Temp Publish

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Terminal.cpp	Tue Jan 08 16:21:39 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+Creator : Jonathan Wheadon
+Date : 28/11/2018
+Module : ELEC351
+Project : ELEC351_GroupA
+Dependencies : "Terminal.hpp" and "General.hpp"
+Purpose : This cpp defines the functions for the terminal class which are used
+to control the terminal, it also defines the TerminalThread function which
+is ran in its own thread and controls the printing of DATA to the Terminal
+#include "Terminal.hpp"
+#include "Sample.hpp"
+// queue for Terminal events
+EventQueue TerminalQueue(32 * EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE);
+// external eventqueues for sample and display threads
+extern EventQueue SampleQueue;
+extern EventQueue DisplayQueue;
+// Create Object PC of class Terminal with Set SERIAL_TX and SERIAL_RX pins
+extern cyclical_Buffer internalBuffer;
+extern Mail<mail_t, 32>Terminal_mail; 
+ Thread for handiling the terminal
+void TerminalThread(void)
+    PC.init();
+    // Enter Forever loop
+    while(1)
+    {
+        TerminalQueue.dispatch_forever();
+    }   
+ Gets data from mailbox and displays on Terminal, if terminal is full it
+ overwrites the oldest displayed sample. 
+void Terminal::addDATA(void)
+    //open mailbox and print to line in terminal
+    osEvent evt = Terminal_mail.get();
+    if (evt.status == osEventMail) {
+        mail_t *mail = (mail_t*)evt.value.p;
+        if(col == 0)
+        {
+            Colour(ColourBLUE);
+        } else {
+            Colour(ColourPURPLE);
+        } 
+        // Print time
+        PrintDATA(mail->MDate, currentIDX);
+        currentIDX++;
+        // Print Temp
+        PrintDATA(mail->MTEMP, currentIDX);
+        currentIDX++;
+        // Print Pressure
+        PrintDATA(mail->MPRESS, currentIDX);
+        currentIDX++;
+        // Print Light
+        PrintDATA(mail->MLIGHT, currentIDX);
+        currentIDX++;
+        if(currentIDX >= MaxDATA)
+        {
+            currentIDX = 0;
+            if(col == 0)
+            {
+               col = 1;
+            } else {
+               col = 0;
+            }  
+        }
+        Terminal_mail.free(mail);
+    }
+ initialize terminal, print table, initialize variables and attach interupts
+void Terminal::init(void)
+    // Set baud rate for serial object pc
+    pc.baud (115200);  
+    // Hide cursor, move to x 0 y 0 and change print colour to green
+    pc.printf("\x1b[?25l"); // Hides cursor
+    //pc.printf("\x1b[3j"); // Clear screen
+    Cursor(0,0);
+    Colour(ColourGREEN);
+    // Print DATA table to present data
+    pc.printf("|      ELEC351     :     Low Power Enviromental Sensor     |                                |\n\r"
+              "|*******************************************************************************************|\n\r"
+              "|         TIME         |        TEMP (C)      |    PRESSURE (mbar)   |       LIGHT (V)      |\n\r"
+              "|----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|----------------------|\n\r");
+    for(BYTE idx = 0; idx < Rows; idx++)
+    {
+        pc.printf("|                      |                      |                      |                      |\n\r");
+    }
+    pc.printf("|*******************************************************************************************|\n\r"
+              "| Input Command Line :                                                                      |\n\r"
+              "|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n\r"
+              "|                                                                                           |\n\r"
+              "|*******************************************************************************************|\n\r"
+              "| SD state :                                  | NetWork Conected :                          |\n\r"
