STM3 ESC dual brushless motor controller. 10-60v, motor power rating tiny to kW. Ganged or independent motor control As used in 'The Brute' locomotive -

Dependencies:   mbed BufferedSerial Servo FastPWM

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Mar 04 17:51:08 2019 +0000
Commit message:
STM3 ESC dual motor controller boards. Always 'Work In Progress', working snapshot March 2019

Changed in this revision

24LC64_eeprom.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
DualBLS.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
F401RE.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Radio_Control_In.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Radio_Control_In.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Servo.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
brushless_motor.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
brushless_motor.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
cli_BLS_nortos.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
error_handler.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r bfb73f083009 -r d1d21a2941ef 24LC64_eeprom.cpp
--- a/24LC64_eeprom.cpp	Sat Jan 19 11:45:01 2019 +0000
+++ b/24LC64_eeprom.cpp	Mon Mar 04 17:51:08 2019 +0000
@@ -1,16 +1,129 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-//#include "rtos.h"
+#include "DualBLS.h"
 #include "BufferedSerial.h"
 extern  BufferedSerial pc;
-extern  I2C i2c;
+extern  error_handling_Jan_2019     ESC_Error    ;         //  Provides array usable to store error codes.
     //  Code for 24LC64 8k x 8 bit eeprom
     //  Code based on earlier work using memory FM24W256, also at i2c address 0xa0;
 const int addr_rd = 0xa1;  //  set bit 0 for read, clear bit 0 for write
 const int addr_wr = 0xa0;  //  set bit 0 for read, clear bit 0 for write
 const int ACK     = 1;
-bool    ack_poll    ()  {   //  wait short while for any previous memory operation to complete
+struct  optpar  {
+    int min, max, def;  //  min, max, default
+    const char * t;     //  description
+}   ;
+struct  optpar option_list2[] = {
+    {0, 1, 1, "MotorA direction 0 or 1"},
+    {0, 1, 0, "MotorB direction 0 or 1"},
+    {4, 8, 8, "MotorA poles 4 or 6 or 8"},
+    {4, 8, 8, "MotorB poles 4 or 6 or 8"},
+    {1, 4, 1, "MotorA 0R05 ohm current shunt resistors 1 to 4"},
+    {1, 4, 1, "MotorB 0R05 ohm current shunt resistors 1 to 4"},
+    {0, 1, 0, "Servo1 0 = Not used, 1= Output"},
+    {0, 1, 0, "Servo2 0 = Not used, 1= Output"},
+    {0, 1, 0, "RC Input1 0 = Not used, 1= Output"},
+    {0, 1, 0, "RC Input2 0 = Not used, 1= Output"},
+    {2, 5, 2, "Command source 2= COM2 (Touch Screen), 3= Pot, 4= RC Input1, 5= RC Input2"},
+    {'1', '9', '0', "Alternative ID ascii '1' to '9'"}, //  defaults to '0' before eerom setup for first time
+    {10, 250, 60,   "Top speed MPH * 10 range 1.0 to 25.0"},    //  New Jan 2019 TOP_SPEED
+    {50, 253, 98,   "Wheel diameter mm"},   //  New 01/06/2018
+    {10, 253, 27,   "Motor pinion"},   //  New 01/06/2018
+    {50, 253, 85,   "Wheel gear"},   //  New 01/06/2018
+    {0, 100, 0, "Future 1"},
+    {0, 100, 0, "Future 2"},
+    {0, 100, 0, "Future 3"},
+    {0, 100, 0, "Future 4"},
+    {0, 100, 0, "Future 5"},
+}   ;
+const   int    numof_eeprom_options2    = sizeof(option_list2) / sizeof (struct optpar);
+class   eeprom_settings {
+    I2C i2c;
+    uint32_t    errors;
+    char        settings    [36];
+    bool        rd_24LC64  (int start_addr, char * dest, int length)    ;
+    bool        wr_24LC64  (int start_addr, char * dest, int length)    ;
+    bool        set_24LC64_internal_address (int    start_addr) ;
+    bool        ack_poll    ()  ;
+  public:
+    eeprom_settings (PinName sda, PinName scl); //  Constructor
+    char        rd  (uint32_t)  ;           //  Read one setup char value from private buffer 'settings'
+    bool        wr  (char, uint32_t)  ;     //  Write one setup char value to private buffer 'settings'
+    bool        save    ()  ;               //  Write 'settings' buffer to EEPROM
+    uint32_t    errs    ()  ;               //  Return errors
+}   ;
+bool        eeprom_settings::set_defaults    () {         //  Put default settings into EEPROM and local buffer
+    for (int i = 0; i < numof_eeprom_options2; i++)
+        settings[i] = option_list2[i].def;       //  Load defaults and 'Save Settings'
+    return  save    ();
+uint32_t    eeprom_settings::errs   ()  {
+    return  errors;
+//  Use :   eeprom_settings (SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN);
+eeprom_settings::eeprom_settings    (PinName sda, PinName scl) : i2c(sda, scl)  //  Constructor
+    errors = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++)
+        settings[i] = 0;
+    i2c.frequency(400000);      //  Speed 400000 max.
+    int last_found = 0, q;      //  Note address bits 3-1 to match addr pins on device
+    for (int i = 0; i < 255; i += 2)    {   //  Search for devices at all possible i2c addresses
+        i2c.start();
+        q = i2c.write(i);   //  may return error code 2 when no start issued
+        switch  (q) {
+            case    ACK:
+                pc.printf   ("I2C device found at 0x%x\r\n", i);
+                last_found = i;
+            case    2:      //  Device not seen at this address
+            break;
+            default:
+                pc.printf   ("Unknown error %d in check_24LC64\r\n", q);
+                errors |= 512;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    i2c.stop();
+    if  (errors || last_found != 0xa0)    {
+        pc.printf   ("Error - EEPROM not seen %d\r\n", errors);
+        errors |= 0xa0;
+        ESC_Error.set   (FAULT_EEPROM, errors);                      //  Set FAULT_EEPROM bits if 24LC64 problem
+    }
+    else    {   //  Found 24LC64 memory on I2C. Attempt to load settings from EEPROM
+        errors = 0;
+        if  (!rd_24LC64   (0, settings, 32))
+            ESC_Error.set   (FAULT_EEPROM, 2);                      //  Set FAULT_EEPROM bit 1 if 24LC64 problem
+        for (int i = 0; i < numof_eeprom_options2; i++) {
+            if  ((settings[i] < option_list2[i].min) || (settings[i] > option_list2[i].max))  {
+                pc.printf   ("EEROM error with %s\r\n", option_list2[i].t);
+                errors++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    ESC_Error.set   (FAULT_EEPROM, errors);  //  sets nothing if 0
+    if  (errors > 1) {
+        pc.printf   ("Bad settings found at startup. Restoring defaults\r\n");
+        for (int i = 0; i < numof_eeprom_options2; i++)
+            settings[i] = option_list2[i].def;       //  Load defaults and 'Save Settings'
+        if  (!wr_24LC64  (0, settings, 32))         //  Save settings
+            pc.printf   ("Error saving EEPROM in mode19\r\n");
+    }
+    else    //  0 or 1 error max found
+        pc.printf   ("At startup, settings errors = %d\r\n", errors);
+}       //  endof constructor
+bool    eeprom_settings::ack_poll    ()  {   //  wait short while for any previous memory operation to complete
     const int poll_tries    = 40;
     int poll_count = 0;
     bool    i2cfree = false;
@@ -19,14 +132,12 @@
         if  (i2c.write(addr_wr) == ACK)
             i2cfree = true;
-//            Thread::wait(1);   //   1ms
             wait_ms   (1);
-//    pc.printf   ("ack_poll, count = %d, i2cfree = %s\r\n", poll_count, i2cfree ? "true" : "false");
     return  i2cfree;
-bool    set_24LC64_internal_address (int    start_addr)   {
+bool    eeprom_settings::set_24LC64_internal_address (int    start_addr)   {
     if  (!ack_poll())
         pc.printf   ("Err in set_24LC64_internal_address, no ACK writing device address byte\r\n");
@@ -44,7 +155,29 @@
     return  true;
-bool    wr_24LC64  (int start_addr, char * source, int length)   {
+bool eeprom_settings::rd_24LC64  (int start_addr, char * dest, int length)   {
+    int acknak = ACK;
+    if(length < 1)
+        return false;
+    if  (!set_24LC64_internal_address   (start_addr))   {
+        pc.printf   ("In rd_24LC64, failed to set_ramaddr\r\n");
+        return  false;
+    }
+    i2c.start();
+    if  (i2c.write(addr_rd) != ACK) {
+        pc.printf   ("Errors in rd_24LC64 sending addr_rd\r\n");
+        return  false;
+    }
+    while(length--) {
+        if(length == 0)
+            acknak = 0;
+        *dest++ =;
+    }
+    i2c.stop();
+    return  true;
+bool    eeprom_settings::wr_24LC64  (int start_addr, char * source, int length)   {
     int err = 0;
     if(length < 1 || length > 32)   {
         pc.printf   ("Length out of range %d in wr_24LC64\r\n", length);
@@ -66,46 +199,22 @@
     return  true;
-bool rd_24LC64  (int start_addr, char * dest, int length)   {
-    int acknak = ACK;
-    if(length < 1)
-        return false;
-    if  (!set_24LC64_internal_address   (start_addr))   {
-        pc.printf   ("In rd_24LC64, failed to set_ramaddr\r\n");
-        return  false;
+char    eeprom_settings::rd  (uint32_t i)  {           //  Read one setup char value from private buffer 'settings'
+    if  (i > 31)    {
+        pc.printf   ("ERROR Attempt to read setting %d\r\n");
+        return  0;
-    i2c.start();
-    if  (i2c.write(addr_rd) != ACK) {
-        pc.printf   ("Errors in rd_24LC64 sending addr_rd\r\n");
+    return  settings[i];
+bool    eeprom_settings::wr  (char c, uint32_t i)  {           //  Read one setup char value from private buffer 'settings'
+    if  (i > 31)
         return  false;
-    }
-    while(length--) {
-        if(length == 0)
-            acknak = 0;
-        *dest++ =;
-    }
-    i2c.stop();
+    settings[i] = c;
     return  true;
-int check_24LC64   ()  {     //  Call from near top of main() to init i2c bus
-//    i2c.frequency(400000);      //  Speed 400000 max.
-    i2c.frequency(400000);      //  Speed 400000 max.
-    int last_found = 0, q;      //  Note address bits 3-1 to match addr pins on device
-    for (int i = 0; i < 255; i += 2)    {   //  Search for devices at all possible i2c addresses
-        i2c.start();
-        q = i2c.write(i);   //  may return error code 2 when no start issued
-        switch  (q) {
-            case    ACK:
-                pc.printf   ("I2C device found at 0x%x\r\n", i);
-                last_found = i;
-            case    2:      //  Device not seen at this address
-            break;
-            default:
-                pc.printf   ("Unknown error %d in check_24LC64\r\n", q);
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    i2c.stop();
-    return  last_found;
+bool    eeprom_settings::save    ()  {               //  Write 'settings' buffer to EEPROM
+    return  wr_24LC64   (0, settings, 32);
diff -r bfb73f083009 -r d1d21a2941ef DualBLS.h
--- a/DualBLS.h	Sat Jan 19 11:45:01 2019 +0000
+++ b/DualBLS.h	Mon Mar 04 17:51:08 2019 +0000
@@ -3,20 +3,24 @@
-const   int     HANDBRAKE   = 0,
-                FORWARD     = 8,
-                REVERSE     = 16,
-                REGENBRAKE  = 24;
+//#define USING_DC_MOTORS     //  Uncomment this to play with Dinosaur DC motors
-const   int     TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 30;
+#include "BufferedSerial.h"
+const   int     MOTOR_HANDBRAKE   = 0,
+                MOTOR_FORWARD     = 8,
+                MOTOR_REVERSE     = 16,
+                MOTOR_REGENBRAKE  = 24;
+const   int     TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 2;
 /*  Please Do Not Alter these */
-const   int     PWM_PRESECALER_DEFAULT      = 5,
+const   int     PWM_PRESECALER_DEFAULT      = 2,
                 VOLTAGE_READ_INTERVAL_US    = 50,       //  Interrupts timed every 50 micro sec, runs around loop performing 1 A-D conversion per pass
                 MAIN_LOOP_REPEAT_TIME_US    = 31250,    //  31250 us, with TACHO_TAB_SIZE = 32 means tacho_ticks_per_time is tacho_ticks_per_second
                 MAIN_LOOP_ITERATION_Hz      = 1000000 / MAIN_LOOP_REPEAT_TIME_US,
-                CURRENT_SAMPLES_AVERAGED    = 100,     //  Current is spikey. Reading smoothed by using average of this many latest current readings
+//                CURRENT_SAMPLES_AVERAGED    = 100,     //  Current is spikey. Reading smoothed by using average of this many latest current readings
                 PWM_HZ              = 15000,    //  chosen to be above cutoff frequency of average human ear
+//                PWM_HZ              = 8000,    //  chosen to be above cutoff frequency of average human ear - clearly audible annoying noise
                 MAX_PWM_TICKS       = (SystemCoreClock / (PWM_HZ * PWM_PRESECALER_DEFAULT)),
                 TICKLE_TIMES    =   100 ,
                 WATCHDOG_RELOAD = (TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 8);    //  WatchDog counter ticked down in 8Hz loop
@@ -27,36 +31,95 @@
-//enum    {MOTADIR, MOTBDIR, GANG, SVO1, SVO2, COMM_SRC, ID, WHEELDIA, MOTPIN, WHEELGEAR}  ;  //  Identical in TS and DualBLS
-struct  optpar  {
-    int min, max, def;  //  min, max, default
-    const char * t;     //  description
-}   ;
-struct  optpar const option_list[] = {
-    {0, 1, 1, "MotorA direction 0 or 1"},
-    {0, 1, 0, "MotorB direction 0 or 1"},
-    {0, 1, 1, "gang 0 for separate control (robot mode), 1 for ganged loco bogie mode"},
-    {0, 2, 2, "Servo1 0, 1, 2 = Not used, Input, Output"},
-    {0, 2, 2, "Servo2 0, 1, 2 = Not used, Input, Output"},
-    {1, 5, 2, "Command source 0 Invalid, 1 COM1, 2 COM2, 3 Pot, 4 Servo1, 5 Servo2"},
-    {'1', '9', '0', "Alternative ID ascii '1' to '9'"}, //  defaults to '0' before eerom setup for first time
-    {50, 253, 98,  "Wheel diameter mm"},   //  New 01/06/2018
-    {10, 253, 27,  "Motor pinion"},   //  New 01/06/2018
-    {50, 253, 85,  "Wheel gear"},   //  New 01/06/2018
-    {1, 20, 4, "Bogie power closest hundreds of Watt"}, //  New 22/06/2018
-    {0, 100, 0, "Future 1"},
-    {0, 100, 0, "Future 2"},
