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00001 /*******************************************************************************
00002  * Copyright 2016, 2017 ARM Ltd.
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  *******************************************************************************/
00018 #ifndef _PAL_PLAT_SOCKET_H
00019 #define _PAL_PLAT_SOCKET_H
00021 #include "pal.h"
00022 #include "pal_network.h"
00024 #ifdef __cplusplus
00025 extern "C" {
00026 #endif
00028 /*! \file pal_plat_network.h
00029 *  \brief PAL network - platform.
00030 *   This file contains the network APIs that need to be implemented in the platform layer.
00031 */
00033 //! PAL network socket API /n
00034 //! PAL network socket configuration options:
00035 //! - define PAL_NET_TCP_AND_TLS_SUPPORT if TCP is supported by the platform and is required.
00036 //! - define PAL_NET_ASYNCHRONOUS_SOCKET_API if asynchronous socket API is supported by the platform. Currently MANDATORY.
00037 //! - define PAL_NET_DNS_SUPPORT if DNS name resolution is supported.
00039 /*! Initialize sockets - must be called before other socket functions (is called from PAL init).
00040 * @param[in] context Optional context - if not available/applicable use NULL.
00041 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
00042 */
00043 palStatus_t pal_plat_socketsInit(void* context);
00045 /*! Register a network interface for use with PAL sockets - must be called before other socket functions - most APIs will not work before a single interface is added.
00046 * @param[in] networkInterfaceContext The context of the network interface to be added (OS specific. In mbed OS, this is the NetworkInterface object pointer for the network adapter [**note:** We assume connect has already been called on this]). - if not available use NULL (may not be required on some OSs).
00047 * @param[out] interfaceIndex Contains the index assigned to the interface if it has been assigned successfully. This index can be used when creating a socket to bind the socket to the interface.
00048 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
00049 */
00050 palStatus_t pal_plat_registerNetworkInterface (void* networkInterfaceContext, uint32_t* interfaceIndex);
00052 /*! Initialize terminate - can be called when sockets are no longer needed to free socket resources allocated by init.
00053 * @param[in] context Optional context - if not available use NULL.
00054 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
00055 */
00056 palStatus_t pal_plat_socketsTerminate (void* context);
00058 /*! Get a network socket.
00059 * @param[in] domain The domain of the created socket (see `palSocketDomain_t` for supported types).
00060 * @param[in] type The type of the created socket (see `palSocketType_t` for supported types).
00061 * @param[in] nonBlockingSocket If true, the socket is non-blocking (with O_NONBLOCK set).
00062 * @param[in] interfaceNum The number of the network interface used for this socket (info in interfaces supported via `pal_getNumberOfNetInterfaces` and `pal_getNetInterfaceInfo`), select PAL_NET_DEFAULT_INTERFACE as the default interface.
00063 * @param[out] socket The socket is returned through this output parameter.
00064 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
00065 */
00066 palStatus_t pal_plat_socket (palSocketDomain_t  domain, palSocketType_t  type, bool nonBlockingSocket, uint32_t interfaceNum, palSocket_t* socket);
00068 /*! Set options for a given network socket. Only a few options are supported (see `palSocketOptionName_t`).
00069 * @param[in] socket The socket to get options for.
00070 * @param[in] optionName The name to set the option for (see enum palSocketOptionName_t for supported types).
00071 * @param[in] optionValue The buffer holding the value to set for the given option.
00072 * @param[in] optionLength The size of the buffer provided for `optionValue`.
00073 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
00074 */
00075 palStatus_t pal_plat_setSocketOptions (palSocket_t socket, int optionName, const void* optionValue, palSocketLength_t optionLength);
00077 /*! Check if the given socket is non-blocking.
00078 * @param[in] socket The socket for which to check non-blocking status.
00079 * @param[out] isNonBlocking The non-blocking status for the socket (true if non-blocking, otherwise false).
