added prescaler for 16 bit pwm in LPC1347 target

Fork of mbed-dev by mbed official

Fri Sep 02 15:07:44 2016 +0100
This updates the lib to the mbed lib v125

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1 /*
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2 * LPC43xx/LPC18xx MCU header
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 3 *
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 4 * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 5 * All rights reserved.
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 6 *
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 7 * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 8 * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 9 * LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 10 * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 11 * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 12 * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 13 * intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 14 * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 15 * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 16 * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 17 * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 18 * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 19 * specified use without further testing or modification.
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 20 *
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 21 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 22 * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 23 * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 24 * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 25 * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 26 * this code.
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 27 *
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 28 * Simplified version of NXP LPCOPEN LPC43XX/LPC18XX headers
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 29 * 05/15/13 Micromint USA <>
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 30 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 31
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 32 #ifndef __LPC43XX_H
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 33 #define __LPC43XX_H
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 34
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 35 #ifdef __cplusplus
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 36 extern "C" {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 37 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 38
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 39 /* Treat __CORE_Mx as CORE_Mx */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 40 #if defined(__CORTEX_M0) && !defined(CORE_M0)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 41 #define CORE_M0
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 42 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 43 #if defined(__CORTEX_M3) && !defined(CORE_M3)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 44 #define CORE_M3
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 45 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 46 /* Default to M4 core if no core explicitly declared */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 47 #if !defined(CORE_M0) && !defined(CORE_M3)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 48 #define CORE_M4
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 49 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 50
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 51 /* Define LPC18XX or LPC43XX according to core type */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 52 #if (defined(CORE_M4) || defined(CORE_M0)) && !defined(__LPC43XX__)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 53 #define __LPC43XX__
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 54 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 55 #if defined(CORE_M3) && !defined(__LPC18XX__)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 56 #define __LPC18XX__
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 57 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 58
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 59 /* Start of section using anonymous unions */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 60 #if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 61 // Kill warning "#pragma push with no matching #pragma pop"
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 62 #pragma diag_suppress 2525
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 63 #pragma push
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 64 #pragma anon_unions
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 65 #elif defined(__CWCC__)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 66 #pragma push
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 67 #pragma cpp_extensions on
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 68 #elif defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 69 //#pragma push // FIXME not usable for IAR
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 70 #pragma language=extended
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 71 #else /* defined(__GNUC__) and others */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 72 /* Assume anonymous unions are enabled by default */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 73 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 74
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 75 #if defined(CORE_M4)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 76 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 77 * LPC43xx (M4 Core) Cortex CMSIS definitions
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 78 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 79
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 80 #define __CM4_REV 0x0000 /* Cortex-M4 Core Revision */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 81 #define __MPU_PRESENT 1 /* MPU present or not */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 82 #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 3 /* Number of Bits used for Priority Levels */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 83 #define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /* Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 84 #define __FPU_PRESENT 1 /* FPU present or not */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 85 #define CHIP_LPC43XX /* LPCOPEN compatibility */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 86
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 87 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 88 * LPC43xx peripheral interrupt numbers
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 89 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 90
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 91 typedef enum {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 92 /* --------------- Cortex-M4 Processor Exceptions Numbers ------------------- */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 93 Reset_IRQn = -15,/* 1 Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 94 NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14,/* 2 Non maskable Interrupt, cannot be stopped or preempted */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 95 HardFault_IRQn = -13,/* 3 Hard Fault, all classes of Fault */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 96 MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12,/* 4 Memory Management, MPU mismatch, including Access Violation and No Match */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 97 BusFault_IRQn = -11,/* 5 Bus Fault, Pre-Fetch-, Memory Access Fault, other address/memory related Fault */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 98 UsageFault_IRQn = -10,/* 6 Usage Fault, i.e. Undef Instruction, Illegal State Transition */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 99 SVCall_IRQn = -5,/* 11 System Service Call via SVC instruction */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 100 DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4,/* 12 Debug Monitor */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 101 PendSV_IRQn = -2,/* 14 Pendable request for system service */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 102 SysTick_IRQn = -1,/* 15 System Tick Timer */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 103
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 104 /* ----------------- LPC18xx/43xx Specific Interrupt Numbers --------------------- */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 105 DAC_IRQn = 0,/* 0 DAC */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 106 M0CORE_IRQn = 1,/* 1 M0a */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 107 DMA_IRQn = 2,/* 2 DMA */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 108 RESERVED1_IRQn = 3,/* 3 EZH/EDM */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 109 RESERVED2_IRQn = 4,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 110 ETHERNET_IRQn = 5,/* 5 ETHERNET */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 111 SDIO_IRQn = 6,/* 6 SDIO */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 112 LCD_IRQn = 7,/* 7 LCD */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 113 USB0_IRQn = 8,/* 8 USB0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 114 USB1_IRQn = 9,/* 9 USB1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 115 SCT_IRQn = 10,/* 10 SCT */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 116 RITIMER_IRQn = 11,/* 11 RITIMER */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 117 TIMER0_IRQn = 12,/* 12 TIMER0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 118 TIMER1_IRQn = 13,/* 13 TIMER1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 119 TIMER2_IRQn = 14,/* 14 TIMER2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 120 TIMER3_IRQn = 15,/* 15 TIMER3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 121 MCPWM_IRQn = 16,/* 16 MCPWM */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 122 ADC0_IRQn = 17,/* 17 ADC0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 123 I2C0_IRQn = 18,/* 18 I2C0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 124 I2C1_IRQn = 19,/* 19 I2C1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 125 SPI_INT_IRQn = 20,/* 20 SPI_INT */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 126 ADC1_IRQn = 21,/* 21 ADC1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 127 SSP0_IRQn = 22,/* 22 SSP0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 128 SSP1_IRQn = 23,/* 23 SSP1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 129 USART0_IRQn = 24,/* 24 USART0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 130 UART1_IRQn = 25,/* 25 UART1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 131 USART2_IRQn = 26,/* 26 USART2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 132 USART3_IRQn = 27,/* 27 USART3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 133 I2S0_IRQn = 28,/* 28 I2S0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 134 I2S1_IRQn = 29,/* 29 I2S1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 135 RESERVED4_IRQn = 30,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 136 SGPIO_INT_IRQn = 31,/* 31 SGPIO_IINT */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 137 PIN_INT0_IRQn = 32,/* 32 PIN_INT0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 138 PIN_INT1_IRQn = 33,/* 33 PIN_INT1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 139 PIN_INT2_IRQn = 34,/* 34 PIN_INT2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 140 PIN_INT3_IRQn = 35,/* 35 PIN_INT3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 141 PIN_INT4_IRQn = 36,/* 36 PIN_INT4 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 142 PIN_INT5_IRQn = 37,/* 37 PIN_INT5 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 143 PIN_INT6_IRQn = 38,/* 38 PIN_INT6 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 144 PIN_INT7_IRQn = 39,/* 39 PIN_INT7 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 145 GINT0_IRQn = 40,/* 40 GINT0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 146 GINT1_IRQn = 41,/* 41 GINT1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 147 EVENTROUTER_IRQn = 42,/* 42 EVENTROUTER */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 148 C_CAN1_IRQn = 43,/* 43 C_CAN1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 149 RESERVED6_IRQn = 44,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 150 RESERVED7_IRQn = 45,/* 45 VADC */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 151 ATIMER_IRQn = 46,/* 46 ATIMER */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 152 RTC_IRQn = 47,/* 47 RTC */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 153 RESERVED8_IRQn = 48,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 154 WWDT_IRQn = 49,/* 49 WWDT */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 155 RESERVED9_IRQn = 50,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 156 C_CAN0_IRQn = 51,/* 51 C_CAN0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 157 QEI_IRQn = 52,/* 52 QEI */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 158 } IRQn_Type;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 159
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 160 #include "core_cm4.h" /* Cortex-M4 processor and core peripherals */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 161
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 162 #elif defined(CORE_M3)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 163 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 164 * LPC18xx (M3 Core) Cortex CMSIS definitions
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 165 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 166 #define __MPU_PRESENT 1 /* MPU present or not */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 167 #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 3 /* Number of Bits used for Priority Levels */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 168 #define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /* Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 169 #define __FPU_PRESENT 0 /* FPU present or not */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 170 #define CHIP_LPC18XX /* LPCOPEN compatibility */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 171
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 172 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 173 * LPC18xx peripheral interrupt numbers
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 174 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 175
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 176 typedef enum {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 177 /* --------------- Cortex-M3 Processor Exceptions Numbers ------------------- */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 178 Reset_IRQn = -15,/* 1 Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 179 NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14,/* 2 Non maskable Interrupt, cannot be stopped or preempted */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 180 HardFault_IRQn = -13,/* 3 Hard Fault, all classes of Fault */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 181 MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12,/* 4 Memory Management, MPU mismatch, including Access Violation and No Match */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 182 BusFault_IRQn = -11,/* 5 Bus Fault, Pre-Fetch-, Memory Access Fault, other address/memory related Fault */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 183 UsageFault_IRQn = -10,/* 6 Usage Fault, i.e. Undef Instruction, Illegal State Transition */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 184 SVCall_IRQn = -5,/* 11 System Service Call via SVC instruction */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 185 DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4,/* 12 Debug Monitor */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 186 PendSV_IRQn = -2,/* 14 Pendable request for system service */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 187 SysTick_IRQn = -1,/* 15 System Tick Timer */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 188
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 189 /* ----------------- LPC18xx/43xx Specific Interrupt Numbers --------------------- */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 190 DAC_IRQn = 0,/* 0 DAC */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 191 RESERVED0_IRQn = 1,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 192 DMA_IRQn = 2,/* 2 DMA */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 193 RESERVED1_IRQn = 3,/* 3 EZH/EDM */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 194 RESERVED2_IRQn = 4,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 195 ETHERNET_IRQn = 5,/* 5 ETHERNET */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 196 SDIO_IRQn = 6,/* 6 SDIO */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 197 LCD_IRQn = 7,/* 7 LCD */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 198 USB0_IRQn = 8,/* 8 USB0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 199 USB1_IRQn = 9,/* 9 USB1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 200 SCT_IRQn = 10,/* 10 SCT */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 201 RITIMER_IRQn = 11,/* 11 RITIMER */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 202 TIMER0_IRQn = 12,/* 12 TIMER0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 203 TIMER1_IRQn = 13,/* 13 TIMER1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 204 TIMER2_IRQn = 14,/* 14 TIMER2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 205 TIMER3_IRQn = 15,/* 15 TIMER3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 206 MCPWM_IRQn = 16,/* 16 MCPWM */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 207 ADC0_IRQn = 17,/* 17 ADC0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 208 I2C0_IRQn = 18,/* 18 I2C0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 209 I2C1_IRQn = 19,/* 19 I2C1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 210 RESERVED3_IRQn = 20,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 211 ADC1_IRQn = 21,/* 21 ADC1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 212 SSP0_IRQn = 22,/* 22 SSP0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 213 SSP1_IRQn = 23,/* 23 SSP1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 214 USART0_IRQn = 24,/* 24 USART0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 215 UART1_IRQn = 25,/* 25 UART1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 216 USART2_IRQn = 26,/* 26 USART2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 217 USART3_IRQn = 27,/* 27 USART3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 218 I2S0_IRQn = 28,/* 28 I2S0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 219 I2S1_IRQn = 29,/* 29 I2S1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 220 RESERVED4_IRQn = 30,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 221 RESERVED5_IRQn = 31,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 222 PIN_INT0_IRQn = 32,/* 32 PIN_INT0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 223 PIN_INT1_IRQn = 33,/* 33 PIN_INT1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 224 PIN_INT2_IRQn = 34,/* 34 PIN_INT2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 225 PIN_INT3_IRQn = 35,/* 35 PIN_INT3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 226 PIN_INT4_IRQn = 36,/* 36 PIN_INT4 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 227 PIN_INT5_IRQn = 37,/* 37 PIN_INT5 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 228 PIN_INT6_IRQn = 38,/* 38 PIN_INT6 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 229 PIN_INT7_IRQn = 39,/* 39 PIN_INT7 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 230 GINT0_IRQn = 40,/* 40 GINT0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 231 GINT1_IRQn = 41,/* 41 GINT1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 232 EVENTROUTER_IRQn = 42,/* 42 EVENTROUTER */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 233 C_CAN1_IRQn = 43,/* 43 C_CAN1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 234 RESERVED6_IRQn = 44,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 235 RESERVED7_IRQn = 45,/* 45 VADC */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 236 ATIMER_IRQn = 46,/* 46 ATIMER */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 237 RTC_IRQn = 47,/* 47 RTC */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 238 RESERVED8_IRQn = 48,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 239 WWDT_IRQn = 49,/* 49 WWDT */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 240 RESERVED9_IRQn = 50,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 241 C_CAN0_IRQn = 51,/* 51 C_CAN0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 242 QEI_IRQn = 52,/* 52 QEI */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 243 } IRQn_Type;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 244
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 245 #include "core_cm3.h" /* Cortex-M3 processor and core peripherals */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 246
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 247 #elif defined(CORE_M0)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 248 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 249 * LPC43xx (M0 Core) Cortex CMSIS definitions
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 250 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 251
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 252 #define __MPU_PRESENT 0 /* MPU present or not */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 253 #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 2 /* Number of Bits used for Priority Levels */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 254 #define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /* Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 255 #define __FPU_PRESENT 0 /* FPU present or not */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 256 #define CHIP_LPC43XX /* LPCOPEN compatibility */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 257
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 258 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 259 * LPC43xx (M0 Core) peripheral interrupt numbers
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 260 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 261
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 262 typedef enum {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 263 /* --------------- Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ------------------- */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 264 Reset_IRQn = -15,/* 1 Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 265 NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14,/* 2 Non maskable Interrupt, cannot be stopped or preempted */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 266 HardFault_IRQn = -13,/* 3 Hard Fault, all classes of Fault */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 267 SVCall_IRQn = -5,/* 11 System Service Call via SVC instruction */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 268 DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4,/* 12 Debug Monitor */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 269 PendSV_IRQn = -2,/* 14 Pendable request for system service */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 270 SysTick_IRQn = -1,/* 15 System Tick Timer */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 271
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 272 /* ----------------- LPC18xx/43xx Specific Interrupt Numbers --------------------- */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 273 DAC_IRQn = 0,/* 0 DAC */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 274 M0_M4CORE_IRQn = 1,/* 1 M0a */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 275 DMA_IRQn = 2,/* 2 DMA r */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 276 RESERVED1_IRQn = 3,/* 3 EZH/EDM */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 277 FLASHEEPROM_IRQn = 4,/* 4 ORed Flash EEPROM Bank A, B, EEPROM */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 278 ETHERNET_IRQn = 5,/* 5 ETHERNET */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 279 SDIO_IRQn = 6,/* 6 SDIO */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 280 LCD_IRQn = 7,/* 7 LCD */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 281 USB0_IRQn = 8,/* 8 USB0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 282 USB1_IRQn = 9,/* 9 USB1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 283 SCT_IRQn = 10,/* 10 SCT */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 284 RITIMER_IRQn = 11,/* 11 ORed RITIMER, WDT */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 285 TIMER0_IRQn = 12,/* 12 TIMER0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 286 GINT1_IRQn = 13,/* 13 GINT1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 287 PIN_INT4_IRQn = 14,/* 14 GPIO 4 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 288 TIMER3_IRQn = 15,/* 15 TIMER3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 289 MCPWM_IRQn = 16,/* 16 MCPWM */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 290 ADC0_IRQn = 17,/* 17 ADC0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 291 I2C0_IRQn = 18,/* 18 ORed I2C0, I2C1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 292 SGPIO_INT_IRQn = 19,/* 19 SGPIO */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 293 SPI_INT_IRQn = 20,/* 20 SPI_INT */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 294 ADC1_IRQn = 21,/* 21 ADC1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 295 SSP0_IRQn = 22,/* 22 ORed SSP0, SSP1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 296 EVENTROUTER_IRQn = 23,/* 23 EVENTROUTER */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 297 USART0_IRQn = 24,/* 24 USART0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 298 UART1_IRQn = 25,/* 25 UART1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 299 USART2_IRQn = 26,/* 26 USART2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 300 USART3_IRQn = 27,/* 27 USART3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 301 I2S0_IRQn = 28,/* 28 ORed I2S0, I2S1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 302 C_CAN0_IRQn = 29,/* 29 C_CAN0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 303 I2S1_IRQn = 29,/* 29 I2S1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 304 RESERVED2_IRQn = 30,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 305 RESERVED3_IRQn = 31,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 306 } IRQn_Type;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 307
