Sensos Module Updated

Dependents:   SmartLabProyect

Fork of Middleware by Roberto Herrera

Wed Dec 09 04:50:13 2015 +0000
Version 3

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 1 #include "mbed.h"
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 2
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 3 /*Macros*/
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 4 #define BAD_PARAMETER (-1)
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 5 #define OFF 0
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 6 #define ON 1
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 7 #define FALSE 0
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 8 #define TRUE 1
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 9 #define CLOSED 0
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 10 #define OPEN 1
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 11
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 12
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 13
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 14
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 15 /*Extern Functions*/
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 16 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 17 extern bool GetPrescenceStatus();
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 18 /* GetPrescenceStatus:
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 19 Input parameters -> void
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 20 Output parameters -> bool RoomStatus; 0-> No Prescence Detected
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 21 1-> Prescence Detected
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 22 */
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 23
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 24 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 25 extern bool GetDoorStatus();
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 26 /* GetDoorStatus:
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 27 Input parameters -> void
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 28 Output parameters -> bool DoorStatus; 0-> Door Closed
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 29 1-> Door Open
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 30 */
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 31
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 32 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 33 extern int GetWindowStatus(int window);
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 34 /* GetWindowStatus:
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 35 Input parameters -> int window
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 36 Output parameters -> int WindowStatus; -1-> Bad parameter or error
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 37 0-> Window Closed
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 38 1-> Window Open
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 39 */
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 40
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 41 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 42 extern int SetLight(bool Light);
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 43 /* SetLight:
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 44 Input parameters -> bool Light; 0-> Light is OFF
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 45 1-> Light is ON
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 46
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 47 Output parameters -> int WindowStatus; -1-> Bad parameter or error
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 48 0-> Light is OFF
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 49 1-> Light is ON
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 50 */
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 51
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 52 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 53 extern unsigned int GetPersonStatus();
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 54 /* GetPersonStatus:
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 55 Input parameters -> void
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 56
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 57 Output parameters -> unsigned int PersonNumber; 0 - 4294967296.
RoHe 1:fd355dc296b1 58 */