+              "|*******************************************************************************************|\n\r"
+              "                                                                                             \n\r"
+              "                                                                                             ");
+    // InitNetwork indicator
+    Colour(ColourRED);
+    Cursor((68),(Rows+10));
+    pc.printf("NO");
+    // initialise variables    
+    buffer_pointer = 0;
+    col = 0;
+    currentIDX = 0;
+    // Attach interupts
+    Terminal_ticker.attach(this, &Terminal::Ticker_Handler, 1.0f);
+    pc.attach(this, &Terminal::Input_Handler,pc.RxIrq);
+ Move cursor of pc terminal to co-ordinates 'X' and 'Y' (between 0 and 255)
+void Terminal::Cursor(BYTE X, BYTE Y)
+    pc.printf("\x1b[%d;%dH",Y,X);
+ Change pc terminal print colour (8 bit colour) to colour defined by "COLOUR"
+void Terminal::Colour(BYTE COLOUR)
+    pc.printf("\x1b[38;5;%dm",COLOUR);
+ Prints data(STRING) to cell in table defined by IDX
+void Terminal::PrintDATA(BYTE* STRING, BYTE IDX)
+    BYTE Y = (IDX/4)+5;
+    BYTE X = ((IDX%4)*23)+3;
+    Cursor(X,Y);
+    pc.printf("%s",STRING);  
+ function updates displayed SD state to boolean input
+void Terminal::updateSDstate(bool SDstate)
+    Cursor((14),(Rows+10));
+    switch(SDstate) {
+        case true :
+            Colour(ColourGREEN);
+            pc.printf(" MOUNTED SD ");
+        break;
+        case false :
+            Colour(ColourRED);
+            pc.printf("UNMOUNTED SD");
+        break;
+    }
+ function updates displayed NetWork state to boolean input
+void Terminal::updateNetWorkstate(bool NetWorkstate)
+    Cursor((68),(Rows+10));
+    switch(NetWorkstate) {
+        case true :
+            Colour(ColourGREEN);
+            pc.printf(" YES ");
+        break;
+        case false :
+            Colour(ColourRED);
+            pc.printf(" NO  ");
+        break;
+    }
+ Function checks terminal buffer to see which key has been entered and saves to 
+ internal buffer, if carridge return (0x0D) has been pressed it calls function
+ to decode the command to the event QUEUE 
+void Terminal::checkKEY(void)
+    BYTE gotkey; 
+    gotkey=pc.getc();
+    if(gotkey == NULL)
+    {
+        // do nothing
+    } else if (gotkey == 0x0D) {
+        Terminal_buffer[buffer_pointer] = 0x00;
+        TerminalQueue.call(&PC, &Terminal::HandleCOMMAND);
+        buffer_pointer = 0;
+        Cursor((24),(Rows+6));
+        pc.printf("                                ");
+    }  else if (gotkey == 0x7f) {
+        if (buffer_pointer > 0) {
+            buffer_pointer -= 1;
+            Cursor((24 + buffer_pointer),(Rows+6));
+            pc.printf(" ");
+        } else {
+            //do nothing
+        }
+    } else {
+        Colour(ColourWHITE);
+        if(buffer_pointer == 30)
+        {
+            // do error thing
+        } else {
+            pc.printf("\x1b[4m");
+            Cursor((24 + buffer_pointer),(Rows+6));
+            Colour(ColourWHITE);
+            pc.printf("%c",gotkey);
+            pc.printf("\x1b[24m");
+            Terminal_buffer[buffer_pointer] = gotkey;
+            buffer_pointer++;
+        }
+    }
+    pc.attach(this, &Terminal::Input_Handler,pc.RxIrq);
+ Function decodes command that has been input on input command line and performs
+ any necasary action   
+void Terminal::HandleCOMMAND(void)
+    INT_32 commandSize = 0;
+    INT_32 dataSIZE = 0;
+    bool searchingCOMMAND = true;
+    bool searchingDATA = true;
+    while(searchingCOMMAND)
+    {
+        if((Terminal_buffer[commandSize] == ' ') || (Terminal_buffer[commandSize] == 0x00))
+        {
+            searchingCOMMAND = false;
+        } else {
+            commandSize++;
+        }
+        // debug break loop if too big
+        if(commandSize > 8){
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    while(searchingDATA)
