Code to drive a CNC machine via a PC LPT port lookalike 25 pin 'D', experiment in 'PC/Mach3' replacement. Designed to compile and run on mbed LPC1768, Freescale KL25Z and Freescale KL46Z. Proved on LPC1768 and KL25Z, problem with serial port on KL46Z. Reads subset of 'G Codes' through usb/serial port and drives 3 stepper/servo drives for X, Y and Z, also similar Step/Dir outputs for spindle motor control. Emulates PC LPT, outputs 'charge pump', proved driving Seig KX3 CNC mill

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL mbed



File content as of revision 0:5d0f270bfc87:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "cnc.h"
using namespace std;
extern  void    lissajous   (void)  ;
extern  void    command_line_interpreter    (void) ;
extern  void    init_last_position  ()  ;
extern  char *  readout (char * txt, int p)    ;    //  p has running subtotal of all pulses issued to stepper driver

Serial  pc(USBTX, USBRX);        //  tx, rx to pc
const   int BAUD = 9600;
Ticker  NCO_gen;                 // Ticker generating interrupts at NCO updating frequency
struct  axis_speeds_element     axis_speeds[axis_speeds_buffsize + 1];  //  buffer space for list of future moves
struct  digital_readouts    dro;    //some signed int

bool    running     = false;
volatile unsigned long   ticks = 0L;
unsigned long
                pir_a = 0L,
                pir_x = 0L,
                pir_y = 0L,
                pir_z = 0L,
                pir_s = 0L,     //  Referenced only in command_interpreter as spindle speed setting
                tickrun = 0L;
int spindlefwdrev = 0;  //  Takes values of 0 or 4 only

#if defined (TARGET_KL25Z)
    DigitalOut intled(PTE1);    //J2p20
    //SPISlave spidevice(PTD3, PTD2, PTD1, PTD0); // mosi, miso, sclk THIS TURNS LED ON BLUE ! (uses p11, p12, p13 on mbed LPC)
    SPISlave spidevice(PTD2, PTD3, PTD1, PTD0); // mosi, miso, sclk THIS TURNS LED ON BLUE ! (uses p11, p12, p13 on mbed LPC)
    //                 J2p08,J2p10,J2p12, J2p06
    //SPI spidevice(PTD2, PTD3, PTD1); // mosi, miso, sclk THIS TURNS LED ON BLUE ! (uses p11, p12, p13 on mbed LPC)
    //SPI spidevice(PTD3, PTD2, PTD1); // mosi, miso, sclk THIS TURNS LED ON BLUE ! (uses p11, p12, p13 on mbed LPC)
    //NOTE doubt possibly miso mosi in wrong order here, PTD3 and PTD2
    #define STEPPER_PORT    PortC
    const   int PortBitXSt   = 3,    //  Port bit num X Step    J1P05
                PortBitXDi   = 4,    //  Port bit num X Dir     J1P07
                PortBitYSt   = 5,    //  Port bit num Y Step    J1P09
                PortBitYDi   = 6,    //  Port bit num Y Dir     J1P11
                PortBitZSt   = 10,    //  Port bit num Z Step   J1P13
                PortBitZDi   = 11,    //  Port bit num Z Dir    J1P15
                PortBitASt   = 12,    //  Port bit num A Step   J2P01
                PortBitADi   = 13;    //  Port bit num A Dir    J2P03
#if defined (TARGET_KL46Z)
    DigitalOut intled(PTE1);    //J2p20
    SPISlave spidevice(PTA16, PTA17, PTA15, PTA14); // mosi, miso, sclk, ssel (uses p11, p12, p13, p? on mbed LPC)
    //                 J2p13, J2p15, J2p11, J2p09
                // Easy way to allocate port bits for           ***  N O T  CHECKED for 46Z ***
                // output of stepper motor Step and DIR sigs
    #define STEPPER_PORT    PortC
    const   int PortBitXSt   = 0,    //  Port bit num X Step    J1P05
                PortBitXDi   = 4,    //  Port bit num X Dir     J1P07
                PortBitYSt   = 6,    //  Port bit num Y Step    J1P09
                PortBitYDi   = 7,    //  Port bit num Y Dir     J1P11
                PortBitZSt   = 10,    //  Port bit num Z Step   J1P13
                PortBitZDi   = 11,    //  Port bit num Z Dir    J1P15
                PortBitASt   = 13,    //  Port bit num A Step   J2P01
                PortBitADi   = 16;    //  Port bit num A Dir    J2P03
#if defined (TARGET_MBED_LPC1768)
    DigitalOut intled(LED2);
    SPISlave spidevice(p5, p6, p7, p8);
                // Easy way to allocate port bits for           ***  N O T  CHECKED for MBED_LPC1768 ***
                // output of stepper motor Step and DIR sigs
    #define STEPPER_PORT    Port0
    /* Port 0 bits routed to DIP pins as follows:-
        P0.00   p09 Reserve SDA
        P0.01   p10 Reserve SCL
        P0.04   p30 CAN rd  -   USE X Step
        P0.05   p29 CAN td  -   USE X Dir
        P0.10   p28 SDA     -   USE Y Step
        P0.11   p27 SCL     -   USE Y Dir
        P0.15   p13 Tx      -   USE Z Step
        P0.16   p14 Rx      -   USE Z Dir
        P0.17   p12 miso    -   USE A Step
        P0.18   p11 mosi    -   Use A Dir
        P0.23   p15 A In
        P0.24   p16 A In
        P0.25   p17 A In
        P0.26   p18 Reserve A Out
    const   int PortBitXSt   = 4,    //  Port bit num X Step
                PortBitXDi   = 5,    //  Port bit num X Dir
                PortBitYSt   = 10,    //  Port bit num Y Step
                PortBitYDi   = 11,    //  Port bit num Y Dir
                PortBitZSt   = 15,    //  Port bit num Z Step
                PortBitZDi   = 16,    //  Port bit num Z Dir
                PortBitASt   = 17,    //  Port bit num A Step
                PortBitADi   = 18;    //  Port bit num A Dir