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 308 #include "core_cm0.h" /* Cortex-M4 processor and core peripherals */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 309 #else
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 310 #error Please #define CORE_M0, CORE_M3 or CORE_M4
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 311 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 312
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 313 #include "system_LPC43xx.h"
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 314
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 315 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 316 * State Configurable Timer register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 317 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 318 #define LPC_SCT_BASE 0x40000000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 319 #define CONFIG_SCT_nEV (16) /* Number of events */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 320 #define CONFIG_SCT_nRG (16) /* Number of match/compare registers */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 321 #define CONFIG_SCT_nOU (16) /* Number of outputs */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 322
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 323 typedef struct {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 324 __IO uint32_t CONFIG; /* Configuration Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 325 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 326 __IO uint32_t CTRL_U; /* Control Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 327 struct {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 328 __IO uint16_t CTRL_L; /* Low control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 329 __IO uint16_t CTRL_H; /* High control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 330 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 331
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 332 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 333
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 334 __IO uint16_t LIMIT_L; /* limit register for counter L */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 335 __IO uint16_t LIMIT_H; /* limit register for counter H */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 336 __IO uint16_t HALT_L; /* halt register for counter L */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 337 __IO uint16_t HALT_H; /* halt register for counter H */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 338 __IO uint16_t STOP_L; /* stop register for counter L */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 339 __IO uint16_t STOP_H; /* stop register for counter H */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 340 __IO uint16_t START_L; /* start register for counter L */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 341 __IO uint16_t START_H; /* start register for counter H */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 342 uint32_t RESERVED1[10]; /* 0x03C reserved */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 343 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 344 __IO uint32_t COUNT_U; /* counter register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 345 struct {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 346 __IO uint16_t COUNT_L; /* counter register for counter L */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 347 __IO uint16_t COUNT_H; /* counter register for counter H */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 348 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 349
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 350 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 351
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 352 __IO uint16_t STATE_L; /* state register for counter L */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 353 __IO uint16_t STATE_H; /* state register for counter H */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 354 __I uint32_t INPUT; /* input register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 355 __IO uint16_t REGMODE_L; /* match - capture registers mode register L */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 356 __IO uint16_t REGMODE_H; /* match - capture registers mode register H */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 357 __IO uint32_t OUTPUT; /* output register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 358 __IO uint32_t OUTPUTDIRCTRL; /* output counter direction Control Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 359 __IO uint32_t RES; /* conflict resolution register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 360 __IO uint32_t DMA0REQUEST; /* DMA0 Request Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 361 __IO uint32_t DMA1REQUEST; /* DMA1 Request Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 362 uint32_t RESERVED2[35];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 363 __IO uint32_t EVEN; /* event enable register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 364 __IO uint32_t EVFLAG; /* event flag register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 365 __IO uint32_t CONEN; /* conflict enable register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 366 __IO uint32_t CONFLAG; /* conflict flag register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 367 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 368 __IO union { /* ... Match / Capture value */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 369 uint32_t U; /* SCTMATCH[i].U Unified 32-bit register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 370 struct {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 371 uint16_t L; /* SCTMATCH[i].L Access to L value */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 372 uint16_t H; /* SCTMATCH[i].H Access to H value */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 373 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 374
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 375 } MATCH[CONFIG_SCT_nRG];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 376
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 377 __I union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 378 uint32_t U; /* SCTCAP[i].U Unified 32-bit register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 379 struct {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 380 uint16_t L; /* SCTCAP[i].L Access to L value */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 381 uint16_t H; /* SCTCAP[i].H Access to H value */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 382 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 383
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 384 } CAP[CONFIG_SCT_nRG];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 385
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 386 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 387
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 388 uint32_t RESERVED3[32 - CONFIG_SCT_nRG]; /* ...-0x17C reserved */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 389 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 390 __IO uint16_t MATCH_L[CONFIG_SCT_nRG]; /* 0x180-... Match Value L counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 391 __I uint16_t CAP_L[CONFIG_SCT_nRG]; /* 0x180-... Capture Value L counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 392 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 393
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 394 uint16_t RESERVED4[32 - CONFIG_SCT_nRG]; /* ...-0x1BE reserved */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 395 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 396 __IO uint16_t MATCH_H[CONFIG_SCT_nRG]; /* 0x1C0-... Match Value H counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 397 __I uint16_t CAP_H[CONFIG_SCT_nRG]; /* 0x1C0-... Capture Value H counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 398 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 399
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 400 uint16_t RESERVED5[32 - CONFIG_SCT_nRG]; /* ...-0x1FE reserved */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 401 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 402 __IO union { /* 0x200-... Match Reload / Capture Control value */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 403 uint32_t U; /* SCTMATCHREL[i].U Unified 32-bit register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 404 struct {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 405 uint16_t L; /* SCTMATCHREL[i].L Access to L value */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 406 uint16_t H; /* SCTMATCHREL[i].H Access to H value */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 407 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 408
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 409 } MATCHREL[CONFIG_SCT_nRG];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 410
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 411 __IO union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 412 uint32_t U; /* SCTCAPCTRL[i].U Unified 32-bit register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 413 struct {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 414 uint16_t L; /* SCTCAPCTRL[i].L Access to L value */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 415 uint16_t H; /* SCTCAPCTRL[i].H Access to H value */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 416 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 417
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 418 } CAPCTRL[CONFIG_SCT_nRG];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 419
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 420 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 421
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 422 uint32_t RESERVED6[32 - CONFIG_SCT_nRG]; /* ...-0x27C reserved */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 423 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 424 __IO uint16_t MATCHREL_L[CONFIG_SCT_nRG]; /* 0x280-... Match Reload value L counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 425 __IO uint16_t CAPCTRL_L[CONFIG_SCT_nRG]; /* 0x280-... Capture Control value L counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 426 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 427
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 428 uint16_t RESERVED7[32 - CONFIG_SCT_nRG]; /* ...-0x2BE reserved */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 429 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 430 __IO uint16_t MATCHREL_H[CONFIG_SCT_nRG]; /* 0x2C0-... Match Reload value H counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 431 __IO uint16_t CAPCTRL_H[CONFIG_SCT_nRG]; /* 0x2C0-... Capture Control value H counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 432 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 433
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 434 uint16_t RESERVED8[32 - CONFIG_SCT_nRG]; /* ...-0x2FE reserved */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 435 __IO struct { /* 0x300-0x3FC SCTEVENT[i].STATE / SCTEVENT[i].CTRL*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 436 uint32_t STATE; /* Event State Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 437 uint32_t CTRL; /* Event Control Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 438 } EVENT[CONFIG_SCT_nEV];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 439
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 440 uint32_t RESERVED9[128 - 2 * CONFIG_SCT_nEV]; /* ...-0x4FC reserved */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 441 __IO struct { /* 0x500-0x57C SCTOUT[i].SET / SCTOUT[i].CLR */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 442 uint32_t SET; /* Output n Set Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 443 uint32_t CLR; /* Output n Clear Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 444 } OUT[CONFIG_SCT_nOU];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 445
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 446 uint32_t RESERVED10[191 - 2 * CONFIG_SCT_nOU]; /* ...-0x7F8 reserved */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 447 __I uint32_t MODULECONTENT; /* 0x7FC Module Content */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 448 } LPC_SCT_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 449
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 450 /* Macro defines for SCT configuration register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 451 #define SCT_CONFIG_16BIT_COUNTER 0x00000000 /* Operate as 2 16-bit counters */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 452 #define SCT_CONFIG_32BIT_COUNTER 0x00000001 /* Operate as 1 32-bit counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 453
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 454 #define SCT_CONFIG_CLKMODE_BUSCLK (0x0 << 1) /* Bus clock */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 455 #define SCT_CONFIG_CLKMODE_SCTCLK (0x1 << 1) /* SCT clock */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 456 #define SCT_CONFIG_CLKMODE_INCLK (0x2 << 1) /* Input clock selected in CLKSEL field */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 457 #define SCT_CONFIG_CLKMODE_INEDGECLK (0x3 << 1) /* Input clock edge selected in CLKSEL field */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 458
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 459 #define SCT_CONFIG_NORELOADL_U (0x1 << 7) /* Operate as 1 32-bit counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 460 #define SCT_CONFIG_NORELOADH (0x1 << 8) /* Operate as 1 32-bit counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 461
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 462 /* Macro defines for SCT control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 463 #define COUNTUP_TO_LIMIT_THEN_CLEAR_TO_ZERO 0 /* Direction for low or unified counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 464 #define COUNTUP_TO LIMIT_THEN_COUNTDOWN_TO_ZERO 1
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 465
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 466 #define SCT_CTRL_STOP_L (1 << 1) /* Stop low counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 467 #define SCT_CTRL_HALT_L (1 << 2) /* Halt low counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 468 #define SCT_CTRL_CLRCTR_L (1 << 3) /* Clear low or unified counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 469 #define SCT_CTRL_BIDIR_L(x) (((x) & 0x01) << 4) /* Bidirectional bit */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 470 #define SCT_CTRL_PRE_L(x) (((x) & 0xFF) << 5) /* Prescale clock for low or unified counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 471
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 472 #define COUNTUP_TO_LIMIT_THEN_CLEAR_TO_ZERO 0 /* Direction for high counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 473 #define COUNTUP_TO LIMIT_THEN_COUNTDOWN_TO_ZERO 1
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 474 #define SCT_CTRL_STOP_H (1 << 17) /* Stop high counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 475 #define SCT_CTRL_HALT_H (1 << 18) /* Halt high counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 476 #define SCT_CTRL_CLRCTR_H (1 << 19) /* Clear high counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 477 #define SCT_CTRL_BIDIR_H(x) (((x) & 0x01) << 20)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 478 #define SCT_CTRL_PRE_H(x) (((x) & 0xFF) << 21) /* Prescale clock for high counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 479
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 480 /* Macro defines for SCT Conflict resolution register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 481 #define SCT_RES_NOCHANGE (0)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 482 #define SCT_RES_SET_OUTPUT (1)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 483 #define SCT_RES_CLEAR_OUTPUT (2)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 484 #define SCT_RES_TOGGLE_OUTPUT (3)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 485
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 486 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 487 * GPDMA Channel register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 488 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 489 #define LPC_GPDMA_BASE 0x40002000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 490
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 491 typedef struct {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 492 __IO uint32_t SRCADDR; /* DMA Channel Source Address Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 493 __IO uint32_t DESTADDR; /* DMA Channel Destination Address Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 494 __IO uint32_t LLI; /* DMA Channel Linked List Item Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 495 __IO uint32_t CONTROL; /* DMA Channel Control Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 496 __IO uint32_t CONFIG; /* DMA Channel Configuration Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 497 __I uint32_t RESERVED1[3];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 498 } LPC_GPDMA_CH_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 499
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 500 #define GPDMA_CHANNELS 8
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 501
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 502 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 503 * GPDMA register block
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 504 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 505 typedef struct { /* GPDMA Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 506 __I uint32_t INTSTAT; /* DMA Interrupt Status Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 507 __I uint32_t INTTCSTAT; /* DMA Interrupt Terminal Count Request Status Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 508 __O uint32_t INTTCCLEAR; /* DMA Interrupt Terminal Count Request Clear Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 509 __I uint32_t INTERRSTAT; /* DMA Interrupt Error Status Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 510 __O uint32_t INTERRCLR; /* DMA Interrupt Error Clear Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 511 __I uint32_t RAWINTTCSTAT; /* DMA Raw Interrupt Terminal Count Status Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 512 __I uint32_t RAWINTERRSTAT; /* DMA Raw Error Interrupt Status Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 513 __I uint32_t ENBLDCHNS; /* DMA Enabled Channel Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 514 __IO uint32_t SOFTBREQ; /* DMA Software Burst Request Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 515 __IO uint32_t SOFTSREQ; /* DMA Software Single Request Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 516 __IO uint32_t SOFTLBREQ; /* DMA Software Last Burst Request Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 517 __IO uint32_t SOFTLSREQ; /* DMA Software Last Single Request Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 518 __IO uint32_t CONFIG; /* DMA Configuration Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 519 __IO uint32_t SYNC; /* DMA Synchronization Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 520 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[50];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 521 LPC_GPDMA_CH_T CH[GPDMA_CHANNELS];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 522 } LPC_GPDMA_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 523
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 524 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 525 * SPIFI register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 526 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 527 #define LPC_SPIFI_BASE 0x40003000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 528
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 529 typedef struct { /* SPIFI Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 530 __IO uint32_t CTRL; /* Control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 531 __IO uint32_t CMD; /* Command register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 532 __IO uint32_t ADDR; /* Address register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 533 __IO uint32_t IDATA; /* Intermediate data register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 534 __IO uint32_t CLIMIT; /* Cache limit register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 535 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 536 __IO uint32_t DATA;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 537 __IO uint16_t DATA_HWORD;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 538 __IO uint8_t DATA_BYTE;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 539 }; /* Data register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 540 __IO uint32_t MCMD; /* Memory command register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 541 __IO uint32_t STAT; /* Status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 542 } LPC_SPIFI_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 543
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 544 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 545 * SD/MMC & SDIO register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 546 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 547 #define LPC_SDMMC_BASE 0x40004000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 548
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 549 typedef struct { /* SDMMC Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 550 __IO uint32_t CTRL; /* Control Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 551 __IO uint32_t PWREN; /* Power Enable Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 552 __IO uint32_t CLKDIV; /* Clock Divider Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 553 __IO uint32_t CLKSRC; /* SD Clock Source Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 554 __IO uint32_t CLKENA; /* Clock Enable Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 555 __IO uint32_t TMOUT; /* Timeout Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 556 __IO uint32_t CTYPE; /* Card Type Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 557 __IO uint32_t BLKSIZ; /* Block Size Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 558 __IO uint32_t BYTCNT; /* Byte Count Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 559 __IO uint32_t INTMASK; /* Interrupt Mask Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 560 __IO uint32_t CMDARG; /* Command Argument Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 561 __IO uint32_t CMD; /* Command Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 562 __I uint32_t RESP0; /* Response Register 0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 563 __I uint32_t RESP1; /* Response Register 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 564 __I uint32_t RESP2; /* Response Register 2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 565 __I uint32_t RESP3; /* Response Register 3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 566 __I uint32_t MINTSTS; /* Masked Interrupt Status Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 567 __IO uint32_t RINTSTS; /* Raw Interrupt Status Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 568 __I uint32_t STATUS; /* Status Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 569 __IO uint32_t FIFOTH; /* FIFO Threshold Watermark Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 570 __I uint32_t CDETECT; /* Card Detect Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 571 __I uint32_t WRTPRT; /* Write Protect Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 572 __IO uint32_t GPIO; /* General Purpose Input/Output Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 573 __I uint32_t TCBCNT; /* Transferred CIU Card Byte Count Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 574 __I uint32_t TBBCNT; /* Transferred Host to BIU-FIFO Byte Count Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 575 __IO uint32_t DEBNCE; /* Debounce Count Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 576 __IO uint32_t USRID; /* User ID Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 577 __I uint32_t VERID; /* Version ID Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 578 __I uint32_t RESERVED0;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 579 __IO uint32_t UHS_REG; /* UHS-1 Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 580 __IO uint32_t RST_N; /* Hardware Reset */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 581 __I uint32_t RESERVED1;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 582 __IO uint32_t BMOD; /* Bus Mode Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 583 __O uint32_t PLDMND; /* Poll Demand Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 584 __IO uint32_t DBADDR; /* Descriptor List Base Address Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 585 __IO uint32_t IDSTS; /* Internal DMAC Status Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 586 __IO uint32_t IDINTEN; /* Internal DMAC Interrupt Enable Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 587 __I uint32_t DSCADDR; /* Current Host Descriptor Address Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 588 __I uint32_t BUFADDR; /* Current Buffer Descriptor Address Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 589 } LPC_SDMMC_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 590