-    {0, 100, 0, "Future 3"},
-    {0, 100, 0, "Future 4"},
-    {0, 100, 0, "Future 5"},
-}   ;
-const int    numof_eeprom_options    = sizeof(option_list) / sizeof (struct optpar);
+            FUT1, FUT2, FUT3, FUT4, FUT5}  ;  //  
-struct  single_bogie_options   {
-    char    motoradir, motorbdir, gang, svo1, svo2, comm_src, id, wheeldia, motpin, wheelgear, spare;
+enum    {
+    FAULT_0,
+    }  ;
+class   error_handling_Jan_2019
+    int32_t    ESC_fault[NUMOF_REPORTABLE_TS_ERRORS]    ;   //  Some number of reportable error codes, accessible through set and read members
+    public:
+    error_handling_Jan_2019 ()  {   //  default constructor
+        for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(ESC_fault) / sizeof(int32_t)); i++)
+            ESC_fault[i] = 0;
+    }
+    void        set   (uint32_t, int32_t)   ;
+    void        clr     (uint32_t)  ;
+    uint32_t    read  (uint32_t)   ;
+    bool        all_good    ()  ;
+    void        report_any  (bool)  ;   //  retain ? true or false
 }   ;
-//const   double  SERVOIN_PWR_BENDER = 1.5;   //  Used to change servo_in stick at centre position to match pot approx 1/3 braking 2/3 driving
+enum    {SOURCE_PC, SOURCE_TS}  ;
+const int   BROADCAST   = '\r';
+const   int MAX_PARAMS = 20;
+const   int MAX_CMD_LEN = 220;
+struct  parameters  {
+    struct kb_command const * command_list;
+    BufferedSerial * com;   //  pc or com2
+    int32_t position_in_list, numof_dbls, target_unit, source, numof_menu_items;
+    double  dbl[MAX_PARAMS];
+    bool    respond, resp_always;
+}   ;
+class   cli_2019    {
+    struct  kb_command const * commandlist ;
+    int     clindex;
+    char    cmdline[MAX_CMD_LEN + 8];
+    char    * cmdline_ptr;
+    parameters  a   ;
+    cli_2019    (BufferedSerial * comport, kb_command const * list, int list_len, int source)  {
+           = comport ;
+        a.command_list = commandlist  = list  ;
+        a.numof_menu_items  = list_len  ;
+        a.source        = source    ;
+        cmdline_ptr = cmdline;
+        clindex    = 0;
+        if  (source == SOURCE_PC)
+            a.resp_always = true;
+        else
+            a.resp_always = false;
+    }  ;
+    void    core   ()  ;
+    void    test   ()  ;
+}   ;
+class   eeprom_settings {
+    I2C i2c;
+    uint32_t    errors;
+    char        settings    [36];
+    bool        rd_24LC64  (int start_addr, char * dest, int length)    ;
+    bool        wr_24LC64  (int start_addr, char * dest, int length)    ;
+    bool        set_24LC64_internal_address (int    start_addr) ;
+    bool        ack_poll    ()  ;
+  public:
+    eeprom_settings (PinName sda, PinName scl); //  Constructor
+    char        rd  (uint32_t)  ;           //  Read one setup char value from private buffer 'settings'
+    bool        wr  (char, uint32_t)  ;     //  Write one setup char value to private buffer 'settings'
+    bool        save    ()  ;               //  Write 'settings' buffer to EEPROM
+    bool        set_defaults    ();         //  Put default settings into EEPROM and local buffer
+    uint32_t    errs    ()  ;               //  Return errors
+}   ;
diff -r bfb73f083009 -r d1d21a2941ef F401RE.h
--- a/F401RE.h	Sat Jan 19 11:45:01 2019 +0000
+++ b/F401RE.h	Mon Mar 04 17:51:08 2019 +0000
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 //  Pin 14  Port_A AUL
 //  Pin 15  Port_A AUH
 //  Pins 16, 17 BufferedSerial pc
-BufferedSerial  pc          (PA_2, PA_3, 512, 4, NULL);    //  Pins 16, 17    tx, rx to pc via usb lead
+BufferedSerial  pc          (PA_2, PA_3, 2048, 4, NULL);    //  Pins 16, 17    tx, rx to pc via usb lead
 //  Pin 18  VSS     NET GND
 //  Pin 19  VDD     NET +3V3
 //  Pin 20  Port_A AWL
@@ -147,12 +147,9 @@
 //Was DigitalOut  T5  (PA_15); //  Pin 50
 DigitalIn   T5  (PA_15); //  Pin 50 now fwd/rev from remote control box if fitted
-//InterruptIn MAH1    (PC_10);    //  Pin 51
-//InterruptIn MAH2    (PC_11);    //  Pin 52
-//InterruptIn MAH3    (PC_12);    //  Pin 53
-#define _MAH1   PC_10
-#define _MAH2   PC_11
-#define _MAH3   PC_12
+#define _MAH1   PC_10   //  Pin 51
+#define _MAH2   PC_11   //  Pin 52
+#define _MAH3   PC_12   //  Pin 53
 //InterruptIn MBH1    (PD_2);     //  Pin 54
 #define _MBH1   PD_2
 DigitalOut  T6      (PB_3);     //  Pin 55
@@ -161,7 +158,9 @@
 //FastPWM     B_MAX_V_PWM     (PB_4, PWM_PRESECALER_DEFAULT),  //  Pin 56                  pwm3/3
 //            B_MAX_I_PWM     (PB_5, PWM_PRESECALER_DEFAULT); //  pin 57, prescaler value  pwm3/4
-I2C i2c                     (PB_7, PB_6);   //  Pins 58, 59 For 24LC64 eeprom
+//I2C i2c                     (PB_7, PB_6);   //  Pins 58, 59 For 24LC64 eeprom
+#define SDA_PIN PB_7
+#define SCL_PIN PB_6
 //  Pin 60  BOOT0
 //  Servo pins, 2 off. Configured as Input to read radio control receiver
diff -r bfb73f083009 -r d1d21a2941ef Radio_Control_In.cpp
--- a/Radio_Control_In.cpp	Sat Jan 19 11:45:01 2019 +0000
+++ b/Radio_Control_In.cpp	Mon Mar 04 17:51:08 2019 +0000
@@ -39,6 +39,12 @@
     return  period_us;
+void    RControl_In::reset ()
+    pulse_width_us = period_us = pulse_count = 0;
+    t.reset ();
 bool    RControl_In::validate_rx ()
 {   //  Tests for pulse width and repetition rates being believable
     return  !((period_us < 5000) || (period_us > 25000) || (pulse_width_us < 800) || (pulse_width_us > 2200));
diff -r bfb73f083009 -r d1d21a2941ef Radio_Control_In.h
--- a/Radio_Control_In.h	Sat Jan 19 11:45:01 2019 +0000
+++ b/Radio_Control_In.h	Mon Mar 04 17:51:08 2019 +0000
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
         lost_chan_return_value = 0.0;
     }   ;
     bool        validate_rx ()  ;   //  Informs whether signal being rx'd
+    void        reset   ()  ;
     void        set_lost_chan_return_value  (double)  ; //  set what 'normalised' returns when no signal
     uint32_t    pulsecount  ()  ;     //  will count up at frame rate when radio control all working well
     uint32_t    pulsewidth  ()  ;
diff -r bfb73f083009 -r d1d21a2941ef Servo.lib
--- a/Servo.lib	Sat Jan 19 11:45:01 2019 +0000
+++ b/Servo.lib	Mon Mar 04 17:51:08 2019 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
diff -r bfb73f083009 -r d1d21a2941ef brushless_motor.cpp
--- a/brushless_motor.cpp	Sat Jan 19 11:45:01 2019 +0000
+++ b/brushless_motor.cpp	Mon Mar 04 17:51:08 2019 +0000
@@ -8,14 +8,17 @@
 #include "Servo.h"
 #include "brushless_motor.h"
+extern  eeprom_settings     mode     ;
+extern  double  rpm2mph ;
+extern  BufferedSerial pc;            //  The two com ports used. There is also an unused com port, com3 setup @ 1200 baud
 brushless_motor::brushless_motor    (PinName iadc, PinName pwv, PinName pwi, 
-    const uint16_t * lutptr, PinName px, PinName py, PinName pz, PortName pn, int port_bit_mask) 
+    const uint16_t * lutptr, PinName px, PinName py, PinName pz, PortName pn, int port_bit_mask, uint32_t rnum) 
     : Motor_I(iadc), maxV(pwv,PWM_PRESECALER_DEFAULT), maxI(pwi,PWM_PRESECALER_DEFAULT), H1(px), H2(py), H3(pz), OP(pn, port_bit_mask)      //  Constructor
     //  Constructor
     OP = 0;
-    H1.mode (PullUp);
+    H1.mode (PullUp);   //  PullUp resistors enabled on all Hall sensor input pins
     H2.mode (PullUp);
     H3.mode (PullUp);
     H1.rise (callback(this, &brushless_motor::Hall_change));     // Attach handler to the rising interruptIn edge
@@ -25,34 +28,65 @@
     H3.rise (callback(this, &brushless_motor::Hall_change));     // Attach handler to the rising interruptIn edge
     H3.fall (callback(this, &brushless_motor::Hall_change));     // Attach handler to the falling interruptIn edge
     Hall_total = 0;  //  mode can be only 0, 8, 16 or 24, lut row select for Handbrake, Forward, Reverse, or Regen Braking
-    latest_pulses_per_sec = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < MAIN_LOOP_ITERATION_Hz; i++)
-        edge_count_table[i] = 0;
-    Hall_tab_ptr = 0;
+    Hall_previous = 0;
     maxV.period_ticks      (MAX_PWM_TICKS + 1);  //  around 18 kHz
     maxI.period_ticks      (MAX_PWM_TICKS + 1);
-    maxV.pulsewidth_ticks  (MAX_PWM_TICKS / 20);
-    maxI.pulsewidth_ticks  (MAX_PWM_TICKS / 30);
-    visible_mode    = REGENBRAKE;
-    inner_mode      = REGENBRAKE;
-    lut = lutptr;
+    maxV.pulsewidth_ticks  (MAX_PWM_TICKS - 20);    //  Motor voltage pwm is inverted, see MCP1630 data
+    maxI.pulsewidth_ticks  (MAX_PWM_TICKS / 30);    //  Motor current pwm is not inverted. Initial values for scope hanging test
+    visible_mode    = MOTOR_REGENBRAKE;
+    inner_mode      = MOTOR_REGENBRAKE;
+    lut = lutptr;                       //  Pointer to motor energisation bit pattern table
+    current_sense_rs_offset = rnum;     //  This is position in mode.rd(current_sense_rs_offset)
     Hall_index[0] = Hall_index[1]  = read_Halls    ();
-    ppstmp  = 0;
-    cs_ptr = 0;
     tickleon    = 0;
     direction   = 0;
     angle_cnt   = 0;        //  Incremented or decremented on each Hall event according to actual measured direction of travel
     encoder_error_cnt = 0;  //  Incremented when Hall transition not recognised as either direction
-    PPS     = 0;
-    RPM     = 0;
     last_V = last_I = 0.0;
+    Idbl = 0.0;
+    numof_current_sense_rs = 1.0;
+    RPM_filter  = 0.0;
+    dv_by_dt = 0.0;
+    s[1] = 0.25;
+    s[2] = 9.0;
+    s[3] = 0.4;
+    s[4] = 0.2;
+    dRPM        = 0.0;
+    V_clamp =   1.0 ;       //  Used to limit top speed
+    motor_poles   = 8;    //  Default to 8 pole motor
     dc_motor = (Hall_index[0] == 7) ? true : false    ;
-void    brushless_motor::sniff_current   ()  {
-    current_samples[cs_ptr++] = Motor_I.read_u16    (); //
-    if  (cs_ptr >= CURRENT_SAMPLES_AVERAGED)
-        cs_ptr = 0;
+*   void    brushless_motor::sniff_current   ()  {          //  Initiate ADC current reading
+*       This to be called in response to ticker timebase interrupt.
+*       As designed, called at 200 micro second intervals (Feb 2019)
+*       Updates double I.dbl current measured in milliamps
+*       Reading not used elsewhere in this code but made available through command line for external controller
+void    brushless_motor::sniff_current   ()  {          //  Initiate ADC current reading
+    const   double  sampweight  = 0.01 ; /// (double)CURRENT_SAMPLES_AVERAGED    ;
+    const   double  shrinkby    = 1.0 - sampweight;
+    uint16_t    samp    = Motor_I.read_u16    (); //  CHECK but thought to be called once per 200us for each motor - CORRECT Feb 2019
+    double      dbls    = ((double)samp) * numof_current_sense_rs / 6.0;    //  reading in mA
+    Idbl *= shrinkby;              //  Jan 2019    New recursive low pass filter
+    Idbl += dbls * sampweight;     //  Current reading available, however not certain this is of any real use
+bool    brushless_motor::poles  (int p)  {              //  Jan 2019 max_rom no longer used. target_speed is preferred
+    if  (!max_rpm)  {   //  Not been set since powerup
+        max_rpm = (uint32_t) (((double)mode.rd(TOP_SPEED) / rpm2mph) / 10.0)  ;
+        target_speed = (double)mode.rd(TOP_SPEED) / 10.0;
+        numof_current_sense_rs = (double)mode.rd(current_sense_rs_offset);
+        pc.printf   ("max_rpm=%d, tp speed=%.1f, rpm2mph=%.6f\r\n", max_rpm, target_speed, rpm2mph);
+    }
+    if  (p == 4 || p == 6 || p == 8)    {
+        motor_poles = p;
+        return  true;
+    }
+    return  false;
 void    brushless_motor::Hall_change   ()  {
@@ -80,127 +114,163 @@
     Hall_index[1] = Hall_index[0];
-bool    brushless_motor::motor_is_brushless   ()
-    /*    int x = read_Halls  ();
-        if  (x < 1 || x > 6)
-            return  false;
-        return  true;
-        */
-    return  !dc_motor;
-void    brushless_motor::direction_set   (int dir)  {
-Used to set direction according to mode data from eeprom
+*   void    brushless_motor::direction_set   (int dir)  {
+*   Used to set direction according to mode data from eeprom
 void    brushless_motor::direction_set   (int dir)
-    if  (dir != 0)
-        dir = FORWARD | REVERSE;  //  bits used in eor
-    direction = dir;
+    direction = (dir != 0) ? MOTOR_FORWARD | MOTOR_REVERSE : 0; //  bits used in eor, FORWARD = 1<<3, REVERSE = 1<<4
 int     brushless_motor::read_Halls  ()
     int x = 0;
-    if  (H1 != 0)    x |= 1;
-    if  (H2 != 0)    x |= 2;
-    if  (H3 != 0)    x |= 4;
+    if  (H1)    x |= 1;
+    if  (H2)    x |= 2;
+    if  (H3)    x |= 4;
     return  x;
-void    brushless_motor::high_side_off   ()
+void    brushless_motor::high_side_off   () //  Jan 2019    Only ever called from main when high side gate drive charge might need pumping up
-//    uint16_t    p = *Motor_Port;
     uint16_t    p = OP;
     p &= lut[32];   //  KEEP_L_MASK_A or B
-//    *Motor_Port = p;
     OP = p;
 void    brushless_motor::low_side_on   ()
-//    uint16_t    p = *Motor_Port;
-//    p &= lut[31];   //  KEEP_L_MASK_A or B
-//    *Motor_Port = lut[31];
-    OP = lut[31];
+    maxV.pulsewidth_ticks  (1);
+    OP = lut[31];   //  KEEP_L_MASK_A or B
-void    brushless_motor::current_calc ()
+void    brushless_motor::set_speed (double p) //  Sets target_speed
-    I.min = 0x0fffffff; //  samples are 16 bit
-    I.max = 0;
-    I.ave = 0;
-    uint16_t    sample;
-    for (int i = 0; i < CURRENT_SAMPLES_AVERAGED; i++)  {
-        sample  = current_samples[i];
-        I.ave += sample;
-        if  (I.min > sample)
-            I.min   = sample;
-        if  (I.max < sample)
-            I.max   = sample;
-    }
+    target_speed = p;
-void    brushless_motor::raw_V_pwm    (int    v)
-    if  (v < 1) v = 1;
-    if  (v > MAX_PWM_TICKS) v = MAX_PWM_TICKS;
-    maxV.pulsewidth_ticks  (v);
-void    brushless_motor::set_V_limit (double p)  //  Sets max motor voltage. Use set_V_limit (last_V) to restore previous setting
+*   void    brushless_motor::set_V_limit (double p)  //  Sets max motor voltage.