+    {
+        if((Terminal_buffer[commandSize+dataSIZE+1] == ' ') || (Terminal_buffer[commandSize+dataSIZE+1] == 0x00))
+        {
+            searchingDATA = false;
+        } else {
+            dataSIZE++;
+        }
+        // debug break loop if too big
+        if(dataSIZE > 8){
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if(commandSize == 4)
+    {
+        // Action for input of READ command
+        if((Terminal_buffer[0] == 'R') && (Terminal_buffer[1] == 'E') && (Terminal_buffer[2] == 'A') && (Terminal_buffer[3] == 'D')) {
+            if(dataSIZE > 3){
+                Error msgs;
+                msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+                msgs.ErrorMSGS = "input Value is not valid for command \"READ\"";
+                ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+            } else {
+                INT_32 inputVAL;
+                if(dataSIZE == 1) {
+                    BYTE tempARRAY[3] = {'0','0',Terminal_buffer[5]};
+                    inputVAL = strTOint(tempARRAY);
+                } else if(dataSIZE == 2) {
+                    BYTE tempARRAY[3] = {'0',Terminal_buffer[5],Terminal_buffer[6]};
+                    inputVAL = strTOint(tempARRAY);
+                } else if(dataSIZE == 3) {
+                    BYTE tempARRAY[3] = {Terminal_buffer[5],Terminal_buffer[6],Terminal_buffer[7]};
+                    inputVAL = strTOint(tempARRAY);
+                }
+                if(inputVAL != NULL){
+                    mail_t bufferedDATA = internalBuffer.ReadNfromBuffer(inputVAL);
+                    if(bufferedDATA.MDate != NULL){
+                        printBufferedData(bufferedDATA);
+                    } else {
+                        Error msgs;
+                        msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+                        msgs.ErrorMSGS = "Value is outside the number of stored samples";
+                        ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    Error msgs;
+                    msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+                    msgs.ErrorMSGS = "Value input is incorrect format for command \"READ\"";
+                    ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+                }
+            }
+        // Action for input of SETT command
+        } else if((Terminal_buffer[0] == 'S') && (Terminal_buffer[1] == 'E') && (Terminal_buffer[2] == 'T') && (Terminal_buffer[3] == 'T')) {          
+            FLOAT_32 inputVAL;
+            if(dataSIZE == 3) {
+                BYTE tempARRAY[4] = {'0',Terminal_buffer[5],Terminal_buffer[6],Terminal_buffer[7]};
+                inputVAL = strTOflt(tempARRAY);
+            } else if(dataSIZE == 4) {
+                BYTE tempARRAY[4] = {Terminal_buffer[5],Terminal_buffer[6],Terminal_buffer[7],Terminal_buffer[8]};
+                inputVAL = strTOflt(tempARRAY);
+            } else {
+                inputVAL = NULL;
+            }
+            if(inputVAL != NULL){
+                SampleQueue.call(update_sampleRATE, inputVAL);
+                printDEBUG("New sample rate has been applied!!!");
+            } else {
+                Error msgs;
+                msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+                msgs.ErrorMSGS = "Value input is incorrect format for command \"SETT\"";
+                ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+            }            
+        // Command not recognised
+        } else {
+            Error msgs;
+            msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+            msgs.ErrorMSGS = "Command not recognised";
+            ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+        }
+    } else if(commandSize == 5) {  
+        // Action for STATE command
+        if((Terminal_buffer[0] == 'S') && (Terminal_buffer[1] == 'T') && (Terminal_buffer[2] == 'A') && (Terminal_buffer[3] == 'T') && (Terminal_buffer[4] == 'E')) {