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 591 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 592 * External Memory Controller (EMC) register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 593 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 594 #define LPC_EMC_BASE 0x40005000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 595
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 596 typedef struct { /* EMC Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 597 __IO uint32_t CONTROL; /* Controls operation of the memory controller. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 598 __I uint32_t STATUS; /* Provides EMC status information. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 599 __IO uint32_t CONFIG; /* Configures operation of the memory controller. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 600 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[5];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 601 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICCONTROL; /* Controls dynamic memory operation. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 602 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICREFRESH; /* Configures dynamic memory refresh operation. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 603 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICREADCONFIG; /* Configures the dynamic memory read strategy. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 604 __I uint32_t RESERVED1;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 605 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICRP; /* Selects the precharge command period. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 606 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICRAS; /* Selects the active to precharge command period. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 607 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICSREX; /* Selects the self-refresh exit time. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 608 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICAPR; /* Selects the last-data-out to active command time. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 609 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICDAL; /* Selects the data-in to active command time. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 610 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICWR; /* Selects the write recovery time. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 611 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICRC; /* Selects the active to active command period. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 612 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICRFC; /* Selects the auto-refresh period. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 613 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICXSR; /* Selects the exit self-refresh to active command time. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 614 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICRRD; /* Selects the active bank A to active bank B latency. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 615 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICMRD; /* Selects the load mode register to active command time. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 616 __I uint32_t RESERVED2[9];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 617 __IO uint32_t STATICEXTENDEDWAIT; /* Selects time for long static memory read and write transfers. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 618 __I uint32_t RESERVED3[31];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 619 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICCONFIG0; /* Selects the configuration information for dynamic memory chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 620 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICRASCAS0; /* Selects the RAS and CAS latencies for dynamic memory chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 621 __I uint32_t RESERVED4[6];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 622 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICCONFIG1; /* Selects the configuration information for dynamic memory chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 623 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICRASCAS1; /* Selects the RAS and CAS latencies for dynamic memory chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 624 __I uint32_t RESERVED5[6];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 625 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICCONFIG2; /* Selects the configuration information for dynamic memory chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 626 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICRASCAS2; /* Selects the RAS and CAS latencies for dynamic memory chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 627 __I uint32_t RESERVED6[6];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 628 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICCONFIG3; /* Selects the configuration information for dynamic memory chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 629 __IO uint32_t DYNAMICRASCAS3; /* Selects the RAS and CAS latencies for dynamic memory chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 630 __I uint32_t RESERVED7[38];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 631 __IO uint32_t STATICCONFIG0; /* Selects the memory configuration for static chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 632 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITWEN0; /* Selects the delay from chip select n to write enable. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 633 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITOEN0; /* Selects the delay from chip select n or address change, whichever is later, to output enable. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 634 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITRD0; /* Selects the delay from chip select n to a read access. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 635 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITPAG0; /* Selects the delay for asynchronous page mode sequential accesses for chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 636 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITWR0; /* Selects the delay from chip select n to a write access. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 637 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITTURN0; /* Selects bus turnaround cycles */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 638 __I uint32_t RESERVED8;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 639 __IO uint32_t STATICCONFIG1; /* Selects the memory configuration for static chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 640 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITWEN1; /* Selects the delay from chip select n to write enable. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 641 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITOEN1; /* Selects the delay from chip select n or address change, whichever is later, to output enable. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 642 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITRD1; /* Selects the delay from chip select n to a read access. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 643 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITPAG1; /* Selects the delay for asynchronous page mode sequential accesses for chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 644 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITWR1; /* Selects the delay from chip select n to a write access. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 645 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITTURN1; /* Selects bus turnaround cycles */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 646 __I uint32_t RESERVED9;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 647 __IO uint32_t STATICCONFIG2; /* Selects the memory configuration for static chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 648 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITWEN2; /* Selects the delay from chip select n to write enable. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 649 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITOEN2; /* Selects the delay from chip select n or address change, whichever is later, to output enable. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 650 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITRD2; /* Selects the delay from chip select n to a read access. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 651 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITPAG2; /* Selects the delay for asynchronous page mode sequential accesses for chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 652 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITWR2; /* Selects the delay from chip select n to a write access. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 653 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITTURN2; /* Selects bus turnaround cycles */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 654 __I uint32_t RESERVED10;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 655 __IO uint32_t STATICCONFIG3; /* Selects the memory configuration for static chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 656 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITWEN3; /* Selects the delay from chip select n to write enable. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 657 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITOEN3; /* Selects the delay from chip select n or address change, whichever is later, to output enable. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 658 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITRD3; /* Selects the delay from chip select n to a read access. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 659 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITPAG3; /* Selects the delay for asynchronous page mode sequential accesses for chip select n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 660 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITWR3; /* Selects the delay from chip select n to a write access. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 661 __IO uint32_t STATICWAITTURN3; /* Selects bus turnaround cycles */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 662 } LPC_EMC_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 663
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 664 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 665 * USB High-Speed register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 666 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 667 #define LPC_USB0_BASE 0x40006000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 668 #define LPC_USB1_BASE 0x40007000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 669
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 670 typedef struct { /* USB Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 671 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[64];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 672 __I uint32_t CAPLENGTH; /* Capability register length */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 673 __I uint32_t HCSPARAMS; /* Host controller structural parameters */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 674 __I uint32_t HCCPARAMS; /* Host controller capability parameters */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 675 __I uint32_t RESERVED1[5];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 676 __I uint32_t DCIVERSION; /* Device interface version number */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 677 __I uint32_t RESERVED2[7];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 678 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 679 __IO uint32_t USBCMD_H; /* USB command (host mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 680 __IO uint32_t USBCMD_D; /* USB command (device mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 681 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 682
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 683 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 684 __IO uint32_t USBSTS_H; /* USB status (host mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 685 __IO uint32_t USBSTS_D; /* USB status (device mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 686 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 687
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 688 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 689 __IO uint32_t USBINTR_H; /* USB interrupt enable (host mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 690 __IO uint32_t USBINTR_D; /* USB interrupt enable (device mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 691 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 692
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 693 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 694 __IO uint32_t FRINDEX_H; /* USB frame index (host mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 695 __I uint32_t FRINDEX_D; /* USB frame index (device mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 696 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 697
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 698 __I uint32_t RESERVED3;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 699 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 700 __IO uint32_t PERIODICLISTBASE; /* Frame list base address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 701 __IO uint32_t DEVICEADDR; /* USB device address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 702 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 703
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 704 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 705 __IO uint32_t ASYNCLISTADDR; /* Address of endpoint list in memory (host mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 706 __IO uint32_t ENDPOINTLISTADDR; /* Address of endpoint list in memory (device mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 707 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 708
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 709 __IO uint32_t TTCTRL; /* Asynchronous buffer status for embedded TT (host mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 710 __IO uint32_t BURSTSIZE; /* Programmable burst size */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 711 __IO uint32_t TXFILLTUNING; /* Host transmit pre-buffer packet tuning (host mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 712 __I uint32_t RESERVED4[2];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 713 __IO uint32_t ULPIVIEWPORT; /* ULPI viewport */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 714 __IO uint32_t BINTERVAL; /* Length of virtual frame */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 715 __IO uint32_t ENDPTNAK; /* Endpoint NAK (device mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 716 __IO uint32_t ENDPTNAKEN; /* Endpoint NAK Enable (device mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 717 __I uint32_t RESERVED5;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 718 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 719 __IO uint32_t PORTSC1_H; /* Port 1 status/control (host mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 720 __IO uint32_t PORTSC1_D; /* Port 1 status/control (device mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 721 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 722
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 723 __I uint32_t RESERVED6[7];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 724 __IO uint32_t OTGSC; /* OTG status and control */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 725 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 726 __IO uint32_t USBMODE_H; /* USB mode (host mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 727 __IO uint32_t USBMODE_D; /* USB mode (device mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 728 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 729
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 730 __IO uint32_t ENDPTSETUPSTAT; /* Endpoint setup status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 731 __IO uint32_t ENDPTPRIME; /* Endpoint initialization */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 732 __IO uint32_t ENDPTFLUSH; /* Endpoint de-initialization */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 733 __I uint32_t ENDPTSTAT; /* Endpoint status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 734 __IO uint32_t ENDPTCOMPLETE; /* Endpoint complete */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 735 __IO uint32_t ENDPTCTRL[6]; /* Endpoint control 0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 736 } LPC_USBHS_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 737
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 738 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 739 * LCD Controller register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 740 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 741 #define LPC_LCD_BASE 0x40008000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 742
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 743 typedef struct { /* LCD Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 744 __IO uint32_t TIMH; /* Horizontal Timing Control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 745 __IO uint32_t TIMV; /* Vertical Timing Control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 746 __IO uint32_t POL; /* Clock and Signal Polarity Control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 747 __IO uint32_t LE; /* Line End Control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 748 __IO uint32_t UPBASE; /* Upper Panel Frame Base Address register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 749 __IO uint32_t LPBASE; /* Lower Panel Frame Base Address register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 750 __IO uint32_t CTRL; /* LCD Control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 751 __IO uint32_t INTMSK; /* Interrupt Mask register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 752 __I uint32_t INTRAW; /* Raw Interrupt Status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 753 __I uint32_t INTSTAT; /* Masked Interrupt Status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 754 __O uint32_t INTCLR; /* Interrupt Clear register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 755 __I uint32_t UPCURR; /* Upper Panel Current Address Value register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 756 __I uint32_t LPCURR; /* Lower Panel Current Address Value register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 757 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[115];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 758 __IO uint16_t PAL[256]; /* 256x16-bit Color Palette registers */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 759 __I uint32_t RESERVED1[256];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 760 __IO uint32_t CRSR_IMG[256];/* Cursor Image registers */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 761 __IO uint32_t CRSR_CTRL; /* Cursor Control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 762 __IO uint32_t CRSR_CFG; /* Cursor Configuration register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 763 __IO uint32_t CRSR_PAL0; /* Cursor Palette register 0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 764 __IO uint32_t CRSR_PAL1; /* Cursor Palette register 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 765 __IO uint32_t CRSR_XY; /* Cursor XY Position register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 766 __IO uint32_t CRSR_CLIP; /* Cursor Clip Position register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 767 __I uint32_t RESERVED2[2];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 768 __IO uint32_t CRSR_INTMSK; /* Cursor Interrupt Mask register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 769 __O uint32_t CRSR_INTCLR; /* Cursor Interrupt Clear register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 770 __I uint32_t CRSR_INTRAW; /* Cursor Raw Interrupt Status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 771 __I uint32_t CRSR_INTSTAT;/* Cursor Masked Interrupt Status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 772 } LPC_LCD_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 773
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 774 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 775 * EEPROM register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 776 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 777 #define LPC_EEPROM_BASE 0x4000E000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 778
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 779 typedef struct { /* EEPROM Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 780 __IO uint32_t CMD; /* EEPROM command register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 781 uint32_t RESERVED0;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 782 __IO uint32_t RWSTATE; /* EEPROM read wait state register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 783 __IO uint32_t AUTOPROG; /* EEPROM auto programming register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 784 __IO uint32_t WSTATE; /* EEPROM wait state register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 785 __IO uint32_t CLKDIV; /* EEPROM clock divider register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 786 __IO uint32_t PWRDWN; /* EEPROM power-down register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 787 uint32_t RESERVED2[1007];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 788 __O uint32_t INTENCLR; /* EEPROM interrupt enable clear */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 789 __O uint32_t INTENSET; /* EEPROM interrupt enable set */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 790 __I uint32_t INTSTAT; /* EEPROM interrupt status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 791 __I uint32_t INTEN; /* EEPROM interrupt enable */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 792 __O uint32_t INTSTATCLR; /* EEPROM interrupt status clear */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 793 __O uint32_t INTSTATSET; /* EEPROM interrupt status set */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 794 } LPC_EEPROM_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 795
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 796 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 797 * 10/100 MII & RMII Ethernet with timestamping register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 798 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 799 #define LPC_ETHERNET_BASE 0x40010000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 800
