Code to drive a CNC machine via a PC LPT port lookalike 25 pin 'D', experiment in 'PC/Mach3' replacement. Designed to compile and run on mbed LPC1768, Freescale KL25Z and Freescale KL46Z. Proved on LPC1768 and KL25Z, problem with serial port on KL46Z. Reads subset of 'G Codes' through usb/serial port and drives 3 stepper/servo drives for X, Y and Z, also similar Step/Dir outputs for spindle motor control. Emulates PC LPT, outputs 'charge pump', proved driving Seig KX3 CNC mill

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL mbed

--- a/command_interpreter.cpp	Fri Jan 31 11:16:21 2014 +0000
+++ b/command_interpreter.cpp	Thu Feb 06 08:45:02 2014 +0000
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
 #include "cnc.h"
 using namespace std;
 extern  Serial pc;
-extern  void    pir_updater (struct axis_speeds_element * p)   ;      //  Uses pointer as we may wish to rapid update from circular buffer
+extern  bool    liss_active;
+extern  unsigned long pir_s;
+extern  int spindlefwdrev;
+extern  struct  Gparams    last_position;
+extern  int PutMoveOnList   (struct pirbufgrain & s)    ;
+extern  struct  digital_readouts    dro;    //
-double  feed_rate = 1.0;  //  global scope, mm per minute
+double  feed_rate = 1.0;  //  global scope, mm per minute. DEFAULTS to 1.0mm per min, very slow.
 bool    isdigit (int a)
@@ -27,9 +33,6 @@
     return  a;
-extern  double  find_distance (struct Gparams & from, struct Gparams & to, struct Gparams & distance);
-extern  long    find_traverse_ticks(double dist, double feed_rate);
-extern  struct  Gparams    last_position;
 const int   goodcodes[] = {0,'a','b','c','i','j','l','r','x','y','z'};    //  possible G Code options
 const int   const_numofcodes = sizeof(goodcodes) / sizeof(int);
@@ -58,6 +61,9 @@
 //const int   goodcodes[] = {0,'a','b','c','i','j','l','r','x','y','z'};    //  possible G Code options
 //const int   const_numofcodes = sizeof(goodcodes) / sizeof(int);
+//  source_array is the array filled by function 'void    command_line_interpreter    ()'.
+//  It contains any parameters read from the command line :
+//  source_array[i].c may contain 'x' or 'y' etc to tie this entry to one of the 'goodcodes' - or not
     int         codecnt[const_numofcodes +1];
     int         codepos[const_numofcodes +1];
     int j;
@@ -74,8 +80,10 @@
     dest.x.changed = dest.y.changed = dest.z.changed = dest.a.changed = false;
     dest.i.changed = dest.j.changed = dest.r.changed = false;
     dest.x.dbl = last_position.x.dbl;   //  copy previous coordinates in case not re-specified
-    dest.y.dbl = last_position.y.dbl;    dest.z.dbl = last_position.z.dbl;
-    dest.a.dbl = last_position.a.dbl;    dest.i.dbl = last_position.i.dbl;
+    dest.y.dbl = last_position.y.dbl;
+    dest.z.dbl = last_position.z.dbl;
+    dest.a.dbl = last_position.a.dbl;
+    dest.i.dbl = last_position.i.dbl;
     dest.j.dbl = last_position.j.dbl;    dest.r.dbl = last_position.r.dbl;
     j = codepos[find_char_in_goodcodes('a')];
     if  (j)  {
@@ -114,31 +122,163 @@
+const   double  duration_multiplier =   60000000.0 /  interrupt_period_us;
+void    mover   (struct pirbufgrain & ins)   {
+    struct  pirbufgrain outs;
+    double  distx   = ins.x - last_position.x.dbl,
+            disty   = ins.y - last_position.y.dbl,
+            distz   = ins.z - last_position.z.dbl,
+            distT   = sqrt ((distx * distx) + (disty * disty) + (distz * distz)), // 3D Pythag !
