Temp Publish

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dateTime.cpp	Tue Jan 08 16:21:39 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+Creator : Ben Gordon
+Date : 
+Module : ELEC351
+Project : ELEC351_GroupA
+Dependencies : 
+Purpose : 
+#include "dateTime.hpp"
+/*dateTime(PinName GREEN, PinName YELLOW, PinName RED) : _green(GREEN), _yellow(YELLOW), _red(RED) {
+    setDate(); //Sets default date 01/01/1970 00:00:00
+    setTime();
+struct tm _addTime_struct;
+struct tm _setTime_struct;
+struct tm _updateTime_struct;
+DigitalOut _green(PB_11);
+DigitalOut _yellow(PB_10);
+DigitalOut _red(PE_15);
+char dateTimeStr[20];
+char dateStr[11];
+char timeStr[9];
+////---------------------------SET DATE AND TIME----------------------------////
+BYTE setTime(S_BYTE hours, S_BYTE minutes, S_BYTE seconds)
+    //Get currently set time
+    _setTime_struct = getRawTime();
+    //Setting Time
+    _setTime_struct.tm_hour = hours;
+    _setTime_struct.tm_min  = minutes;
+    _setTime_struct.tm_sec  = seconds;
+    return updateSystemTime();
+//Setting the date and time
+BYTE setDate(S_BYTE days, S_BYTE months, INT_32 years)
+    //Get currently set time
+    _setTime_struct = getRawTime();
+    //Setting Date
+    _setTime_struct.tm_mday = days;
+    _setTime_struct.tm_mon  = months -1;
+    _setTime_struct.tm_year = years  -1900;
+    return updateSystemTime();
+////---------------------------ADD DATE AND TIME----------------------------////
+void overFlow(INT_32 *base, INT_32 lower, INT_32 upper)
+    if(*base < lower)
+    {
+        *base = upper;
+    }
+    else if (*base > upper)
+    {
+        *base = lower;
+    }
+void addDay(S_BYTE days)
+    struct tm _newTime_struct = _addTime_struct;
+    _newTime_struct.tm_mday = _newTime_struct.tm_mday + days;
+    overFlow(&_newTime_struct.tm_mday,1,31);
+    BYTE error = checkStruct(_newTime_struct);
+    if(!(error > 1))
+    {
+        _addTime_struct = _newTime_struct;
+    }
+void addMonth(S_BYTE months)
+    struct tm _newTime_struct = _addTime_struct;
+    _newTime_struct.tm_mon = _newTime_struct.tm_mon + months;
+    overFlow(&_newTime_struct.tm_mon,1,12);
+    BYTE error = checkStruct(_newTime_struct);
+    if(!(error > 1))
+    {
+        _addTime_struct = _newTime_struct;
+    }
+void addYear(INT_32 years)
+    struct tm _newTime_struct = _addTime_struct;                //Define a structure for the new calculated
+    _newTime_struct.tm_year = _newTime_struct.tm_year + years;  //Update new time
+    overFlow(&_newTime_struct.tm_year,1970,2106);
+    BYTE error = checkStruct(_newTime_struct);                 //Check for errors
+    if(!(error > 1))                                            //If no errors are found, update the time structure
+    {
+        _addTime_struct = _newTime_struct;
+    }
+void addHour(S_BYTE hours)
+    struct tm _newTime_struct = _addTime_struct;
+    _newTime_struct.tm_hour = _newTime_struct.tm_hour + hours;
+    overFlow(&_newTime_struct.tm_hour,0,23);
+    BYTE error = checkStruct(_newTime_struct);
+    if(!((error > 1)||(_newTime_struct.tm_hour < 0)||(_newTime_struct.tm_hour > 23)))
+    {
+        _addTime_struct = _newTime_struct;
+    }
+void addMin(S_BYTE minutes)
+    struct tm _newTime_struct = _addTime_struct;
+    _newTime_struct.tm_min = _newTime_struct.tm_min + minutes;
+    overFlow(&_newTime_struct.tm_min,0,59);
+    BYTE error = checkStruct(_newTime_struct);
+    if(!((error > 1)||(_newTime_struct.tm_min < 0)||(_newTime_struct.tm_min > 59)))
+    {
+        _addTime_struct = _newTime_struct;
+    }
+void addSec(S_BYTE seconds)
+    struct tm _newTime_struct = _addTime_struct;
+    _newTime_struct.tm_sec = _newTime_struct.tm_sec + seconds;
+    overFlow(&_newTime_struct.tm_sec,0,59);
+    BYTE error = checkStruct(_newTime_struct);
+    if(!((error > 1)||(_newTime_struct.tm_sec < 0)||(_newTime_struct.tm_sec > 59)))
+    {
+        _addTime_struct = _newTime_struct;
