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00001 /*******************************************************************************
00002  * Copyright 2016, 2017 ARM Ltd.
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  *******************************************************************************/
00016 #include "pal.h"
00017 #include "pal_plat_fileSystem.h"
00018 #include "pal_plat_rtos.h"
00021 #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__CC_ARM)
00022 #include <sys/stat.h>
00023 #include <sys/types.h>
00024 #endif // defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__CC_ARM)
00025 #include <stdio.h>
00026 #include <string.h>
00027 #include <stdlib.h>
00028 #include "fsl_mpu.h"
00029 #include "ff.h"
00030 #include "diskio.h"
00031 #include "sdhc_config.h"
00034 #define CHK_FD_VALIDITY(x) ((FIL *)x)->fs->id != ((FIL *)x)->id
00035 #define PAL_FS_ALIGNMENT_TO_SIZE    4                                                          //!< This Size control the number of bytes written to the file (bug fix for writing unaligned memory to file)
00036 #define PAL_FS_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE 256                                                            //!< Size of the chunk to copy files
00037 PAL_PRIVATE BYTE g_platOpenModeConvert[] =
00038 {
00039         0,
00040         FA_READ | FA_OPEN_EXISTING,                //"r"
00041         FA_WRITE | FA_READ| FA_OPEN_EXISTING,    //"r+"
00042         FA_WRITE | FA_READ| FA_CREATE_NEW,         //"w+x"
00043         FA_WRITE | FA_READ| FA_CREATE_ALWAYS    //"w+"
00044 };    //!< platform convert table for \b fopen() modes
00047 /*! \brief This function find the next file in a directory
00048  *
00049  * @param[in]    *dh - Directory handler to an open DIR
00050  * @param[out]    CurrentEntry - entry for the file found in Directory (pre allocated)
00051  *
00052  * \return true - upon successful operation.\n
00053  *
00054  */
00055 PAL_PRIVATE bool pal_plat_findNextFile(DIR *dh, FILINFO  * CurrentEntry);
00057 /*! \brief This function translate the platform errors opcode to pal error codes
00058  *
00059  * @param[in]    errorOpCode - platform opcode to be translated
00060  *
00061  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00062  */
00063 PAL_PRIVATE palStatus_t pal_plat_errorTranslation (int errorOpCode);
00065 /*! \brief This function build the full path name by adding the filename to the working path given in pathName arg
00066  *
00067  * @param[in]    *pathName - pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies the directory name.
00068  * @param[in]   *fileName - pointer to the file name
00069  * @param[out]    *fullPath - pointer to the full path including the filename (pre allocated)
00070  *
00071  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00072  *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description \c palError_t
00073  *
00074  */
00075 PAL_PRIVATE palStatus_t pal_plat_addFileNameToPath(const char *pathName, const char * fileName, char * fullPath);
00077 /*! \brief This function copy one file from source folder to destination folder
00078  *
00079  * @param[in]  pathNameSrc - Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the source dir.