+            temp    = n_for_onemmpermin / distT;
+    if  (distT < 0.01)  {
+        pc.printf("Very small move %.4f, Ignoring!\r\n", distT);
+        return;
+    }
+    last_position.x.dbl   = ins.x;     //  Update global last_position record
+    last_position.y.dbl   = ins.y;
+    last_position.z.dbl   = ins.z;
+    outs.f_rate = ins.f_rate;
+    outs.c  = duration_multiplier * distT;   //  Duration ticks subject to feed rate compo
+    outs.x = temp * distx;
+    outs.y = temp * disty;
+    outs.z = temp * distz;  //  Have assembled data ready to put onto queue of move instructions
+    PutMoveOnList   (outs);
+void    g2g3cmdcore (struct singleGparam * source_array, int twoorthree) {
+    struct  Gparams tmp;
+    struct  pirbufgrain start_point, end_point, centre_point, next_point;
+    int state = 0, arc_steps;
+    double  rad_start, rad_end, start_angle, end_angle, next_angle, swept_angle, angle_step, arc_len, z_step;
+    if  (twoorthree != 2 && twoorthree != 3)    {
+        pc.printf("Err got %d when should be 2 or 3", twoorthree);
+        return;
+    }
+    if  (twoorthree == 2)
+        pc.printf("g2 Clockwise Arc\r\n");
+    else
+        pc.printf("g3 CounterClockwise Arc\r\n");
+    get_codepositions   (source_array, tmp);  //  will overwrite with new where entered
+    pc.printf("X %s\r\n", tmp.x.changed ? "T":"F");
+    pc.printf("Y %s\r\n", tmp.y.changed ? "T":"F");
+    pc.printf("Z %s\r\n", tmp.z.changed ? "T":"F");
+    pc.printf("R %s\r\n", tmp.r.changed ? "T":"F");
+    pc.printf("I %s\r\n", tmp.i.changed ? "T":"F");
+    pc.printf("J %s\r\n", tmp.j.changed ? "T":"F");
+    if  (!tmp.x.changed || !tmp.y.changed)                  state |= 0x10000;    //  Error, X or Y missing
+    if  (tmp.r.changed && !tmp.i.changed && !tmp.j.changed) state |= 1;  //  Validated R mode got R not I not J
+    if  (!tmp.r.changed && tmp.i.changed && tmp.j.changed)  state |= 2;  //  Validated IJ mode not R got I got J
+    start_point.x   = last_position.x.dbl;
+    start_point.y   = last_position.y.dbl;
+    start_point.z   = last_position.z.dbl;
+    end_point.x     = tmp.x.dbl;
+    end_point.y     = tmp.y.dbl;
+    end_point.z     = tmp.z.dbl;
+    switch  (state) {
+        case    1:  //  Radius format arc
+            pc.printf("Valid Radius format arc TO DO - not yet implemeted\r\n");
+        break;
+        case    2:  //  Centre format arc ** OFFSETS ARE RELATIVE ** Abs coordinates not catered for
+            pc.printf("Valid Centre format arc\r\n");
+            centre_point.x = start_point.x + tmp.i.dbl;
+            centre_point.y = start_point.y + tmp.j.dbl;
+            rad_start   = hypot(start_point.x - centre_point.x, start_point.y - centre_point.y);
+            rad_end     = hypot(end_point.x - centre_point.x, end_point.y - centre_point.y);
+            pc.printf("Start  point X %.3f, Y %.3f\r\n", start_point.x, start_point.y);
+            pc.printf("Centre point X %.3f, Y %.3f\r\n", centre_point.x, centre_point.y);
+            pc.printf("End    point X %.3f, Y %.3f\r\n", end_point.x, end_point.y);
+            pc.printf("Rad start %.3f, Rad end %.3f\r\n", rad_start, rad_end);
+            if  (fabs(rad_start - rad_end) > 0.001)  {
+//            if  ((rad_start - rad_end) > 0.001 || (rad_start - rad_end) < -0.001)  {
+                state |= 0x20000;
+                pc.printf("Radii mismatch error in g2g3\r\n");
+            }
+            start_angle =   atan2(start_point.y - centre_point.y, start_point.x - centre_point.x);
+            end_angle   =   atan2(end_point.y - centre_point.y, end_point.x - centre_point.x);
+            swept_angle = end_angle - start_angle;
+            //swept_angle = 0.0;  //=IF((B$8=2);IF((H$24>-0.0001);(H$24-2*PI());(H$24))
+                                //           ;IF((H$24>0.0001);(H$24);(H$24+2*PI())))
+            if  (twoorthree == 2)   {
+                if  (swept_angle > -epsilon)
+                    swept_angle -= TWO_PI;
+            }
+            else    {   //  twoorthree is 3
+                if  (!(swept_angle > epsilon))
+                    swept_angle += TWO_PI;
+            }
+            arc_len  = fabs(rad_start * swept_angle);
+            pc.printf("start_angle %.3f, end_angle %.3f, swept_angle %.3f, arc_len %.3f\r\n", start_angle, end_angle, swept_angle, arc_len);
+            arc_steps = (int)(4.0 + fabs(1.7 * rad_end * swept_angle)); //  fiddle factors adjusted empirically !