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 801 typedef struct { /* ETHERNET Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 802 __IO uint32_t MAC_CONFIG; /* MAC configuration register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 803 __IO uint32_t MAC_FRAME_FILTER; /* MAC frame filter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 804 __IO uint32_t MAC_HASHTABLE_HIGH; /* Hash table high register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 805 __IO uint32_t MAC_HASHTABLE_LOW; /* Hash table low register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 806 __IO uint32_t MAC_MII_ADDR; /* MII address register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 807 __IO uint32_t MAC_MII_DATA; /* MII data register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 808 __IO uint32_t MAC_FLOW_CTRL; /* Flow control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 809 __IO uint32_t MAC_VLAN_TAG; /* VLAN tag register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 810 __I uint32_t RESERVED0;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 811 __I uint32_t MAC_DEBUG; /* Debug register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 812 __IO uint32_t MAC_RWAKE_FRFLT; /* Remote wake-up frame filter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 813 __IO uint32_t MAC_PMT_CTRL_STAT; /* PMT control and status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 814 __I uint32_t RESERVED1[2];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 815 __I uint32_t MAC_INTR; /* Interrupt status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 816 __IO uint32_t MAC_INTR_MASK; /* Interrupt mask register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 817 __IO uint32_t MAC_ADDR0_HIGH; /* MAC address 0 high register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 818 __IO uint32_t MAC_ADDR0_LOW; /* MAC address 0 low register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 819 __I uint32_t RESERVED2[430];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 820 __IO uint32_t MAC_TIMESTP_CTRL; /* Time stamp control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 821 __IO uint32_t SUBSECOND_INCR; /* Sub-second increment register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 822 __I uint32_t SECONDS; /* System time seconds register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 823 __I uint32_t NANOSECONDS; /* System time nanoseconds register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 824 __IO uint32_t SECONDSUPDATE; /* System time seconds update register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 825 __IO uint32_t NANOSECONDSUPDATE; /* System time nanoseconds update register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 826 __IO uint32_t ADDEND; /* Time stamp addend register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 827 __IO uint32_t TARGETSECONDS; /* Target time seconds register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 828 __IO uint32_t TARGETNANOSECONDS; /* Target time nanoseconds register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 829 __IO uint32_t HIGHWORD; /* System time higher word seconds register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 830 __I uint32_t TIMESTAMPSTAT; /* Time stamp status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 831 __IO uint32_t PPSCTRL; /* PPS control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 832 __I uint32_t AUXNANOSECONDS; /* Auxiliary time stamp nanoseconds register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 833 __I uint32_t AUXSECONDS; /* Auxiliary time stamp seconds register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 834 __I uint32_t RESERVED3[562];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 835 __IO uint32_t DMA_BUS_MODE; /* Bus Mode Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 836 __IO uint32_t DMA_TRANS_POLL_DEMAND; /* Transmit poll demand register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 837 __IO uint32_t DMA_REC_POLL_DEMAND; /* Receive poll demand register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 838 __IO uint32_t DMA_REC_DES_ADDR; /* Receive descriptor list address register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 839 __IO uint32_t DMA_TRANS_DES_ADDR; /* Transmit descriptor list address register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 840 __IO uint32_t DMA_STAT; /* Status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 841 __IO uint32_t DMA_OP_MODE; /* Operation mode register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 842 __IO uint32_t DMA_INT_EN; /* Interrupt enable register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 843 __I uint32_t DMA_MFRM_BUFOF; /* Missed frame and buffer overflow register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 844 __IO uint32_t DMA_REC_INT_WDT; /* Receive interrupt watchdog timer register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 845 __I uint32_t RESERVED4[8];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 846 __I uint32_t DMA_CURHOST_TRANS_DES; /* Current host transmit descriptor register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 847 __I uint32_t DMA_CURHOST_REC_DES; /* Current host receive descriptor register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 848 __I uint32_t DMA_CURHOST_TRANS_BUF; /* Current host transmit buffer address register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 849 __I uint32_t DMA_CURHOST_REC_BUF; /* Current host receive buffer address register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 850 } LPC_ENET_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 851
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 852 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 853 * Alarm Timer register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 854 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 855 #define LPC_ATIMER_BASE 0x40040000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 856
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 857 typedef struct { /* ATIMER Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 858 __IO uint32_t DOWNCOUNTER; /* Downcounter register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 859 __IO uint32_t PRESET; /* Preset value register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 860 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[1012];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 861 __O uint32_t CLR_EN; /* Interrupt clear enable register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 862 __O uint32_t SET_EN; /* Interrupt set enable register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 863 __I uint32_t STATUS; /* Status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 864 __I uint32_t ENABLE; /* Enable register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 865 __O uint32_t CLR_STAT; /* Clear register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 866 __O uint32_t SET_STAT; /* Set register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 867 } LPC_ATIMER_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 868
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 869 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 870 * Register File register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 871 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 872 #define LPC_REGFILE_BASE 0x40041000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 873
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 874 typedef struct {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 875 __IO uint32_t REGFILE[64]; /* General purpose storage register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 876 } LPC_REGFILE_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 877
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 878 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 879 * Power Management Controller register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 880 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 881 #define LPC_PMC_BASE 0x40042000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 882
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 883 typedef struct { /* PMC Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 884 __IO uint32_t PD0_SLEEP0_HW_ENA; /* Hardware sleep event enable register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 885 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[6];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 886 __IO uint32_t PD0_SLEEP0_MODE; /* Sleep power mode register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 887 } LPC_PMC_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 888
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 889 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 890 * CREG Register Block
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 891 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 892 #define LPC_CREG_BASE 0x40043000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 893
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 894 typedef struct { /* CREG Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 895 __I uint32_t RESERVED0;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 896 __IO uint32_t CREG0; /* Chip configuration register 32 kHz oscillator output and BOD control register. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 897 __I uint32_t RESERVED1[62];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 898 __IO uint32_t MXMEMMAP; /* ARM Cortex-M3/M4 memory mapping */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 899 #if defined(CHIP_LPC18XX)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 900 __I uint32_t RESERVED2[5];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 901 #else
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 902 __I uint32_t RESERVED2;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 903 __I uint32_t CREG1; /* Configuration Register 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 904 __I uint32_t CREG2; /* Configuration Register 2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 905 __I uint32_t CREG3; /* Configuration Register 3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 906 __I uint32_t CREG4; /* Configuration Register 4 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 907 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 908 __IO uint32_t CREG5; /* Chip configuration register 5. Controls JTAG access. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 909 __IO uint32_t DMAMUX; /* DMA muxing control */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 910 __IO uint32_t FLASHCFGA; /* Flash accelerator configuration register for flash bank A */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 911 __IO uint32_t FLASHCFGB; /* Flash accelerator configuration register for flash bank B */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 912 __IO uint32_t ETBCFG; /* ETB RAM configuration */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 913 __IO uint32_t CREG6; /* Chip configuration register 6. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 914 #if defined(CHIP_LPC18XX)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 915 __I uint32_t RESERVED4[52];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 916 #else
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 917 __IO uint32_t M4TXEVENT; /* M4 IPC event register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 918 __I uint32_t RESERVED4[51];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 919 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 920 __I uint32_t CHIPID; /* Part ID */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 921 #if defined(CHIP_LPC18XX)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 922 __I uint32_t RESERVED5[191];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 923 #else
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 924 __I uint32_t RESERVED5[127];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 925 __IO uint32_t M0TXEVENT; /* M0 IPC Event register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 926 __IO uint32_t M0APPMEMMAP; /* ARM Cortex M0 memory mapping */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 927 __I uint32_t RESERVED6[62];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 928 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 929 __IO uint32_t USB0FLADJ; /* USB0 frame length adjust register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 930 __I uint32_t RESERVED7[63];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 931 __IO uint32_t USB1FLADJ; /* USB1 frame length adjust register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 932 } LPC_CREG_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 933
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 934 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 935 * Event Router register structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 936 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 937 #define LPC_EVRT_BASE 0x40044000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 938
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 939 typedef struct { /* EVENTROUTER Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 940 __IO uint32_t HILO; /* Level configuration register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 941 __IO uint32_t EDGE; /* Edge configuration */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 942 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[1012];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 943 __O uint32_t CLR_EN; /* Event clear enable register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 944 __O uint32_t SET_EN; /* Event set enable register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 945 __I uint32_t STATUS; /* Status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 946 __I uint32_t ENABLE; /* Enable register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 947 __O uint32_t CLR_STAT; /* Clear register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 948 __O uint32_t SET_STAT; /* Set register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 949 } LPC_EVRT_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 950
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 951 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 952 * Real Time Clock register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 953 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 954 #define LPC_RTC_BASE 0x40046000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 955 #define RTC_EV_SUPPORT 1 /* Event Monitor/Recorder support */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 956
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 957 typedef enum RTC_TIMEINDEX {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 958 RTC_TIMETYPE_SECOND, /* Second */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 959 RTC_TIMETYPE_MINUTE, /* Month */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 960 RTC_TIMETYPE_HOUR, /* Hour */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 961 RTC_TIMETYPE_DAYOFMONTH, /* Day of month */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 962 RTC_TIMETYPE_DAYOFWEEK, /* Day of week */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 963 RTC_TIMETYPE_DAYOFYEAR, /* Day of year */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 964 RTC_TIMETYPE_MONTH, /* Month */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 965 RTC_TIMETYPE_YEAR, /* Year */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 966 RTC_TIMETYPE_LAST
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 967 } RTC_TIMEINDEX_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 968
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 969 #if RTC_EV_SUPPORT
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 970 typedef enum LPC_RTC_EV_CHANNEL {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 971 RTC_EV_CHANNEL_1 = 0,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 972 RTC_EV_CHANNEL_2,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 973 RTC_EV_CHANNEL_3,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 974 RTC_EV_CHANNEL_NUM,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 975 } LPC_RTC_EV_CHANNEL_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 976 #endif /*RTC_EV_SUPPORT*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 977
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 978 typedef struct { /* RTC Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 979 __IO uint32_t ILR; /* Interrupt Location Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 980 __I uint32_t RESERVED0;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 981 __IO uint32_t CCR; /* Clock Control Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 982 __IO uint32_t CIIR; /* Counter Increment Interrupt Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 983 __IO uint32_t AMR; /* Alarm Mask Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 984 __I uint32_t CTIME[3]; /* Consolidated Time Register 0,1,2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 985 __IO uint32_t TIME[RTC_TIMETYPE_LAST]; /* Timer field registers */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 986 __IO uint32_t CALIBRATION; /* Calibration Value Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 987 __I uint32_t RESERVED1[7];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 988 __IO uint32_t ALRM[RTC_TIMETYPE_LAST]; /* Alarm field registers */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 989 #if RTC_EV_SUPPORT
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 990 __IO uint32_t ERSTATUS; /* Event Monitor/Recorder Status register*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 991 __IO uint32_t ERCONTROL; /* Event Monitor/Recorder Control register*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 992 __I uint32_t ERCOUNTERS; /* Event Monitor/Recorder Counters register*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 993 __I uint32_t RESERVED2;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 994 __I uint32_t ERFIRSTSTAMP[RTC_EV_CHANNEL_NUM]; /* Event Monitor/Recorder First Stamp registers*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 995 __I uint32_t RESERVED3;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 996 __I uint32_t ERLASTSTAMP[RTC_EV_CHANNEL_NUM]; /* Event Monitor/Recorder Last Stamp registers*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 997 #endif /*RTC_EV_SUPPORT*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 998 } LPC_RTC_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 999
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1000 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1001 * LPC18XX/43XX CGU register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1002 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1003 #define LPC_CGU_BASE 0x40050000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1004 #define LPC_CCU1_BASE 0x40051000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1005 #define LPC_CCU2_BASE 0x40052000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1006 /*
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1007 * Input clocks for the CGU and can come from both external (crystal) and
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1008 * internal (PLL) sources. Can be routed to the base clocks.
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1009 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1010 typedef enum CGU_CLKIN {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1011 CLKIN_32K, /* External 32KHz input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1012 CLKIN_IRC, /* Internal IRC (12MHz) input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1013 CLKIN_ENET_RX, /* External ENET_RX pin input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1014 CLKIN_ENET_TX, /* External ENET_TX pin input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1015 CLKIN_CLKIN, /* External GPCLKIN pin input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1016 CLKIN_RESERVED1,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1017 CLKIN_CRYSTAL, /* External (main) crystal pin input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1018 CLKIN_USBPLL, /* Internal USB PLL input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1019 CLKIN_AUDIOPLL, /* Internal Audio PLL input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1020 CLKIN_MAINPLL, /* Internal Main PLL input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1021 CLKIN_RESERVED2,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1022 CLKIN_RESERVED3,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1023 CLKIN_IDIVA, /* Internal divider A input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1024 CLKIN_IDIVB, /* Internal divider B input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1025 CLKIN_IDIVC, /* Internal divider C input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1026 CLKIN_IDIVD, /* Internal divider D input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1027 CLKIN_IDIVE, /* Internal divider E input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1028 CLKINPUT_PD /* External 32KHz input */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1029 } CGU_CLKIN_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1030
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1031 #define CLKIN_PLL0USB CLKIN_USBPLL
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1032 #define CLKIN_PLL0AUDIO CLKIN_AUDIOPLL
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1033 #define CLKIN_PLL1 CLKIN_MAINPLL
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1034
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1035 /*
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1036 * CGU base clocks are clocks that are associated with a single input clock
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1037 * and are routed out to 1 or more peripherals. For example, the CLK_BASE_PERIPH
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1038 * clock can be configured to use the CLKIN_MAINPLL input clock, which will in
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1039 * turn route that clock to the CLK_PERIPH_BUS, CLK_PERIPH_CORE, and
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1040 * CLK_PERIPH_SGPIO periphral clocks.
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1041 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1042 typedef enum CGU_BASE_CLK {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1043 CLK_BASE_SAFE, /* Base clock for WDT oscillator, IRC input only */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1044 CLK_BASE_USB0, /* Base USB clock for USB0, USB PLL input only */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1045 #if defined(CHIP_LPC43XX)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1046 CLK_BASE_PERIPH, /* Base clock for SGPIO */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1047 #else
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1048 CLK_BASE_RESERVED1,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1049 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1050 CLK_BASE_USB1, /* Base USB clock for USB1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1051 CLK_BASE_MX, /* Base clock for CPU core */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1052 CLK_BASE_SPIFI, /* Base clock for SPIFI */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1053 #if defined(CHIP_LPC43XX)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1054 CLK_BASE_SPI, /* Base clock for SPI */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1055 #else
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1056 CLK_BASE_RESERVED2,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1057 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1058 CLK_BASE_PHY_RX, /* Base clock for PHY RX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1059 CLK_BASE_PHY_TX, /* Base clock for PHY TX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1060 CLK_BASE_APB1, /* Base clock for APB1 group */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1061 CLK_BASE_APB3, /* Base clock for APB3 group */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1062 CLK_BASE_LCD, /* Base clock for LCD pixel clock */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1063 #if defined(CHIP_LPC43XX)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1064 CLK_BASE_VADC, /* Base clock for VADC */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1065 #else
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1066 CLK_BASE_RESERVED3,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1067 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1068 CLK_BASE_SDIO, /* Base clock for SDIO */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1069 CLK_BASE_SSP0, /* Base clock for SSP0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1070 CLK_BASE_SSP1, /* Base clock for SSP1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1071 CLK_BASE_UART0, /* Base clock for UART0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1072 CLK_BASE_UART1, /* Base clock for UART1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1073 CLK_BASE_UART2, /* Base clock for UART2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1074 CLK_BASE_UART3, /* Base clock for UART3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1075 CLK_BASE_OUT, /* Base clock for CLKOUT pin */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1076 CLK_BASE_RESERVED4,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1077 CLK_BASE_RESERVED5,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1078 CLK_BASE_RESERVED6,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1079 CLK_BASE_RESERVED7,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1080 CLK_BASE_APLL, /* Base clock for audio PLL */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1081 CLK_BASE_CGU_OUT0, /* Base clock for CGUOUT0 pin */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1082 CLK_BASE_CGU_OUT1, /* Base clock for CGUOUT1 pin */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1083 CLK_BASE_LAST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1084 CLK_BASE_NONE = CLK_BASE_LAST
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1085 } CGU_BASE_CLK_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1086
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1087 /*
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1088 * CGU dividers provide an extra clock state where a specific clock can be
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1089 * divided before being routed to a peripheral group. A divider accepts an
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1090 * input clock and then divides it. To use the divided clock for a base clock
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1091 * group, use the divider as the input clock for the base clock (for example,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1092 * use CLKIN_IDIVB, where CLKIN_MAINPLL might be the input into the divider).
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1093 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1094 typedef enum CGU_IDIV {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1095 CLK_IDIV_A, /* CGU clock divider A */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1096 CLK_IDIV_B, /* CGU clock divider B */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1097 CLK_IDIV_C, /* CGU clock divider A */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1098 CLK_IDIV_D, /* CGU clock divider D */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1099 CLK_IDIV_E, /* CGU clock divider E */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1100 CLK_IDIV_LAST
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1101 } CGU_IDIV_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1102
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1103 /*
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1104 * Peripheral clocks are individual clocks routed to peripherals. Although
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1105 * multiple peripherals may share a same base clock, each peripheral's clock
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1106 * can be enabled or disabled individually. Some peripheral clocks also have
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1107 * additional dividers associated with them.
