Temp Publish

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Jan 08 16:21:39 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Creator : Jonathan Wheadon ; Ben Gordon ; Joel Pallent
+Date : 
+Module : ELEC351
+Project : ELEC351_GroupA
+Dependencies : "mbed.h" ; "SDReader.hpp" ; "rtos.h" ; "General.hpp" ;
+"NetWorking.hpp" ; "Display.hpp" ; "Terminal.hpp" ; "Sample.hpp"
+Purpose : Low power enviromental sensor using multi threading, has four outputs,
+SD card, Terminal, LCD, and a website hosted on the ip "". Two inputs
+LDR (for light values), BMP280 (for pressure and temperature)
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SDReader.hpp"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "General.hpp"
+#include "NetWorking.hpp"
+#include "Display.hpp"
+#include "Terminal.hpp"
+#include "Sample.hpp"
+#include "cyclicalBUFFER.hpp" 
+#include "WatchDog.hpp"
+// Threads
+Thread Display_THREAD(osPriorityNormal);
+Thread NetWorking_THREAD(osPriorityNormal);
+Thread sample_THREAD(osPriorityRealtime);
+Thread SDcard_THREAD(osPriorityNormal);
+Thread Terminal_THREAD(osPriorityNormal);
+Thread WatchDog_THREAD(osPriorityNormal);
+// Thread ID for the Main function (CMSIS API)
+osThreadId tidMain;
+//int main starts all threads then becomes TerminalThread
+int main(void)
+    // Main thread ID
+    tidMain = Thread::gettid();
+    // Start each thread
+    Display_THREAD.start(DisplayThread);
+    sample_THREAD.start(SampleThread);
+    SDcard_THREAD.start(SDThread);
+    Terminal_THREAD.start(TerminalThread);
+    // Create Watchdog, and start thread to kick watchdog every 200 mili seconds
+    WatchDog(5, 1000);
+    WatchDog_THREAD.start(WatchDogThread);
+    // have Main become
+    NetWorkingThread();
+    while(1);