+            angle_step = swept_angle / arc_steps;
+            next_angle = start_angle;
+            z_step = (end_point.z - start_point.z) / arc_steps;
+            next_point.z = start_point.z;
+            pc.printf("Number of steps = %d, angle_step %.3f\r\n", arc_steps, angle_step);
+            for (int i = 0; i < arc_steps; i++) {   //  cut 'arc_steps' straight lines
+                next_angle += angle_step;
+                next_point.x = centre_point.x + (rad_start * cos(next_angle));
+                next_point.y = centre_point.y + (rad_start * sin(next_angle));
+                next_point.z += z_step; 
+                pc.printf("X %.3f, Y %.3f\r\n", next_point.x, next_point.y);
+                Thread::wait(300);
+            }
+        break;  //  end of case    2:  //  Centre format arc ** OFFSETS ARE RELATIVE ** Abs coordinates not catered for
+        default:    //  Input error detected
+            pc.printf("Input error detected in g2g3, code %x\r\n", state);
+        break;
+    }   //  end of switch(state)
 void    g0g1cmdcore (struct singleGparam * source_array, double f_rate)    //  Updates any / all of x, y, z NCOs
-    struct  Gparams                 pxyz, distance;
-    struct  axis_speeds_element     q;
-    get_codepositions   (source_array, pxyz);  //  will overwrite with new where entered
-    pc.printf("g0");
-    if  (pxyz.x.changed)  {pc.printf(" X %f", pxyz.x.dbl);}
-    if  (pxyz.y.changed)  {pc.printf(" Y %f", pxyz.y.dbl);}
-    if  (pxyz.z.changed)  {pc.printf(" Z %f", pxyz.z.dbl);}
-    pc.printf("\r\n");
-//    for (int j = 1; j < const_numofcodes; j++) {
-//        pc.printf   ("Count of %c is %d, last position %d, last value %f\r\n", goodcodes[j], codecnt[j], codepos[j], a[codepos[j]].d);
-//    }
-    double  distT   = find_distance (last_position, pxyz, distance);  //  also fills in distance x y z
-    double  temp    = n_for_onemmpermin * f_rate / distT;
-    q.duration_ticks = find_traverse_ticks(distT, f_rate);
-    last_position.x.dbl   = pxyz.x.dbl;     //  Update global last_position record
-    last_position.y.dbl   = pxyz.y.dbl;
-    last_position.z.dbl   = pxyz.z.dbl;
-    q.x = (signed long)(temp * distance.x.dbl);
-    q.y = (signed long)(temp * distance.y.dbl);
-    q.z = (signed long)(temp * distance.z.dbl);
-    q.a = 0;
-    pir_updater (&q);     //    pir_updater (struct Gparams & p);   //  To arrive here with wanted 'mm per min' values in x, y and z
+{   //  Only get here when some G0 or G1 input has been read.  G0 or G1 determined by f_rate
+    struct  pirbufgrain ins, outs;
+    double  distx, disty, distz;//, outx, outy, outz, outtimefactor;
+    struct  Gparams tmp;
+    get_codepositions   (source_array, tmp);  //  will overwrite with new where entered
+    if  (!tmp.x.changed && !tmp.y.changed && !tmp.z.changed)    {
+        pc.printf("No change in X, Y or Z in G0/G1. Ignoring\r\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    ins.x  = tmp.x.dbl;
+    ins.y  = tmp.y.dbl;
+    ins.z  = tmp.z.dbl;
+    ins.f_rate = f_rate;
+    distx  = ins.x - last_position.x.dbl;     //  All doubles
+    disty  = ins.y - last_position.y.dbl;
+    distz  = ins.z - last_position.z.dbl;
+    double  distT = sqrt ((distx * distx) + (disty * disty) + (distz * distz));
+    if  (distT < 0.01)  {
+        pc.printf("Very small move %.4f, Ignoring!\r\n", distT);
+        return;
+    }
+    if  (f_rate > feed_rate_max)   {
+        pc.printf("WARNING Stupid feed rate in G0/G1 of %f, setting to %f\r\n", f_rate, feed_rate_max);
+        f_rate = feed_rate_max;
+    }
+    if  (f_rate < 0.0)  {
+        pc.printf("Bonkers neg feed rate %f, setting to 0");
+        f_rate = 0.0;
+    }
+    double  temp    = n_for_onemmpermin / distT;
+//    pc.printf("\nG0--G1 Moving to  X %4.4f, Y %4.4f, Z%4.4f, distT %f\r\n", px, py, pz, distT);
+//    pc.printf("Moving From pos'n X %4.4f, Y %4.4f, Z%4.4f\r\n", last_position.x.dbl, last_position.y.dbl, last_position.z.dbl);
+//    pc.printf("Distances to move X %4.4f, Y %4.4f, Z%4.4f\r\n", distx, disty, distz);
+//    pc.printf("mm per sec req'd  X %4.4f, Y %4.4f, Z%4.4f\r\n", xmmps, ymmps, zmmps);
+    pc.printf("Total move distance %4.4f, at feed rate %.2f, run time SECs = %f\r\n", distT, f_rate, 60.0 * distT / f_rate);
+//    pc.printf("This time maps to %f interrupt ticks\r\n", run_secs * 1000000.0 / interrupt_period_us);