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1108 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1109 typedef enum CCU_CLK {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1110 /* CCU1 clocks */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1111 CLK_APB3_BUS, /* APB3 bus clock from base clock CLK_BASE_APB3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1112 CLK_APB3_I2C1, /* I2C1 register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_APB3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1113 CLK_APB3_DAC, /* DAC peripheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_APB3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1114 CLK_APB3_ADC0, /* ADC0 register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_APB3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1115 CLK_APB3_ADC1, /* ADC1 register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_APB3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1116 CLK_APB3_CAN0, /* CAN0 register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_APB3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1117 CLK_APB1_BUS = 32, /* APB1 bus clock clock from base clock CLK_BASE_APB1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1118 CLK_APB1_MOTOCON, /* Motor controller register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_APB1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1119 CLK_APB1_I2C0, /* I2C0 register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_APB1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1120 CLK_APB1_I2S, /* I2S register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_APB1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1121 CLK_APB1_CAN1, /* CAN1 register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_APB1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1122 CLK_SPIFI = 64, /* SPIFI SCKI input clock from base clock CLK_BASE_SPIFI */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1123 CLK_MX_BUS = 96, /* M3/M4 BUS core clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1124 CLK_MX_SPIFI, /* SPIFI register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1125 CLK_MX_GPIO, /* GPIO register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1126 CLK_MX_LCD, /* LCD register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1127 CLK_MX_ETHERNET, /* ETHERNET register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1128 CLK_MX_USB0, /* USB0 register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1129 CLK_MX_EMC, /* EMC clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1130 CLK_MX_SDIO, /* SDIO register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1131 CLK_MX_DMA, /* DMA register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1132 CLK_MX_MXCORE, /* M3/M4 CPU core clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1133 RESERVED_ALIGN = CLK_MX_MXCORE + 3,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1134 CLK_MX_SCT, /* SCT register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1135 CLK_MX_USB1, /* USB1 register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1136 CLK_MX_EMC_DIV, /* ENC divider clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1137 CLK_MX_FLASHA, /* FLASHA bank clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1138 CLK_MX_FLASHB, /* FLASHB bank clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1139 #if defined(CHIP_LPC43XX)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1140 CLK_M4_M0APP, /* M0 app CPU core clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1141 CLK_MX_VADC, /* VADC clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1142 #else
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1143 CLK_RESERVED1,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1144 CLK_RESERVED2,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1145 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1146 CLK_MX_EEPROM, /* EEPROM clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1147 CLK_MX_WWDT = 128, /* WWDT register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1148 CLK_MX_UART0, /* UART0 register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1149 CLK_MX_UART1, /* UART1 register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1150 CLK_MX_SSP0, /* SSP0 register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1151 CLK_MX_TIMER0, /* TIMER0 register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1152 CLK_MX_TIMER1, /* TIMER1 register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1153 CLK_MX_SCU, /* SCU register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1154 CLK_MX_CREG, /* CREG clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1155 CLK_MX_RITIMER = 160, /* RITIMER register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1156 CLK_MX_UART2, /* UART3 register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1157 CLK_MX_UART3, /* UART4 register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1158 CLK_MX_TIMER2, /* TIMER2 register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1159 CLK_MX_TIMER3, /* TIMER3 register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1160 CLK_MX_SSP1, /* SSP1 register clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1161 CLK_MX_QEI, /* QEI register/perigheral clock from base clock CLK_BASE_MX */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1162 #if defined(CHIP_LPC43XX)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1163 CLK_PERIPH_BUS = 192, /* Peripheral bus clock from base clock CLK_BASE_PERIPH */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1164 CLK_RESERVED3,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1165 CLK_PERIPH_CORE, /* Peripheral core clock from base clock CLK_BASE_PERIPH */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1166 CLK_PERIPH_SGPIO, /* SGPIO clock from base clock CLK_BASE_PERIPH */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1167 #else
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1168 CLK_RESERVED3 = 192,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1169 CLK_RESERVED3A,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1170 CLK_RESERVED4,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1171 CLK_RESERVED5,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1172 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1173 CLK_USB0 = 224, /* USB0 clock from base clock CLK_BASE_USB0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1174 CLK_USB1 = 256, /* USB1 clock from base clock CLK_BASE_USB1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1175 #if defined(CHIP_LPC43XX)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1176 CLK_SPI = 288, /* SPI clock from base clock CLK_BASE_SPI */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1177 CLK_VADC, /* VADC clock from base clock CLK_BASE_VADC */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1178 #else
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1179 CLK_RESERVED7 = 320,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1180 CLK_RESERVED8,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1181 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1182 CLK_CCU1_LAST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1183
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1184 /* CCU2 clocks */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1185 CLK_CCU2_START,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1186 CLK_APLL = CLK_CCU2_START, /* Audio PLL clock from base clock CLK_BASE_APLL */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1187 RESERVED_ALIGNB = CLK_CCU2_START + 31,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1188 CLK_APB2_UART3, /* UART3 clock from base clock CLK_BASE_UART3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1189 RESERVED_ALIGNC = CLK_CCU2_START + 63,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1190 CLK_APB2_UART2, /* UART2 clock from base clock CLK_BASE_UART2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1191 RESERVED_ALIGND = CLK_CCU2_START + 95,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1192 CLK_APB0_UART1, /* UART1 clock from base clock CLK_BASE_UART1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1193 RESERVED_ALIGNE = CLK_CCU2_START + 127,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1194 CLK_APB0_UART0, /* UART0 clock from base clock CLK_BASE_UART0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1195 RESERVED_ALIGNF = CLK_CCU2_START + 159,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1196 CLK_APB2_SSP1, /* SSP1 clock from base clock CLK_BASE_SSP1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1197 RESERVED_ALIGNG = CLK_CCU2_START + 191,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1198 CLK_APB0_SSP0, /* SSP0 clock from base clock CLK_BASE_SSP0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1199 RESERVED_ALIGNH = CLK_CCU2_START + 223,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1200 CLK_APB2_SDIO, /* SDIO clock from base clock CLK_BASE_SDIO */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1201 CLK_CCU2_LAST
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1202 } CCU_CLK_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1203
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1204 /*
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1205 * Audio or USB PLL selection
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1206 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1207 typedef enum CGU_USB_AUDIO_PLL {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1208 CGU_USB_PLL,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1209 CGU_AUDIO_PLL
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1210 } CGU_USB_AUDIO_PLL_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1211
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1212 /*
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1213 * PLL register block
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1214 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1215 typedef struct {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1216 __I uint32_t PLL_STAT; /* PLL status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1217 __IO uint32_t PLL_CTRL; /* PLL control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1218 __IO uint32_t PLL_MDIV; /* PLL M-divider register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1219 __IO uint32_t PLL_NP_DIV; /* PLL N/P-divider register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1220 } CGU_PLL_REG_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1221
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1222 typedef struct { /* (@ 0x40050000) CGU Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1223 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[5];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1224 __IO uint32_t FREQ_MON; /* (@ 0x40050014) Frequency monitor register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1225 __IO uint32_t XTAL_OSC_CTRL; /* (@ 0x40050018) Crystal oscillator control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1226 CGU_PLL_REG_T PLL[CGU_AUDIO_PLL + 1]; /* (@ 0x4005001C) USB and audio PLL blocks */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1227 __IO uint32_t PLL0AUDIO_FRAC; /* (@ 0x4005003C) PLL0 (audio) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1228 __I uint32_t PLL1_STAT; /* (@ 0x40050040) PLL1 status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1229 __IO uint32_t PLL1_CTRL; /* (@ 0x40050044) PLL1 control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1230 __IO uint32_t IDIV_CTRL[CLK_IDIV_LAST];/* (@ 0x40050048) Integer divider A-E control registers */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1231 __IO uint32_t BASE_CLK[CLK_BASE_LAST]; /* (@ 0x4005005C) Start of base clock registers */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1232 } LPC_CGU_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1233
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1234 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1235 * CCU clock config/status register pair
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1236 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1237 typedef struct {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1238 __IO uint32_t CFG; /* CCU clock configuration register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1239 __I uint32_t STAT; /* CCU clock status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1240 } CCU_CFGSTAT_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1241
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1242 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1243 * CCU1 register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1244 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1245 typedef struct { /* (@ 0x40051000) CCU1 Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1246 __IO uint32_t PM; /* (@ 0x40051000) CCU1 power mode register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1247 __I uint32_t BASE_STAT; /* (@ 0x40051004) CCU1 base clocks status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1248 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[62];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1249 CCU_CFGSTAT_T CLKCCU[CLK_CCU1_LAST]; /* (@ 0x40051100) Start of CCU1 clock registers */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1250 } LPC_CCU1_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1251
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1252 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1253 * CCU2 register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1254 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1255 typedef struct { /* (@ 0x40052000) CCU2 Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1256 __IO uint32_t PM; /* (@ 0x40052000) Power mode register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1257 __I uint32_t BASE_STAT; /* (@ 0x40052004) CCU base clocks status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1258 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[62];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1259 CCU_CFGSTAT_T CLKCCU[CLK_CCU2_LAST - CLK_CCU1_LAST]; /* (@ 0x40052100) Start of CCU2 clock registers */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1260 } LPC_CCU2_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1261
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1262 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1263 * RGU register structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1264 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1265 #define LPC_RGU_BASE 0x40053000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1266
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1267 typedef enum RGU_RST {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1268 RGU_CORE_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1269 RGU_PERIPH_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1270 RGU_MASTER_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1271 RGU_WWDT_RST = 4,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1272 RGU_CREG_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1273 RGU_BUS_RST = 8,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1274 RGU_SCU_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1275 RGU_M3_RST = 13,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1276 RGU_LCD_RST = 16,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1277 RGU_USB0_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1278 RGU_USB1_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1279 RGU_DMA_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1280 RGU_SDIO_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1281 RGU_EMC_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1282 RGU_ETHERNET_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1283 RGU_FLASHA_RST = 25,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1284 RGU_EEPROM_RST = 27,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1285 RGU_GPIO_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1286 RGU_FLASHB_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1287 RGU_TIMER0_RST = 32,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1288 RGU_TIMER1_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1289 RGU_TIMER2_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1290 RGU_TIMER3_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1291 RGU_RITIMER_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1292 RGU_SCT_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1293 RGU_MOTOCONPWM_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1294 RGU_QEI_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1295 RGU_ADC0_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1296 RGU_ADC1_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1297 RGU_DAC_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1298 RGU_UART0_RST = 44,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1299 RGU_UART1_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1300 RGU_UART2_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1301 RGU_UART3_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1302 RGU_I2C0_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1303 RGU_I2C1_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1304 RGU_SSP0_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1305 RGU_SSP1_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1306 RGU_I2S_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1307 RGU_SPIFI_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1308 RGU_CAN1_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1309 RGU_CAN0_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1310 #ifdef CHIP_LPC43XX
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1311 RGU_M0APP_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1312 RGU_SGPIO_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1313 RGU_SPI_RST,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1314 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1315 RGU_LAST_RST = 63,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1316 } RGU_RST_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1317
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1318 typedef struct { /* RGU Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1319 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[64];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1320 __O uint32_t RESET_CTRL0; /* Reset control register 0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1321 __O uint32_t RESET_CTRL1; /* Reset control register 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1322 __I uint32_t RESERVED1[2];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1323 __IO uint32_t RESET_STATUS0; /* Reset status register 0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1324 __IO uint32_t RESET_STATUS1; /* Reset status register 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1325 __IO uint32_t RESET_STATUS2; /* Reset status register 2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1326 __IO uint32_t RESET_STATUS3; /* Reset status register 3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1327 __I uint32_t RESERVED2[12];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1328 __I uint32_t RESET_ACTIVE_STATUS0;/* Reset active status register 0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1329 __I uint32_t RESET_ACTIVE_STATUS1;/* Reset active status register 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1330 __I uint32_t RESERVED3[170];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1331 __IO uint32_t RESET_EXT_STAT[RGU_LAST_RST + 1];/* Reset external status registers */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1332 } LPC_RGU_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1333
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1334 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1335 * Windowed Watchdog register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1336 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1337 #define LPC_WWDT_BASE 0x40080000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1338
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1339 typedef struct { /* WWDT Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1340 __IO uint32_t MOD; /* Watchdog mode register. This register contains the basic mode and status of the Watchdog Timer. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1341 __IO uint32_t TC; /* Watchdog timer constant register. This register determines the time-out value. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1342 __O uint32_t FEED; /* Watchdog feed sequence register. Writing 0xAA followed by 0x55 to this register reloads the Watchdog timer with the value contained in WDTC. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1343 __I uint32_t TV; /* Watchdog timer value register. This register reads out the current value of the Watchdog timer. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1344 #ifdef WATCHDOG_CLKSEL_SUPPORT
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1345 __IO uint32_t CLKSEL; /* Watchdog clock select register. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1346 #else
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1347 __I uint32_t RESERVED0;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1348 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1349 #ifdef WATCHDOG_WINDOW_SUPPORT
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1350 __IO uint32_t WARNINT; /* Watchdog warning interrupt register. This register contains the Watchdog warning interrupt compare value. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1351 __IO uint32_t WINDOW; /* Watchdog timer window register. This register contains the Watchdog window value. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1352 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1353 } LPC_WWDT_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1354
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1355 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1356 * USART register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1357 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1358 #define LPC_USART0_BASE 0x40081000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1359 #define LPC_UART1_BASE 0x40082000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1360 #define LPC_USART2_BASE 0x400C1000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1361 #define LPC_USART3_BASE 0x400C2000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1362
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1363 typedef struct { /* USARTn Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1364
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1365 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1366 __IO uint32_t DLL; /* Divisor Latch LSB. Least significant byte of the baud rate divisor value. The full divisor is used to generate a baud rate from the fractional rate divider (DLAB = 1). */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1367 __O uint32_t THR; /* Transmit Holding Register. The next character to be transmitted is written here (DLAB = 0). */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1368 __I uint32_t RBR; /* Receiver Buffer Register. Contains the next received character to be read (DLAB = 0). */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1369 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1370
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1371 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1372 __IO uint32_t IER; /* Interrupt Enable Register. Contains individual interrupt enable bits for the 7 potential UART interrupts (DLAB = 0). */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1373 __IO uint32_t DLM; /* Divisor Latch MSB. Most significant byte of the baud rate divisor value. The full divisor is used to generate a baud rate from the fractional rate divider (DLAB = 1). */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1374 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1375
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1376 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1377 __O uint32_t FCR; /* FIFO Control Register. Controls UART FIFO usage and modes. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1378 __I uint32_t IIR; /* Interrupt ID Register. Identifies which interrupt(s) are pending. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1379 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1380
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1381 __IO uint32_t LCR; /* Line Control Register. Contains controls for frame formatting and break generation. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1382 __IO uint32_t MCR; /* Modem Control Register. Only present on USART ports with full modem support. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1383 __I uint32_t LSR; /* Line Status Register. Contains flags for transmit and receive status, including line errors. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1384 __I uint32_t MSR; /* Modem Status Register. Only present on USART ports with full modem support. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1385 __IO uint32_t SCR; /* Scratch Pad Register. Eight-bit temporary storage for software. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1386 __IO uint32_t ACR; /* Auto-baud Control Register. Contains controls for the auto-baud feature. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1387 __IO uint32_t ICR; /* IrDA control register (not all UARTS) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1388 __IO uint32_t FDR; /* Fractional Divider Register. Generates a clock input for the baud rate divider. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1389 __IO uint32_t OSR; /* Oversampling Register. Controls the degree of oversampling during each bit time. Only on some UARTS. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1390 __IO uint32_t TER1; /* Transmit Enable Register. Turns off USART transmitter for use with software flow control. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1391 uint32_t RESERVED0[3];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1392 __IO uint32_t HDEN; /* Half-duplex enable Register- only on some UARTs */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1393 __I uint32_t RESERVED1[1];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1394 __IO uint32_t SCICTRL; /* Smart card interface control register- only on some UARTs */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1395 __IO uint32_t RS485CTRL; /* RS-485/EIA-485 Control. Contains controls to configure various aspects of RS-485/EIA-485 modes. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1396 __IO uint32_t RS485ADRMATCH; /* RS-485/EIA-485 address match. Contains the address match value for RS-485/EIA-485 mode. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1397 __IO uint32_t RS485DLY; /* RS-485/EIA-485 direction control delay. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1398 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1399 __IO uint32_t SYNCCTRL; /* Synchronous mode control register. Only on USARTs. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1400 __I uint32_t FIFOLVL; /* FIFO Level register. Provides the current fill levels of the transmit and receive FIFOs. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1401 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1402
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1403 __IO uint32_t TER2; /* Transmit Enable Register. Only on LPC177X_8X UART4 and LPC18XX/43XX USART0/2/3. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1404 } LPC_USART_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1405
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1406 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1407 * SSP register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1408 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1409 #define LPC_SSP0_BASE 0x40083000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1410 #define LPC_SSP1_BASE 0x400C5000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1411
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1412 typedef struct { /* SSPn Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1413 __IO uint32_t CR0; /* Control Register 0. Selects the serial clock rate, bus type, and data size. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1414 __IO uint32_t CR1; /* Control Register 1. Selects master/slave and other modes. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1415 __IO uint32_t DR; /* Data Register. Writes fill the transmit FIFO, and reads empty the receive FIFO. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1416 __I uint32_t SR; /* Status Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1417 __IO uint32_t CPSR; /* Clock Prescale Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1418 __IO uint32_t IMSC; /* Interrupt Mask Set and Clear Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1419 __I uint32_t RIS; /* Raw Interrupt Status Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1420 __I uint32_t MIS; /* Masked Interrupt Status Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1421 __O uint32_t ICR; /* SSPICR Interrupt Clear Register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1422 __IO uint32_t DMACR; /* SSPn DMA control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1423 } LPC_SSP_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1424
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1425 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1426 * 32-bit Standard timer register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1427 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1428 #define LPC_TIMER0_BASE 0x40084000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1429 #define LPC_TIMER1_BASE 0x40085000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1430 #define LPC_TIMER2_BASE 0x400C3000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1431 #define LPC_TIMER3_BASE 0x400C4000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1432
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1433 typedef struct { /* TIMERn Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1434 __IO uint32_t IR; /* Interrupt Register. The IR can be written to clear interrupts. The IR can be read to identify which of eight possible interrupt sources are pending. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1435 __IO uint32_t TCR; /* Timer Control Register. The TCR is used to control the Timer Counter functions. The Timer Counter can be disabled or reset through the TCR. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1436 __IO uint32_t TC; /* Timer Counter. The 32 bit TC is incremented every PR+1 cycles of PCLK. The TC is controlled through the TCR. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1437 __IO uint32_t PR; /* Prescale Register. The Prescale Counter (below) is equal to this value, the next clock increments the TC and clears the PC. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1438 __IO uint32_t PC; /* Prescale Counter. The 32 bit PC is a counter which is incremented to the value stored in PR. When the value in PR is reached, the TC is incremented and the PC is cleared. The PC is observable and controllable through the bus interface. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1439 __IO uint32_t MCR; /* Match Control Register. The MCR is used to control if an interrupt is generated and if the TC is reset when a Match occurs. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1440 __IO uint32_t MR[4]; /* Match Register. MR can be enabled through the MCR to reset the TC, stop both the TC and PC, and/or generate an interrupt every time MR matches the TC. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1441 __IO uint32_t CCR; /* Capture Control Register. The CCR controls which edges of the capture inputs are used to load the Capture Registers and whether or not an interrupt is generated when a capture takes place. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1442 __IO uint32_t CR[4]; /* Capture Register. CR is loaded with the value of TC when there is an event on the CAPn.0 input. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1443 __IO uint32_t EMR; /* External Match Register. The EMR controls the external match pins MATn.0-3 (MAT0.0-3 and MAT1.0-3 respectively). */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1444 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[12];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1445 __IO uint32_t CTCR; /* Count Control Register. The CTCR selects between Timer and Counter mode, and in Counter mode selects the signal and edge(s) for counting. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1446 } LPC_TIMER_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1447
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1448 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1449 * System Control Unit register block
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1450 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1451 #define LPC_SCU_BASE 0x40086000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1452
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1453 typedef struct {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1454 __IO uint32_t SFSP[16][32];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1455 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[256];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1456 __IO uint32_t SFSCLK[4]; /* Pin configuration register for pins CLK0-3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1457 __I uint32_t RESERVED16[28];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1458 __IO uint32_t SFSUSB; /* Pin configuration register for USB */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1459 __IO uint32_t SFSI2C0; /* Pin configuration register for I2C0-bus pins */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1460 __IO uint32_t ENAIO[3]; /* Analog function select registers */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1461 __I uint32_t RESERVED17[27];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1462 __IO uint32_t EMCDELAYCLK; /* EMC clock delay register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1463 __I uint32_t RESERVED18[63];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1464 __IO uint32_t PINTSEL0; /* Pin interrupt select register for pin interrupts 0 to 3. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1465 __IO uint32_t PINTSEL1; /* Pin interrupt select register for pin interrupts 4 to 7. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1466 } LPC_SCU_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1467
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1468 /*
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1469 * SCU function and mode selection definitions
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1470 * See the User Manual for specific modes and functions supoprted by the
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1471 * various LPC18xx/43xx devices. Functionality can vary per device.
