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DirHandle Class Reference

DirHandle Class Reference

Represents a directory stream. More...

#include <DirHandle.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual int closedir ()=0
 Closes the directory.
virtual struct dirent * readdir ()=0
 Return the directory entry at the current position, and advances the position to the next entry.
virtual void rewinddir ()=0
 Resets the position to the beginning of the directory.
virtual off_t telldir ()
 Returns the current position of the DirHandle.
virtual void seekdir (off_t location)
 Sets the position of the DirHandle.

Detailed Description

Represents a directory stream.

Objects of this type are returned by a FileSystemLike's opendir method. Implementations must define at least closedir, readdir and rewinddir.

If a FileSystemLike class defines the opendir method, then the directories of an object of that type can be accessed by DIR *d = opendir("/example/directory") (or opendir("/example") to open the root of the filesystem), and then using readdir(d) etc.

The root directory is considered to contain all FileLike and FileSystemLike objects, so the DIR* returned by opendir("/") will reflect this.

Definition at line 48 of file DirHandle.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual int closedir (  ) [pure virtual]

Closes the directory.

0 on success, -1 on error.
virtual struct dirent* readdir (  ) [read, pure virtual]

Return the directory entry at the current position, and advances the position to the next entry.

A pointer to a dirent structure representing the directory entry at the current position, or NULL on reaching end of directory or error.
virtual void rewinddir (  ) [pure virtual]

Resets the position to the beginning of the directory.

virtual void seekdir ( off_t  location ) [virtual]

Sets the position of the DirHandle.

locationThe location to seek to. Must be a value returned by telldir.

Definition at line 85 of file DirHandle.h.

virtual off_t telldir (  ) [virtual]

Returns the current position of the DirHandle.

the current position, -1 on error.

Definition at line 79 of file DirHandle.h.