+            if(dataSIZE == 2) {
+                if((Terminal_buffer[6] == 'O') && (Terminal_buffer[7] == 'N')){
+                    SampleQueue.call(start_sampling,true);      // Tell sample thread to begin sampling
+                    printDEBUG("Sampling has been turned ON");  // Print debug message to show command has been executed
+                } else {
+                    Error msgs;
+                    msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+                    msgs.ErrorMSGS = "State cannot be set to parameter given  for command \"STATE\"";
+                    ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+                }
+            } else if(dataSIZE == 3) {
+                if((Terminal_buffer[6] == 'O') && (Terminal_buffer[7] == 'F') && (Terminal_buffer[8] == 'F')){
+                    SampleQueue.call(start_sampling,false);
+                    printDEBUG("Sampling has been turned OFF");
+                } else {
+                    Error msgs;
+                    msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+                    msgs.ErrorMSGS = "State cannot be set to parameter given  for command \"STATE\"";
+                    ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+                }
+            } else {
+                Error msgs;
+                msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+                msgs.ErrorMSGS = "State cannot be set to parameter given  for command \"STATE\"";
+                ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+            }
+        // Command not recognised
+        } else {
+            Error msgs;
+            msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+            msgs.ErrorMSGS = "Command not recognised";
+            ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+        }
+    } else if(commandSize == 6) {
+        // Action for DELETE command
+        if((Terminal_buffer[0] == 'D') && (Terminal_buffer[1] == 'E') && (Terminal_buffer[2] == 'L') && (Terminal_buffer[3] == 'E') && (Terminal_buffer[4] == 'T') && (Terminal_buffer[5] == 'E')) {
+            printDEBUG("DELETE command used");
+        // Command not recognised
+        } else {
+            Error msgs;
+            msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+            msgs.ErrorMSGS = "Command not recognised";
+            ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+        }
+    } else if(commandSize == 7) {
+        // Action for SETTIME command
+        if((Terminal_buffer[0] == 'S') && (Terminal_buffer[1] == 'E') && (Terminal_buffer[2] == 'T') && (Terminal_buffer[3] == 'T') && (Terminal_buffer[4] == 'I') && (Terminal_buffer[5] == 'M') && (Terminal_buffer[6] == 'E')) {
+            BYTE tempARRAY[8] = {Terminal_buffer[8],Terminal_buffer[9],Terminal_buffer[10],Terminal_buffer[11],Terminal_buffer[12],Terminal_buffer[13],Terminal_buffer[14],Terminal_buffer[15]};
+            if(handleTIME(tempARRAY) == NULL){
+                Error msgs;
+                msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+                msgs.ErrorMSGS = "TIME could not be set";
+                ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+            } else {
+                printDEBUG("Time set");
+            }
+        // Action for SETDATE command
+        } else if((Terminal_buffer[0] == 'S') && (Terminal_buffer[1] == 'E') && (Terminal_buffer[2] == 'T') && (Terminal_buffer[3] == 'D') && (Terminal_buffer[4] == 'A') && (Terminal_buffer[5] == 'T') && (Terminal_buffer[6] == 'E')) {
+            BYTE tempARRAY[10] = {Terminal_buffer[8],Terminal_buffer[9],Terminal_buffer[10],Terminal_buffer[11],Terminal_buffer[12],Terminal_buffer[13],Terminal_buffer[14],Terminal_buffer[15],Terminal_buffer[16],Terminal_buffer[17]};