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1472 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1473 #define SCU_MODE_PULLUP (0x0 << 3) /* Enable pull-up resistor at pad */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1474 #define SCU_MODE_REPEATER (0x1 << 3) /* Enable pull-down and pull-up resistor at resistor at pad (repeater mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1475 #define SCU_MODE_INACT (0x2 << 3) /* Disable pull-down and pull-up resistor at resistor at pad */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1476 #define SCU_MODE_PULLDOWN (0x3 << 3) /* Enable pull-down resistor at pad */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1477 #define SCU_MODE_HIGHSPEEDSLEW_EN (0x1 << 5) /* Enable high-speed slew */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1478 #define SCU_MODE_INBUFF_EN (0x1 << 6) /* Enable Input buffer */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1479 #define SCU_MODE_ZIF_DIS (0x1 << 7) /* Disable input glitch filter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1480 #define SCU_MODE_4MA_DRIVESTR (0x0 << 8) /* Normal drive: 4mA drive strength */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1481 #define SCU_MODE_8MA_DRIVESTR (0x1 << 8) /* Medium drive: 8mA drive strength */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1482 #define SCU_MODE_14MA_DRIVESTR (0x2 << 8) /* High drive: 14mA drive strength */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1483 #define SCU_MODE_20MA_DRIVESTR (0x3 << 8) /* Ultra high- drive: 20mA drive strength */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1484
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1485 #define SCU_MODE_FUNC0 0x0 /* Selects pin function 0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1486 #define SCU_MODE_FUNC1 0x1 /* Selects pin function 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1487 #define SCU_MODE_FUNC2 0x2 /* Selects pin function 2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1488 #define SCU_MODE_FUNC3 0x3 /* Selects pin function 3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1489 #define SCU_MODE_FUNC4 0x4 /* Selects pin function 4 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1490 #define SCU_MODE_FUNC5 0x5 /* Selects pin function 5 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1491 #define SCU_MODE_FUNC6 0x6 /* Selects pin function 6 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1492 #define SCU_MODE_FUNC7 0x7 /* Selects pin function 7 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1493
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1494 /* Common SCU configurations */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1496 #define SCU_PINIO_PULLUP (SCU_MODE_INBUFF_EN)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1498 #define SCU_PINIO_PULLNONE (SCU_MODE_INACT | SCU_MODE_INBUFF_EN)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1499
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1500 /* Calculate SCU offset and register address from group and pin number */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1501 #define SCU_OFF(group, num) ((group << 7) + (num << 2))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1502 #define SCU_REG(group, num) ((__IO uint32_t *)(LPC_SCU_BASE + SCU_OFF(group, num)))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1503
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1504 /**
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1505 * SCU function and mode selection definitions (old)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1506 * For backwards compatibility.
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1507 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1508 #define MD_PUP (0x0 << 3) /* Enable pull-up resistor at pad */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1509 #define MD_BUK (0x1 << 3) /* Enable pull-down and pull-up resistor at resistor at pad (repeater mode) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1510 #define MD_PLN (0x2 << 3) /* Disable pull-down and pull-up resistor at resistor at pad */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1511 #define MD_PDN (0x3 << 3) /* Enable pull-down resistor at pad */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1512 #define MD_EHS (0x1 << 5) /* Enable fast slew rate */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1513 #define MD_EZI (0x1 << 6) /* Input buffer enable */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1514 #define MD_ZI (0x1 << 7) /* Disable input glitch filter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1515 #define MD_EHD0 (0x1 << 8) /* EHD driver strength low bit */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1516 #define MD_EHD1 (0x1 << 8) /* EHD driver strength high bit */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1517 #define MD_PLN_FAST (MD_PLN | MD_EZI | MD_ZI | MD_EHS)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1518 #define I2C0_STANDARD_FAST_MODE (1 << 3 | 1 << 11) /* Pin configuration for STANDARD/FAST mode I2C */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1519 #define I2C0_FAST_MODE_PLUS (2 << 1 | 1 << 3 | 1 << 7 | 1 << 10 | 1 << 11) /* Pin configuration for Fast-mode Plus I2C */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1520
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1521 #define FUNC0 0x0 /* Pin function 0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1522 #define FUNC1 0x1 /* Pin function 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1523 #define FUNC2 0x2 /* Pin function 2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1524 #define FUNC3 0x3 /* Pin function 3 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1525 #define FUNC4 0x4 /* Pin function 4 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1526 #define FUNC5 0x5 /* Pin function 5 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1527 #define FUNC6 0x6 /* Pin function 6 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1528 #define FUNC7 0x7 /* Pin function 7 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1529
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1530 #define PORT_OFFSET 0x80 /* Port offset definition */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1531 #define PIN_OFFSET 0x04 /* Pin offset definition */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1532
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1533 /* Returns the SFSP register address in the SCU for a pin and port,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1534 recommend using (*(volatile int *) &LPC_SCU->SFSP[po][pi];) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1535 #define LPC_SCU_PIN(LPC_SCU_BASE, po, pi) \
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1536 (*(volatile int *) ((LPC_SCU_BASE) + ((po) * 0x80) + ((pi) * 0x4))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1537
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1538 /* Returns the address in the SCU for a SFSCLK clock register,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1539 recommend using (*(volatile int *) &LPC_SCU->SFSCLK[c];) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1540 #define LPC_SCU_CLK(LPC_SCU_BASE, c) \
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1541 (*(volatile int *) ((LPC_SCU_BASE) +0xC00 + ((c) * 0x4)))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1542
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1543 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1544 * GPIO pin interrupt register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1545 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1546 #define LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT_BASE 0x40087000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1547
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1548 typedef struct { /* GPIO_PIN_INT Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1549 __IO uint32_t ISEL; /* Pin Interrupt Mode register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1550 __IO uint32_t IENR; /* Pin Interrupt Enable (Rising) register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1551 __O uint32_t SIENR; /* Set Pin Interrupt Enable (Rising) register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1552 __O uint32_t CIENR; /* Clear Pin Interrupt Enable (Rising) register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1553 __IO uint32_t IENF; /* Pin Interrupt Enable Falling Edge / Active Level register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1554 __O uint32_t SIENF; /* Set Pin Interrupt Enable Falling Edge / Active Level register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1555 __O uint32_t CIENF; /* Clear Pin Interrupt Enable Falling Edge / Active Level address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1556 __IO uint32_t RISE; /* Pin Interrupt Rising Edge register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1557 __IO uint32_t FALL; /* Pin Interrupt Falling Edge register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1558 __IO uint32_t IST; /* Pin Interrupt Status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1559 } LPC_GPIOPININT_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1560
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1561 typedef enum LPC_GPIOPININT_MODE {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1562 GPIOPININT_RISING_EDGE = 0x01,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1563 GPIOPININT_FALLING_EDGE = 0x02,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1564 GPIOPININT_ACTIVE_HIGH_LEVEL = 0x04,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1565 GPIOPININT_ACTIVE_LOW_LEVEL = 0x08
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1566 } LPC_GPIOPININT_MODE_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1567
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1568 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1569 * GPIO grouped interrupt register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1570 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1571 #define LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0_BASE 0x40088000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1572 #define LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1_BASE 0x40089000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1573
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1574 typedef struct { /* GPIO_GROUP_INTn Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1575 __IO uint32_t CTRL; /* GPIO grouped interrupt control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1576 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[7];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1577 __IO uint32_t PORT_POL[8]; /* GPIO grouped interrupt port polarity register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1578 __IO uint32_t PORT_ENA[8]; /* GPIO grouped interrupt port m enable register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1579 } LPC_GPIOGROUPINT_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1580
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1581 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1582 * Motor Control PWM register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1583 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1584 #define LPC_MCPWM_BASE 0x400A0000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1585
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1586 typedef struct { /* MCPWM Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1587 __I uint32_t CON; /* PWM Control read address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1588 __O uint32_t CON_SET; /* PWM Control set address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1589 __O uint32_t CON_CLR; /* PWM Control clear address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1590 __I uint32_t CAPCON; /* Capture Control read address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1591 __O uint32_t CAPCON_SET; /* Capture Control set address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1592 __O uint32_t CAPCON_CLR; /* Event Control clear address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1593 __IO uint32_t TC[3]; /* Timer Counter register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1594 __IO uint32_t LIM[3]; /* Limit register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1595 __IO uint32_t MAT[3]; /* Match register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1596 __IO uint32_t DT; /* Dead time register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1597 __IO uint32_t CCP; /* Communication Pattern register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1598 __I uint32_t CAP[3]; /* Capture register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1599 __I uint32_t INTEN; /* Interrupt Enable read address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1600 __O uint32_t INTEN_SET; /* Interrupt Enable set address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1601 __O uint32_t INTEN_CLR; /* Interrupt Enable clear address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1602 __I uint32_t CNTCON; /* Count Control read address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1603 __O uint32_t CNTCON_SET; /* Count Control set address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1604 __O uint32_t CNTCON_CLR; /* Count Control clear address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1605 __I uint32_t INTF; /* Interrupt flags read address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1606 __O uint32_t INTF_SET; /* Interrupt flags set address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1607 __O uint32_t INTF_CLR; /* Interrupt flags clear address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1608 __O uint32_t CAP_CLR; /* Capture clear address */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1609 } LPC_MCPWM_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1610
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1611 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1612 * I2C register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1613 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1614 #define LPC_I2C0_BASE 0x400A1000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1615 #define LPC_I2C1_BASE 0x400E0000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1616
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1617 typedef struct { /* I2C0 Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1618 __IO uint32_t CONSET; /* I2C Control Set Register. When a one is written to a bit of this register, the corresponding bit in the I2C control register is set. Writing a zero has no effect on the corresponding bit in the I2C control register. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1619 __I uint32_t STAT; /* I2C Status Register. During I2C operation, this register provides detailed status codes that allow software to determine the next action needed. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1620 __IO uint32_t DAT; /* I2C Data Register. During master or slave transmit mode, data to be transmitted is written to this register. During master or slave receive mode, data that has been received may be read from this register. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1621 __IO uint32_t ADR0; /* I2C Slave Address Register 0. Contains the 7-bit slave address for operation of the I2C interface in slave mode, and is not used in master mode. The least significant bit determines whether a slave responds to the General Call address. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1622 __IO uint32_t SCLH; /* SCH Duty Cycle Register High Half Word. Determines the high time of the I2C clock. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1623 __IO uint32_t SCLL; /* SCL Duty Cycle Register Low Half Word. Determines the low time of the I2C clock. SCLL and SCLH together determine the clock frequency generated by an I2C master and certain times used in slave mode. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1624 __O uint32_t CONCLR; /* I2C Control Clear Register. When a one is written to a bit of this register, the corresponding bit in the I2C control register is cleared. Writing a zero has no effect on the corresponding bit in the I2C control register. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1625 __IO uint32_t MMCTRL; /* Monitor mode control register. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1626 __IO uint32_t ADR1; /* I2C Slave Address Register. Contains the 7-bit slave address for operation of the I2C interface in slave mode, and is not used in master mode. The least significant bit determines whether a slave responds to the General Call address. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1627 __IO uint32_t ADR2; /* I2C Slave Address Register. Contains the 7-bit slave address for operation of the I2C interface in slave mode, and is not used in master mode. The least significant bit determines whether a slave responds to the General Call address. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1628 __IO uint32_t ADR3; /* I2C Slave Address Register. Contains the 7-bit slave address for operation of the I2C interface in slave mode, and is not used in master mode. The least significant bit determines whether a slave responds to the General Call address. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1629 __I uint32_t DATA_BUFFER; /* Data buffer register. The contents of the 8 MSBs of the DAT shift register will be transferred to the DATA_BUFFER automatically after every nine bits (8 bits of data plus ACK or NACK) has been received on the bus. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1630 __IO uint32_t MASK[4]; /* I2C Slave address mask register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1631 } LPC_I2C_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1632
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1633 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1634 * I2S register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1635 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1636 #define LPC_I2S0_BASE 0x400A2000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1637 #define LPC_I2S1_BASE 0x400A3000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1638
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1639 typedef struct { /* I2S Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1640 __IO uint32_t DAO; /* I2S Digital Audio Output Register. Contains control bits for the I2S transmit channel */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1641 __IO uint32_t DAI; /* I2S Digital Audio Input Register. Contains control bits for the I2S receive channel */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1642 __O uint32_t TXFIFO; /* I2S Transmit FIFO. Access register for the 8 x 32-bit transmitter FIFO */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1643 __I uint32_t RXFIFO; /* I2S Receive FIFO. Access register for the 8 x 32-bit receiver FIFO */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1644 __I uint32_t STATE; /* I2S Status Feedback Register. Contains status information about the I2S interface */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1645 __IO uint32_t DMA1; /* I2S DMA Configuration Register 1. Contains control information for DMA request 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1646 __IO uint32_t DMA2; /* I2S DMA Configuration Register 2. Contains control information for DMA request 2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1647 __IO uint32_t IRQ; /* I2S Interrupt Request Control Register. Contains bits that control how the I2S interrupt request is generated */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1648 __IO uint32_t TXRATE; /* I2S Transmit MCLK divider. This register determines the I2S TX MCLK rate by specifying the value to divide PCLK by in order to produce MCLK */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1649 __IO uint32_t RXRATE; /* I2S Receive MCLK divider. This register determines the I2S RX MCLK rate by specifying the value to divide PCLK by in order to produce MCLK */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1650 __IO uint32_t TXBITRATE; /* I2S Transmit bit rate divider. This register determines the I2S transmit bit rate by specifying the value to divide TX_MCLK by in order to produce the transmit bit clock */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1651 __IO uint32_t RXBITRATE; /* I2S Receive bit rate divider. This register determines the I2S receive bit rate by specifying the value to divide RX_MCLK by in order to produce the receive bit clock */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1652 __IO uint32_t TXMODE; /* I2S Transmit mode control */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1653 __IO uint32_t RXMODE; /* I2S Receive mode control */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1654 } LPC_I2S_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1655
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1656 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1657 * CCAN Controller Area Network register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1658 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1659 #define LPC_C_CAN1_BASE 0x400A4000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1660 #define LPC_C_CAN0_BASE 0x400E2000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1661
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1662 typedef struct { /* C_CAN message interface Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1663 __IO uint32_t IF_CMDREQ; /* Message interface command request */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1664 union {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1665 __IO uint32_t IF_CMDMSK_R; /* Message interface command mask (read direction) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1666 __IO uint32_t IF_CMDMSK_W; /* Message interface command mask (write direction) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1667 };
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1668
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1669 __IO uint32_t IF_MSK1; /* Message interface mask 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1670 __IO uint32_t IF_MSK2; /* Message interface mask 2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1671 __IO uint32_t IF_ARB1; /* Message interface arbitration 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1672 __IO uint32_t IF_ARB2; /* Message interface arbitration 2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1673 __IO uint32_t IF_MCTRL; /* Message interface message control */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1674 __IO uint32_t IF_DA1; /* Message interface data A1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1675 __IO uint32_t IF_DA2; /* Message interface data A2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1676 __IO uint32_t IF_DB1; /* Message interface data B1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1677 __IO uint32_t IF_DB2; /* Message interface data B2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1678 __I uint32_t RESERVED[13];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1679 } LPC_CCAN_IF_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1680
