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PAL Services Public Functions

PAL Services Public Functions


palStatus_t pal_fsMkDir (const char *pathName)
 This function attempts to create a directory named pathName.
palStatus_t pal_fsRmDir (const char *pathName)
 This function deletes a directory.
palStatus_t pal_fsFopen (const char *pathName, pal_fsFileMode_t mode, palFileDescriptor_t *fd)
 This function opens the file whose name is specified in the parameter `pathName` and associates it with a stream that can be identified in future operations by the `fd` pointer returned.
palStatus_t pal_fsFclose (palFileDescriptor_t *fd)
 This function closes an open file object.
palStatus_t pal_fsFread (palFileDescriptor_t *fd, void *buffer, size_t numOfBytes, size_t *numberOfBytesRead)
 This function reads an array of bytes from the stream and stores it in the block of memory specified by buffer. The position indicator of the stream is advanced by the total amount of bytes read.
palStatus_t pal_fsFwrite (palFileDescriptor_t *fd, const void *buffer, size_t numOfBytes, size_t *numberOfBytesWritten)
 This function starts to write data from buffer to the file at the position pointed by the read/write pointer.
palStatus_t pal_fsFseek (palFileDescriptor_t *fd, int32_t offset, pal_fsOffset_t whence)
 This function moves the file read/write pointer without any read/write operation to the file.
palStatus_t pal_fsFtell (palFileDescriptor_t *fd, int32_t *pos)
 This function gets the current read/write pointer of a file.
palStatus_t pal_fsUnlink (const char *pathName)
 This function deletes a single file from the file system.
palStatus_t pal_fsRmFiles (const char *pathName)
 This function deletes all files and folders in a folder from the file system (FLAT remove only).
palStatus_t pal_fsCpFolder (const char *pathNameSrc, char *pathNameDest)
 This function copies all files from the source folder to the destination folder (FLAT copy only).
palStatus_t pal_fsSetMountPoint (pal_fsStorageID_t dataID, const char *Path)
 This function sets the mount directory for the given storage ID (primary or secondary),.
palStatus_t pal_fsGetMountPoint (pal_fsStorageID_t dataID, size_t length, char *Path)
 This function gets the mount directory for the given storage ID (primary or secondary), The function copies the path to the user pre allocated buffer.
palStatus_t pal_fsFormat (pal_fsStorageID_t dataID)
 This function formats the SD partition indentified by the `partitionID` parameter.
bool pal_fsIsPrivatePartition (pal_fsStorageID_t dataID)
 This function will return if the partition used by pal only or not.
void pal_fsCleanup (void)
 This function will clean all file system resources.

Function Documentation

void pal_fsCleanup ( void   )

This function will clean all file system resources.

Definition at line 31 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

palStatus_t pal_fsCpFolder ( const char *  pathNameSrc,
char *  pathNameDest 

This function copies all files from the source folder to the destination folder (FLAT copy only).

[in]pathNameSrcA pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the source folder.
[in]pathNameDestA pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the destination folder (MUST exist).
PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.
PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description palError_t.
Both folders must not be open. If the folders do not exist, the function fails.

Definition at line 177 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

palStatus_t pal_fsFclose ( palFileDescriptor_t fd )

This function closes an open file object.

[in]fdA pointer to the open file object structure to be closed.
PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.
PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code palError_t.
When the function has completed successfully, the file object is no longer valid and it can be discarded.

Definition at line 97 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

palStatus_t pal_fsFopen ( const char *  pathName,
pal_fsFileMode_t  mode,
palFileDescriptor_t fd 

This function opens the file whose name is specified in the parameter `pathName` and associates it with a stream that can be identified in future operations by the `fd` pointer returned.

[out]fdThe file descriptor to the file entered in the `pathName`.
[in]*pathNameA pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies the file name to open or create.
[in]modeA mode flag that specifies the type of access and open method for the file.
PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.
PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description palError_t.
The folder path shall end with "/".


 //Copy File from "File1" to "File2"
 palStatus_t ret;
 palFileDescriptor_t fd1 = NULL,fd2 = NULL ; // File Object 1 & 2
 uint8 buffer[1024];
 size_t bytes_read = 0, Bytes_wrote = 0;

 //Open first file with Read permission
 ret = PAL_ERR_FS_fopen(&fd1, "File1", PAL_ERR_FS_READWRITEEXCLUSIVE);
 if(ret)    {//Error}

 //Create second file with Read/Write permissions
 ret = PAL_ERR_FS_fopen(&fd2, "File2", PAL_ERR_FS_READWRITEEXCLUSIVE);
 if(ret)    {//Error}

 //    Copy source to destination
 for (;;)
 ret = PAL_ERR_FS_read(&fd1, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &bytes_read);    // Read a chunk of source file
 if (ret || bytes_read == 0) break;    // error or EOF
 ret = PAL_ERR_FS_write(&fd2, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &Bytes_wrote);    // Write it to the destination file
 if (ret || Bytes_wrote < bytes_read) break;    // error or disk full


Definition at line 79 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

palStatus_t pal_fsFormat ( pal_fsStorageID_t  dataID )

This function formats the SD partition indentified by the `partitionID` parameter.

[in]partitionIDThe ID of the partition to be formatted. (**Note:** The actual partition values mapped to the IDs is determined by the porting layer.)
PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.
PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description palError_t.
PAL_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - an invalid `partitionID`.