+            if(handleDATE(tempARRAY) == NULL){
+                Error msgs;
+                msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+                msgs.ErrorMSGS = "DATE could not be set";
+                ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+            } else {
+                printDEBUG("Date set");
+            }
+        // Action for LOGGING command
+        } else if((Terminal_buffer[0] == 'L') && (Terminal_buffer[1] == 'O') && (Terminal_buffer[2] == 'G') && (Terminal_buffer[3] == 'G') && (Terminal_buffer[4] == 'I') && (Terminal_buffer[5] == 'N') && (Terminal_buffer[6] == 'G')) {
+            if(dataSIZE == 2) {
+                if((Terminal_buffer[8] == 'O') && (Terminal_buffer[9] == 'N')){
+                    Logging_STATE = true;
+                    printDEBUG("LOGGING has been enabled");
+                } else {
+                    Error msgs;
+                    msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+                    msgs.ErrorMSGS = "State cannot be set to parameter given";
+                    ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+                }
+            } else if(dataSIZE == 3) {
+                if((Terminal_buffer[8] == 'O') && (Terminal_buffer[9] == 'F') && (Terminal_buffer[10] == 'F')){
+                    printDEBUG("LOGGING has been disabled");
+                    Logging_STATE = false;
+                } else {
+                    Error msgs;
+                    msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+                    msgs.ErrorMSGS = "State cannot be set to parameter given";
+                    ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+                }
+            } else {
+                Error msgs;
+                msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+                msgs.ErrorMSGS = "State cannot be set to parameter given";
+                ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+            }
+        // Command not recognised
+        } else {
+            Error msgs;
+            msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+            msgs.ErrorMSGS = "Command not recognised";
+            ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+        }
+    // Command not recognised
+    } else {
+        Error msgs;
+        msgs.ErrorCode = warning;
+        msgs.ErrorMSGS = "Command not recognised";
+        ERROR_MSGS(msgs);
+    }
+ ISR for whenever data is in terminal buffer, add function to terminal queue
+ to check which charecteter has been entered and add it to a buffer.
+void Terminal::Input_Handler(void)
+    pc.attach(NULL,pc.RxIrq);
+    if(pc.readable()!= 0)
+    {
+        TerminalQueue.call(&PC, &Terminal::checkKEY);
+    }
+ Function prints debug messages to screen
+void Terminal::printDEBUG(BYTE* msgs)
+    if(Logging_STATE == true){
+        Cursor(3,(Rows+8));
+        Colour(ColourWHITE);
+        pc.printf("                                                                                          ");
+        Cursor(3,(Rows+8));
+        pc.printf(msgs);
+    }
+ Function prints debug messages to screen
+void Terminal::printBufferedData(mail_t bufferedDATA)
+    Cursor(1,(Rows+12));
+    Colour(ColourWHITE);
+    pc.printf("                                                                                          ");
+    Cursor(1,(Rows+12));
+    pc.printf("%s , %s , %s , %s ; ",bufferedDATA.MDate,bufferedDATA.MTEMP,bufferedDATA.MPRESS,bufferedDATA.MLIGHT);
+ Function prints ERROR messages to screen
+void Terminal::ERROR_MSGS(Error msgs)
+    Cursor(3,(Rows+8));
+    pc.printf("                                                                                          ");
+    Cursor(3,(Rows+8));
+    switch(msgs.ErrorCode)
+    {
+        case warning :
+            Colour(ColourAMBER);
+            pc.printf("Warning - %s ", msgs.ErrorMSGS);
+        break;