00080  * @param[in]  pathNameDest - Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the destination dir
00081  * @param[in] fileName - pointer the the file name
00082  *
00083  * \return PAL_SUCCESS upon successful operation.\n
00084  *         PAL_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR - see error code description \c palError_t
00085  *
00086  * \note File should not be open.\n
00087  *         If the Destination file exist then it shall be truncated
00088  *
00089  */
00090 PAL_PRIVATE palStatus_t pal_plat_fsCpFile(const char *pathNameSrc,  char *pathNameDest, char * fileName);
00092 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsMkdir(const char *pathName)
00093 {
00094     palStatus_t ret = PAL_SUCCESS;
00095     FRESULT status = FR_OK;
00096     status = f_mkdir(pathName);
00097     if (status != FR_OK)
00098     {
00099         ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00100     }
00101     return ret;
00102 }
00105 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsRmdir(const char *pathName)
00106 {
00107     palStatus_t ret = PAL_SUCCESS;
00108     FRESULT status = FR_OK;
00110     status = f_unlink(pathName);
00111     if (status != FR_OK)
00112     {
00113         if ( status == FR_DENIED)
00114         {
00115             ret = PAL_ERR_FS_DIR_NOT_EMPTY;
00116         }
00117         else if (status == FR_NO_FILE)
00118         {
00119             ret = PAL_ERR_FS_NO_PATH;
00120         }
00121         else
00122         {
00123             ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00124         }
00125     }
00127     return ret;
00128 }
00131 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsFopen(const char *pathName, pal_fsFileMode_t mode, palFileDescriptor_t *fd)
00132 {
00133     palStatus_t ret = PAL_SUCCESS;
00134     FRESULT status = FR_OK;
00135     FIL * descriptor = NULL;
00137     descriptor = (FIL *)pal_plat_malloc (sizeof(FIL));
00138     if (descriptor)
00139     {
00140         *fd = (palFileDescriptor_t)descriptor;
00141         status = f_open((FIL*)*fd, pathName, g_platOpenModeConvert[mode]);
00142         if (FR_OK != status)
00143         {
00144             pal_plat_free (descriptor);
00145             if(FR_NO_PATH == status)
00146             {
00147                 ret = PAL_ERR_FS_NO_FILE;
00148             }
00149             else
00150             {
00151                 ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00152             }
00153         }
00154     }
00156     return ret;
00157 }
00160 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsFclose(palFileDescriptor_t *fd)
00161 {
00162     FRESULT status = FR_OK;
00163     palStatus_t ret = PAL_SUCCESS;
00166     if (CHK_FD_VALIDITY(*fd))
00167     {//Bad File Descriptor
00168         ret = PAL_ERR_FS_BAD_FD;
00169         return ret;
00170     }
00172     status = f_close((FIL *)*fd);
00173     if (FR_OK != status)
00174     {
00175         ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00176     }
00177     else
00178     {
00179         pal_plat_free ((void*)*fd);
00180     }
00181     return ret;
00182 }
00185 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsFread(palFileDescriptor_t *fd, void * buffer, size_t numOfBytes, size_t *numberOfBytesRead)
00186 {
00187     palStatus_t ret = PAL_SUCCESS;
00188     FRESULT status = FR_OK;
00189     uint8_t readaligment[PAL_FS_ALIGNMENT_TO_SIZE] = { 0 };
00190     uint32_t index = 0;
00191     size_t byteRead = 0;
00192     uint8_t  leftover = 0;
00194     if (CHK_FD_VALIDITY(*fd))
00195     {//Bad File Descriptor
00196         ret = PAL_ERR_FS_BAD_FD;
00197         return ret;
00198     }
00200     leftover = numOfBytes % PAL_FS_ALIGNMENT_TO_SIZE;
00201     for(index = 0; index < (numOfBytes / PAL_FS_ALIGNMENT_TO_SIZE); index++)
00202     {
00203         status = f_read((FIL *)*fd, readaligment, PAL_FS_ALIGNMENT_TO_SIZE, &byteRead);
00204         if (FR_OK != status)
00205         {
00206             ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00207             break;
00208         }
00209         else
00210         {
00211             memcpy(&((uint8_t *)buffer)[*numberOfBytesRead], readaligment, PAL_FS_ALIGNMENT_TO_SIZE);
00212             *numberOfBytesRead += byteRead;
00213         }
00214     }
00216     if ((ret == PAL_SUCCESS) && (leftover > 0))
