The MCP4922 is a 12 bit DAC. This library should provide easy access to its basic functionality.

Dependencies:   DAC

diff -r 4e1ee1c4d3bb -r 454c4d3eeae9 DAC_SPI/DAC_SPI.cpp
--- a/DAC_SPI/DAC_SPI.cpp	Wed Jul 04 01:29:05 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef DAC_SPI_CPP
-#define DAC_SPI_CPP
-#include "DAC_SPI.h"
-/*SPI Channels */
-                          //since we only have two SPI channels, which must be shared, define them here.  
-SPI SPI_A(p5, NC, p7);    //If using with other serial devices, can pass a pointer to the serial channel.
-SPI SPI_B(p11, NC, p13);
-/*Initialize DAC */
-DAC_SPI::DAC_SPI(int SPIchannelNum, PinName _CS, PinName _LDAC) : CS(_CS), LDAC(_LDAC){  
-    if (SPIchannelNum ==1){
-        DACspi = &SPI_B;
-    }  
-    else{
-        DACspi = &SPI_A;
-    }
-    messageBits(16);
-/** Manually change the SPI frequency 
-* Must be a value supported by the mbed and DAC
-void DAC_SPI::frequency(int freq){
-    (*DACspi).frequency(freq);    
-//specify the number of bits used in message packets to the DAC.
-void DAC_SPI::messageBits(int bits){
-    (*DACspi).format(bits,0);
-//select a DACnum for use with chips with multiple onboard DACs.
-void DAC_SPI::select(char DACnum){
-    DACselect=DACnum;
-#endif //DAC_SPI_CPP
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