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1681 typedef struct { /* C_CAN Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1682 __IO uint32_t CNTL; /* CAN control */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1683 __IO uint32_t STAT; /* Status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1684 __I uint32_t EC; /* Error counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1685 __IO uint32_t BT; /* Bit timing register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1686 __I uint32_t INT; /* Interrupt register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1687 __IO uint32_t TEST; /* Test register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1688 __IO uint32_t BRPE; /* Baud rate prescaler extension register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1689 __I uint32_t RESERVED0;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1690 LPC_CCAN_IF_T IF[2];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1691 __I uint32_t RESERVED2[8];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1692 __I uint32_t TXREQ1; /* Transmission request 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1693 __I uint32_t TXREQ2; /* Transmission request 2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1694 __I uint32_t RESERVED3[6];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1695 __I uint32_t ND1; /* New data 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1696 __I uint32_t ND2; /* New data 2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1697 __I uint32_t RESERVED4[6];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1698 __I uint32_t IR1; /* Interrupt pending 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1699 __I uint32_t IR2; /* Interrupt pending 2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1700 __I uint32_t RESERVED5[6];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1701 __I uint32_t MSGV1; /* Message valid 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1702 __I uint32_t MSGV2; /* Message valid 2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1703 __I uint32_t RESERVED6[6];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1704 __IO uint32_t CLKDIV; /* CAN clock divider register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1705 } LPC_CCAN_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1706
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1707 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1708 * Repetitive Interrupt Timer register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1709 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1710 #define LPC_RITIMER_BASE 0x400C0000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1711
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1712 typedef struct { /* RITIMER Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1713 __IO uint32_t COMPVAL; /* Compare register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1714 __IO uint32_t MASK; /* Mask register. This register holds the 32-bit mask value. A 1 written to any bit will force a compare on the corresponding bit of the counter and compare register. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1715 __IO uint32_t CTRL; /* Control register. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1716 __IO uint32_t COUNTER; /* 32-bit counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1717 } LPC_RITIMER_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1718
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1719 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1720 * Quadrature Encoder Interface register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1721 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1722 #define LPC_QEI_BASE 0x400C6000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1723
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1724 typedef struct { /* QEI Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1725 __O uint32_t CON; /* Control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1726 __I uint32_t STAT; /* Encoder status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1727 __IO uint32_t CONF; /* Configuration register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1728 __I uint32_t POS; /* Position register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1729 __IO uint32_t MAXPOS; /* Maximum position register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1730 __IO uint32_t CMPOS0; /* position compare register 0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1731 __IO uint32_t CMPOS1; /* position compare register 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1732 __IO uint32_t CMPOS2; /* position compare register 2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1733 __I uint32_t INXCNT; /* Index count register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1734 __IO uint32_t INXCMP0; /* Index compare register 0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1735 __IO uint32_t LOAD; /* Velocity timer reload register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1736 __I uint32_t TIME; /* Velocity timer register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1737 __I uint32_t VEL; /* Velocity counter register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1738 __I uint32_t CAP; /* Velocity capture register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1739 __IO uint32_t VELCOMP; /* Velocity compare register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1740 __IO uint32_t FILTERPHA; /* Digital filter register on input phase A (QEI_A) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1741 __IO uint32_t FILTERPHB; /* Digital filter register on input phase B (QEI_B) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1742 __IO uint32_t FILTERINX; /* Digital filter register on input index (QEI_IDX) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1743 __IO uint32_t WINDOW; /* Index acceptance window register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1744 __IO uint32_t INXCMP1; /* Index compare register 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1745 __IO uint32_t INXCMP2; /* Index compare register 2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1746 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[993];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1747 __O uint32_t IEC; /* Interrupt enable clear register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1748 __O uint32_t IES; /* Interrupt enable set register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1749 __I uint32_t INTSTAT; /* Interrupt status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1750 __I uint32_t IE; /* Interrupt enable register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1751 __O uint32_t CLR; /* Interrupt status clear register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1752 __O uint32_t SET; /* Interrupt status set register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1753 } LPC_QEI_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1754
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1755 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1756 * Global Input Multiplexer Array (GIMA) register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1757 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1758 #define LPC_GIMA_BASE 0x400C7000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1759
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1760 typedef struct { /* GIMA Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1761 __IO uint32_t CAP0_IN[4][4]; /* Timer x CAP0_y capture input multiplexer (GIMA output ((x*4)+y)) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1762 __IO uint32_t CTIN_IN[8]; /* SCT CTIN_x capture input multiplexer (GIMA output (16+x)) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1763 __IO uint32_t VADC_TRIGGER_IN; /* VADC trigger input multiplexer (GIMA output 24) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1764 __IO uint32_t EVENTROUTER_13_IN; /* Event router input 13 multiplexer (GIMA output 25) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1765 __IO uint32_t EVENTROUTER_14_IN; /* Event router input 14 multiplexer (GIMA output 26) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1766 __IO uint32_t EVENTROUTER_16_IN; /* Event router input 16 multiplexer (GIMA output 27) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1767 __IO uint32_t ADCSTART0_IN; /* ADC start0 input multiplexer (GIMA output 28) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1768 __IO uint32_t ADCSTART1_IN; /* ADC start1 input multiplexer (GIMA output 29) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1769 } LPC_GIMA_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1770
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1771 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1772 * DAC register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1773 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1774 #define LPC_DAC_BASE 0x400E1000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1775
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1776 typedef struct { /* DAC Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1777 __IO uint32_t CR; /* DAC register. Holds the conversion data. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1778 __IO uint32_t CTRL; /* DAC control register. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1779 __IO uint32_t CNTVAL; /* DAC counter value register. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1780 } LPC_DAC_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1781
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1782 /* After the selected settling time after this field is written with a
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1783 * new VALUE, the voltage on the AOUT pin (with respect to VSSA)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1784 * is VALUE/1024 ? VREF
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1785 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1786 #define DAC_RANGE 0x3FF
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1787 #define DAC_SET(n) ((uint32_t) ((n & DAC_RANGE) << 6))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1788 #define DAC_GET(n) ((uint32_t) ((n >> 6) & DAC_RANGE))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1789 #define DAC_VALUE(n) DAC_SET(n)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1790 /* If this bit = 0: The settling time of the DAC is 1 microsecond max,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1791 * and the maximum current is 700 microAmpere
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1792 * If this bit = 1: The settling time of the DAC is 2.5 microsecond
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1793 * and the maximum current is 350 microAmpere
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1794 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1795 #define DAC_BIAS_EN ((uint32_t) (1 << 16))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1796 /* Value to reload interrupt DMA counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1797 #define DAC_CCNT_VALUE(n) ((uint32_t) (n & 0xffff))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1798
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1799 #define DAC_DBLBUF_ENA ((uint32_t) (1 << 1))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1800 #define DAC_CNT_ENA ((uint32_t) (1 << 2))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1801 #define DAC_DMA_ENA ((uint32_t) (1 << 3))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1802 #define DAC_DACCTRL_MASK ((uint32_t) (0x0F))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1803
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1804 /* Current option in DAC configuration option */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1805 typedef enum DAC_CURRENT_OPT {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1806 DAC_MAX_UPDATE_RATE_1MHz = 0, /* Shorter settling times and higher power consumption;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1807 allows for a maximum update rate of 1 MHz */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1808 DAC_MAX_UPDATE_RATE_400kHz /* Longer settling times and lower power consumption;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1809 allows for a maximum update rate of 400 kHz */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1810 } DAC_CURRENT_OPT_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1811
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1812 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1813 * ADC register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1814 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1815 #define LPC_ADC0_BASE 0x400E3000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1816 #define LPC_ADC1_BASE 0x400E4000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1817 #define ADC_ACC_10BITS
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1818
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1819 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1820 * 10 or 12-bit ADC register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1821 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1822 typedef struct { /* ADCn Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1823 __IO uint32_t CR; /* A/D Control Register. The AD0CR register must be written to select the operating mode before A/D conversion can occur. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1824 __I uint32_t GDR; /* A/D Global Data Register. Contains the result of the most recent A/D conversion. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1825 __I uint32_t RESERVED0;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1826 __IO uint32_t INTEN; /* A/D Interrupt Enable Register. This register contains enable bits that allow the DONE flag of each A/D channel to be included or excluded from contributing to the generation of an A/D interrupt. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1827 __I uint32_t DR[8]; /* A/D Channel Data Register. This register contains the result of the most recent conversion completed on channel n. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1828 __I uint32_t STAT; /* A/D Status Register. This register contains DONE and OVERRUN flags for all of the A/D channels, as well as the A/D interrupt flag. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1829 } LPC_ADC_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1830
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1831 /* ADC register support bitfields and mask */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1832 #define ADC_RANGE 0x3FF
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1833 #define ADC_DR_RESULT(n) ((((n) >> 6) & 0x3FF)) /* Mask for getting the 10 bits ADC data read value */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1834 #define ADC_CR_BITACC(n) ((((n) & 0x7) << 17)) /* Number of ADC accuracy bits */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1835 #define ADC_DR_DONE(n) (((n) >> 31)) /* Mask for reading the ADC done status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1836 #define ADC_DR_OVERRUN(n) ((((n) >> 30) & (1UL))) /* Mask for reading the ADC overrun status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1837 #define ADC_CR_CH_SEL(n) ((1UL << (n))) /* Selects which of the AD0.0:7 pins is (are) to be sampled and converted */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1838 #define ADC_CR_CLKDIV(n) ((((n) & 0xFF) << 8)) /* The APB clock (PCLK) is divided by (this value plus one) to produce the clock for the A/D */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1839 #define ADC_CR_BURST ((1UL << 16)) /* Repeated conversions A/D enable bit */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1840 #define ADC_CR_PDN ((1UL << 21)) /* ADC convert is operational */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1841 #define ADC_CR_START_MASK ((7UL << 24)) /* ADC start mask bits */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1842 #define ADC_CR_START_MODE_SEL(SEL) ((SEL << 24)) /* Select Start Mode */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1843 #define ADC_CR_START_NOW ((1UL << 24)) /* Start conversion now */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1844 #define ADC_CR_START_CTOUT15 ((2UL << 24)) /* Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on CTOUT_15 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1845 #define ADC_CR_START_CTOUT8 ((3UL << 24)) /* Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on CTOUT_8 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1846 #define ADC_CR_START_ADCTRIG0 ((4UL << 24)) /* Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on ADCTRIG0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1847 #define ADC_CR_START_ADCTRIG1 ((5UL << 24)) /* Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on ADCTRIG1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1848 #define ADC_CR_START_MCOA2 ((6UL << 24)) /* Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on Motocon PWM output MCOA2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1849 #define ADC_CR_EDGE ((1UL << 27)) /* Start conversion on a falling edge on the selected CAP/MAT signal */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1850 #define ADC_CONFIG_MASK (ADC_CR_CLKDIV(0xFF) | ADC_CR_BITACC(0x07) | ADC_CR_PDN)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1851
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1852 /* ADC status register used for IP drivers */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1853 typedef enum ADC_STATUS {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1854 ADC_DR_DONE_STAT, /* ADC data register staus */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1855 ADC_DR_OVERRUN_STAT,/* ADC data overrun staus */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1856 ADC_DR_ADINT_STAT /* ADC interrupt status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1857 } ADC_STATUS_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1858
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1859 /** Start mode, which controls the start of an A/D conversion when the BURST bit is 0. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1860 typedef enum ADC_START_MODE {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1861 ADC_NO_START = 0,
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1862 ADC_START_NOW, /* Start conversion now */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1863 ADC_START_ON_CTOUT15, /* Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on CTOUT_15 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1864 ADC_START_ON_CTOUT8, /* Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on CTOUT_8 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1865 ADC_START_ON_ADCTRIG0, /* Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on ADCTRIG0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1866 ADC_START_ON_ADCTRIG1, /* Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on ADCTRIG1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1867 ADC_START_ON_MCOA2 /* Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on Motocon PWM output MCOA2 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1868 } ADC_START_MODE_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1869
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1870 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1871 * GPIO port register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1872 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1873 #define LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE 0x400F4000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1874 #define LPC_GPIO0_BASE (LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1875 #define LPC_GPIO1_BASE (LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE + 0x04)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1876 #define LPC_GPIO2_BASE (LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE + 0x08)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1877 #define LPC_GPIO3_BASE (LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE + 0x0C)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1878 #define LPC_GPIO4_BASE (LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE + 0x10)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1879 #define LPC_GPIO5_BASE (LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE + 0x14)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1880 #define LPC_GPIO6_BASE (LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE + 0x18)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1881 #define LPC_GPIO7_BASE (LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE + 0x1C)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1882
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1883 typedef struct { /* GPIO_PORT Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1884 __IO uint8_t B[128][32]; /* Offset 0x0000: Byte pin registers ports 0 to n; pins PIOn_0 to PIOn_31 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1885 __IO uint32_t W[32][32]; /* Offset 0x1000: Word pin registers port 0 to n */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1886 __IO uint32_t DIR[32]; /* Offset 0x2000: Direction registers port n */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1887 __IO uint32_t MASK[32]; /* Offset 0x2080: Mask register port n */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1888 __IO uint32_t PIN[32]; /* Offset 0x2100: Portpin register port n */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1889 __IO uint32_t MPIN[32]; /* Offset 0x2180: Masked port register port n */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1890 __IO uint32_t SET[32]; /* Offset 0x2200: Write: Set register for port n Read: output bits for port n */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1891 __O uint32_t CLR[32]; /* Offset 0x2280: Clear port n */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1892 __O uint32_t NOT[32]; /* Offset 0x2300: Toggle port n */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1893 } LPC_GPIO_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1894