+*   Set motor voltage limit from zero (p=0.0) to max link voltage (p=1.0)
+void    brushless_motor::set_V_limit (double p)  //  Sets max motor voltage.
     if  (p < 0.0)
         p = 0.0;
     if  (p > 1.0)
         p = 1.0;
-    last_V = p;     //  for read by diagnostics
-    p *= 0.95;   //  need limit, ffi see MCP1630 data
+    last_V = p;     //  Retains last voltage limit demanded by driver
+    if  ((V_clamp < last_V) && (inner_mode == MOTOR_FORWARD || inner_mode == MOTOR_REVERSE))    //  Jan 2019 limit top speed when driving
+        p = V_clamp;    //  If motor runnable, set voltage limit to lower of last_V and V_clamp
+    p *= 0.95;      //  need limit, ffi see MCP1630 data
     p   = 1.0 - p;  //  because pwm is wrong way up
     maxV.pulsewidth_ticks  ((int)(p * MAX_PWM_TICKS));  //  PWM output to MCP1630 inverted motor pwm as MCP1630 inverts
+/**void    brushless_motor::set_I_limit (double p)     //  Sets max motor current. pwm integrated to dc ref voltage level
+*   Set motor current limit from zero (p=0.0) to max determined by current sense resistors (p=1.0)
+*       Value sent to pwm with RC integrator acting as AnalogOut.
+*       pwm capable of 0.0 <= V_out <= 3.3. This feeds MCP1630 V_Ref, range 0 to 2.7v
+*       Therefore (2.7/3.3) = 0.82 factor included.
+*   Jan 2019 - As yet uncalibrated, so let's have a go at working it out!
+*       Voltage ax current sense resistors amplified by op-amp with gain 5.7 (see EasyPC file 'BrushlessSTM3.sch', U6, R63, R64)
+*       This then put through pot divider (10k with 4k7 to ground, gain 0.32) reducing overall gain to 1.8 (accurate enough)
+*       This connects to MCP1630 CS (current sense) pin which works over the voltage range 0.0 to 0.9v
+*       Therefore 0.5v across current sense resistor is sufficient to turn driver off.
+*       0.5v across 0.05 ohm gives 10A per current sense resistor fitted.
+*       ** NOTE ** This is fast acting cycle by cycle current limit, the 10A figure is therefore peak T_on current.
+*   Current flows through current sense reaistor when one high side and one low side switch are on, expect a rising ramp due to motor inductance.
+*   When either switch is off, inductor current continues to flow but not through current sense resistors, through a parasitic diode instead.
+*   Thus T_on current is measured, T_off current is not measured
+*   This means current reading should approximate to current taken from the supply. Motor average current may be considerably higher.
+*       During REGEN_BRAKING, current flows the 'wrong' way through sense resistors and can not be measured.
+*   Board designed to have 1, 2, 3 or 4 0R05 current sense resistors per motor for 10A, 20A, 30A or 40A peak motor currents
 void    brushless_motor::set_I_limit (double p)     //  Sets max motor current. pwm integrated to dc ref voltage level
-    int a;
+    const   uint32_t MPR = ((MAX_PWM_TICKS * 9) / 11);    //  Scales 3.3v pwm DAC output to 2.7v V_Ref input
     if  (p < 0.0)
         p = 0.0;
     if  (p > 1.0)
         p = 1.0;
-    last_I = p;
-    a = (int)(p * MAX_PWM_TICKS);
-    if  (a > MAX_PWM_TICKS)
-        a = MAX_PWM_TICKS;
-    if  (a < 0)
-        a = 0;
-    maxI.pulsewidth_ticks  (a);  //  PWM
+    last_I = p;     //  Retains last current limit demanded by driver
+    maxI.pulsewidth_ticks  ((uint32_t)(p * MPR));  //  PWM
-uint32_t    brushless_motor::pulses_per_sec   ()       //  call this once per 'MAIN_LOOP_REPEAT_TIME_US= 31250' main loop pass to keep count = edges per sec
+*   void    brushless_motor::speed_monitor_and_control   ()       //  ** CALL THIS 32 TIMES PER SECOND **
+*   Call this once per 'MAIN_LOOP_REPEAT_TIME_US= 31250' main loop pass to keep RPM and MPH figures correct
+*   Tracks total transitions on Hall sensor inputs to determine speed.
+*   Sets variables double dRPM of motor RPM, and double dMPH miles per hour
+*   Speed control - double target_speed as reference input. *
+*       **  This is where any speed limit gets applied **
+*           Motor voltage reduced when at or over speed. Does NOT apply any braking
+*   Scope for further improvement of control algorithm - crude implementation of PID with no I
+void    brushless_motor::speed_monitor_and_control   ()       //  call this once per 'MAIN_LOOP_REPEAT_TIME_US= 31250' main loop pass to keep count = edges per sec
-    //  Can also test for motor running or not here
     if  (dc_motor)
         return  0;
-    if  (ppstmp == Hall_total)  {
-//    if  (dc_motor || ppstmp == Hall_total)  {
-        moving_flag  = false;       //  Zero Hall transitions since previous call - motor not moving
-        tickleon    = TICKLE_TIMES;
-    } else    {
-        moving_flag  = true;
-        ppstmp = Hall_total;
+//  Feb 2019 - coefficients currently values in ram to allow for tweaking via command line. Will be 'const' once settled upon.
+//    const   double  samp_scale  = 0.35;                  //  Tweak this value only to tune filter
+    double  samp_scale  = s[1];                  //  Tweak this value only to tune filter
+    double  shrink_by   = 1.0 - samp_scale;
+//    const   double  dv_scale    =   0.15;
+    double  dv_scale    =   s[3];
+    double  dv_shrink   = 1.0 - dv_scale;
+    double  speed_error, d, t;
+    uint32_t        Hall_tot_copy = Hall_total;     //  Copy value for use throughout function as may get changed at any instant during exec !
+    moving_flag  = true;
+    if  (Hall_previous == Hall_tot_copy)  {         //  Test for motor turning or not
+        moving_flag  = false;                       //  Zero Hall transitions since previous call - motor not moving
+        tickleon    = TICKLE_TIMES;                 //  May need to tickle some charge into high side switch bootstrap supplies
+    } 
+    d   = (double) ((Hall_tot_copy - Hall_previous) *640);  //  (Motor Hall sensor transitions in previous 31250us) * 640
+    d   /= motor_poles;                 //  d now true but lumpy 'RPM' during most recent 31250us corrected for number of motor poles
+    t   = RPM_filter;   //  Value from last time around
+    RPM_filter  *= shrink_by;
+    RPM_filter  += (d * samp_scale);  //  filtered RPM
+                                        //  RPM_filter[n] = shrink_by RPM_filter[n - 1] + samp_scale x[n]
+    t    -= RPM_filter;  //  more like minus dv/dt
+    dv_by_dt    *= dv_shrink;
+    dv_by_dt    += (t * dv_scale);    //  filtered rate of change, the 'D' Differential contribution to PID control
+    dRPM += RPM_filter;
+    dRPM /= 2.0;
+    dMPH    = RPM_filter * rpm2mph;     //  Completed updates of RPM and MPH
+    if  (inner_mode == MOTOR_FORWARD || inner_mode == MOTOR_REVERSE) {  //  Speed control only makes sense when motor runnable
+        speed_error    = (target_speed - dMPH) / 1000.0;                //  'P' Proportional contribution to PID control
+        d = V_clamp + (speed_error * s[2]) + ((dv_by_dt / 1000.0) * s[4]);  //  Apply P+I+D (with I=0) control
+        if  (d > 1.0)   d = 1.0;
+        if  (d < 0.0)   d = 0.0;
+        V_clamp = d;
+        if  (V_clamp < last_V)   //  Jan 2019 limit top speed when driving
+        {    
+            d *= 0.95;   //  need limit, ffi see MCP1630 data
+            d   = 1.0 - d;  //  because pwm is wrong way up
+            maxV.pulsewidth_ticks  ((int)(d * MAX_PWM_TICKS));  //  PWM output to MCP1630 inverted motor pwm as MCP1630 inverts
+        }
-    latest_pulses_per_sec = ppstmp - edge_count_table[Hall_tab_ptr];
-    edge_count_table[Hall_tab_ptr] = ppstmp;
-    Hall_tab_ptr++;
-    if  (Hall_tab_ptr >= MAIN_LOOP_ITERATION_Hz)
-        Hall_tab_ptr = 0;
-    PPS = latest_pulses_per_sec;
-    RPM = (latest_pulses_per_sec * 60) / 24;
-    return  latest_pulses_per_sec;
+/*    temp_tick++;
+    if  (temp_tick > 35)    {   //  one and a bit second
+        temp_tick = 0;
+        pc.printf   ("RPM %.0f, %.3f, %.3f, %.2f, dv/dt%.3f\r\n", dRPM, RPM_filter, d, dMPH, dv_by_dt);
+    }
+    Hall_previous = Hall_tot_copy;
 bool    brushless_motor::is_moving ()
@@ -215,7 +285,7 @@
 bool    brushless_motor::set_mode (int m)
-    if  ((m != HANDBRAKE) && (m != FORWARD) && (m != REVERSE) && (m !=REGENBRAKE))  {
+    if  ((m != MOTOR_HANDBRAKE) && (m != MOTOR_FORWARD) && (m != MOTOR_REVERSE) && (m != MOTOR_REGENBRAKE))  {
 //        pc.printf   ("Error in set_mode, invalid mode %d\r\n", m);
         return  false;
@@ -224,16 +294,15 @@
         set_I_limit (0.0);
         visible_mode = m;
-    if  (m == FORWARD || m == REVERSE)
+    if  (m == MOTOR_FORWARD || m == MOTOR_REVERSE)
         m ^= direction;
     inner_mode = m;     //  idea is to use inner_mode only in lut addressing, keep 'visible_mode' true regardless of setup data in eeprom
     return  true;
-void    brushless_motor::motor_set  ()
+void    brushless_motor::motor_set  ()  //  Energise Port with data determined by Hall sensors
     Hall_index[0]  = read_Halls    ();
-//    *Motor_Port = lut[inner_mode | Hindex[0]];
     OP = lut[inner_mode | Hall_index[0]];
diff -r bfb73f083009 -r d1d21a2941ef brushless_motor.h
--- a/brushless_motor.h	Sat Jan 19 11:45:01 2019 +0000
+++ b/brushless_motor.h	Mon Mar 04 17:51:08 2019 +0000
@@ -7,49 +7,53 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "DualBLS.h"
+#include "FastPWM.h"
 class   brushless_motor
     int32_t     angle_cnt;
-    uint32_t    Hall_index[2], encoder_error_cnt;
-    uint32_t    Hall_total, visible_mode, inner_mode, edge_count_table[MAIN_LOOP_ITERATION_Hz]; //  to contain one seconds worth
-    uint32_t    latest_pulses_per_sec, Hall_tab_ptr, direction, ppstmp;
-    bool    moving_flag;
-    const   uint16_t * lut;
-    uint16_t    ttabl[34];
-    FastPWM maxV;
-    FastPWM maxI;
-    InterruptIn H1;
-    InterruptIn H2;
-    InterruptIn H3;
-    PortOut     OP;
+    uint32_t    Hall_index[2], encoder_error_cnt, motor_poles, current_sense_rs_offset;
+    uint32_t    Hall_total,         //  Incremented on every Hall sensor transition
+                Hall_previous,
+                visible_mode, 
+                inner_mode; 
+    uint32_t    direction;
+    int         temp_tick;
+    double      RPM_filter, dv_by_dt;
+    double      target_speed;
+    bool        moving_flag;
+    const       uint16_t * lut;
     AnalogIn    Motor_I;
-    void    Hall_change ()  ;
-    int     read_Halls  ()  ;           //  Returns 3 bits of latest Hall sensor outputs
+    FastPWM     maxV,   maxI;
+    InterruptIn H1, H2, H3;     //  Inputs for motor Hall sensors
+    PortOut     OP;
+    void        Hall_change ()  ;
+    int         read_Halls  ()  ;           //  Returns 3 bits of latest Hall sensor outputs
+    uint32_t    max_rpm ;
+    double      V_clamp ;   //  Used to limit top speed
+    double      numof_current_sense_rs;
     bool    dc_motor;
-    struct  currents    {
-        uint32_t    max, min, ave;
-    }  I;
-    uint32_t    current_samples[CURRENT_SAMPLES_AVERAGED];  //  Circular buffer where latest current readings get stored
-    uint32_t    cs_ptr;
-    uint32_t    RPM, PPS, tickleon;
+    uint32_t    tickleon;
+    double      Idbl;
     double      last_V, last_I;
+    double      dRPM, dMPH, s[8];
 //    brushless_motor   ()  {}   ;  //  can not use this with exotic elements PortOut, FastPWM etc
-    brushless_motor   (PinName iadc, PinName pwv, PinName pwi, const uint16_t *, PinName h1, PinName h2, PinName h3, PortName, int)   ;   //  Constructor
+    brushless_motor   (PinName iadc, PinName pwv, PinName pwi, const uint16_t *, PinName h1, PinName h2, PinName h3, PortName, int, uint32_t)   ;   //  Constructor
+    bool    poles       (int)   ;   //  Set number of motor poles - 4, 6, or 8
+    void    set_speed   (double)    ;   //  Sets target_speed
     void    set_V_limit (double)    ;  //  Sets max motor voltage
     void    set_I_limit (double)    ;  //  Sets max motor current
     void    motor_set   ()  ;           //  Energise Port with data determined by Hall sensors
-    void    direction_set   (int)  ;    //  sets 'direction' with bit pattern to eor with FORWARD or REVERSE in set_mode
-    bool    set_mode    (int);          //  sets mode to HANDBRAKE, FORWARD, REVERSE or REGENBRAKE
+    void    direction_set   (int)  ;    //  sets 'direction' with bit pattern to eor with MOTOR_FORWARD or MOTOR_REVERSE in set_mode
+    bool    set_mode    (int);          //  sets mode to MOTOR_HANDBRAKE, MOTOR_FORWARD, MOTOR_REVERSE or MOTOR_REGENBRAKE
     bool    is_moving   ()  ;           //  Returns true if one or more Hall transitions within last 31.25 milli secs
-    void    current_calc    ()  ;       //  Updates 3 uint32_t I.min, I.ave, I.max
-    uint32_t    pulses_per_sec   ()  ;  //  call this once per main loop pass to keep count = edges per sec
-    bool    motor_is_brushless  ();
+    void    speed_monitor_and_control   ()  ;  //  call this once per main loop pass (32Hz) to keep count = edges per sec
     void    high_side_off   ()  ;
-    void    low_side_on     ()  ;
-    void    raw_V_pwm   (int);
-    void    sniff_current   ()  ;
+//    void    low_side_on     ()  ;
+    void    sniff_current   ()  ;           //  Call this every 200us to update Idbl
 }   ;   //MotorA, MotorB, or even Motor[2];
diff -r bfb73f083009 -r d1d21a2941ef cli_BLS_nortos.cpp
--- a/cli_BLS_nortos.cpp	Sat Jan 19 11:45:01 2019 +0000
+++ b/cli_BLS_nortos.cpp	Mon Mar 04 17:51:08 2019 +0000
@@ -1,300 +1,447 @@
-//  DualBLS2018_06
+*   Code in this file : -
+*   STM3_ESC board uses two serial ports. 
+*       One (use pc.printf etc) provides 9600 baud comms to a pc or other terminal. Essential for test and setup, not used in everyday use.