00080 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
00081 */
00082 palStatus_t pal_plat_isNonBlocking (palSocket_t socket, bool* isNonBlocking);
00084 /*! Bind a given socket to a local address.
00085 * @param[in] socket The socket to bind.
00086 * @param[in] myAddress The address to bind to.
00087 * @param[in] addressLength The length of the address passed in `myAddress`.
00088 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
00089 */
00090 palStatus_t pal_plat_bind (palSocket_t socket, palSocketAddress_t* myAddress, palSocketLength_t addressLength);
00092 /*! Receive a payload from the given socket.
00093 * @param[in] socket The socket to receive from [sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_DGRAM (the implementation may support other types as well)].
00094 * @param[out] buffer The buffer for the payload data.
00095 * @param[in] length The length of the buffer for the payload data.
00096 * @param[out] from The address that sent the payload [optional - if not required pass NULL].
00097 * @param[in, out] fromLength The length of the `from` address. When completed, this contains the amount of data actually written to the `from` address [optional - if not required pass NULL].
00098 * @param[out] bytesReceived The actual amount of payload data received in the buffer.
00099 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
00100 */
00101 palStatus_t pal_plat_receiveFrom (palSocket_t socket, void* buffer, size_t length, palSocketAddress_t* from, palSocketLength_t* fromLength, size_t* bytesReceived);
00103 /*! Send a payload to the given address using the given socket.
00104 * @param[in] socket The socket to use for sending the payload [sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_DGRAM (the implementation may support other types as well)].
00105 * @param[in] buffer The buffer for the payload data.
00106 * @param[in] length The length of the buffer for the payload data.
00107 * @param[in] to The address to which the payload should be sent.
00108 * @param[in] toLength The length of the `to` address.
00109 * @param[out] bytesSent The actual amount of payload data sent.
00110 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
00111 */
00112 palStatus_t pal_plat_sendTo (palSocket_t socket, const void* buffer, size_t length, const palSocketAddress_t* to, palSocketLength_t toLength, size_t* bytesSent);
00114 /*! Close a network socket. \n
00115 * \note The function recieves `palSocket_t*` and not `palSocket_t` so that it can zero the socket to avoid re-use.
00116 * @param[in,out] socket Release and zero socket pointed to by given pointer.
00117 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
00118 */
00119 palStatus_t pal_plat_close (palSocket_t* socket);
00121 /*! Get the number of current network interfaces (interfaces that have been registered through).
00122 * @param[out] numInterfaces The number of interfaces after a successful call.
00123 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
00124 */
00125 palStatus_t pal_plat_getNumberOfNetInterfaces (uint32_t* numInterfaces);
00127 /*! Get information regarding the socket at the index/interface number given (this number is returned when registering the socket).
00128 * @param[in] interfaceNum The number of the interface to get information for.
00129 * @param[out] interfaceInfo The information for the given interface number.
00130 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
00131 */
00132 palStatus_t pal_plat_getNetInterfaceInfo (uint32_t interfaceNum, palNetInterfaceInfo_t * interfaceInfo);
00135 #if PAL_NET_TCP_AND_TLS_SUPPORT // The functionality below is supported only if TCP is supported. 
00138 /*! Use a socket to listen to incoming connections. You may also limit the queue of incoming connections.
00139 * @param[in] socket The socket to listen to [sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM_SERVER (the implementation may support other types as well)].
00140 * @param[in] backlog The number of pending connections that can be saved for the socket.
00141 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
00142 */
00143 palStatus_t pal_plat_listen (palSocket_t socket, int backlog);
00145 /*! Accept a connection on the given socket.
00146 * @param[in] socket The socket on which to accept the connection. The socket needs to be created and bound and listen must have been called on it. [sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM_SERVER (the implementation may support other types as well)].
00147 * @param[out] address The source address of the incoming connection.
00148 * @param[in, out] addressLen The length of the address field on input, the length of the data returned on output.