+    last_position.x.dbl   = ins.x;     //  Update global last_position record
+    last_position.y.dbl   = ins.y;
+    last_position.z.dbl   = ins.z;
+    outs.f_rate = ins.f_rate;
+    outs.c  = duration_multiplier * distT;   //  Duration ticks subject to feed rate compo
+    outs.x = temp * distx;
+    outs.y = temp * disty;
+    outs.z = temp * distz;
+//    pc.printf("Dists Scaled for angle, X%f, Y%f, Z%f\r\n", outs.x, outs.y, outs.z);
+//    pc.printf("Last position X%f, Y%f, Z%f\r\n", last_position.x.dbl, last_position.y.dbl, last_position.z.dbl);
+//    outs.a.dbl = 0.0;     // not used axis
+    PutMoveOnList (outs);
 void    g0cmd (struct singleGparam * a)    //  Updates any / all of x, y, z NCOs
@@ -151,25 +291,26 @@
     g0g1cmdcore (a, feed_rate);     //  Settable feed_rate
-void    fcmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {
-    if  (a[1].dbl < feed_rate_min || a[1].dbl > feed_rate_max)    {
-        pc.printf   ("Errror setting feed rate, can't set to %f, ignoring request\r\n", a[1].dbl);
-        return;
+void    fcmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {  //  Set Feed Rate command
+    if  (a[1].dbl < 0.0)    {
+        pc.printf("feed rate %f ? Setting to 0\r\n", a[1].dbl);
+        a[1].dbl = 0.0;
+    }
+    if  (a[1].dbl > feed_rate_max)    {
+        pc.printf   ("Error, can't set feed rate to %f, max is %f, ", a[1].dbl, feed_rate_max);
+        a[1].dbl = feed_rate_max;
     pc.printf   ("Setting feed_rate to %f\r\n", a[1].dbl);
     feed_rate = a[1].dbl;
-extern unsigned long pir_s;
-extern  int spindlefwdrev;
 void    sfcmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {pc.printf("Spindle Fwd\r\n"); spindlefwdrev = 0;}
 void    srcmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {pc.printf("Spindle Rev\r\n"); spindlefwdrev = 4;}
 void    stopcmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {pc.printf("Stop ! er, not working yet\r\n");}
 void    scmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {
     pc.printf("pir_s=0x%x\r\n", pir_s);
-    if  (a[1].dbl < spindle_min || a[1].dbl > spindle_max)    {
+    if  (a[1].dbl < 0.0 || a[1].dbl > spindle_max)    {
         pc.printf   ("Errror setting spindle RPM, can't set to %f, ignoring request\r\n", a[1].dbl);
 //        return;
@@ -200,12 +341,42 @@
 void    g53cmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {pc.printf("g53 Move in Absolute Coordinates\r\n");}
 void    g90cmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {pc.printf("g90 Absolute Distance Mode\r\n");}
-void    g2cmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {pc.printf("g2 Clockwise Arc\r\n");}
-void    g3cmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {pc.printf("g3 CounterClockwise Arc\r\n");}
+void    g2cmd (struct singleGparam * a)   { //  Clockwise arc
+    g2g3cmdcore (a, 2);
+    }
+void    g3cmd (struct singleGparam * a)   { //  Counter clockwise arc
+    g2g3cmdcore (a, 3);
+    }
 void    g4cmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {pc.printf("g4 Dwell\r\n");}
 void    g91p1cmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {pc.printf("g91.1 \r\n");}
-extern  struct  digital_readouts    dro;    //
+void    tasktstone    (void const * name)
+    static int i = 0;
+    pc.printf("Arrived at tasktstone\r\n");
+    while   (true)  {
+        pc.printf("%s %d\r\n", name, i++);
+        Thread::wait(9500);
+        osThreadYield();
+    }
+/*void    tasktestcmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {
+    pc.printf("At tasktestcmd\r\n");
+    Thread tasktest (tasktstone, (void *) "Bollocks");
+    pc.printf("Leaving tasktestcmd\r\n");
+void    lisscmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {
+    if(liss_active) {
+        pc.printf("Can not add Lissajous, already running.\r\n");
+    }
+    else    {
+        pc.printf("Adding Lissajous task\r\n");
+        liss_active = true;
+    }
 void    drooncmd    (struct singleGparam * a)
     dro.dro_output = true;     //  Enable continuous dro display update
@@ -215,10 +386,6 @@
     dro.dro_output = false;    //  Disable continuous dro display update
-//extern  void    craptest    ()  ;
-//void    g1cmd (struct singleGparam * a)   {
-//    craptest    ();
 void    g90p1cmd (struct singleGparam * a)
@@ -232,19 +399,28 @@