+*       com2 provides 19200 baud comms via opto-isolators to Touch Screen Controller (see "Brute_TS_Controller_2018_11"). Opto isolation allows
+*       for several boards to parallel up on this port, each STM3_ESC board having a unique single byte ID char in range '0' to '9'.
+*       This enables Touch Screen controller to address ESC boards individually e.g. for requesting speed, RPM etc
+*       while also allowing broadcast of commands not requiring responses
+*   Code implements a Command Line Interpreter (see class   cli_2019)
+*   Two instantiations of class   cli_2019 are used, 'pcc' for pc comms and 'tsc' for touch screen comms
+*   These read incoming commands and execute code functions accordingly. These functions are all of type
+*       void    func    (struct parameters &)  ;
+*   This allows any command line parameters to pass to 'func'
+//  Brushless_STM3_Ctrl_2018_11
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "BufferedSerial.h"
-#include "FastPWM.h"
 #include "DualBLS.h"
 #include "brushless_motor.h"
 #include <cctype>
-#include "DualBLS.h"
 using namespace std;
-extern  int I_Am    ()  ;      //  Returns boards id number as ASCII char '0', '1' etc. Code for Broadcast = '\r'
+extern  eeprom_settings     mode     ;
+extern  error_handling_Jan_2019     ESC_Error    ;         //  Provides array usable to store error codes.
 extern  int     WatchDog;
 extern  bool    WatchDogEnable;
-extern  char    mode_bytes[];
-extern  brushless_motor MotorA, MotorB;
+extern  double  rpm2mph ;
-const int   BROADCAST   = '\r';
-const   int MAX_PARAMS = 20;
-struct  parameters  {
-    struct kb_command const * command_list;
-    BufferedSerial * com;   //  pc or com2
-    char    cmd_line[120];
-    char    * cmd_line_ptr;
-    int32_t position_in_list, numof_dbls, target_unit, numof_menu_items, cl_index, gp_i;
-    double  dbl[MAX_PARAMS];
-    bool    respond, resp_always;
-}   ;
+extern  brushless_motor MotorA, MotorB;     //  Controlling two motors together or individually
+extern  char   const_version_string[]   ;
-struct parameters pccom, lococom;
-//  WithOUT RTOS
-extern  BufferedSerial com2, pc;
-extern  void    send_test   ()  ;
-extern  void    setVI   (double v, double i)  ;
-extern  void    setV    (double v)  ;
-extern  void    setI    (double i)  ;
-//extern  void    last_VI    (double * val)  ;   //  only for test from cli
-//BufferedSerial * com;
+extern  BufferedSerial com2, pc;            //  The two com ports used. There is also an unused com port, com3 setup @ 1200 baud
+extern  void    setVI   (double v, double i)  ;     //  Set motor voltage limit and current limit
 extern  double  Read_DriverPot  ();
 extern  double  Read_BatteryVolts   ();
-void    pot_cmd (struct parameters & a)
+extern  void    mode_set_both_motors   (int mode, double val)  ;   //  called from cli to set fw, re, rb, hb
+extern  void    rcin_report ()  ;
+//  All void    func    (struct parameters &)  ; functions addressed by command line interpreter are together below here
+void    ver_cmd (struct parameters & a)
+    Responds YES, causes action NO
+    PC or TS able to read software / firmware / hardware version string
+void    ver_cmd (struct parameters & a)
-    pc.printf   ("Driver's pot %.3f\r\n", Read_DriverPot  ());
+    if  (a.source == SOURCE_PC)
+        pc.printf   ("Version %s\r\n", const_version_string);
+    else    {
+        if  (a.source == SOURCE_TS)
+            if (a.respond)     //  Only respond if this board addressed
+      >printf   ("%s\r", const_version_string);
+        else
+            pc.printf   ("Crap source %d in ver_cmd\r\n", a.source);
+    }
+void    pot_cmd (struct parameters & a)
+    Responds YES, causes action NO
+    pc reads DriverPot. No sense in TS reading as STM3_ESC uses either/or TS, DriverPot
+void    pot_cmd (struct parameters & a)
+{   if  (a.source == SOURCE_PC)
+        pc.printf   ("Driver's pot %.3f\r\n", Read_DriverPot  ());
+    else
+        pc.printf   ("Wrong use of pot_cmd\r\n");
+*   Do nothing command, but does report board ID code '0' to '9'
 void    null_cmd (struct parameters & a)
     if  (a.respond) 
->printf   ("At null_cmd, board ID %c, parameters : First %.3f, second %.3f\r\n", I_Am(), a.dbl[0], a.dbl[1]);
-//    {"wden", "enable watchdog if modes allow", wden_lococmd},
-//    {"wddi", "disable watchdog always", wddi_lococmd},
-void    wden_lococmd (struct parameters & a)
-    if  (mode_bytes[COMM_SRC] != 3)     //  When not hand pot control, allow watchdog enable
-        WatchDogEnable  = true;
-void    wden_pccmd (struct parameters & a)
-    wden_lococmd    (a);
->printf   ("Watchdog %sabled\r\n", WatchDogEnable ? "En":"Dis");
+>printf   ("At null_cmd, board ID %c\r\n", mode.rd(BOARD_ID));
-void    wddi_lococmd (struct parameters & a)
-    WatchDogEnable  = false;
-void    wddi_pccmd (struct parameters & a)
-    wddi_lococmd    (a);
->printf   ("Watchdog %sabled\r\n", WatchDogEnable ? "En":"Dis");
-extern  void    report_motor_types  ()  ;
+void    mt_cmd (struct parameters & a)
+    PC Only
+    Responds YES, causes action NO
+    report_motor_types  ()      //  Reports 'Brushless' if Hall inputs read 1 to 6, 'DC' if no Hall sensors connected, therefore DC motor assumed
 void    mt_cmd (struct parameters & a)
-    report_motor_types  ();
-//    if  (a.respond) 
-//>printf   ("At null_cmd, board ID %c, parameters : First %.3f, second %.3f\r\n", I_Am(), a.dbl[0], a.dbl[1]);
+    if  (a.source == SOURCE_PC)
+        pc.printf   ("Mot A is %s, Mot B is %s\r\n", MotorA.dc_motor ? "DC":"Brushless", MotorB.dc_motor ? "DC":"Brushless");
+    else
+        pc.printf   ("Wrong use of mt_cmd\r\n");
+*   void    rdi_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  read motor currents (uint32_t) and BatteryVolts (double)
+void    rdi_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  read motor currents (uint32_t) and BatteryVolts (double)
+{   //  Voltage reading true volts, currents only useful as relative values
+    if  (a.respond) 
+//>printf ("rdi%d %d %.1f\r%s", MotorA.I.ave, MotorB.I.ave, Read_BatteryVolts  (), a.source == SOURCE_PC ? "\n" : "");
+>printf ("rdi%.1f %.1f %.1f\r%s", MotorA.Idbl, MotorB.Idbl, Read_BatteryVolts  (), a.source == SOURCE_PC ? "\n" : "");
+          //  Format good to be unpicked by cli in touch screen controller
-extern  void    mode_set_both_motors   (int mode, double val)  ;   //  called from cli to set fw, re, rb, hb
-void    rdi_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  read motor currents
-    if  (a.respond) 
->printf ("rdi%.0f %.0f %.1f\r", MotorA.I.ave, MotorB.I.ave, Read_BatteryVolts  ());  //  Format good to be unpicked by cli in touch screen controller
+*   void    rvi_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  read last normalised motor voltage and current values sent to pwms
 void    rvi_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  read last normalised values sent to pwms
     if  (a.respond) 
->printf ("rvi%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\r", MotorA.last_V, MotorA.last_I, MotorB.last_V, MotorB.last_I);
-void    fw_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  Forward command
-    mode_set_both_motors   (FORWARD, 0.0);
+>printf ("rvi%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\r%s", MotorA.last_V, MotorA.last_I, MotorB.last_V, MotorB.last_I, a.source == SOURCE_PC ? "\n" : "");
-void    re_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  Reverse command
+*   void    fw_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  Forward command
+*   Broadcast to all STM3_ESC boards, required to ACT but NOT respond
+void    fw_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  Forward command
-    mode_set_both_motors   (REVERSE, 0.0);
-void    rb_cmd (struct parameters & a)      //  Regen brake command
-    double b = a.dbl[0] / 100.0;
-//>printf   ("Applying brake %.3f\r\n", b);
-    mode_set_both_motors   (REGENBRAKE, b);
-//    apply_brake (b);
+    mode_set_both_motors   (MOTOR_FORWARD, 0.0);
+    if  (a.source == SOURCE_PC)
+        pc.printf   ("fw\r\n");     //  Show response to action if command from pc terminal
-extern  bool    wr_24LC64  (int mem_start_addr, char * source, int length)   ;
-extern  bool    rd_24LC64  (int mem_start_addr, char * dest, int length)   ;
-void    erase_cmd (struct parameters & a)       //  Sets eeprom contents to all 0xff. 256 pages of 32 bytes to do
+*   void    re_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  Reverse command
+*   Broadcast to all STM3_ESC boards, required to ACT but NOT respond
+void    re_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  Reverse command
-    char    t[36];
-    for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
-        t[i] = 0xff;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 8191; i += 32)  {
->printf (".");
-        if  (!wr_24LC64   (i, t, 32))
-  >printf ("eeprom write prob\r\n");
-    }
-/*struct  motorpairoptions    {   //  This to be user settable in eeprom, 32 bytes
-    uint8_t MotA_dir,   //  0 or 1
-            MotB_dir,   //  0 or 1
-            gang,       //  0 for separate control (robot mode), 1 for ganged loco bogie mode
-            serv1,      //  0, 1, 2 = Not used, Input, Output
-            serv2,      //  0, 1, 2 = Not used, Input, Output
-            cmd_source, //  0 Invalid, 1 COM1, 2 COM2, 3 Pot, 4 Servo1, 5 Servo2
-    {'1', '9', '0', "Alternative ID ascii '1' to '9'"}, //  defaults to '0' before eerom setup for first time
-    {50, 250, 98,  "Wheel diameter mm"},   //  New 01/06/2018
-    {10, 250, 27,  "Motor pinion"},   //  New 01/06/2018
-    {50, 250, 85,  "Wheel gear"},   //  New 01/06/2018
-//            last;
-}   ;
-//  New 22 June 2018
-//  get bogie bytes - report back to touch controller
-void    gbb_cmd (struct parameters & a)       //  
-    if  (a.target_unit == BROADCAST || !a.resp_always) {
-//>printf ("At mode_cmd, can not use BROADCAST with mode_cmd\r\n");
-    } else    {
-        pc.printf   ("At gbb\r\n");
-        char    eeprom_contents[36];    //  might need to be unsigned?
-        memset  (eeprom_contents, 0, 36);
->printf   ("gbb");
-        rd_24LC64   (0, eeprom_contents, 32);
-        for (int i = 0; i < numof_eeprom_options; i++)
-  >printf (" %d", eeprom_contents[i]);
->putc ('\r');
->putc ('\n');
-    }
+    mode_set_both_motors   (MOTOR_REVERSE, 0.0);
+    if  (a.source == SOURCE_PC)
+        pc.printf   ("re\r\n");
-void    mode_cmd (struct parameters & a)       //  With no params, reads eeprom contents. With params sets eeprom contents
+*   void    rb_cmd (struct parameters & a)      //  Regen brake command
+*   Broadcast to all STM3_ESC boards, required to ACT but NOT respond
+void    rb_cmd (struct parameters & a)      //  Regen brake command
-    if  (a.target_unit == BROADCAST || !a.resp_always) {
-//>printf ("At mode_cmd, can not use BROADCAST with mode_cmd\r\n");
-    } else    {
-        char    t[36];
->printf ("At mode_cmd with node %d\r\n", a.target_unit);
-        rd_24LC64   (0, t, 32);
->printf ("Numof params=%d\r\n", a.numof_dbls);
-        for (int i = 0; i < numof_eeprom_options; i++)
-  >printf ("%2x\t%s\r\n", t[i], option_list[i].t);
-        if  (a.numof_dbls == 0) {   //  Read present contents, do not write
-  >printf ("That's it\r\n");
-        } else    { //  Write new shit to eeprom
-  >printf ("\r\n");
-            if  (a.numof_dbls != numof_eeprom_options) {
-      >printf ("params required = %d, you offered %d\r\n", numof_eeprom_options, a.numof_dbls);
-            } else    { //  Have been passed correct number of parameters
-                int b;
-      >printf("Ready to write params to eeprom\r\n");
-                for (int i = 0; i < numof_eeprom_options; i++) {
-                    b = (int)a.dbl[i];  //  parameter value to check against limits
-                    if  (i == 6)    //  Alternative ID must be turned to ascii
-                        b |= '0';
-                    if  ((b < option_list[i].min) || (b > option_list[i].max))  {   //  if parameter out of range
-              >printf("Warning - Parameter = %d, out of range, setting to default %d\r\n", b, option_list[i].def);
-                        b = option_list[i].def;
-                    }
-          >printf ("0x%2x\t%s\r\n", (t[i] = b), option_list[i].t);
-                }
-                wr_24LC64   (0, t, numof_eeprom_options);
-                memcpy  (mode_bytes,t,32);
-      >printf("Parameters set in eeprom\r\n");
-            }
-        }
-    }
+    mode_set_both_motors   (MOTOR_REGENBRAKE, a.dbl[0] / 100.0);
+    if  (a.source == SOURCE_PC)
+        pc.printf   ("rb %.2f\r\n", a.dbl[0] / 100.0);
-/*void    coast_cmd (struct parameters & a)   {   //  Coast
+*   void    hb_cmd (struct parameters & a)      //  Hand brake command
+*   Broadcast to all STM3_ESC boards, required to ACT but NOT respond
+*   NOTE    Jan 2019 Hand brake not implemented
-void    hb_cmd (struct parameters & a)
+void    hb_cmd (struct parameters & a)      //  Hand brake command
     if  (a.respond) {>printf   ("numof params = %d\r\n", a.numof_dbls);>printf   ("Hand Brake : First %.3f, second %.3f\r\n", a.dbl[0], a.dbl[1]);
-    mode_set_both_motors   (HANDBRAKE, 0.0);
+    mode_set_both_motors   (MOTOR_HANDBRAKE, 0.0);
-extern  uint32_t    last_temp_count;
+extern  int numof_eeprom_options2    ;
+extern  struct  optpar const option_list2[]  ;
+/**void    mode_cmd (struct parameters & a)       //  With no params, reads eeprom contents. With params sets eeprom contents
+*   mode_cmd called only from pc comms. No sense calling from Touch Screen Controller
+*   Called without parameters - Lists to pc terminal current settings
+void    mode19_cmd (struct parameters & a)       //  With no params, reads eeprom contents. With params sets eeprom contents
+    char            temps[36];
+    int i;
+    double  topspeed;   //  New Jan 2019 - set max loco speed