static const   long
            XSt1 =   1 << PortBitXSt, XSt0 = 0,
            XDi1 =   1 << PortBitXDi, XDi0 = 0,
            YSt1 =   1 << PortBitYSt, YSt0 = 0,
            YDi1 =   1 << PortBitYDi, YDi0 = 0,
            ZSt1 =   1 << PortBitZSt, ZSt0 = 0,
            ZDi1 =   1 << PortBitZDi, ZDi0 = 0,
            ASt1 =   1 << PortBitASt, ASt0 = 0,
            ADi1 =   1 << PortBitADi, ADi0 = 0,

            SM_MASK = (XSt1 | XDi1 | YSt1 | YDi1 | ZSt1 | ZDi1 | ASt1 | ADi1);

PortOut mysteppers(STEPPER_PORT, SM_MASK);

*   Interrupt Service Routine
//void    Numerically_Controlled_Oscillators_ISR ()  {   // services Ticker 'NCO_gen' generated interrupts ***ISR***
//    intled = 1;
//    ticks++;
//    intled = 0;
void    Numerically_Controlled_Oscillators_ISR ()  {   // services Ticker 'NCO_gen' generated interrupts ***ISR***
    const   long    bit_lutx[4] = {XSt0 | XDi0, XSt0 | XDi1, XSt1 | XDi1, XSt1 | XDi0},  //  Used to look-up 'clk' and 'dir' signals from accum MSBs
                    bit_luty[4] = {YSt0 | YDi0, YSt0 | YDi1, YSt1 | YDi1, YSt1 | YDi0},  //  Used to look-up 'clk' and 'dir' signals from accum MSBs
                    bit_lutz[4] = {ZSt0 | ZDi0, ZSt0 | ZDi1, ZSt1 | ZDi1, ZSt1 | ZDi0},  //  Used to look-up 'clk' and 'dir' signals from accum MSBs
                    bit_luta[4] = {ASt0 | ADi0, ASt0 | ADi1, ASt1 | ADi1, ASt1 | ADi0},  //  Used to look-up 'clk' and 'dir' signals from accum MSBs
                    bits2shift = (sizeof (long) << 3) - 2;
    static  unsigned long
//        acc_s = 0L, //  For Spindle motor, probably not needed as may be pwm
        acc_a = 0L,
        acc_x = 0L,
        acc_y = 0L,
        acc_z = 0L;
    static  int obitz = 0;
    int oldbitz, acts;

    intled = 1;     //  LED on for duration of interrupt service - point for scope probing
    ticks++;        //  count of interrupts serviced
//    int response = spidevice.write(0x55); // Only if SPI Master -- TAKES 2.5 us --
//      The rest of the whole int handler takes only about 3.0 us
    acc_x += pir_x;     //  Update phase of signals in accumulators
    acc_y += pir_y;
    acc_z += pir_z;
    acc_a += pir_a;
//    acc_s += pir_s;   //  pir_s used for spindle speed
    oldbitz = obitz;    //  pin output levels as determined during previous interrut
    obitz = bit_lutx[acc_x >> bits2shift] | bit_luty[acc_y >> bits2shift] | bit_lutz[acc_z >> bits2shift] | bit_luta[acc_a >> bits2shift];

    mysteppers = obitz; //  Output signals to stepper motor drivers, next look for _- pos clk events on bits 0, 2 and 4

    acts = (~oldbitz & obitz);  //  get pos clk edge triggers in bits 0, 2 and 4 (1, 4, 16)
    acts |= (obitz & (XDi1 | YDi1 | ZDi1));      //  get directions
    if(acts & XSt1)    {           //  got pos clk edge for axis X
        if  (acts & XDi1)
        else    dro.x--;
    if(acts & YSt1)    {           //  got pos clk edge for axis Y
        if  (acts & YDi1)
        else    dro.y--;
    if(acts & ZSt1)   {           //  got pos clk edge for axis Z
        if  (acts & ZDi1)
        else    dro.z--;
    if  (running && tickrun <= ticks)   {   //  End of a machine movement detected, start next move here if possible
        running = false;
        pir_x = 0L; //  stop all stepper motors
        pir_y = 0L;
        pir_z = 0L;
        pir_a = 0L;
    intled = 0;         //  LED off
}           //  end of interrupt handler

