&0x01,
+		(b&0x01)&&0x01);
+/// Dumps the PDU as a byte sequence to stdout.
+void CoapPDU::print() {
+	fwrite(_pdu,1,_pduLength,stdout);