+    pc.printf   ("\r\nmode - Set system data in EEPROM - Jan 2019\r\nSyntax 'mode' with no parameters lists current state.\r\n");
+    if  (a.numof_dbls)  {           //  If more than 0 parameters supplied
+        for (i = 0; i < a.numof_dbls; i++)
+            temps[i] = (char)a.dbl[i];          //  recast doubles to char
+        while   (i < 33)
+            temps[i++] = 0;
+        switch  ((int)a.dbl[0]) {
+            case    0:      //  MotorA_dir [0 or 1], MotorB_dir [0 or 1]
+                if  (temps[1] == 0 || temps[1] == 1)
+                    mode.wr(temps[1], MOTADIR);
+                if  (temps[2] == 0 || temps[2] == 1)
+                    mode.wr(temps[2], MOTBDIR);
+                break;
+            case    1:      //  MotorA_poles [4,6,8], MotorB_poles [4,6,8]
+                if  (temps[1] == 4 || temps[1] == 6 || temps[1] == 8)
+                    mode.wr(temps[1], MOTAPOLES);
+                if  (temps[2] == 4 || temps[2] == 6 || temps[2] == 8)
+                    mode.wr(temps[2], MOTBPOLES);
+                break;
+            case    2:      //  MotorA_ current sense resistors [1 to 4], MotorB_ current sense resistors [1 to 4]
+                if  (temps[1] > 0 && temps[1] < 5) 
+                    mode.wr(temps[1], MOTADIR);
+                if  (temps[2] > 0 && temps[2] < 5)  
+                    mode.wr(temps[2], MOTBDIR);
+                break;
+            case    3:      //  2 Servo1 [0 or 1], Servo2 [0 or 1]
+                if  (temps[1] == 0 || temps[1] == 1)
+                    mode.wr(temps[1], SVO1);
+                if  (temps[2] == 0 || temps[2] == 1)
+                    mode.wr(temps[2], SVO2);
+                break;
+            case    4:      //  3 RCIn1 [0 or 1], RCIn2 [0 or 1]
+                if  (temps[1] == 0 || temps[1] == 1)
+                    mode.wr(temps[1], RCIN1);
+                if  (temps[2] == 0 || temps[2] == 1)
+                    mode.wr(temps[2], RCIN2);
+                break;
+            case    5:      //  4 Board ID '0' to '9'
+                if  (temps[1] <= 9)    //  pointless to compare unsigned integer with zero
+                    mode.wr('0' | temps[1], BOARD_ID);
+                break;
+            case    6:      //  TOP_SPEED
+                topspeed = a.dbl[1];
+                if  (topspeed > 25.0)   topspeed = 25.0;
+                if  (topspeed < 1.0)    topspeed = 1.0;
+                mode.wr((char)(topspeed * 10.0), TOP_SPEED);
+                break;
+            case    7:      //  5 Wheel dia mm, Motor pinion teeth, Wheel gear teeth
+                mode.wr(temps[1], WHEELDIA);
+                mode.wr(temps[2], MOTPIN);
+                mode.wr(temps[3], WHEELGEAR);
+                break;
+            case    8:      //    {2, 5, 2, "Command source 2= COM2 (Touch Screen), 3= Pot, 4= RC Input1, 5= RC Input2"},
+                if  (temps[1] > 1 && temps[1] < 6)
+                    mode.wr(temps[1], COMM_SRC);
+                break;
+            case    83: //  set to defaults
+                mode.set_defaults   ();
+                break;
+            case    9:      //  9 Save settings
+         ();
+                pc.printf   ("Saving settings to EEPROM\r\n");
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }       //  endof   switch
+    }           //  endof   //  If more than 0 parameters supplied
+    else    {
+        pc.printf   ("No Changes\r\n");
+    }
+    pc.printf   ("mode 0\tMotorA_dir [0 or 1]=%d, MotorB_dir [0 or 1]=%d\r\n", mode.rd(MOTADIR), mode.rd(MOTBDIR));
+    pc.printf   ("mode 1\tMotorA_poles [4,6,8]=%d, MotorB_poles [4,6,8]=%d\r\n", mode.rd(MOTAPOLES), mode.rd(MOTBPOLES));
+    pc.printf   ("mode 2\tMotorA I 0R05 sense Rs [1to4]=%d, MotorB I 0R05 sense Rs [1to4]=%d\r\n", mode.rd(ISHUNTA), mode.rd(ISHUNTB));
+    pc.printf   ("mode 3\tServo1 [0 or 1]=%d, Servo2 [0 or 1]=%d\r\n", mode.rd(SVO1), mode.rd(SVO2));
+    pc.printf   ("mode 4\tRCIn1 [0 or 1]=%d, RCIn2 [0 or 1]=%d\r\n", mode.rd(RCIN1), mode.rd(RCIN2));
+    pc.printf   ("mode 5\tBoard ID ['0' to '9']='%c'\r\n", mode.rd(BOARD_ID));
+    pc.printf   ("mode 6\tTop Speed MPH [1.0 to 25.0]=%.1f\r\n", double(mode.rd(TOP_SPEED)) / 10.0);
+    pc.printf   ("mode 7\tWheel dia mm=%d, Motor pinion teeth=%d, Wheel gear teeth=%d\r\n", mode.rd(WHEELDIA), mode.rd(MOTPIN), mode.rd(WHEELGEAR));
+    pc.printf   ("mode 8\tCommand Src [%d] - 2=COM2 (Touch Screen), 3=Pot, 4=RC In1, 5=RC In2\r\n", mode.rd(COMM_SRC));
+    pc.printf   ("mode 83\tSet to defaults\r\n");
+    pc.printf   ("mode 9\tSave settings\r\r\n");
+extern  uint32_t    last_temperature_count;
+*   void    temperature_cmd  (struct parameters & a)  {
+*   Few boards have temperature sensor fitted. Non-preferred feature
 void    temperature_cmd  (struct parameters & a)  {
     if  (a.respond) {
->printf ("tem%c %d\r\n", mode_bytes[ID], (last_temp_count / 16) - 50);
+>printf ("tem%c %d\r\n", mode.rd(BOARD_ID), (last_temperature_count / 16) - 50);
-void    bogie_constants_report_cmd  (struct parameters & a)  {
-    if  (a.respond) {
->printf ("bc%c %d %d %d\r\n", mode_bytes[ID], mode_bytes[WHEELDIA], mode_bytes[MOTPIN], mode_bytes[WHEELGEAR]);
-    }
+*void    rpm_cmd (struct parameters & a) //  to report e.g. RPM 1000 1000 ; speed for both motors
 void    rpm_cmd (struct parameters & a) //  to report e.g. RPM 1000 1000 ; speed for both motors
     if  (a.respond) 
->printf  ("rpm%d %d\r", MotorA.RPM, MotorB.RPM);
+//>printf  ("rpm%c %d %d\r%s", mode.rd(BOARD_ID), MotorA.RPM, MotorB.RPM, a.source == SOURCE_PC ? "\n" : "");
+>printf  ("rpm%c %.0f %.0f\r%s", mode.rd(BOARD_ID), MotorA.dRPM, MotorB.dRPM, a.source == SOURCE_PC ? "\n" : "");
-extern  double  rpm2mph ;
-void    mph_cmd (struct parameters & a) //  to report miles per hour
+*void    mph_cmd (struct parameters & a) //  to report miles per hour
+void    mph_cmd (struct parameters & a) //  to report miles per hour to 1 decimal place
     if  (a.respond) 
->printf ("mph%c %.3f\r", mode_bytes[ID], (double)(MotorA.RPM + MotorB.RPM) * rpm2mph / 2.0);
+//>printf ("mph%c %.1f\r%s", mode.rd(BOARD_ID), (double)(MotorA.RPM + MotorB.RPM) * rpm2mph / 2.0, a.source == SOURCE_PC ? "\n" : "");
+>printf ("mph%c %.1f\r%s", mode.rd(BOARD_ID), (double)(MotorA.dMPH + MotorB.dMPH) / 2.0, a.source == SOURCE_PC ? "\n" : "");
+*void    sysV_report (struct parameters & a) //  to report system voltage
+*   Reports system link voltage to one decimal place
+void    sysV_report (struct parameters & a) //  
+    if  (a.respond) 
+>printf ("?v%c %.1f\r%s", mode.rd(BOARD_ID), Read_BatteryVolts(), a.source == SOURCE_PC ? "\n" : "");
-void    menucmd (struct parameters & a);
+*void    sysI_report (struct parameters & a) //  to report motor currents
+*   Reports doubles for each motor current amps to 2 decimal places
+void    sysI_report (struct parameters & a) //  
+    if  (a.respond) //  Calibration, refinement of 6000.0 (not miles out) first guess possible.
+//>printf ("?i%c %.2f %.2f\r%s", mode_bytes[BOARD_ID], (double)MotorA.I.ave / 6000.0, (double)MotorB.I.ave / 6000.0, a.source == SOURCE_PC ? "\n" : "");
+//>printf ("?i%c %.2f %.2f\r%s", mode.rd(BOARD_ID), (double)MotorA.I.ave / 6000.0, MotorA.I.dblave2 / 6000.0, a.source == SOURCE_PC ? "\n" : "");
+>printf ("?i%c %.2f %.2f\r%s", mode.rd(BOARD_ID), MotorA.Idbl, MotorB.Idbl, a.source == SOURCE_PC ? "\n" : "");
+/**void    vi_cmd (struct parameters & a)
+*   For setting motor voltage and current limits from pc terminal for test   
 void    vi_cmd (struct parameters & a)
-//    if  (a.respond)
-//        com->printf   ("In setVI, setting V to %.2f, I %.2f\r\n", a.dbl[0], a.dbl[1]);
     setVI   (a.dbl[0] / 100.0, a.dbl[1] / 100.0);
+    pc.printf   ("setVI from %s\r\n", a.source == SOURCE_PC ? "PC" : "Touch Screen");
+*void    v_cmd (struct parameters & a)
+*    Set motor voltage limit from either source without checking for addressed board
 void    v_cmd (struct parameters & a)
-//    if  (a.respond)
-//        com->printf   ("In setV, setting V to %.2f\r\n", a.dbl[0]);
-    setV   (a.dbl[0] / 100.0);
+    MotorA.set_V_limit  (a.dbl[0] / 100.0);
+    MotorB.set_V_limit  (a.dbl[0] / 100.0);
+*void    i_cmd (struct parameters & a)
+*    Set motor current limit from either source without checking for addressed board
 void    i_cmd (struct parameters & a)
-//    if  (a.respond)
-//>printf   ("In setI, setting I to %.2f\r\n", a.dbl[0]);
-    setI   (a.dbl[0] / 100.0);
+    MotorA.set_I_limit  (a.dbl[0] / 100.0);
+    MotorB.set_I_limit  (a.dbl[0] / 100.0);
-void    kd_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  kick the watchdog
+*void    kd_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  kick and enable the watch dog
+void    kd_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  kick the watchdog. Reached from TS or pc.
-    WatchDog = WATCHDOG_RELOAD + (I_Am() & 0x0f);
-//>printf ("Poked %d up Dog\r\n", WatchDog);
+    WatchDog = WATCHDOG_RELOAD + (mode.rd(BOARD_ID) & 0x0f);   //  Reload watchdog timeout. Counted down @ 8Hz
+    WatchDogEnable = true;                          //  Receipt of this command sufficient to enable watchdog
-void    who_cmd (struct parameters & a)
+*void    who_cmd (struct parameters & a)     //  Reachable always from pc. Only addressed board responds to TS
+*   When using STM3_ESC boards together with 'Brute Touch Screen Controller', controller needs to identify number and identity
+*   of all connected STM3_ESC boards. To do this the Touch Screen issues '0who', '1who' ... '9who' allowing time between each
+*   for an identified STM3_ESC to respond with 'who7' (if it was number 7) without causing contention of paralleled serial opto isolated bus
+void    who_cmd (struct parameters & a)     //  Reachable always from pc. Only addressed board responds to TS
-    int i = I_Am    ();
-    if  (I_Am() == a.target_unit)
->printf ("who%c\r\n", a.target_unit);
+    if  (a.source == SOURCE_PC || mode.rd(BOARD_ID) == a.target_unit)
+>printf ("who%c\r%s", mode.rd(BOARD_ID), a.source == SOURCE_PC ? "\n" : "");
-extern  void    rcin_report ()  ;
+*void    rcin_pccmd (struct parameters & a)
+*   For test, reports to pc terminal info about radio control input channels
 void    rcin_pccmd (struct parameters & a)
     rcin_report ();
-struct kb_command  {
-    const char * cmd_word;         //  points to text e.g. "menu"
-    const char * explan;
-    void (*f)(struct parameters &);   //  points to function
-}  ;
+void    scmd (struct parameters & a)    //  filter coefficient fiddler
+    switch  ((int)a.dbl[0]) {
+        case    1:
+            MotorA.s[1] = MotorB.s[1] = a.dbl[1];
+            break;
+        case    2:
+            MotorA.s[2] = MotorB.s[2] = a.dbl[1];
+            break;
+        case    3:
+            MotorA.s[3] = MotorB.s[3] = a.dbl[1];
+            break;
+        case    4:
+            MotorA.s[4] = MotorB.s[4] = a.dbl[1];
+            break;
+        case    5:
+            MotorA.set_speed    (a.dbl[1]);
+            MotorB.set_speed    (a.dbl[1]);
+            break;
+        default:
+            pc.printf   ("Wrong use of scmd %f\r\n", a.dbl[0]);
+    }
+    pc.printf   ("Filter Coeffs 1 to 4\r\n");
+    pc.printf   ("1 %.3f\tPscale 0.01-0.5\r\n",     MotorA.s[1]);
+    pc.printf   ("2 %.3f\tP_gain 1.0-1000.0\r\n",   MotorA.s[2]);
+    pc.printf   ("3 %.3f\tDscale 0.01-0.5\r\n",     MotorA.s[3]);
+    pc.printf   ("4 %.3f\tD_gain 1.0-1000.0\r\n",   MotorA.s[4]);
+    pc.printf   ("5 Set target_speed\r\n");
+    struct kb_command  {    //  Commands tabulated as list of these structures as seen below
+    const char * cmd_word;              //  points to text e.g. "menu"
+    const char * explan;                //  very brief explanation or clue as to purpose of function
+    void (*f)(struct parameters &);     //  points to function
+}  ;                                    //  Positioned in code here as knowledge needed by following menucmd
+*   void    menucmd (struct parameters & a)
+*   List available terminal commands to pc terminal. No sense in touch screen using this
+void    menucmd (struct parameters & a)
+    if  (a.respond) {
+>printf("\r\n\nDual BLDC ESC type STM3 2018\r\nAt menucmd function - listing commands, source %s:-\r\n", a.source == SOURCE_PC ? "PC" : "TS");
+        for(int i = 0; i < a.numof_menu_items; i++)
+  >printf("[%s]\t\t%s\r\n", a.command_list[i].cmd_word, a.command_list[i].explan);
+>printf("End of List of Commands\r\n");
+    }
+/********************** END OF COMMAND LINE INTERPRETER COMMANDS *************************************/
-struct  kb_command const loco_command_list[] = {
-List of commands accepted from external controller through opto isolated com port 9600, 8,n,1
+*   struct  kb_command const loco_command_list[] = {
+*   List of commands accepted from external controller through opto isolated com port 19200, 8,n,1
-struct  kb_command const loco_command_list[] = {
-    {"ls", "Lists available commands", menucmd},
-    {"?", "Lists available commands, same as ls", menucmd},
+struct  kb_command const loco_command_list[] = {    //  For comms between STM3_ESC and 'Brute Touch Screen Controller'
+    //  ***** Broadcast commands for all STM3_ESC boards to execute. Boards NOT to send serial response *****
     {"fw", "forward", fw_cmd},
     {"re", "reverse", re_cmd},
     {"rb", "regen brake 0 to 99 %", rb_cmd},
@@ -302,23 +449,19 @@
     {"v", "set motors V percent RANGE 0 to 100", v_cmd},
     {"i", "set motors I percent RANGE 0 to 100", i_cmd},
     {"vi", "set motors V and I percent RANGE 0 to 100", vi_cmd},
+    {"kd", "kick the dog, reloads WatchDog", kd_cmd},
+    //  ***** Endof Broadcast commands for all STM3_ESC boards to execute. Boards NOT to send serial response *****
+    //  ***** Following are rx'd requests for serial response from addressed STM3_ESC only
+    {"?v", "Report system bus voltage", sysV_report},
+    {"?i", "Report motor both currents", sysI_report},
     {"who", "search for connected units, e.g. 3who returs 'who3' if found", who_cmd},
