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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Terminal.hpp	Tue Jan 08 16:21:39 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+This header defines Terminal class which has all the functions for controlling a 
+terminal, the serial object is kept private and therefore can only be accessed
+through function of the terminal class.
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "General.hpp"
+#include "Display.hpp"
+#include "dateTime.hpp"
+#include "cyclicalBUFFER.hpp"
+// Use generic to set number of rows in table
+#define Rows 15
+#define MaxDATA (Rows*4)
+// Define 8 bit colours for printing to terminal 
+#define ColourRED    9
+#define ColourAMBER  166
+#define ColourGREEN  118
+#define ColourBLUE   12
+#define ColourWHITE  255
+#define ColourPURPLE 5
+#ifndef Define_ONCE_Terminal
+#define Define_ONCE_Terminal
+    typedef struct 
+    {
+        BYTE ErrorCode;
+        BYTE* ErrorMSGS;
+    } Error;
+    // Class Terminal expects tx and rx pins and is used for controlling a serialy conected terminal
+    class Terminal {
+        public:
+            Terminal(PinName tx, PinName rx) : pc(tx, rx){Logging_STATE = true;}
+            void init(void);                                // Initialise terminal and start all timers/interupts
+            void updateSDstate(bool SDstate);               // Updates displayed SD state
+            void updateNetWorkstate(bool NetWorkstate);     // Updates displayed NetWork state
+            void addDATA(void);                             // Function called by sample thread to add new data to terminal
+            void ERROR_MSGS(Error msgs);   // function to print error msgs to debug section of terminal
+            bool getLoggingState(void) {return Logging_STATE;} // return the priavte variable Logging_STATE
+        private:
+            // define serial objects and function needed to change its parameters
+            Serial pc;                              // Serial object to be used for terminal
+            BYTE currentIDX;                        // Stores current cell in terminal
+            void Cursor(BYTE X, BYTE Y);            // Function moves cursor to position defined by co-ordinates x,y
+            void Colour(BYTE COLOUR);               // Function changes terminal print colour to 8 bit colour defined by COLOUR
+            void PrintDATA(BYTE* STRING, BYTE IDX); // Prints DATA to specific cell in table specified by IDX
+            bool col;                               // define current colour for samples to be printed in
+            void printDEBUG(BYTE* msgs);
+            void printBufferedData(mail_t bufferedDATA);
+            // Functions needed to display time in top right of terminal
+            Ticker Terminal_ticker;         // Ticker calls "Ticker_Handler" every second
+            void Ticker_Handler(void);      // ISR hanler fires every second to add "updateTIME" to terminal event queue
+            void updateTIME(void);          // Prints current time to top right of terminal
+            //  Function needed to handle command inputs from terminal
+            void Input_Handler(void);       // ISR handler for whenever a charecter is input to terminal
+            void checkKEY(void);            // Functrion gets charecter from terminal input
+            void HandleCOMMAND(void);       // Functions handles any commands input into terminal
+            BYTE buffer_pointer;            // stores current point in terminal input line
+            BYTE Terminal_buffer[30];       // Buffer to store command
+            bool Logging_STATE;              // Stores whether Logging has been enabled/disabled
+    };
+// Thread used for controlling terminal
+void TerminalThread(void);
+FLOAT_32 strTOflt(BYTE ary[4]);
+INT_32 strTOint(BYTE ary[3]);
+BYTE handleTIME(BYTE ary[8]);
+BYTE handleDATE(BYTE ary[10]);