This 'Hello World' program uses many of the SEEED_CAN library functions to display the VIN number stored in a GMLAN ECU then display all CAN messages on the CAN-BUS.

Dependencies:   SEEED_CAN mbed

Fork of Seeed_CAN_Hello_World by Sophie Dexter



File content as of revision 1:d31ce42d53a1:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "seeed_can.h"

SEEED_CAN CAN;                                                          // No parameters needed when Seeed Studios' CAN-BUS Shield is plugged into a FRDM-KL25Z mbed
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);                                                // USB serial port TTYACM0 (or COMn in a Windows environment - use device manager to find 'n')

Ticker minute;
Timer timestamp;

void resetTimestamp()

int main()
    SEEED_CANMessage canMsg;
    char VIN[18] = {NULL};                                              // VIN code is 17 characters long + 1 for string terminator character (NULL or \0)
    char reqvin[] = {0x02,0x1A,0x90,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};          // CAN message to request VIN code
    char floctl[] = {0x30,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};          // CAN message to request all remaining frames in a multi-frame message

    printf("Seeed Studios CAN-BUS Shield 'Hello World' program :-)\r\n");
    minute.attach(&resetTimestamp, 60.0);                               // Reset the 'Timestamp' timer every minute;                                                   // Initialise Seeed Studios' CAN-BUS shield with a baudrate of 500 kbps (P-bus)
    CAN.mask(0, 0x7FF);                                                 // Configure Mask 0 to check all bits of a Standard CAN message Id
    CAN.mask(1, 0x7FF, CANStandard);                                    // Configure Mask 1 to check all bits of a Standard CAN message Id
    CAN.filter(0, 0x7E8);                                               // Configure Filter 0 - 0x7E8 is the id used by ECUs on GMLAN
    while (;                                           // Empty any unfiltered messages in the receive buffers
// Read and Display the VIN code stored in a GMLAN ECU
// ***!!! NOTE: Using while(...) as I am here is not a good idea because  !!!***
// ***!!! this 'Hello World' will get stuck if the message never arrives  !!!***
// ***!!! I should really perform checking and include a timeout.         !!!***
// ***!!! It's sort of OK for a quick demo (Just don't show Nigel Jones)  !!!***
    CAN.write(SEEED_CANMessage(0x7E0, reqvin));                         // Request VIN using ReadDataByIdentifier method (GMLAN_DID)
    while (!( && ( == 0x7E8)));                // Wait for the response
    memcpy(VIN+0,, 4);                                    // 1st 4 Bytes are part of message protocol, last 4 bytes are 1st 4 characters of VIN
    CAN.write(SEEED_CANMessage(0x7E0, floctl));                         // Send Trionic8 a "Flow Control Message to get the rest of the VIN
    while (!( && ( == 0x7E8)));                // Wait for the 1st continuation message
    memcpy(VIN+4,, 7);                                    // 1st Byte is message continuation sequence number, last 7 bytes are next 7 characters of VIN
    while (!( && ( == 0x7E8)));                // Wait for the last message
    memcpy(VIN+11,, 6);                                   // 1st Byte is message continuation sequence number, last 6 bytes are remaining characters of VIN
    printf("VIN code: %s\r\n",VIN);
// Display all messages on the CAN-BUS
    CAN.monitor(1);                                                     // Select Moniter mode to listen only (do not ack messages on the CAN bus)
    CAN.mask(0, NULL);                                                  // Clear acceptance mask 0 (i.e. accept all meassages)
    while (1) {
        if ( {
            printf("*** T%05dI%03xL%dD", timestamp.read_ms(),, canMsg.len);
            for (uint32_t i=0; i<canMsg.len; i++)
            printf(" ***\r");