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1895 /* Calculate GPIO offset and port register address from group and pin number */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1896 #define GPIO_OFF(port, pin) ((port << 5) + pin)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1897 #define GPIO_REG(port, pin) ((__IO uint32_t *)(LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE + 0x2000 + GPIO_OFF(port, pin)))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1898
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1899 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1900 * SPI register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1901 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1902 #define LPC_SPI_BASE 0x40100000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1903
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1904 typedef struct { /* SPI Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1905 __IO uint32_t CR; /* SPI Control Register. This register controls the operation of the SPI. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1906 __I uint32_t SR; /* SPI Status Register. This register shows the status of the SPI. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1907 __IO uint32_t DR; /* SPI Data Register. This bi-directional register provides the transmit and receive data for the SPI. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1908 __IO uint32_t CCR; /* SPI Clock Counter Register. This register controls the frequency of a master's SCK0. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1909 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[3];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1910 __IO uint32_t INT; /* SPI Interrupt Flag. This register contains the interrupt flag for the SPI interface. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1911 } LPC_SPI_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1912
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1913 /* SPI CFG Register BitMask */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1914 #define SPI_CR_BITMASK ((uint32_t) 0xFFC)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1915 /* Enable of controlling the number of bits per transfer */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1916 #define SPI_CR_BIT_EN ((uint32_t) (1 << 2))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1917 /* Mask of field of bit controlling */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1918 #define SPI_CR_BITS_MASK ((uint32_t) 0xF00)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1919 /* Set the number of bits per a transfer */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1920 #define SPI_CR_BITS(n) ((uint32_t) ((n << 8) & 0xF00)) /* n is in range 8-16 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1921 /* SPI Clock Phase Select*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1922 #define SPI_CR_CPHA_FIRST ((uint32_t) (0)) /*Capture data on the first edge, Change data on the following edge*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1923 #define SPI_CR_CPHA_SECOND ((uint32_t) (1 << 3)) /* Change data on the first edge, Capture data on the following edge*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1924 /* SPI Clock Polarity Select*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1925 #define SPI_CR_CPOL_LO ((uint32_t) (0)) /* The rest state of the clock (between frames) is low.*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1926 #define SPI_CR_CPOL_HI ((uint32_t) (1 << 4)) /* The rest state of the clock (between frames) is high.*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1927 /* SPI Slave Mode Select */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1928 #define SPI_CR_SLAVE_EN ((uint32_t) 0)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1929 /* SPI Master Mode Select */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1930 #define SPI_CR_MASTER_EN ((uint32_t) (1 << 5))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1931 /* SPI MSB First mode enable */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1932 #define SPI_CR_MSB_FIRST_EN ((uint32_t) 0) /* Data will be transmitted and received in standard order (MSB first).*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1933 /* SPI LSB First mode enable */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1934 #define SPI_CR_LSB_FIRST_EN ((uint32_t) (1 << 6)) /* Data will be transmitted and received in reverse order (LSB first).*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1935 /* SPI interrupt enable */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1936 #define SPI_CR_INT_EN ((uint32_t) (1 << 7))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1937 /* SPI STAT Register BitMask */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1938 #define SPI_SR_BITMASK ((uint32_t) 0xF8)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1939 /* Slave abort Flag */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1940 #define SPI_SR_ABRT ((uint32_t) (1 << 3)) /* When 1, this bit indicates that a slave abort has occurred. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1941 /* Mode fault Flag */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1942 #define SPI_SR_MODF ((uint32_t) (1 << 4)) /* when 1, this bit indicates that a Mode fault error has occurred. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1943 /* Read overrun flag*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1944 #define SPI_SR_ROVR ((uint32_t) (1 << 5)) /* When 1, this bit indicates that a read overrun has occurred. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1945 /* Write collision flag. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1946 #define SPI_SR_WCOL ((uint32_t) (1 << 6)) /* When 1, this bit indicates that a write collision has occurred.. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1947 /* SPI transfer complete flag. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1948 #define SPI_SR_SPIF ((uint32_t) (1 << 7)) /* When 1, this bit indicates when a SPI data transfer is complete.. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1949 /* SPI error flag */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1950 #define SPI_SR_ERROR (SPI_SR_ABRT | SPI_SR_MODF | SPI_SR_ROVR | SPI_SR_WCOL)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1951 /* Enable SPI Test Mode */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1952 #define SPI_TCR_TEST(n) ((uint32_t) ((n & 0x3F) << 1))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1953 /* SPI interrupt flag */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1954 #define SPI_INT_SPIF ((uint32_t) (1 << 0))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1955 /* Receiver Data */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1956 #define SPI_DR_DATA(n) ((uint32_t) ((n) & 0xFFFF))
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1957
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1958 /* SPI Mode*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1959 typedef enum LPC_SPI_MODE {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1960 SPI_MODE_MASTER = SPI_CR_MASTER_EN, /* Master Mode */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1961 SPI_MODE_SLAVE = SPI_CR_SLAVE_EN, /* Slave Mode */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1962 } LPC_SPI_MODE_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1963
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1964 /* SPI Clock Mode*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1965 typedef enum LPC_SPI_CLOCK_MODE {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1966 SPI_CLOCK_CPHA0_CPOL0 = SPI_CR_CPOL_LO | SPI_CR_CPHA_FIRST, /* CPHA = 0, CPOL = 0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1967 SPI_CLOCK_CPHA0_CPOL1 = SPI_CR_CPOL_HI | SPI_CR_CPHA_FIRST, /* CPHA = 0, CPOL = 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1968 SPI_CLOCK_CPHA1_CPOL0 = SPI_CR_CPOL_LO | SPI_CR_CPHA_SECOND, /* CPHA = 1, CPOL = 0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1969 SPI_CLOCK_CPHA1_CPOL1 = SPI_CR_CPOL_HI | SPI_CR_CPHA_SECOND, /* CPHA = 1, CPOL = 1 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1970 SPI_CLOCK_MODE0 = SPI_CLOCK_CPHA0_CPOL0, /* alias */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1971 SPI_CLOCK_MODE1 = SPI_CLOCK_CPHA1_CPOL0, /* alias */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1972 SPI_CLOCK_MODE2 = SPI_CLOCK_CPHA0_CPOL1, /* alias */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1973 SPI_CLOCK_MODE3 = SPI_CLOCK_CPHA1_CPOL1, /* alias */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1974 } LPC_SPI_CLOCK_MODE_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1975
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1976 /* SPI Data Order Mode*/
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1977 typedef enum LPC_SPI_DATA_ORDER {
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1978 SPI_DATA_MSB_FIRST = SPI_CR_MSB_FIRST_EN, /* Standard Order */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1979 SPI_DATA_LSB_FIRST = SPI_CR_LSB_FIRST_EN, /* Reverse Order */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1980 } LPC_SPI_DATA_ORDER_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1981
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1982 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1983 * Serial GPIO register block structure
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1984 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1985 #define LPC_SGPIO_BASE 0x40101000
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1986
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1987 typedef struct { /* SGPIO Structure */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1988 __IO uint32_t OUT_MUX_CFG[16]; /* Pin multiplexer configurationregisters. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1989 __IO uint32_t SGPIO_MUX_CFG[16]; /* SGPIO multiplexer configuration registers. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1990 __IO uint32_t SLICE_MUX_CFG[16]; /* Slice multiplexer configuration registers. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1991 __IO uint32_t REG[16]; /* Slice data registers. Eachtime COUNT0 reaches 0x0 the register shifts loading bit 31 withdata captured from DIN(n). DOUT(n) is set to REG(0) */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1992 __IO uint32_t REG_SS[16]; /* Slice data shadow registers. Each time POSreaches 0x0 the contents of REG_SS is exchanged with the contentof REG */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1993 __IO uint32_t PRESET[16]; /* Reload valueof COUNT0, loaded when COUNT0 reaches 0x0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1994 __IO uint32_t COUNT[16]; /* Down counter, counts down each clock cycle. */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1995 __IO uint32_t POS[16]; /* Each time COUNT0 reaches 0x0 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1996 __IO uint32_t MASK_A; /* Mask for pattern match function of slice A */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1997 __IO uint32_t MASK_H; /* Mask for pattern match function of slice H */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1998 __IO uint32_t MASK_I; /* Mask for pattern match function of slice I */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 1999 __IO uint32_t MASK_P; /* Mask for pattern match function of slice P */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2000 __I uint32_t GPIO_INREG; /* GPIO input status register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2001 __IO uint32_t GPIO_OUTREG; /* GPIO output control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2002 __IO uint32_t GPIO_OENREG; /* GPIO OE control register */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2003 __IO uint32_t CTRL_ENABLED; /* Enables the slice COUNT counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2004 __IO uint32_t CTRL_DISABLED; /* Disables the slice COUNT counter */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2005 __I uint32_t RESERVED0[823];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2006 __O uint32_t CLR_EN_0; /* Shift clock interrupt clear mask */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2007 __O uint32_t SET_EN_0; /* Shift clock interrupt set mask */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2008 __I uint32_t ENABLE_0; /* Shift clock interrupt enable */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2009 __I uint32_t STATUS_0; /* Shift clock interrupt status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2010 __O uint32_t CTR_STATUS_0; /* Shift clock interrupt clear status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2011 __O uint32_t SET_STATUS_0; /* Shift clock interrupt set status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2012 __I uint32_t RESERVED1[2];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2013 __O uint32_t CLR_EN_1; /* Capture clock interrupt clear mask */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2014 __O uint32_t SET_EN_1; /* Capture clock interrupt set mask */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2015 __I uint32_t ENABLE_1; /* Capture clock interrupt enable */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2016 __I uint32_t STATUS_1; /* Capture clock interrupt status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2017 __O uint32_t CTR_STATUS_1; /* Capture clock interrupt clear status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2018 __O uint32_t SET_STATUS_1; /* Capture clock interrupt set status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2019 __I uint32_t RESERVED2[2];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2020 __O uint32_t CLR_EN_2; /* Pattern match interrupt clear mask */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2021 __O uint32_t SET_EN_2; /* Pattern match interrupt set mask */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2022 __I uint32_t ENABLE_2; /* Pattern match interrupt enable */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2023 __I uint32_t STATUS_2; /* Pattern match interrupt status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2024 __O uint32_t CTR_STATUS_2; /* Pattern match interrupt clear status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2025 __O uint32_t SET_STATUS_2; /* Pattern match interrupt set status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2026 __I uint32_t RESERVED3[2];
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2027 __O uint32_t CLR_EN_3; /* Input interrupt clear mask */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2028 __O uint32_t SET_EN_3; /* Input bit match interrupt set mask */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2029 __I uint32_t ENABLE_3; /* Input bit match interrupt enable */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2030 __I uint32_t STATUS_3; /* Input bit match interrupt status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2031 __O uint32_t CTR_STATUS_3; /* Input bit match interrupt clear status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2032 __O uint32_t SET_STATUS_3; /* Shift clock interrupt set status */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2033 } LPC_SGPIO_T;
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2034
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2035 /* End of section using anonymous unions */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2036 #if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2037 #pragma pop
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2038 #elif defined(__CWCC__)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2039 #pragma pop
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2040 #elif defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2041 //#pragma pop // FIXME not usable for IAR
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2042 #else /* defined(__GNUC__) and others */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2043 /* Leave anonymous unions enabled */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2044 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2045
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2046 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2047 * LPC43xx Peripheral register set declarations
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2048 */
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2049 #define LPC_SCT ((LPC_SCT_T *) LPC_SCT_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2050 #define LPC_GPDMA ((LPC_GPDMA_T *) LPC_GPDMA_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2051 #define LPC_SPIFI ((LPC_SPIFI_T *) LPC_SPIFI_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2052 #define LPC_SDMMC ((LPC_SDMMC_T *) LPC_SDMMC_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2053 #define LPC_EMC ((LPC_EMC_T *) LPC_EMC_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2054 #define LPC_USB0 ((LPC_USBHS_T *) LPC_USB0_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2055 #define LPC_USB1 ((LPC_USBHS_T *) LPC_USB1_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2056 #define LPC_LCD ((LPC_LCD_T *) LPC_LCD_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2057 #define LPC_EEPROM ((LPC_EEPROM_T *) LPC_EEPROM_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2058 #define LPC_ETHERNET ((LPC_ENET_T *) LPC_ETHERNET_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2059 #define LPC_ATIMER ((LPC_ATIMER_T *) LPC_ATIMER_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2060 #define LPC_REGFILE ((LPC_REGFILE_T *) LPC_REGFILE_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2061 #define LPC_PMC ((LPC_PMC_T *) LPC_PMC_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2062 #define LPC_CREG ((LPC_CREG_T *) LPC_CREG_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2063 #define LPC_EVRT ((LPC_EVRT_T *) LPC_EVRT_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2064 #define LPC_RTC ((LPC_RTC_T *) LPC_RTC_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2065 #define LPC_CGU ((LPC_CGU_T *) LPC_CGU_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2066 #define LPC_CCU1 ((LPC_CCU1_T *) LPC_CCU1_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2067 #define LPC_CCU2 ((LPC_CCU2_T *) LPC_CCU2_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2068 #define LPC_RGU ((LPC_RGU_T *) LPC_RGU_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2069 #define LPC_WWDT ((LPC_WWDT_T *) LPC_WWDT_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2070 #define LPC_USART0 ((LPC_USART_T *) LPC_USART0_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2071 #define LPC_USART2 ((LPC_USART_T *) LPC_USART2_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2072 #define LPC_USART3 ((LPC_USART_T *) LPC_USART3_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2073 #define LPC_UART1 ((LPC_USART_T *) LPC_UART1_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2074 #define LPC_SSP0 ((LPC_SSP_T *) LPC_SSP0_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2075 #define LPC_SSP1 ((LPC_SSP_T *) LPC_SSP1_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2076 #define LPC_TIMER0 ((LPC_TIMER_T *) LPC_TIMER0_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2077 #define LPC_TIMER1 ((LPC_TIMER_T *) LPC_TIMER1_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2078 #define LPC_TIMER2 ((LPC_TIMER_T *) LPC_TIMER2_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2079 #define LPC_TIMER3 ((LPC_TIMER_T *) LPC_TIMER3_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2080 #define LPC_SCU ((LPC_SCU_T *) LPC_SCU_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2081 #define LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT ((LPC_GPIOPININT_T *) LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2082 #define LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0 ((IP_GPIOGROUPINT_T *) LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2083 #define LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1 ((IP_GPIOGROUPINT_T *) LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2084 #define LPC_MCPWM ((LPC_MCPWM_T *) LPC_MCPWM_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2085 #define LPC_I2C0 ((LPC_I2C_T *) LPC_I2C0_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2086 #define LPC_I2C1 ((LPC_I2C_T *) LPC_I2C1_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2087 #define LPC_I2S0 ((LPC_I2S_T *) LPC_I2S0_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2088 #define LPC_I2S1 ((LPC_I2S_T *) LPC_I2S1_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2089 #define LPC_C_CAN1 ((LPC_CCAN_T *) LPC_C_CAN1_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2090 #define LPC_RITIMER ((LPC_RITIMER_T *) LPC_RITIMER_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2091 #define LPC_QEI ((LPC_QEI_T *) LPC_QEI_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2092 #define LPC_GIMA ((LPC_GIMA_T *) LPC_GIMA_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2093 #define LPC_DAC ((LPC_DAC_T *) LPC_DAC_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2094 #define LPC_C_CAN0 ((LPC_CCAN_T *) LPC_C_CAN0_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2095 #define LPC_ADC0 ((LPC_ADC_T *) LPC_ADC0_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2096 #define LPC_ADC1 ((LPC_ADC_T *) LPC_ADC1_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2097 #define LPC_GPIO_PORT ((LPC_GPIO_T *) LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2098 #define LPC_GPIO0 ((LPC_GPIO_T *) LPC_GPIO0_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2099 #define LPC_GPIO1 ((LPC_GPIO_T *) LPC_GPIO1_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2100 #define LPC_GPIO2 ((LPC_GPIO_T *) LPC_GPIO2_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2101 #define LPC_GPIO3 ((LPC_GPIO_T *) LPC_GPIO3_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2102 #define LPC_GPIO4 ((LPC_GPIO_T *) LPC_GPIO4_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2103 #define LPC_GPIO5 ((LPC_GPIO_T *) LPC_GPIO5_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2104 #define LPC_GPIO6 ((LPC_GPIO_T *) LPC_GPIO6_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2105 #define LPC_GPIO7 ((LPC_GPIO_T *) LPC_GPIO7_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2106 #define LPC_SPI ((LPC_SPI_T *) LPC_SPI_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2107 #define LPC_SGPIO ((LPC_SGPIO_T *) LPC_SGPIO_BASE)
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2108
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2109 #ifdef __cplusplus
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2110 }
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2111 #endif
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2112
<> 144:ef7eb2e8f9f7 2113 #endif /* __LPC43XX_H */