Lab 3 Template Code

Dependencies:   mbed-rtos ECE4333Lab3

Fork of ECE4333Lab3 by ECE 4333



File content as of revision 3:0efaad3251a8:

// C.P. Diduch
// EE4333 Robotics Lab-3, January 18, 2014.
// Template for implementation of a PI Speed Control System
#include "rtos.h"
#include "mbed.h"
// Function prototypes
void PiControllerISR(void);
void WdtFaultISR(void);
void ExtCollisionISR(void);
void PiControlThread(void const *argument);
void ExtCollisionThread(void const *argument);
void Watchdog(void const *n);
void UserInterface(void);

// Global variables for interrupt handler
int Position;

// Processes and threads
int32_t SignalPi, SignalWdt, SignalExtCollision;

osThreadId PiControl,WdtFault,ExtCollision;
osThreadDef(PiControlThread, osPriorityRealtime, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE); // Declare Control as a thread/process
osThreadDef(ExtCollisionThread, osPriorityHigh, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE); // Declare External Collision as a thread/process
osTimerDef(Wdtimer, Watchdog); // Declare a watch dog timer
osTimerId OneShot = osTimerCreate(osTimer(Wdtimer), osTimerOnce, (void *)0);//OneShot Timer
// osPriorityIdle = -3, ///< priority: idle (lowest)
// osPriorityLow = -2, ///< priority: low
// osPriorityBelowNormal = -1, ///< priority: below normal
// osPriorityNormal = 0, ///< priority: normal (default)
// osPriorityAboveNormal = +1, ///< priority: above normal
// osPriorityHigh = +2, ///< priority: high
// osPriorityRealtime = +3, ///< priority: realtime (highest)

// IO Port Configuration
DigitalOut led1(LED1);
DigitalOut led2(LED2);
DigitalOut led3(LED3);
DigitalOut led4(LED4);
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // Pins (tx, rx) for PC serial channel
Serial BluetoothSerial(p28,p27);
Ticker PeriodicInt; // Declare a timer interrupt: PeriodicInt
InterruptIn Bumper(p8); // External interrupt pin declared as Bumper

// ******** Main Thread ********
int main() { // This thread executes first upon reset or power-on.
    char x;
    // Attach the address of the ExtCollisionISR to the rising edge of Bumper:
    // Start execution of the threads: PiControlThread and ExtCollisionThread:
    PiControl = osThreadCreate(osThread(PiControlThread), NULL);
    ExtCollision = osThreadCreate(osThread(ExtCollisionThread), NULL);
    // Start the watch dog timer and enable the watch dog interrupt
    osTimerId OneShot = osTimerCreate(osTimer(Wdtimer), osTimerOnce, (void *)0);
    pc.printf("\r\n RTOS Template Program");
    // May prompt user for input data here:
    // Specify address of the PeriodicInt ISR as PiControllerISR, specify the interval
    // in seconds between interrupts, and start interrupt generation:
    PeriodicInt.attach(&PiControllerISR, .05);
    do {
            if (pc.readable()){
            pc.putc(x); // Echo keyboard entry
            // Start or restart the watchdog timer interrupt and set to 2000ms.
            osTimerStart(OneShot, 2000);
            led3=0; // Clear watch dog led3 status
    // Display variables at the terminal emulator for logging:
    pc.printf("\r\n%6d", Position); // The terminal emulator may be configured to
    // store received data to a file
    Thread::wait(500); // Go to sleep for 500 ms

// ******** Control Thread ********
void PiControlThread(void const *argument) {
    while (true) {
        osSignalWait(SignalPi, osWaitForever); // Go to sleep until, SignalPi, is received.
        led2 = !led2; // Alive status - led2 toggles each time PiControlThread is signaled.
        Position = Position + 1;

// ******** Collision Thread ********
void ExtCollisionThread(void const *argument) {
    while (true) {
        // Go to sleep until signal, SignalExtCollision, is received:
        osSignalWait(SignalExtCollision, osWaitForever);
        led4 = 1;

// ******** Watchdog Interrupt Handler ********
void Watchdog(void const *n) {
    led3=1; // led3 is activated when the watchdog timer times out

// ******** Period Timer Interrupt Handler ********
void PiControllerISR(void) {
    // Activate the signal, PiControl, with each periodic timer interrupt.

// ******** Collision Interrupt Handler ********
void ExtCollisionISR(void) {
    // Activate the signal, ExtCollision, with each pexternal interrupt.

// ******** User Interface *********
void UserInterface(void) {
    char x;
        if (pc.readable()) {
            x = pc.getc(); pc.putc(x); //Echo keyboard entry
            osTimerStart(OneShot, 2000); // Set WDT interrupt to 2s.
            led3 = 0;
        if (BluetoothSerial.readable()) {
            x = BluetoothSerial.getc();
            if(x == 'w'){ 
                pc.printf("\r\n w pressed");
            // Display variables at the terminal emulator for logging:
            pc.printf("\r\n blah blah");
            Thread::wait(500); // Wait 500 ms