+        case fault :
+            Colour(ColourAMBER);
+            pc.printf("Fault - %s ", msgs.ErrorMSGS);        
+        break;
+        case criticalERROR :
+            Colour(ColourRED);
+            pc.printf("Critical ERROR - %s ", msgs.ErrorMSGS);       
+        break;
+        case criticalFAILURE :
+            Colour(ColourRED);
+            pc.printf("Critical FAILURE - %s ", msgs.ErrorMSGS);       
+        break;
+    }
+ Ticker fires once per second and add function to terminal queue to update time
+void Terminal::Ticker_Handler(void)
+    TerminalQueue.call(&PC, &Terminal::updateTIME);
+ Function prints current time to top right of terminal  
+void Terminal::updateTIME(void)
+    Cursor(67,1);
+    Colour(ColourWHITE);   
+    pc.printf("%s", getSystemDateTime());
+ Function converts string to FLOAT_32, one decimal place expected must be 4 bytes
+ long, PAd with '0', example 1.2f would be "01.2" and 12.3f would be "12.3"
+FLOAT_32 strTOflt(BYTE ary[4])
+    //check that values entered are in format "00.0"
+    for(INT_32 tester = 0; tester < 4; tester++)
+    {
+        if(tester != 2){
+            INT_32 testing = (INT_32)(ary[tester]-'0');
+            if((testing > 9) || (testing < 0)) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+        } else if(ary[tester] != '.') {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    FLOAT_32 retFlt;
+    retFlt = ((FLOAT_32)(ary[0]-'0'))*10.0f;
+    retFlt += ((FLOAT_32)(ary[1]-'0'));
+    retFlt += ((FLOAT_32)(ary[3]-'0'))/10.0f;
+    if(retFlt > 60.0f){
+        return NULL;
+    } else {
+        return retFlt;
+    }
+INT_32 strTOint(BYTE ary[3])
+    //check that values entered are in format "000"
+    for(INT_32 tester = 0; tester < 3; tester++)
+    {
+        INT_32 testing = (INT_32)(ary[tester]-'0');
+        if((testing > 9) || (testing < 0)) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    INT_32 temp_int = (INT_32)(ary[0]-'0')*100;
+    temp_int += (INT_32)(ary[1]-'0')*10;
+    temp_int += (INT_32)(ary[2]-'0');
+    return temp_int;
+ Function converts string to S_BYTE, format should be 00;00;00 (HH;MM;SS)
+BYTE handleTIME(BYTE ary[8])
+    //check that values entered are in format "00.0"
+    for(INT_32 tester = 0; tester < 8; tester++)
+    {
+        if((tester == 2 || tester == 5) == false){
+            INT_32 testing = (INT_32)(ary[tester]-'0');
+            if((testing > 9) || (testing < 0)) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+        } else if((ary[tester] != ';') && (ary[tester] != '/') && (ary[tester] != ':')) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    S_BYTE HH;
+    S_BYTE MM;
+    S_BYTE SS;
+    HH = ((S_BYTE)(ary[0]-'0'))*10;
+    HH += ((S_BYTE)(ary[1]-'0'));
+    MM = ((S_BYTE)(ary[3]-'0'))*10;
+    MM += ((S_BYTE)(ary[4]-'0'));
+    SS = ((S_BYTE)(ary[6]-'0'))*10;
+    SS += ((S_BYTE)(ary[7]-'0'));
+    DisplayQueue.call(setTime,HH,MM,SS);
+    return 1;
+ Function converts string to S_BYTE, format should be 00;00;0000 (dd;mm;yyyy)
+BYTE handleDATE(BYTE ary[10])
+    //check that values entered are in format "00.0"
+    for(INT_32 tester = 0; tester < 10; tester++)
+    {
+        if((tester == 2 || tester == 5) == false){
+            INT_32 testing = (INT_32)(ary[tester]-'0');
+            if((testing > 9) || (testing < 0)) {
+                return NULL;
+            }
+        } else if((ary[tester] != ';') && (ary[tester] != '/') && (ary[tester] != ':')) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    S_BYTE dd;
+    S_BYTE mm;
+    INT_32 yyyy;
+    dd = ((S_BYTE)(ary[0]-'0'))*10;
+    dd += ((S_BYTE)(ary[1]-'0'));
+    mm = ((S_BYTE)(ary[3]-'0'))*10;
+    mm += ((S_BYTE)(ary[4]-'0'));
+    yyyy = ((INT_32)(ary[6]-'0'))*1000;
+    yyyy += ((INT_32)(ary[7]-'0'))*100;
+    yyyy += ((INT_32)(ary[8]-'0'))*10;
+    yyyy += ((INT_32)(ary[9]-'0'));
+    DisplayQueue.call(setDate,dd,mm,yyyy);
+    return 1;