00149 * @param[out] acceptedSocket The socket of the accepted connection is returned if the connection is accepted successfully.
00150 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success, a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00151 */
00152 palStatus_t pal_plat_accept (palSocket_t socket, palSocketAddress_t* address, palSocketLength_t* addressLen, palSocket_t* acceptedSocket);
00154 /*! Open a connection from the given socket to the given address.
00155 * @param[in] socket The socket to use for the connection to the given address [sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM (the implementation may support other types as well)].
00156 * @param[in] address The destination address of the connection.
00157 * @param[in] addressLen The length of the address field.
00158 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success, a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00159 */
00160 palStatus_t pal_plat_connect (palSocket_t socket, const palSocketAddress_t* address, palSocketLength_t addressLen);
00162 /*! Receive data from the given connected socket.
00163 * @param[in] socket The connected socket on which to receive data [sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM (the implementation may support other types as well)].
00164 * @param[out] buf The output buffer for the message data.
00165 * @param[in] len The length of the input data buffer.
00166 * @param[out] recievedDataSize The length of the data actually received.
00167 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success, a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00168 */
00169 palStatus_t pal_plat_recv (palSocket_t socket, void* buf, size_t len, size_t* recievedDataSize);
00171 /*! Send a given buffer via the given connected socket.
00172 * @param[in] socket The connected socket on which to send data [sockets passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_STREAM (the implementation may support other types as well)].
00173 * @param[in] buf The output buffer for the message data.
00174 * @param[in] len The length of the input data buffer.
00175 * @param[out] sentDataSize The length of the data sent.
00176 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success, a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00177 */
00178 palStatus_t pal_plat_send (palSocket_t socket, const void* buf, size_t len, size_t* sentDataSize);
00186 /*! Get an asynchronous network socket.
00187 * @param[in] domain The domain of the created socket (see enum `palSocketDomain_t` for supported types).
00188 * @param[in] type The type of the created socket (see enum `palSocketType_t` for supported types).
00189 * @param[in] callback A callback function that is called when any supported event takes place in the given asynchronous socket.
00190 * @param[in] callbackArgument the argument with which the callback will be called when any supported event takes place in the given asynchronous socket.
00191 * @param[out] socket This output parameter returns the socket.
00192 \return PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success, a specific negative error code in case of failure.
00193 */
00194 palStatus_t pal_plat_asynchronousSocket (palSocketDomain_t  domain, palSocketType_t  type, bool nonBlockingSocket, uint32_t interfaceNum, palAsyncSocketCallback_t  callback, void* callbackArgument , palSocket_t* socket);
00196 #endif
00200 /*! This function translates the URL to a `palSocketAddress_t` that can be used with PAL sockets.
00201 * @param[in] url The URL to be translated to a `palSocketAddress_t`.
00202 * @param[out] address The address for the output of the translation.
00203 */
00204 palStatus_t pal_plat_getAddressInfo (const char* url, palSocketAddress_t* address, palSocketLength_t* addressLength);
00206 #ifdef PAL_DNS_API_V2
00207 /*! This function translates the URL to a `palSocketAddress_t` that can be used with PAL sockets.
00208 * @param[in] info address of `pal_asyncAddressInfo_t`.
00209 */
00210 palStatus_t pal_plat_getAddressInfoAsync (pal_asyncAddressInfo_t* info);
00212 /*! This function is cancelation for pal_plat_getAddressInfoAsync. 
00213 * @param[in] queryHandle Id of ongoing DNS query.
00214 */
00215 palStatus_t pal_plat_cancelAddressInfoAsync (palDNSQuery_t queryHandle);
00216 #endif // PAL_DNS_API_V2
00218 #endif // PAL_NET_DNS_SUPPORT
00221 #ifdef __cplusplus
00222 }
00223 #endif
00224 #endif //_PAL_PLAT_SOCKET_H