 void    menucmd (struct singleGparam * a);
-struct  kb_command  {
+struct kb_command  {
     const char * cmd_word;         //  points to text e.g. "menu"
     const char * explan;
     void (*f)(struct singleGparam *);   //  points to function
-}  kbc[] = {
-    {(char const *)"menu", "Lists available commands, same as ls", menucmd},
-    {(char const *)"ls", "Lists available commands, same as menu", menucmd},
+}  ;
+struct  kb_command const * command_list_ptr = NULL;   //  Pointer switched between 'input_syntax_check' and 'command_execute'
+struct  kb_command const  input_syntax_check  [] = {
+    {"menu", "Lists available commands, same as ls", menucmd},
+    {"ls", "Lists available commands, same as menu", menucmd}    
+    }   ;
+struct  kb_command const command_execute[] = {
+    {"menu", "Lists available commands, same as ls", menucmd},
+    {"ls", "Lists available commands, same as menu", menucmd},
     {"stop", "To Stop the Machine !", stopcmd},
     {"sf", "Spindle Clockwise", sfcmd},
     {"sr", "Spindle Anticlockwise", srcmd},
     {"f ", "To set Feed Rate mm/min, e.g. f 25", fcmd},
     {"s ", "To set Spindle RPM, e.g. S 1250", scmd},
-    {"g0", "Not Implemented", g0cmd},
+    {"g0", "Rapid move", g0cmd},
     /*{"m30", "Not Implemented", m30cmd},
     {"m47", "Not Implemented", m47cmd},
     {"m48", "Not Implemented", m48cmd},
@@ -265,20 +441,23 @@
     {"g91.1", "Not Implemented", g91p1cmd},
     {"g90", "Not Implemented", g90cmd},
-    {"g1", "", g1cmd},
-    {"g2", "", g2cmd},
-    {"g3", "", g3cmd},
-    {"g4", "", g4cmd},
+    {"g1", "Linear Interpolation - move straight at current feed rate", g1cmd},
+    {"g2", "Helical Interpolation CW (Arc, circle)", g2cmd},
+    {"g3", "Helical Interpolation CCW (Arc, circle)", g3cmd},
+    {"liss", "Add Lissajous pattern generator", lisscmd},
+//    {"ttest", "Add a task to prove we can, or not", tasktestcmd},
     {"dro on", "Turn dro readout on", drooncmd},
     {"dro off", "Turn dro readout off", drooffcmd}
-const    int numof_menu_items = sizeof(kbc) / sizeof(kb_command);
+//const    int numof_menu_items = sizeof(kbc2) / sizeof(kb_command);
+//const    int numof_menu_items_sc = sizeof(input_syntax_check) / sizeof(kb_command);
+//const    int numof_menu_items_ce = sizeof(command_execute) / sizeof(kb_command);
+int numof_menu_items;
 void    menucmd (struct singleGparam * a)
     pc.printf("At menucmd function - listing commands:-\r\n");
     for(int i = 0; i < numof_menu_items; i++)
-        pc.printf("[%s]\t\t%s\r\n", kbc[i].cmd_word, kbc[i].explan);
+        pc.printf("[%s]\t\t%s\r\n", command_list_ptr[i].cmd_word, command_list_ptr[i].explan);
     pc.printf("End of List of Commands\r\n");
@@ -289,139 +468,131 @@
     return  false;
-char *  readout (char * txt, int p)         //  p has running subtotal of all pulses issued to stepper driver
-    txt[0] = '+';               //  constructs string e.g. "+123.456"
-    txt[8] = 0;                 //  null terminated
-    if  (p < 0)    {
-        txt[0] = '-';
-        p = -p;
-    }
-    p *= 1000;
-    p /= pulses_per_mm;
-    for(int k = 7; k > 0; k--)  {
-        if  (k == 4)
-            txt[k] = '.';
-        else    {
-            txt[k] = '0' + (p % 10);
-            p /= 10;
-        }
-    }
-    return  txt;    //  Returns pointer unaltered for subsequent use by e.g. cout
 ////class CLI {
-const int MAX_PARAMS = 20, MAX_CMD_LEN = 120;
-char    cmd_line[MAX_CMD_LEN + 4];
-struct  singleGparam   params[MAX_PARAMS + 1];
-int     cl_index = 0, ch, lastalpha = 0;
-double  fracmul;
 void    command_line_interpreter    ()
-void    command_line_interpreter    ()
+void    command_line_interpreter    (void const * name)
-    while  (pc.readable()) {
-        if  (cl_index > MAX_CMD_LEN)  {   //  trap out stupidly long command lines
-            pc.printf   ("Keyboard Error!! Killing stupidly long command line");
-            cl_index = 0;
-        }
-        ch = tolower(pc.getc());
-        if(ch != '\r')  //  was this the 'Enter' key?
-            cmd_line[cl_index++] = ch;  //  added char to command being assembled
-        else    {   //  key was CR, may or may not be command to lookup
-            cmd_line[cl_index] = 0; //  null terminate command string
-            if(cl_index)    {   //  If have got some chars to lookup
-                int i, wrdlen;