*   End of Interrupt Service Routine

void    pir_updater (struct axis_speeds_element * p)   {   //  To arrive here with wanted 'mm per min' values in x, y and z
//void    pir_updater (struct pirs * p)   {   //  To arrive here with wanted 'mm per min' values in x, y and z
//    pc.printf(p.x ? "true":"false");      //  Uses pointer as we may wish to rapid update from circular buffer
    tickrun = p->duration_ticks;
    unsigned long tc = ticks, after;
    while   (tc == ticks)   {}  //  wait until just after an interrupt - note requires 'volatile' ticks
    tickrun += ticks;
    pir_x = p->x;  //  Update NCO phase inc registers
    pir_y = p->y;
    pir_z = p->z;
    pir_a = p->a;
    after = ticks - tc;
    running = true;
    if  (after == 1)
        pc.printf("pir_update was good !, ticks %d\r\n", p->duration_ticks);
        pc.printf("Oops! Looks like pir_update got run-over, code = %d\r\n", after);

int main() {
    char txt[10];   //  few chars used for dro output
    pc.baud(BAUD); //  comms to 'PuTTY' serial terminal via mbed usb
    dro.x = dro.y = dro.z = 0;   //  These dro registers count pulses delivered to stepper motor driver
    dro.dro_output = true;
    init_last_position  ()  ;   //  Zeros one 'pirs' structure
    spidevice.format(8, 0);    //  8 bits mode 0,  // p11 mosi, p12 miso, p13 sclk ** ONLY 8 BIT **
    spidevice.frequency(12000000);  //  12MHz bit rate
//    int response = spidevice.write(0xFFFF); // Only if SPI Master
//    spidevice.reply(0x00);              // Prime SPI with first reply
// Reply to a SPI master as slave
 #include "mbed.h"
 SPISlave device(p5, p6, p7, p8); // mosi, miso, sclk, ssel
 int main() {
     device.reply(0x00);              // Prime SPI with first reply
     while(1) {
         if(device.receive()) {
             int v =;   // Read byte from master
             v = (v + 1) % 0x100;     // Add one to it, modulo 256
             device.reply(v);         // Make this the next reply
 }    */

    struct  axis_speeds_element * asepp = axis_speeds;   //  Address of axis_speeds[0]
    for (int i = 0; i < axis_speeds_buffsize; i++)  {
        axis_speeds[i].x =
        axis_speeds[i].y =
        axis_speeds[i].z =
        axis_speeds[i].a =
        axis_speeds[i].duration_ticks = 0L;
        axis_speeds[i].ready = false;
//    pc.printf("SPI Setup returned 0x%x\r\n", response);
/*    int ch;
    while   (true) {
        while   (pc.readable()) {
            ch = pc.getc();
            pc.printf("**%c**", ch);
        pc.printf("No more\r\n");
    lissajous   ();
#if defined (TARGET_KL25Z)
    pc.printf   ("Found device Freescale KL25Z\r\n");
//    DigitalOut intled(PTA1);  ** THIS KILLS SERIAL Rx **
#if defined (TARGET_KL46Z)
    pc.printf   ("Found device Freescale KL46Z\r\n");
#if defined (TARGET_MBED_LPC1768)
    pc.printf   ("Found device MBED_LPC1768\r\n");
    pc.printf("Three NCOs have been setup, they will move when given values by the G0 x? y? z? command\r\n");
    pc.printf("sizeof long long is %d bytes, pulsecnt at 1mm per min = %f, top speed = %d mm per min\r\n", sizeof(long long), n_for_onemmpermin, max_mm_per_min);
    NCO_gen.attach_us(&Numerically_Controlled_Oscillators_ISR, interrupt_period_us);// Have setup timed interrupts, let other code deal
    while(1) {
//        if(!(ticks & 0x00000ff))    {
//            mybigmotor = arr[step++];
//            step &= 0x03;
//            pc.printf("^");
//        }
        command_line_interpreter    ();
//        myled = 1;        //wait(0.4);//        myled = 0;        //wait(0.4);
//        if(running && dro_output && !(ticks & 0x00007ffc))  { // including 'running' causes display to freeze at almost there !
        if(dro.dro_output && !(ticks & 0x00007ffc))  {
            pc.printf("dros X %s, Y ", readout(txt, dro.x));    //  dro.n has running subtotal of all pulses issued to stepper driver.n
            pc.printf("%s, Z ", readout(txt, dro.y));
            pc.printf("%s", readout(txt, dro.z));
            pc.printf(", ticks %d\r\n", ticks);
            if  (asepp >= axis_speeds + axis_speeds_buffsize) {
                asepp = axis_speeds;
//            pc.printf   ("axis_speed %d, %lx\r\n", asepp - axis_speeds, (long)asep);