Definition at line 243 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

palStatus_t pal_fsFread ( palFileDescriptor_t fd,
void *  buffer,
size_t  numOfBytes,
size_t *  numberOfBytesRead 

This function reads an array of bytes from the stream and stores it in the block of memory specified by buffer. The position indicator of the stream is advanced by the total amount of bytes read.

[in]fdA pointer to the open file object structure.
[in]bufferThe buffer to store the read data.
[in]numOfBytesThe number of bytes to read.
[out]numberOfBytesReadThe number of bytes read.
PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.
PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description palError_t.
When the function has completed successfully, `numberOfBytesRead` should be checked to detect end of the file. If `numberOfBytesRead` is less than `numOfBytes`, the read/write pointer has reached the end of the file during the read operation or there is an error.

Definition at line 109 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

palStatus_t pal_fsFseek ( palFileDescriptor_t fd,
int32_t  offset,
pal_fsOffset_t  whence 

This function moves the file read/write pointer without any read/write operation to the file.

[in]fdA pointer to the open file object structure.
[in]offsetThe byte offset from the top of the file to set the read/write pointer.
[out]whenceWhere the offset is relative to.
PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.
PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description palError_t.
The `whence` options are:
  1. PAL_ERR_FS_SEEKSET - Relative to the start of the file.
  2. PAL_ERR_FS_SEEKCUR - The current position indicator.
  3. PAL_ERR_FS_SEEKEND - End-of-file.


 palStatus_t ret;
 palFileDescriptor_t fd1 = NULL; // File Object 1
 uint8 buffer[1024];
 size_t bytes_read = 0, Bytes_wrote = 0;

 //Open file with Read permission
 ret = PAL_ERR_FS_fopen(&fd1, "File1", PAL_ERR_FS_READ);
 if(ret)    {//Error}

 ret = PAL_ERR_FS_fseek(&fd1, 500, PAL_ERR_FS_SEEKSET)

Definition at line 134 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

palStatus_t pal_fsFtell ( palFileDescriptor_t fd,
int32_t *  pos 

This function gets the current read/write pointer of a file.

[in]fdA pointer to the open file object structure.
PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.
PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description palError_t.

Definition at line 145 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

palStatus_t pal_fsFwrite ( palFileDescriptor_t fd,
const void *  buffer,
size_t  numOfBytes,
size_t *  numberOfBytesWritten 

This function starts to write data from buffer to the file at the position pointed by the read/write pointer.

[in]fdA pointer to the open file object structure.
[in]bufferA pointer to the data to be written.
[in]numOfBytesThe number of bytes to write.
[out]numberOfBytesWrittenThe number of bytes written.
PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.
PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code palError_t.
The read/write pointer advances as number of bytes written. When the function has completed successfully,
`numberOfBytesWritten` should be checked to detect the whether the disk is full. If `numberOfBytesWritten` is less than `numOfBytes`, the volume got full during the write operation.

Definition at line 121 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

palStatus_t pal_fsGetMountPoint ( pal_fsStorageID_t  dataID,
size_t  length,
char *  Path 

This function gets the mount directory for the given storage ID (primary or secondary), The function copies the path to the user pre allocated buffer.

[in]lengthThe length of the buffer.
[out]PathA pointer to pre-allocated buffer with size PAL_MAX_FOLDER_DEPTH_CHAR + 1 chars.
PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.
PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description palError_t.
The plus 1 is for the '\0' terminator at the end of the buffer.

Definition at line 216 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

bool pal_fsIsPrivatePartition ( pal_fsStorageID_t  dataID )

This function will return if the partition used by pal only or not.

[in]dataID- the ID of the data to be cleared (Note: the actual partition values mapped the IDs will be determined by the porting layer)
true - if partition is used only by pal.
false - if partition is used by other component then pal.

Definition at line 269 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

palStatus_t pal_fsMkDir ( const char *  pathName )

This function attempts to create a directory named pathName.

[in]*pathNameA pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies the directory name to create.
PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.
PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description palError_t.
To remove a directory, use PAL_ERR_FS_rmdir.


 palStatus_t ret;
 ret = PAL_ERR_FS_mkdir("Dir1");

Definition at line 52 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

palStatus_t pal_fsRmDir ( const char *  pathName )

This function deletes a directory.

[in]*pathNameA pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies the directory name to be deleted.
PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.
PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description palError_t.
The deleted directory must be empty and closed and the folder path shall end with "/".


 palStatus_t ret;
 ret = PAL_ERR_FS_mkdir("Dir1"); //Create folder name "Dir1"
 ret = PAL_ERR_FS_rmdir("Dir1); //Remove directory from partition

Definition at line 69 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

palStatus_t pal_fsRmFiles ( const char *  pathName )

This function deletes all files and folders in a folder from the file system (FLAT remove only).

[in]pathNameA pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the folder.
PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.
PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description palError_t.
The folder must not be open and the folder path must end with "/".

Definition at line 166 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

palStatus_t pal_fsSetMountPoint ( pal_fsStorageID_t  dataID,
const char *  Path 

This function sets the mount directory for the given storage ID (primary or secondary),.

[in]PathA pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the root folder.
PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.
PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description palError_t.
If called with NULL, the ESFS root folder is set to default PAL_SOURCE_FOLDER.
The folder path must end with "/".

Definition at line 189 of file pal_fileSystem.c.

palStatus_t pal_fsUnlink ( const char *  pathName )

This function deletes a single file from the file system.

[in]pathNameA pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the file to be removed.
PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.
PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description palError_t.
The file must not be open.

Definition at line 154 of file pal_fileSystem.c.