-                for (i = 0; i < numof_menu_items; i++)   {   //  Look for input match in command list
-                    wrdlen = strlen(kbc[i].cmd_word);
-                    if(strncmp(kbc[i].cmd_word, cmd_line, wrdlen) == 0)  {   //  If match found
-                        bool negflag = false;
-                        int state = 0, paramindex;
-//                            pc.printf("Found match for word [%s]\r\n", kbc[i].wrd);
-                        for(paramindex = 0; paramindex < MAX_PARAMS; paramindex++) {
-                            // Clear out whole set of old parameters ready for anything new on this line
-                            params[paramindex].i = 0;   //  for integer parameters
-                            params[paramindex].c = 0;   //  for last alpha char, helps tie 'X' to '-23.5' etc
-                            params[paramindex].dbl = 0.0; //  for floating point parameters
-                            params[paramindex].ul = 0;
-                            params[paramindex].changed = false;
-                        }
-                        paramindex = 0;
-                        //  read any parameters from command line here
-                        //  Using parameters[0] as count of parameters to follow
-                        while   (wrdlen <= cl_index)  {
-                            ch = cmd_line[wrdlen++];
-                            if(isalpha(ch)) lastalpha = ch;
-                            if(ch == '-')   negflag = true;
-                            if(ch == '+')   negflag = false;
-                            switch  (state) {
-                                case    0:  //  looking for start of a number string
-                                    if(isdigit(ch)) {   //  found first digit of a number string
-                                        paramindex++;
-                                        if(paramindex > MAX_PARAMS)    {
-                                            wrdlen = cl_index;  //  exit condition
-                                            pc.printf("WARNING - too many parameters, ignoring extra\r\n");
-                                        } else    {
-                                            params[paramindex].i = ch - '0';
-                                            params[paramindex].c = lastalpha;
-                                            state = 1;  //  Found first digit char of number string
+const int MAX_PARAMS = 10, MAX_CMD_LEN = 120;
+static  char    cmd_line[MAX_CMD_LEN + 4];
+static  struct  singleGparam   params[MAX_PARAMS + 1];
+static  int     cl_index = 0, lastalpha = 0;
+    pc.printf("Got to cli, Starting cli\r\n");
+    if  (true)  {
+        command_list_ptr = command_execute;
+        numof_menu_items = sizeof(command_execute) / sizeof(kb_command);
+    }
+    else    {
+        command_list_ptr = input_syntax_check;
+        numof_menu_items = sizeof(input_syntax_check) / sizeof(kb_command);
+    }
+    while   (true)  {
+        while  (pc.readable()) {
+            int     ch;
+            if  (cl_index > MAX_CMD_LEN)  {   //  trap out stupidly long command lines
+                pc.printf   ("Keyboard Error!! Killing stupidly long command line");
+                cl_index = 0;
+            }
+            ch = tolower(pc.getc());
+            if(ch != '\r')  //  was this the 'Enter' key?
+                cmd_line[cl_index++] = ch;  //  added char to command being assembled
+            else    {   //  key was CR, may or may not be command to lookup
+                cmd_line[cl_index] = 0; //  null terminate command string
+                if(cl_index)    {   //  If have got some chars to lookup
+                    int i, wrdlen;
+                    for (i = 0; i < numof_menu_items; i++)   {   //  Look for input match in command list
+                        wrdlen = strlen(command_list_ptr[i].cmd_word);
+                        if(strncmp(command_list_ptr[i].cmd_word, cmd_line, wrdlen) == 0)  {   //  If match found
+                            bool negflag = false;
+                            int state = 0, paramindex;
+                            double  fracmul;
+    //                            pc.printf("Found match for word [%s]\r\n", kbc[i].wrd);
+                            for(paramindex = 0; paramindex < MAX_PARAMS; paramindex++) {