-    {"mode", "read or set params in eeprom", mode_cmd},
-    {"erase", "set eeprom contents to all 0xff", erase_cmd},
     {"tem", "report temperature", temperature_cmd},
-    {"kd", "kick the dog, reloads WatchDog", kd_cmd},
-    {"wden", "enable watchdog if modes allow", wden_lococmd},
-    {"wddi", "disable watchdog always", wddi_lococmd},
-    {"rpm", "read motor pair speeds", rpm_cmd},
     {"mph", "read loco speed miles per hour", mph_cmd},
-    {"rvi", "read most recent values sent to pwms", rvi_cmd},
-    {"rdi", "read motor currents and power voltage", rdi_cmd},
-    {"bc", "bogie constants - wheel dia, motor pinion, wheel gear", bogie_constants_report_cmd},    //  OBSOLETE, replaced by 'gbb'
-    {"gbb", "get bogie bytes from eeprom and report", gbb_cmd},
-    {"nu", "do nothing", null_cmd},
-//const int numof_loco_menu_items = sizeof(loco_command_list) / sizeof(kb_command);
+//    {"rvi", "read most recent values sent to pwms", rvi_cmd},
+//    {"rdi", "read motor currents and power voltage", rdi_cmd},
+    //  ***** Endof
+}   ;
@@ -328,7 +471,10 @@
 struct  kb_command const pc_command_list[] = {
     {"ls", "Lists available commands", menucmd},
     {"?", "Lists available commands, same as ls", menucmd},
     {"mtypes", "report types of motors found", mt_cmd},
+    {"s","1-4, filter param", scmd},
     {"pot", "read drivers control pot", pot_cmd},
     {"fw", "forward", fw_cmd},
     {"re", "reverse", re_cmd},
@@ -337,195 +483,120 @@
     {"v", "set motors V percent RANGE 0 to 100", v_cmd},
     {"i", "set motors I percent RANGE 0 to 100", i_cmd},
     {"vi", "set motors V and I percent RANGE 0 to 100", vi_cmd},
+    {"?v", "Report system bus voltage", sysV_report},
+    {"?i", "Report motor both currents", sysI_report},
     {"who", "search for connected units, e.g. 3who returs 'who3' if found", who_cmd},
-    {"mode", "read or set params in eeprom", mode_cmd},
-    {"erase", "set eeprom contents to all 0xff", erase_cmd},
-    {"tem", "report temperature", temperature_cmd},
+    {"mode", "read or set params in eeprom", mode19_cmd},                                 //  Big change Jan 2019
+//    {"erase", "set eeprom contents to all 0xff", erase_cmd},
+    {"tem", "report temperature", temperature_cmd},                                     //  Reports -50 when sensor not fitted
     {"kd", "kick the dog, reloads WatchDog", kd_cmd},
-    {"wden", "enable watchdog if modes allow", wden_pccmd},
-    {"wddi", "disable watchdog always", wddi_pccmd},
+    {"ver", "Version", ver_cmd},
     {"rcin", "Report Radio Control Input stuff", rcin_pccmd},
     {"rpm", "read motor pair speeds", rpm_cmd},
     {"mph", "read loco speed miles per hour", mph_cmd},
     {"rvi", "read most recent values sent to pwms", rvi_cmd},
     {"rdi", "read motor currents and power voltage", rdi_cmd},
-    {"bc", "bogie constants - wheel dia, motor pinion, wheel gear", bogie_constants_report_cmd},
-    {"gbb", "get bogie bytes from eeprom and report", gbb_cmd},    //  OBSOLETE, replaced by 'gbb'
+//    {"bc", "bogie constants - wheel dia, motor pinion, wheel gear", bogie_constants_report_cmd},
+//    {"gbb", "get bogie bytes from eeprom and report", gbb_cmd},    //  OBSOLETE, replaced by 'gbb'
     {"nu", "do nothing", null_cmd},
+}   ;
-void    setup_comms ()  {
- = & pc;
-    pccom.command_list = pc_command_list;
-    pccom.numof_menu_items = sizeof(pc_command_list) / sizeof(kb_command);
-    pccom.cl_index  = 0;
-    pccom.gp_i      = 0;    //  general puropse integer, not used to 30/4/2018
-    pccom.resp_always   = true;
- = & com2;
-    lococom.command_list = loco_command_list;
-    lococom.numof_menu_items = sizeof(loco_command_list) / sizeof(kb_command);
-    lococom.cl_index    = 0;
-    lococom.gp_i        = 0;    //  general puropse integer, toggles 0 / 1 to best guess source of rpm
-    lococom.resp_always = false;
-void    menucmd (struct parameters & a)
-    if  (a.respond) {
->printf("\r\n\nDual BLDC ESC type STM3 2018\r\nAt menucmd function - listing commands:-\r\n");
-        for(int i = 0; i < a.numof_menu_items; i++)
-  >printf("[%s]\t\t%s\r\n", a.command_list[i].cmd_word, a.command_list[i].explan);
->printf("End of List of Commands\r\n");
-    }
+//    cli_2019    (BufferedSerial * comport, kb_command const * list, int list_len, int source)  {
+*   cli_2019    pcc (&pc,   pc_command_list,    sizeof(pc_command_list) / sizeof(kb_command), SOURCE_PC)  ;
+*   cli_2019    tsc (&com2, loco_command_list,  sizeof(loco_command_list) / sizeof(kb_command), SOURCE_TS)  ;
+*   Instantiate two Command Line Interpreters, one for pc terminal and one for touch screen controller
+cli_2019    pcc (&pc,   pc_command_list,    sizeof(pc_command_list) / sizeof(kb_command), SOURCE_PC)  ;
+cli_2019    tsc (&com2, loco_command_list,  sizeof(loco_command_list) / sizeof(kb_command), SOURCE_TS)  ;
 New - March 2018
-Using opto isolated serial port, paralleled up using same pair to multiple boards running this code.
+Using opto isolated serial port, paralleled up using same pair to multiple STM3_ESC boards running this code.
 New feature - commands have optional prefix digit 0-9 indicating which unit message is addressed to.
 Commands without prefix digit - broadcast to all units, all to obey but none to respond.
 Only units recognising its address from prefix digit may respond. This avoids bus contention.
 But for BROADCAST commands, '0' may respond on behalf of the group
-//void    command_line_interpreter    (void const *argument)
-void    cli_core    (struct parameters & a) {
-    const int MAX_CMD_LEN = 180;
-    int ch, IAm = I_Am();
+*   void    cli_2019::test ()  {
+*   Daft check that class instantiation worked
+void    cli_2019::test ()  {
+    pc.printf   ("At cli2019::test, source %d len %d,\r\n", a.source, a.numof_menu_items);
+*   void    cli_2019::core ()  {    
+*   Command Line Interpreter.
+*   This to be called every few milli secs from main programme loop.
+*   Reads any rx'd chars into command line buffer, returns when serial buffer empty.
+*   If last char rx'd war '\r' end of text delimiter, apt command_list is searched for a matched command in command line
+*   If matched command found, apt function is executed.
+*   Parameters available to functions from 'parameters' struct.
+void    cli_2019::core ()  {    
+    int ch, IAm = mode.rd(BOARD_ID);
     char * pEnd;//, * cmd_line_ptr;
     while  (>readable()) {
         ch =>getc();
-        if  (a.cl_index > MAX_CMD_LEN)  {   //  trap out stupidly long command lines
+        if  (clindex > MAX_CMD_LEN)  {   //  trap out stupidly long command lines
+            ESC_Error.set   (FAULT_COM_LINE_LEN, 1);                      //  Set FAULT_EEPROM bit 0 if 24LC64 problem
   >printf   ("Error!! Stupidly long cmd line\r\n");
-            a.cl_index = 0;
+            clindex = 0;
         if(ch != '\r')  {   //  was this the 'Enter' key?
             if  (ch != '\n')       //  Ignore line feeds
-                a.cmd_line[a.cl_index++] = ch;  //  added char to command being assembled
+                cmdline[clindex++] = ch;  //  added char to command being assembled
         else    {   //  key was CR, may or may not be command to lookup
             a.target_unit = BROADCAST;    //  Set to BROADCAST default once found command line '\r'
-            a.cmd_line_ptr = a.cmd_line;
-            a.cmd_line[a.cl_index] = 0; //  null terminate command string
-            if(a.cl_index)    {   //  If have got some chars to lookup
+            cmdline_ptr = cmdline;
+            cmdline[clindex] = 0; //  null terminate command string
+            if(clindex)    {   //  If have got some chars to lookup
                 int i, wrdlen;
-                if  (isdigit(a.cmd_line[0]))  {   //  Look for command with prefix digit
-                    a.cmd_line_ptr++;     //  point past identified digit prefix
-                    a.target_unit = a.cmd_line[0];  //  '0' to '9'
+                if  (isdigit(cmdline[0]))  {   //  Look for command with prefix digit
+                    cmdline_ptr++;     //  point past identified digit prefix
+                    a.target_unit = cmdline[0];  //  '0' to '9'
                     //com->printf ("Got prefix %c\r\n", cmd_line[0]);
                 for (i = 0; i < a.numof_menu_items; i++)   {   //  Look for input match in command list
-                    wrdlen = strlen(a.command_list[i].cmd_word);
-                    if(strncmp(a.command_list[i].cmd_word, a.cmd_line_ptr, wrdlen) == 0 && !isalpha(a.cmd_line_ptr[wrdlen]))  {   //  If match found
+                    wrdlen = strlen(commandlist[i].cmd_word);
+                    if(strncmp(commandlist[i].cmd_word, cmdline_ptr, wrdlen) == 0 && !isalpha(cmdline_ptr[wrdlen]))  {   //  If match found
                         for (int k = 0; k < MAX_PARAMS; k++)    {
                             a.dbl[k] = 0.0;
                         a.position_in_list = i;
                         a.numof_dbls = 0;
-                        pEnd = a.cmd_line_ptr + wrdlen;
+                        pEnd = cmdline_ptr + wrdlen;
                         while   (*pEnd)  {          //  Assemble all numerics as doubles
                             a.dbl[a.numof_dbls++] = strtod    (pEnd, &pEnd);
                             while   (*pEnd && !isdigit(*pEnd) && '-' != *pEnd && '+' != *pEnd)  {
-                        //com->printf   ("\r\n");   //  Not allowed as many may output this.
-                        //for (int k = 0; k < param_block.numof_dbls; k++)
-                        //    com->printf   ("Read %.3f\r\n", param_block.dbl[k]);
-//                            param_block.times[i] = clock();
-//                        a.respond = false;
                         a.respond = a.resp_always;
                         if  (((a.target_unit == BROADCAST) && (IAm == '0')) || (IAm == a.target_unit))
                             a.respond = true; //  sorted 26/4/18
                         //  All boards to obey BROADCAST command, only specific board to obey number prefixed command
                         if  ((a.target_unit == BROADCAST) || (IAm == a.target_unit))
-                            a.command_list[i].f(a);   //  execute command if addressed to this unit
+                            commandlist[i].f(a);   //  execute command if addressed to this unit
                         i = a.numof_menu_items + 1;    //  to exit for loop
                     }   //  end of match found
                 }       // End of for numof_menu_items
-                if(i == a.numof_menu_items)
-          >printf("No Match Found for CMD [%s]\r\n", a.cmd_line);
+                if(i == a.numof_menu_items) {
+//          >printf("No Match Found for CMD [%s]\r\n", cmdline);
+                    pc.printf("No Match Found for CMD [%s]\r\n", cmdline);
+                    ESC_Error.set   (FAULT_COM_LINE_NOMATCH, 1);                      //  Set FAULT_EEPROM bit 0 if 24LC64 problem
+                }
             }           //  End of If have got some chars to lookup
-            //com->printf("\r\n>");
-            a.cl_index = 0;
-        }               // End of else key was CR, may or may not be command to lookup
-    }                   //  End of while (com->readable())
-void    command_line_interpreter_pc    ()   {
-    cli_core    (pccom);
-void    command_line_interpreter_loco    () {
-    cli_core    (lococom);
-void    command_line_interpreter    ()
-/*    const int MAX_CMD_LEN = 120;
-    static  char    cmd_line[MAX_CMD_LEN + 4];
-    static  int     cl_index = 0;
-    int ch, IAm = I_Am();
-    char * pEnd, * cmd_line_ptr;
-    static struct  parameters  param_block  ;
-    com = &com2;
-    while  (com->readable()) {
-//        ch = tolower(com->getc());
-        ch = com->getc();
-        if  (cl_index > MAX_CMD_LEN)  {   //  trap out stupidly long command lines
-            com->printf   ("Error!! Stupidly long cmd line\r\n");
-            cl_index = 0;
-        }
-        if(ch != '\r')  //  was this the 'Enter' key?
-            cmd_line[cl_index++] = ch;  //  added char to command being assembled
-        else    {   //  key was CR, may or may not be command to lookup
-            param_block.target_unit = BROADCAST;    //  Set to BROADCAST default once found command line '\r'
-            cmd_line_ptr = cmd_line;
-            cmd_line[cl_index] = 0; //  null terminate command string
-            if(cl_index)    {   //  If have got some chars to lookup
-                int i, wrdlen;
-                if  (isdigit(cmd_line[0]))  {   //  Look for command with prefix digit
-                    cmd_line_ptr++;     //  point past identified digit prefix
-                    param_block.target_unit = cmd_line[0];  //  '0' to '9'
-                    //com->printf ("Got prefix %c\r\n", cmd_line[0]);
-                }
-                for (i = 0; i < a.numof_menu_items; i++)   {   //  Look for input match in command list
-                    wrdlen = strlen(a.command_list[i].cmd_word);
-                    if(strncmp(a.command_list[i].cmd_word, a.cmd_line_ptr, wrdlen) == 0 && !isalpha(a.cmd_line_ptr[wrdlen]))  {   //  If match found
-                        for (int k = 0; k < MAX_PARAMS; k++)    {
-                            param_block.dbl[k] = 0.0;
-                        }
-                        param_block.position_in_list = i;
-//                        param_block.last_time = clock    ();
-                        param_block.numof_dbls = 0;
-                        pEnd = cmd_line_ptr + wrdlen;
-                        while   (*pEnd)  {          //  Assemble all numerics as doubles
-                            param_block.dbl[param_block.numof_dbls++] = strtod    (pEnd, &pEnd);
-                            while   (*pEnd && !isdigit(*pEnd) && '-' != *pEnd && '+' != *pEnd)  {
-                                pEnd++;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        //com->printf   ("\r\n");   //  Not allowed as many may output this.