+    }
+BYTE checkStruct(struct tm check)
+   //Initialise LEDs [for debugging] 
+    _green  = 0;
+    _yellow = 0;
+    _red    = 0;
+    //Check new set time is within range of valid dates (1970 - 2106)
+    if((check.tm_year < 1970-1900)||(check.tm_year > 2106-1900))
+    {
+        _red = 1;
+        return 2; //ERROR_2 Year outside of valid range [1970 - 2106]
+    }
+    //Update structure with correct dates (e.g. 32/10 would become 1/11)
+    struct tm _newTime_struct = check;
+    time_t _newTime_time = mktime(&_newTime_struct);
+    _newTime_struct = *localtime(&_newTime_time);
+    //Check structure has remained same (if not, invalid input has been entered (eg 32nd day or 61s minute)
+    if((check.tm_year != _newTime_struct.tm_year)||
+       (check.tm_mon  != _newTime_struct.tm_mon )||
+       (check.tm_mday != _newTime_struct.tm_mday)||
+       (check.tm_hour != _newTime_struct.tm_hour)||
+       (check.tm_min  != _newTime_struct.tm_min )||
+       (check.tm_sec  != _newTime_struct.tm_sec ))
+    {   
+        _yellow = 1;
+        printf("YEAR IS %d", _newTime_struct.tm_year);
+        if(_newTime_struct.tm_year < (1970-1900))
+        {
+            _red = 1;
+            return 3; //ERROR_03 Date exceeds maximum range [06/02/2106 06:28:14]
+        }
+        return 1; //ERROR_01 Index exceeds max value [e.g Date = 32/31 or Hour = 26/24]
+    }
+    _green = 1;
+    return 0; //ERROR_00 No errors
+BYTE updateSystemTime()
+    //Checking DateTime remains in valid format
+    BYTE error = checkStruct(_setTime_struct);
+    //If no errors are returned, then set the DateTime to set values.
+    if(!error){
+        set_time(mktime(&_setTime_struct));
+    }
+    //Return error to be used for terminal display
+    return error;
+BYTE confirmDate()
+    BYTE error;
+    error = checkStruct(_addTime_struct);
+    if(!error)
+    {
+        mktime(&_addTime_struct);
+        updateSystemTime();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        while(error)
+        {
+            _addTime_struct.tm_mday = _addTime_struct.tm_mday - 1;
+            error = checkStruct(_addTime_struct);
+        }
+        mktime(&_addTime_struct);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+char* getSetDate()
+    return printDate(_addTime_struct);
+char* getSetTime()
+    return printTime(_addTime_struct);
+char* startEditDate()
+    _addTime_struct = getRawTime();
+    return getSetDate();
+char* startEditTime()
+    _addTime_struct = getRawTime();
+    return getSetTime();
+void   endEdit()
+    set_time(mktime(&_addTime_struct));
+char* getSystemDateTime()
+    struct tm _current_time = getRawTime();
+    sprintf(dateTimeStr,"%s %s",printDate(_current_time),printTime(_current_time));
+    return dateTimeStr;
+struct tm getRawTime()
+    time_t rawTime;
+    time(&rawTime);
+    return *localtime(&rawTime);
+//time_t range 0 - 0xFFFFFFFFFFFE [01/01/1970 00:00:00 - 06/02/2106 06:28:14]
+char* printDate(struct tm _time_struct) 
+    sprintf(dateStr,"%02d/%02d/%4d",
+                    getDay(_time_struct),
+                    getMonth(_time_struct),
+                    getYear(_time_struct));
+    return dateStr;
+char* printTime(struct tm _time_struct)
+    sprintf(timeStr,"%02d:%02d:%02d",
+                    getHour(_time_struct),
+                    getMin(_time_struct),
+                    getSec(_time_struct));
+    return timeStr;
+signed INT_32 getYear(struct tm _time_struct)  {return _time_struct.tm_year + 1900;}
+BYTE          getMonth(struct tm _time_struct) {return _time_struct.tm_mon + 1;    }
+BYTE          getDay(struct tm _time_struct)   {return _time_struct.tm_mday;       }
+BYTE          getHour(struct tm _time_struct)  {return _time_struct.tm_hour;       }
+BYTE          getMin(struct tm _time_struct)   {return _time_struct.tm_min;        }
+BYTE          getSec(struct tm _time_struct)   {return _time_struct.tm_sec;        }