+                                // Clear out whole set of old parameters ready for anything new on this line
+                                params[paramindex].i = 0;   //  for integer parameters
+                                params[paramindex].c = 0;   //  for last alpha char, helps tie 'X' to '-23.5' etc
+                                params[paramindex].dbl = 0.0; //  for floating point parameters
+                                params[paramindex].ul = 0;
+                                params[paramindex].changed = false;
+                            }
+                            paramindex = 0;
+                            //  read any parameters from command line here
+                            //  Using parameters[0] as count of parameters to follow
+                            while   (wrdlen <= cl_index)  {
+                                ch = cmd_line[wrdlen++];
+                                if(isalpha(ch)) lastalpha = ch;
+                                if(ch == '-')   negflag = true;
+                                if(ch == '+')   negflag = false;
+                                switch  (state) {
+                                    case    0:  //  looking for start of a number string
+                                        if(isdigit(ch)) {   //  found first digit of a number string
+                                            paramindex++;
+                                            if(paramindex > MAX_PARAMS)    {
+                                                wrdlen = cl_index;  //  exit condition
+                                                pc.printf("WARNING - too many parameters, ignoring extra\r\n");
+                                            } else    {
+                                                params[paramindex].i = ch - '0';
+                                                params[paramindex].c = lastalpha;
+                                                state = 1;  //  Found first digit char of number string
+                                            }
-                                    }
-                                    break;
-                                case    1:  //  looking for end of a number string
-                                    if(isdigit(ch)) {   //  accumulating integer from string
-                                        params[paramindex].i *= 10;
-                                        params[paramindex].i += ch - '0';
-                                    } else    { //  found non-digit terminating number
-                                        if  (ch == '.')  {
-                                            state = 2;
-                                            fracmul = 0.1;
-                                            params[paramindex].dbl = (double)params[paramindex].i;
-                                        } else    {
+                                        break;
+                                    case    1:  //  looking for end of a number string
+                                        if(isdigit(ch)) {   //  accumulating integer from string
+                                            params[paramindex].i *= 10;
+                                            params[paramindex].i += ch - '0';
+                                        } else    { //  found non-digit terminating number
+                                            if  (ch == '.')  {
+                                                state = 2;
+                                                fracmul = 0.1;
+                                                params[paramindex].dbl = (double)params[paramindex].i;
+                                            } else    {
+                                                params[0].i++;    //  count of validated parameters
+                                                state = 0;  //  Have read past last digit of number string
+                                                if(negflag) {
+                                                    params[paramindex].i = -params[paramindex].i;
+                                                    negflag = false;
+                                                }
+                                                params[paramindex].dbl = (double)params[paramindex].i;
