Temp Publish

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cyclicalBUFFER.hpp	Tue Jan 08 16:21:39 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Creator : Joel Pallent ; Jonathan Wheadon
+Date : 18/12/2018
+Module : ELEC351
+Project : ELEC351_GroupA
+Dependencies : "General.hpp" and "mbed.h"
+Purpose : This is the header file defining the class for our cyclical_Buffer
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "General.hpp"
+#ifndef __cyclicalBUFFER__
+#define __cyclicalBUFFER__
+class cyclical_Buffer {
+    public:
+        cyclical_Buffer(UINT_32 size) : BUFFERSIZE(size), buffer(new mail_t[size]), spaceAvailable(size), samplesInBuffer(0) {newestIndex = size-1; oldestIndex = size-1; NoOfStoredSamples = 0; BufferFull = false;}
+        // Functions for cyclical buffer using semaphores (producer consumer patern)
+        void addDataToBuffer(mail_t Data);
+        mail_t takeDataFromBuffer(void);
+        // Functions for keep most resant samples overiding oldest
+        void addDataToBufferOverride(mail_t Data);  // Function will add data to buffer, if buffer is full it overides the oldest data
+        mail_t ReadNfromBuffer(UINT_32 N);          // Function will read the data stored which is Nth from oldest sample. N = 0 is oldest, N = Buffersize = newest
+    private:            
+        //Output buffer
+        const UINT_32 BUFFERSIZE;
+        mail_t* buffer;
+        UINT_32 newestIndex; //First time it is incremented, it will be 0
+        UINT_32 oldestIndex;
+        UINT_32 NoOfStoredSamples;
+        bool BufferFull;
+        //Thread sychronisation primatives
+        Semaphore spaceAvailable;
+        Semaphore samplesInBuffer;
+        Mutex bufferLock;