-                        //for (int k = 0; k < param_block.numof_dbls; k++)
-                        //    com->printf   ("Read %.3f\r\n", param_block.dbl[k]);
-//                            param_block.times[i] = clock();
-                        param_block.respond = false;
-                        if  (((param_block.target_unit == BROADCAST) && (IAm == '0')) || (IAm == param_block.target_unit))
-                            param_block.respond = true; //  sorted 26/4/18
-                        //  All boards to obey BROADCAST command, only specific board to obey number prefixed command
-                        if  ((param_block.target_unit == BROADCAST) || (IAm == param_block.target_unit))
-                            command_list[i].f(param_block);   //  execute command if addressed to this unit
-                        i = numof_menu_items + 1;    //  to exit for loop
-                    }   //  end of match found
-                }       // End of for numof_menu_items
-                if(i == numof_menu_items)
-                    com->printf("No Match Found for CMD [%s]\r\n", cmd_line);
-            }           //  End of If have got some chars to lookup
-            //com->printf("\r\n>");
-            cl_index = 0;
-        }               // End of else key was CR, may or may not be command to lookup
-    }                   //  End of while (com->readable())
-//        Thread::wait(20);  //  Using RTOS on this project
-//    }*/
+            clindex = 0;
+        }       // End of else key was CR, may or may not be command to lookup
+    }           //  End of while (com->readable())
+}               //  end of command line interpreter core function
diff -r bfb73f083009 -r d1d21a2941ef error_handler.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/error_handler.cpp	Mon Mar 04 17:51:08 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "DualBLS.h"
+#include "BufferedSerial.h"
+extern  BufferedSerial  pc;
+/*class   error_handling_Jan_2019
+    int32_t    TS_fault[NUMOF_REPORTABLE_TS_ERRORS]    ;   //  Some number of reportable error codes, accessible through set and read members
+    public:
+    error_handling_Jan_2019 ()  {   //  default constructor
+        for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(TS_fault) / sizeof(int32_t)); i++)
+            TS_fault[i] = 0;
+    }
+    void        set   (uint32_t, int32_t)   ;
+    uint32_t    read  (uint32_t)   ;
+    bool        all_good    ()  ;
+    void        report_any  ()  ;
+}   ;
+const char * FaultList[] = {
+    FAULT_0,
+    "Zero",
+    "EEPROM",
+    "board ID",
+    "com line len",
+    "com line nomatch",
+    "com line len",
+    "com line len",
+    "com no match",
+    "com no match",
+    "max",
+    "endoflist",
+    " ",
+    }   ;
+bool    error_handling_Jan_2019::all_good   ()  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < NUMOF_REPORTABLE_TS_ERRORS; i++)
+        if  (ESC_fault[i])
+            return  false;
+    return  true;
+/**void    error_handling_Jan_2019::set  (uint32_t err_no, int32_t bits_to_set) {
+    Used to set bits in error int
+    Uses OR to set new bits without clearing other bits set previously
+void    error_handling_Jan_2019::set  (uint32_t err_no, int32_t bits_to_set) {
+    if  (bits_to_set)   {
+        pc.printf   ("At Error.set, err_no %d, bits %lx\r\n", err_no, bits_to_set);
+        ESC_fault[err_no] |= bits_to_set;    //  Uses OR to set new bits without clearing other bits set previously
+    }
+/**void    error_handling_Jan_2019::clr  (uint32_t err_no) {
+    Used to clear all bits in error int
+void    error_handling_Jan_2019::clr  (uint32_t err_no) {
+    ESC_fault[err_no] = 0;
+uint32_t    error_handling_Jan_2019::read (uint32_t err_no) {
+    return  ESC_fault[err_no];
+void    error_handling_Jan_2019::report_any (bool   retain)  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < NUMOF_REPORTABLE_TS_ERRORS; i++)  {
+        if  (ESC_fault[i])  {
+            pc.printf   ("Error report, number %d, value %d, %s\r\n", i, ESC_fault[i], FaultList[i]);
+            if  (!retain)
+                ESC_fault[i] = 0;
+        }
+    }
diff -r bfb73f083009 -r d1d21a2941ef main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sat Jan 19 11:45:01 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Mar 04 17:51:08 2019 +0000
@@ -12,14 +12,23 @@
 Brushless_STM3 board
+Jan 2019    *   WatchDog implemented. Default is disabled, 'kd' command from TS controller enables and reloads
+            *   Tidied brushless_motor class, parameter passing now done properly
+            *   class   RControl_In created. Inputs now routed to new pins, can now use two chans both class   RControl_In and Servo out
+                (buggery board required for new inputs)
+            *   Added version string
+            *   Error handler written and included
+            *   Realised Nanotec motors are 6 pole, all others are 8 pole. Modified 'mode' to include 'motor poles' in EEPROM data, now speed reading correct for all
+            *   Reorganised EEPROM data - mode setting now much easier, less error prone
+            *   Maximum speed now one EEPROM option, range 1.0 to 25.0 MPH
 New 29th May 2018 **
                 LMT01 temperature sensor routed to T1 - and rerouted to PC_13 as InterruptIn on T1 (ports A and B I think) not workable
 /*  STM32F401RE - compile using NUCLEO-F401RE
-//  PROJECT -   Dual Brushless Motor Controller -   Jon Freeman     June 2018.
+//  PROJECT -   STM3_ESC Dual Brushless Motor Controller -   Jon Freeman     June 2018.
 AnalogIn to read each motor current
@@ -44,6 +53,7 @@
 #include    "F446ZE.h"              //  A thought for future version
 /*  Global variable declarations */
+char   const    const_version_string[] = {"1.0.0\0"};  //  Version string, readable from serial ports
 volatile    uint32_t    fast_sys_timer      = 0;    //  gets incremented by our Ticker ISR every VOLTAGE_READ_INTERVAL_US
 int         WatchDog    = WATCHDOG_RELOAD + 80; //  Allow extra few seconds at powerup
 bool        WatchDogEnable  = false;    //  Must recieve explicit instruction from pc or controller to enable
@@ -51,80 +61,31 @@
             driverpot_reading   = 0,    //  Global updated by interrupt driven read of Drivers Pot
             sys_timer           = 0,    //  gets incremented by our Ticker ISR every MAIN_LOOP_REPEAT_TIME_US
             AtoD_Semaphore      = 0;
-int         IAm;
 bool        loop_flag   = false;        //  made true in ISR_loop_timer, picked up and made false again in main programme loop
 bool        flag_8Hz    = false;        //  As loop_flag but repeats 8 times per sec
 bool        temp_sensor_exists = false;
-bool        eeprom_flag;                //  gets set according to 24LC674 being found or not
-bool        mode_good_flag  = false;
-char        mode_bytes[36];
+double      rpm2mph;
 uint32_t    temp_sensor_count = 0,  //  incremented by every rising edge from LMT01
-            last_temp_count = 0;  //  global updated approx every 100ms after each LMT01 conversion completes
-//    struct  single_bogie_options    bogie;
-double  rpm2mph = 0.0;  //  gets calculated from eeprom mode entries if present
+            last_temperature_count = 0;  //  global updated approx every 100ms after each LMT01 conversion completes
 /*  End of Global variable declarations */
 Ticker  tick_vread;     //  Device to cause periodic interrupts, used to time voltage readings etc
 Ticker  loop_timer;     //  Device to cause periodic interrupts, used to sync iterations of main programme loop
 Ticker  temperature_find_ticker;
 Timer   temperature_timer;
 Timer   dc_motor_kicker_timer;
 Timeout motors_restore;
 RControl_In     RC_chan_1   (PC_14);
 RControl_In     RC_chan_2   (PC_15);   //  Instantiate two radio control input channels and specify which InterruptIn pin
-//  Interrupt Service Routines
-void    ISR_temperature_find_ticker ()      //  every 960 us, i.e. slightly faster than once per milli sec
-    static  bool    readflag = false;
-    int t = temperature_timer.read_ms   ();
-    if  ((t == 5) && (!readflag))    {
-        last_temp_count = temp_sensor_count;
-        temp_sensor_count = 0;
-        readflag = true;
-    }
-    if  (t == 6)
-        readflag = false;
+error_handling_Jan_2019     ESC_Error    ;         //  Provides array usable to store error codes.
-/** void    ISR_loop_timer  ()
-*   This ISR responds to Ticker interrupts at a rate of (probably) 32 times per second (check from constant declarations above)
-*   This ISR sets global flag 'loop_flag' used to synchronise passes around main programme control loop.
-*   Increments global 'sys_timer', usable anywhere as general measure of elapsed time
-void    ISR_loop_timer  ()      //  This is Ticker Interrupt Service Routine - loop timer - MAIN_LOOP_REPEAT_TIME_US
-    loop_flag = true;   //  set flag to allow main programme loop to proceed
-    sys_timer++;        //  Just a handy measure of elapsed time for anything to use
-    if  ((sys_timer & 0x03) == 0)
-        flag_8Hz    = true;
-/** void    ISR_voltage_reader  ()
-*   This ISR responds to Ticker interrupts every 'VOLTAGE_READ_INTERVAL_US' micro seconds
-*   AtoD_reader() called from convenient point in code to take readings outside of ISRs
-void    ISR_voltage_reader  ()      //  This is Ticker Interrupt Service Routine ; few us between readings ; VOLTAGE_READ_INTERVAL_US    = 50
-    AtoD_Semaphore++;
-    fast_sys_timer++;        //  Just a handy measure of elapsed time for anything to use
-void    temp_sensor_isr ()      //  got rising edge from LMT01. ALMOST CERTAIN this misses some
-    int t = temperature_timer.read_us   (); //  Must be being overrun by something, most likely culprit A-D reading ?
-    temperature_timer.reset ();
-    temp_sensor_count++;
-    if  (t > 18)            //  Yes proved some interrupts get missed, this fixes temperature reading
-        temp_sensor_count++;
-//    T2 = !T2;   //  scope hanger
-//  End of Interrupt Service Routines
+eeprom_settings     mode    (SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN)  ;   //  This MUST come before Motors setup
 //uint32_t    HAtot = 0, HBtot = 0, A_Offset = 0, B_Offset = 0;
@@ -159,15 +120,63 @@
 }   ;
-brushless_motor   MotorA  (MOT_A_I_ADC, APWMV, APWMI, A_tabl, _MAH1, _MAH2, _MAH3, PortA, PORT_A_MASK);
-brushless_motor   MotorB  (MOT_B_I_ADC, BPWMV, BPWMI, B_tabl, _MBH1, _MBH2, _MBH3, PortB, PORT_B_MASK);
+brushless_motor   MotorA  (MOT_A_I_ADC, APWMV, APWMI, A_tabl, _MAH1, _MAH2, _MAH3, PortA, PORT_A_MASK, ISHUNTA);
+brushless_motor   MotorB  (MOT_B_I_ADC, BPWMV, BPWMI, B_tabl, _MBH1, _MBH2, _MBH3, PortB, PORT_B_MASK, ISHUNTB);
-void    report_motor_types  ()      //  not very good test, shows 'Brushless' if Hall inputs read 1 to 6, 'DC' otherwise
+extern  cli_2019    pcc, tsc;   //  command line interpreters from pc and touch screen
+//  Interrupt Service Routines
+void    ISR_temperature_find_ticker ()      //  every 960 us, i.e. slightly faster than once per milli sec
+    static  bool    readflag = false;
+    int t = temperature_timer.read_ms   ();
+    if  ((t == 5) && (!readflag))    {
+        last_temperature_count = temp_sensor_count;
+        temp_sensor_count = 0;
+        readflag = true;
+    }
+    if  (t == 6)
+        readflag = false;
+/** void    ISR_loop_timer  ()
+*   This ISR responds to Ticker interrupts at a rate of (probably) 32 times per second (check from constant declarations above)
+*   This ISR sets global flag 'loop_flag' used to synchronise passes around main programme control loop.
+*   Increments global 'sys_timer', usable anywhere as general measure of elapsed time
+void    ISR_loop_timer  ()      //  This is Ticker Interrupt Service Routine - loop timer - MAIN_LOOP_REPEAT_TIME_US
-    pc.printf   ("Mot A is %s, Mot B is %s\r\n", MotorA.motor_is_brushless() ? "Brushless":"DC", MotorB.motor_is_brushless() ? "Brushless":"DC");
+    loop_flag = true;   //  set flag to allow main programme loop to proceed
+    sys_timer++;        //  Just a handy measure of elapsed time for anything to use
+    if  ((sys_timer & 0x03) == 0)
+        flag_8Hz    = true;
+/** void    ISR_voltage_reader  ()
+*   This ISR responds to Ticker interrupts every 'VOLTAGE_READ_INTERVAL_US' micro seconds
+*   AtoD_reader() called from convenient point in code to take readings outside of ISRs
+void    ISR_voltage_reader  ()      //  This is Ticker Interrupt Service Routine ; few us between readings ; VOLTAGE_READ_INTERVAL_US    = 50
+    AtoD_Semaphore++;
+    fast_sys_timer++;        //  Just a handy measure of elapsed time for anything to use
+void    temp_sensor_isr ()      //  got rising edge from LMT01. ALMOST CERTAIN this misses some
+    int t = temperature_timer.read_us   (); //  Must be being overrun by something, most likely culprit A-D reading ?
+    temperature_timer.reset ();
+    temp_sensor_count++;
+    if  (t > 18)            //  Yes proved some interrupts get missed, this fixes temperature reading
+        temp_sensor_count++;
+//    T2 = !T2;   //  scope hanger
+//  End of Interrupt Service Routines
 void    setVI   (double v, double i)
     MotorA.set_V_limit  (v);  //  Sets max motor voltage
@@ -176,40 +185,18 @@
     MotorB.set_I_limit  (i);
-void    setV    (double v)
-    MotorA.set_V_limit  (v);
-    MotorB.set_V_limit  (v);
-void    setI    (double i)
-    MotorA.set_I_limit  (i);
-    MotorB.set_I_limit  (i);
-void    AtoD_reader ()  //  Call to here every VOLTAGE_READ_INTERVAL_US    = 50 once loop responds to flag set in isr
-Not part of ISR
+*   void    AtoD_reader ()  //  Call to here every VOLTAGE_READ_INTERVAL_US    = 50 once loop responds to flag set in isr
+*   Not part of ISR
 void    AtoD_reader ()  //  Call to here every VOLTAGE_READ_INTERVAL_US    = 50 once loop responds to flag set in isr
     static uint32_t i = 0;
-//    if  (MotorA.dc_motor)   {
-//        MotorA.low_side_on  ();
-//    }
-//    else    {
     if  (MotorA.tickleon)
         MotorA.high_side_off    ();
-//    }
-//    if  (MotorB.dc_motor)   {
-//        MotorB.low_side_on  ();
-//    }
-//    else    {
     if  (MotorB.tickleon)
         MotorB.high_side_off    ();
-//    }
     if  (AtoD_Semaphore > 20)   {
         pc.printf   ("WARNING - sema cnt %d\r\n", AtoD_Semaphore);
         AtoD_Semaphore = 20;
@@ -227,7 +214,7 @@
                 driverpot_reading >>= 1;
             case    2:
-                MotorA.sniff_current    (); //  Initiate ADC reading into averaging table
+                MotorA.sniff_current    (); //  Initiate ADC current reading
             case    3:
                 MotorB.sniff_current    ();
@@ -238,12 +225,10 @@
             i = 0;
     }   //  end of while (AtoD_Semaphore > 0)    {
     if  (MotorA.tickleon)   {
-//    if  (MotorA.dc_motor || MotorA.tickleon)   {
         MotorA.motor_set    (); //  Reactivate any high side switches turned off above
     if  (MotorB.tickleon)   {
-//    if  (MotorB.dc_motor || MotorB.tickleon)   {
         MotorB.motor_set    ();
@@ -295,11 +280,12 @@
     return  ((double) volt_reading) / 951.0;    //  divisor fiddled to make voltage reading correct !
