STM3 ESC dual brushless motor controller. 10-60v, motor power rating tiny to kW. Ganged or independent motor control As used in 'The Brute' locomotive -

Dependencies:   mbed BufferedSerial Servo FastPWM


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
12:d1d21a2941ef 2019-03-04 JonFreeman STM3 ESC dual motor controller boards. Always 'Work In Progress', working snapshot March 2019 default tip
11:bfb73f083009 2019-01-19 JonFreeman Tidied class parameter passing, serial problem fixed (was hardware)
10:e40d8724268a 2019-01-15 JonFreeman Buggered serial comms to TS controller
9:ac2412df01be 2018-11-10 JonFreeman About to work on hand control state machine to remove need of power cycle for direction change
8:93203f473f6e 2018-08-18 JonFreeman Work underway to drive brushed motors.; Code as supplied to Rob
7:6deaeace9a3e 2018-06-17 JonFreeman Firmware for STM3 Twin Brushless Motor Electronic Speed Controller; Snapshot at 17th June 2018
6:f289a49c1eae 2018-06-05 JonFreeman Migrating towards code for both STM32F401RET (64 pin) and STM32F446ZET7 (144 pin). Should resolve IO conflicts for larger device - getting servo ins and outs working
5:ca86a7848d54 2018-05-29 JonFreeman Adding temperature sensor and fw\re input from possible hand held control box
4:21d91465e4b1 2018-04-26 JonFreeman Adding setup in eeprom code, responses to be aligned to controller;
3:ecb00e0e8d68 2018-03-18 JonFreeman Starting motors requires high-side mosfet drivers being enabled. Auto tickleup functions now included to switch high sides off and on again to charge high side supply capacitors (now 2u2, up from 100n)
2:04761b196473 2018-03-10 JonFreeman Proved board basically works, drives 1 brushless motor, not fitted all comps to test second. About to change MotorA and MotorB to Motor[2] array - more general for N motors;
1:0fabe6fdb55b 2018-03-07 JonFreeman About to start testing twin bldc motor controller board STM2;
0:435bf84ce48a 2018-03-01 JonFreeman Tested so far on Nucleo F401RE.; About to experiment reading pressure sensor MPL3115A2 using library code;