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                                    case    2:  //  looking for fractional part of double
+                                        if(isdigit(ch)) {   //  accumulating fractional part from string
+                                            params[paramindex].dbl += (double)((ch - '0') * fracmul);
+                                            fracmul /= 10.0;
+                                        } else    { //  found non-digit terminating double precision number
                                             params[0].i++;    //  count of validated parameters
                                             state = 0;  //  Have read past last digit of number string
                                             if(negflag) {
                                                 params[paramindex].i = -params[paramindex].i;
+                                                params[paramindex].dbl = -params[paramindex].dbl;
                                                 negflag = false;
-                                            params[paramindex].dbl = (double)params[paramindex].i;
-                                    }
-                                    break;
-                                case    2:  //  looking for fractional part of double
-                                    if(isdigit(ch)) {   //  accumulating fractional part from string
-                                        params[paramindex].dbl += (double)((ch - '0') * fracmul);
-                                        fracmul /= 10.0;
-                                    } else    { //  found non-digit terminating double precision number
-                                        params[0].i++;    //  count of validated parameters
-                                        state = 0;  //  Have read past last digit of number string
-                                        if(negflag) {
-                                            params[paramindex].i = -params[paramindex].i;
-                                            params[paramindex].dbl = -params[paramindex].dbl;
-                                            negflag = false;
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                    break;
-                                default:
-                                    break;
-                            }   //  end of switch state
-                        }       //  end of while wrdlen < cl_index
-//                            pc.printf("Found match to [%s] with %d parameters\r\n", kbc[i].wrd, paramindex);
-                        kbc[i].f(params);   //  execute command
-                        i = numof_menu_items + 1;    //  to exit for loop
-                    }
-                }       // End of for numof_menu_items
-                if(i == numof_menu_items)
-                    pc.printf("No Match Found for CMD [%s]\r\n", cmd_line);
-            }           //  End of If have got some chars to lookup
-            cl_index = lastalpha = 0;
-        }               // End of else key was CR, may or may not be command to lookup
-    }                   //  End of while (pc.readable())
-//        osThreadYield();  //  Not using RTOS on this project
+                                        break;
+                                    default:
+                                        break;
+                                }   //  end of switch state
+                            }       //  end of while wrdlen < cl_index
+    //                            pc.printf("Found match to [%s] with %d parameters\r\n", command_list_ptr[i].wrd, paramindex);
+                            command_list_ptr[i].f(params);   //  execute command
+                            i = numof_menu_items + 1;    //  to exit for loop
+                        }
+                    }       // End of for numof_menu_items
+                    if(i == numof_menu_items)
+                        pc.printf("No Match Found for CMD [%s]\r\n", cmd_line);
+                }           //  End of If have got some chars to lookup
+                cl_index = lastalpha = 0;
+            }               // End of else key was CR, may or may not be command to lookup
+        }                   //  End of while (pc.readable())
+    //    pc.printf("cli yielding\r\n");
+        osThreadYield();  //  Using RTOS on this project
+    }
 ////} cli;