 void    mode_set_both_motors   (int mode, double val)      //  called from cli to set fw, re, rb, hb
     MotorA.set_mode (mode);
     MotorB.set_mode (mode);
-    if  (mode == REGENBRAKE)    {
+    if  (mode == MOTOR_REGENBRAKE)    {
         if  (val > 1.0)
             val = 1.0;
         if  (val < 0.0)
@@ -310,36 +296,9 @@
-extern  void    setup_comms ()  ;
-extern  void    command_line_interpreter_pc    ()  ;
-extern  void    command_line_interpreter_loco    ()  ;
-extern  int     check_24LC64   ()  ;   //  Call from near top of main() to init i2c bus
-extern  bool    wr_24LC64  (int mem_start_addr, char * source, int length)   ;
-extern  bool    rd_24LC64  (int mem_start_addr, char * dest, int length)   ;
-/*struct  motorpairoptions    {   //  This to be user settable in eeprom, 32 bytes
-    uint8_t MotA_dir,   //  0 or 1
-            MotB_dir,   //  0 or 1
-            gang,       //  0 for separate control (robot mode), 1 for ganged loco bogie mode
-            serv1,      //  0, 1, 2 = Not used, Input, Output
-            serv2,      //  0, 1, 2 = Not used, Input, Output
-            cmd_source, //  0 Invalid, 1 COM1, 2 COM2, 3 Pot, 4 Servo1, 5 Servo2
-            last;
-}   ;
-int I_Am    ()      //  Returns boards id number as ASCII char
-    return  IAm;
-double  mph (int    rpm)
-    if  (mode_good_flag)    {
-        return  rpm2mph * (double) rpm;
-    }
-    return  -1.0;
 void    restorer    ()
     motors_restore.detach   ();
@@ -354,6 +313,7 @@
         MotorB.motor_set    ();
 void    rcin_report ()  {
     double c1 = RC_chan_1.normalised();
@@ -429,14 +389,14 @@
         case    HAND_CONT_BRAKE_WAIT:   //  Only get here after direction input changed or newly validated at power on
             pc.printf   ("At HAND_CONT_BRAKE_WAIT\r\n");
             brake_effort = 0.05;    //  Apply braking not too fiercely
-            mode_set_both_motors    (REGENBRAKE, brake_effort);  //  Direction change 
+            mode_set_both_motors    (MOTOR_REGENBRAKE, brake_effort);  //  Direction change 
             hand_controller_state = HAND_CONT_BRAKE_POT;
         case    HAND_CONT_BRAKE_POT:        //  Only get here after one pass through HAND_CONT_BRAKE_WAIT but
             if  (brake_effort < 0.9)    {   //   remain in this state until driver has turned pott fully anticlockwise
                 brake_effort += 0.05;   //  ramp braking up to max over about one sec after direction change or validation
-                mode_set_both_motors    (REGENBRAKE, brake_effort);  //  Direction change or testing at power on
+                mode_set_both_motors    (MOTOR_REGENBRAKE, brake_effort);  //  Direction change or testing at power on
                 pc.printf   ("Brake effort %.2f\r\n", brake_effort);
             else    {   //  once braking up to quite hard
@@ -450,7 +410,7 @@
             brake_effort = (Pot_Brake_Range - pot_position) / Pot_Brake_Range;
             if  (brake_effort < 0.0)
                 brake_effort = 0.5;
-            mode_set_both_motors    (REGENBRAKE, brake_effort);
+            mode_set_both_motors    (MOTOR_REGENBRAKE, brake_effort);
             old_pot_position = pot_position;
             hand_controller_state = HAND_CONT_STATE_BRAKING;
             pc.printf   ("Brake\r\n");
@@ -463,7 +423,7 @@
                 if  (worth_the_bother(pot_position, old_pot_position))  {
                     old_pot_position = pot_position;
                     brake_effort = (Pot_Brake_Range - pot_position) / Pot_Brake_Range;
-                    mode_set_both_motors    (REGENBRAKE, brake_effort);
+                    mode_set_both_motors    (MOTOR_REGENBRAKE, brake_effort);
 //                    pc.printf   ("Brake %.2f\r\n", brake_effort);
@@ -472,9 +432,9 @@
         case    HAND_CONT_STATE_INTO_DRIVING:   //  Only get here after HAND_CONT_STATE_BRAKING
             pc.printf   ("Drive\r\n");
             if  (direction_new == 1)
-                mode_set_both_motors   (FORWARD, 0.0);  //  sets both motors
+                mode_set_both_motors   (MOTOR_FORWARD, 0.0);  //  sets both motors
-                mode_set_both_motors   (REVERSE, 0.0);
+                mode_set_both_motors   (MOTOR_REVERSE, 0.0);
             hand_controller_state = HAND_CONT_STATE_DRIVING;
@@ -502,7 +462,6 @@
     int eighth_sec_count = 0;
     double  servo_angle = 0.0;  //  For testing servo outs
     Temperature_pin.fall (&temp_sensor_isr);
     Temperature_pin.mode (PullUp);
     //  Setup system timers to cause periodic interrupts to synchronise and automate volt and current readings, loop repeat rate etc
@@ -512,83 +471,53 @@
     //  Done setting up system interrupt timers
     temperature_timer.start ();
-    pc.baud     (9600);
-    com3.baud   (1200);
-    com2.baud   (19200);
-    setup_comms ();
+    pc.baud     (9600);     //  COM port to pc
+    com3.baud   (1200);     //  Once had an idea to use this for IR comms, never tried
+    com2.baud   (19200);    //  Opto isolated serial bus connecting 'n' STM3_ESC boards to 1 Brute Touch Screen controller
-    IAm = '0';
-    if  (check_24LC64() != 0xa0)  { //  searches for i2c devices, returns address of highest found
-        pc.printf   ("Check for 24LC64 eeprom FAILED\r\n");
-        com2.printf   ("Check for 24LC64 eeprom FAILED\r\n");
-        eeprom_flag = false;
-    } else   {      //  Found 24LC64 memory on I2C
-        eeprom_flag = true;
-        bool k;
-        k = rd_24LC64   (0, mode_bytes, 32);
-        if  (!k)
-            com2.printf ("Error reading from eeprom\r\n");
+    rpm2mph = 60.0                                                          //  to Motor Revs per hour;
+              * ((double)mode.rd(MOTPIN) / (double)mode.rd(WHEELGEAR))  //  Wheel revs per hour
+              * PI * ((double)mode.rd(WHEELDIA) / 1000.0)                  //  metres per hour
+              * 39.37 / (1760.0 * 36.0);                                      //  miles per hour
-//        int err = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < numof_eeprom_options; i++) {
-            if  ((mode_bytes[i] < option_list[i].min) || (mode_bytes[i] > option_list[i].max))  {
-                com2.printf ("EEROM error with %s\r\n", option_list[i].t);
-                pc.printf   ("EEROM error with %s\r\n", option_list[i].t);
-                if  (i == ID)   {   //  need to force id to '0'
-                    pc.printf   ("Bad board ID value %d, forcing to \'0\'\r\n");
-                    mode_bytes[ID] = '0';
-                }
-//                err++;
-            }
-//            else
-//                com2.printf ("%2x Good %s\r\n", buff[i], option_list[i].t);
-        }
-        rpm2mph = 0.0;
-        if  (mode_bytes[WHEELGEAR] == 0)    //  avoid making div0 error
-            mode_bytes[WHEELGEAR]++;
-//        if  (err == 0)  {
-        mode_good_flag = true;
-        MotorA.direction_set    (mode_bytes[MOTADIR]);
-        MotorB.direction_set    (mode_bytes[MOTBDIR]);
-        IAm = mode_bytes[ID];
-        rpm2mph = 60.0                                                          //  to Motor Revs per hour;
-                  * ((double)mode_bytes[MOTPIN] / (double)mode_bytes[WHEELGEAR])  //  Wheel revs per hour
-                  * PI * ((double)mode_bytes[WHEELDIA] / 1000.0)                  //  metres per hour
-                  * 39.37 / (1760.0 * 36.0);                                      //  miles per hour
-//        }
-        //  Alternative ID 1 to 9
-//        com2.printf ("Alternative ID = 0x%2x\r\n", buff[6]);
-    }
+    MotorA.direction_set    (mode.rd(MOTADIR));     //  modes all setup in class   eeprom_settings {}  mode    ; constructor
+    MotorB.direction_set    (mode.rd(MOTBDIR));
+    MotorA.poles            (mode.rd(MOTAPOLES));   //  Returns true if poles 4, 6 or 8. Returns false otherwise
+    MotorB.poles            (mode.rd(MOTBPOLES));   //  Only two calls are here
+    MotorA.set_mode         (MOTOR_REGENBRAKE);
+    MotorB.set_mode         (MOTOR_REGENBRAKE);
+    setVI  (0.9, 0.5);              //  Power up with moderate regen braking applied
 //    T1 = 0;   Now WRONGLY hoped to be InterruptIn counting pulses from LMT01 temperature sensor
     T2 = 0; //  T2, T3, T4 As yet unused pins
 //    T3 = 0;
 //    T4 = 0;
 //    T5 = 0; now input from fw/re on remote control box
     T6 = 0;
-//    MotPtr[0]->set_mode (REGENBRAKE);
-    MotorA.set_mode (REGENBRAKE);
-    MotorB.set_mode (REGENBRAKE);
-    setVI  (0.9, 0.5);
-    if  ((last_temp_count > 160) && (last_temp_count < 2400))   //  in range -40 to +100 degree C
+    if  ((last_temperature_count > 160) && (last_temperature_count < 2400))   //  in range -40 to +100 degree C
         temp_sensor_exists  = true;
-//    pc.printf   ("Ready to go!, wheel gear in position %d\r\n", WHEELGEAR);
     dc_motor_kicker_timer.start   ();
     int old_hand_controller_direction = T5;
-    if  (mode_bytes[COMM_SRC] == 3)  {      //  Read fwd/rev switch 'T5', PA15 on 401
+    if  (mode.rd(COMM_SRC) == 3)  {      //  Read fwd/rev switch 'T5', PA15 on 401
         pc.printf   ("Pot control\r\n");
         if  (T5)
-            mode_set_both_motors   (FORWARD, 0.0);  //  sets both motors
+            mode_set_both_motors   (MOTOR_FORWARD, 0.0);  //  sets both motors
-            mode_set_both_motors   (REVERSE, 0.0);
+            mode_set_both_motors   (MOTOR_REVERSE, 0.0);
-    pc.printf   ("About to start!, mode_bytes[COMM_SRC]= %d\r\n", mode_bytes[COMM_SRC]);
+    pc.printf   ("About to start %s!, mode_bytes[COMM_SRC]= %d\r\n", const_version_string, mode.rd(COMM_SRC));
+    pc.printf   ("ESC_Error.all_good() ret'd %s\r\n", ESC_Error.all_good() ? "true" : "false");
+//    pc.printf   ("SystemCoreClock=%d, MAX_PWM_TICKS=%d\r\n", SystemCoreClock, MAX_PWM_TICKS);
+//    pcc.test    ()  ;
+//    tsc.test    ()  ;
     while   (1) {      //  Loop forever, repeats synchroised by waiting for ticker Interrupt Service Routine to set 'loop_flag' true
         while   (!loop_flag)  {         //  Most of the time is spent in this loop, repeatedly re-checking for commands from pc port
-            command_line_interpreter_pc    ()  ;   //  Proceed beyond here once loop_timer ticker ISR has set loop_flag true
-            command_line_interpreter_loco    ()  ;   //  Proceed beyond here once loop_timer ticker ISR has set loop_flag true
+            pcc.core    ()  ;   //  Proceed beyond here once loop_timer ticker ISR has set loop_flag true
+            tsc.core    ()  ;   //  Proceed beyond here once loop_timer ticker ISR has set loop_flag true
             AtoD_reader ();                     //  Performs A to D conversions at rate set by ticker interrupts
         }                       //  32Hz original setting for loop repeat rate
         loop_flag = false;              //  Clear flag set by ticker interrupt handler. WHEN LAST CHECKED this was about every 32ms
@@ -596,7 +525,7 @@
-        switch  (mode_bytes[COMM_SRC])  {   //  Look to selected source of driving command, act on commands from wherever
+        switch  (mode.rd(COMM_SRC))  {   //  Look to selected source of driving command, act on commands from wherever
             case    0:  //  Invalid
             case    COM1:  //  COM1    -   Primarily for testing, bypassed by command line interpreter
@@ -612,27 +541,33 @@
             case    RC_IN2:  //  RC_chan_2
-                pc.printf   ("Unrecognised state %d\r\n", mode_bytes[COMM_SRC]);    //  set error flag instead here
+                if  (  {
+                    pc.printf   ("Unrecognised state %d\r\n", mode.rd(COMM_SRC));    //  set error flag instead here
+                    ESC_Error.set   (FAULT_UNRECOGNISED_STATE, 1);
+                }
         }   //  endof   switch  (mode_bytes[COMM_SRC])  {
         dc_motor_kicker_timer.reset   ();
-        MotorA.pulses_per_sec   ();   //  Needed to keep table updated to give reading in Hall transitions per second
-        MotorB.pulses_per_sec   ();   //  Read MotorX.PPS to read pulses per sec or MotorX.RPM to read motor RPM
-//        T4 = !T4;   //  toggle to hang scope on to verify loop execution
-        //  do stuff
+        MotorA.speed_monitor_and_control   ();   //  Needed to keep table updated to give reading in Hall transitions per second
+        MotorB.speed_monitor_and_control   ();   //  Read MotorX.PPS to read pulses per sec or MotorX.RPM to read motor RPM
         if  (MotorA.dc_motor)   {
-            MotorA.raw_V_pwm    (1);
+//            MotorA.raw_V_pwm    (1);
             MotorA.low_side_on  ();
         if  (MotorB.dc_motor)   {
-            MotorB.raw_V_pwm    (1);
+//            MotorB.raw_V_pwm    (1);
             MotorB.low_side_on  ();
         if  (MotorA.dc_motor || MotorB.dc_motor)    {
 //            motors_restore.attach_us    (&restorer, ttime);
             motors_restore.attach_us    (&restorer, 25);
         if  (flag_8Hz)  {   //  do slower stuff
             flag_8Hz    = false;
@@ -641,7 +576,8 @@
                 if  (WatchDog == 0) {   //  Deal with WatchDog timer timeout here
                     setVI  (0.0, 0.0);  //  set motor volts and amps to zero
-                    com2.printf ("TIMEOUT %2x\r\n", (I_Am() & 0x0f));   //  Potential problem of multiple units reporting at same time overcome by adding board number to WATCHDOG_RELOAD
+//                    com2.printf ("TIMEOUT %c\r\n", mode.rd(BOARD_ID));   //  Potential problem of multiple units reporting at same time overcome by adding board number to WATCHDOG_RELOAD
+                    pc.printf ("TIMEOUT %c\r\n", mode.rd(BOARD_ID));   //  Brute touch screen controller can do nothing with this
                 }                       //  End of dealing with WatchDog timer timeout
                 if  (WatchDog < 0)
                     WatchDog = 0;
@@ -649,16 +585,13 @@
             if  (eighth_sec_count > 6)    {   //  Send some status info out of serial port every second and a bit or thereabouts
                 eighth_sec_count = 0;
-                MotorA.current_calc ();     //  Updates readings in MotorA.I.min, MotorA.I.ave and MotorA.I.max
-                MotorB.current_calc ();
+                ESC_Error.report_any (false);   //  retain = false - reset error after reporting once
                 /*                if  (temp_sensor_exists)    {
                                     double  tmprt = (double) last_temp_count;
                                     tmprt /= 16.0;
                                     tmprt -= 50.0;
                                     pc.printf   ("Temp %.2f\r\n", tmprt);
-//                com2.printf   ("V=%+.2f, Pot=%+.2f, HA %d, HB %d, IAmin %d, IAave %d, IAmax %d, IB %d, Arpm %d, Brpm %d\r\n", Read_BatteryVolts(), Read_DriverPot(), MotorA.read_Halls  (), MotorB.read_Halls  (), MotorA.I.min, MotorA.I.ave, MotorA.I.max, MotorB.I.ave, (Apps * 60) / 24, (Bpps * 60) / 24);
-//                com2.printf   ("V=%+.2f, Pot=%+.2f, HA %d, HB %d, IAmin %d, IAave %d, IAmax %d, IB %d\r\n", Read_BatteryVolts(), Read_DriverPot(), MotorA.read_Halls  (), MotorB.read_Halls  (), MotorA.I.min, MotorA.I.ave, MotorA.I.max, MotorB.I.ave);