00217     {
00218         status = f_read((FIL *)*fd, readaligment, PAL_FS_ALIGNMENT_TO_SIZE, &byteRead);
00219         if (FR_OK != status)
00220         {
00221             ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00222         }
00223         else
00224         {
00225             memcpy(&((uint8_t *)buffer)[*numberOfBytesRead], readaligment, leftover);
00226             *numberOfBytesRead += leftover;
00227             ret = pal_fsFseek(fd, leftover - PAL_FS_ALIGNMENT_TO_SIZE ,PAL_FS_OFFSET_SEEKCUR);
00228         }
00229     }
00231     return ret;
00232 }
00235 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsFwrite(palFileDescriptor_t *fd, const void *buffer, size_t numOfBytes, size_t *numberOfBytesWritten)
00236 {
00237     palStatus_t ret = PAL_SUCCESS;
00238     FRESULT status = FR_OK;
00239     uint32_t index = 0;
00240     size_t bytesWritten = 0;
00241     uint8_t  leftover = 0;
00243     if (CHK_FD_VALIDITY(*fd))
00244     {//Bad File Descriptor
00245         ret = PAL_ERR_FS_BAD_FD;
00246         return ret;
00247     }
00249     leftover = numOfBytes % PAL_FS_ALIGNMENT_TO_SIZE;
00250     for (index = 0; index < (numOfBytes / PAL_FS_ALIGNMENT_TO_SIZE); index++)
00251     {
00252         status = f_write((FIL *)*fd, ((uint8_t *)buffer + *numberOfBytesWritten), PAL_FS_ALIGNMENT_TO_SIZE, &bytesWritten);
00253         if (FR_OK != status)
00254         {
00255             ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00256             break;
00257         }
00258         else if (PAL_FS_ALIGNMENT_TO_SIZE != bytesWritten)
00259         {
00260             ret = PAL_ERR_FS_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE;
00261         }
00262         else
00263         {
00264             *numberOfBytesWritten += bytesWritten;
00265         }
00266     }
00268     if ((ret == PAL_SUCCESS) && (leftover > 0))
00269     {
00270         status = f_write((FIL *)*fd, ((uint8_t *)buffer + *numberOfBytesWritten), leftover, &bytesWritten);
00271         if (FR_OK != status)
00272         {
00273             ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00274         }
00275         else if (leftover != bytesWritten)
00276         {
00277             ret = PAL_ERR_FS_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE;
00278         }
00279         else
00280         {
00281             *numberOfBytesWritten += bytesWritten;
00282         }
00283     }
00285     return ret;
00286 }
00289 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsFseek(palFileDescriptor_t *fd, int32_t offset, pal_fsOffset_t whence)
00290 {
00291     palStatus_t ret = PAL_SUCCESS;
00292     FRESULT status = FR_OK;
00293     uint32_t  fatFSOffset = 0;
00295     if (CHK_FD_VALIDITY(*fd))
00296     {//Bad File Descriptor
00297         ret = PAL_ERR_FS_BAD_FD;
00298         return ret;
00299     }
00302     switch(whence)
00303     {
00304     case PAL_FS_OFFSET_SEEKCUR:
00305         if (((-1)*offset  > f_tell((FIL*)*fd) && (offset < 0)) || (offset  > f_tell((FIL*)*fd) && (offset > 0)))
00306         {
00307             ret = PAL_ERR_FS_ERROR;
00308         }
00309         else
00310         {
00311             fatFSOffset = f_tell((FIL*)*fd) + offset;
00312         }
00313         break;
00315     case PAL_FS_OFFSET_SEEKEND:
00316         if ((-1)*offset  > f_size((FIL*)*fd) || (offset > 0))
00317         {
00318             ret = PAL_ERR_FS_ERROR;
00319         }
00320         else
00321         {
00322             fatFSOffset = f_size((FIL*)*fd) + offset;
00323         }
00324         break;
00326     case PAL_FS_OFFSET_SEEKSET:
00327         if (offset >  f_size((FIL*)*fd))
00328         {
00329             ret = PAL_ERR_FS_ERROR;
00330         }
00331         else
00332         {
00333             fatFSOffset = offset;
00334         }
00335         break;
00337     default:
00338         fatFSOffset = 0;
00339         break;
00340     }
00342     if (ret == PAL_SUCCESS)
00343     {
00344         status = f_lseek ((FIL *)*fd, fatFSOffset);
00345         if (FR_OK != status)
00346         {
00347             ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00348         }
00349     }
00350     return ret;
00351 }
00354 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsFtell(palFileDescriptor_t *fd, int32_t * pos)
00355 {
00356     palStatus_t ret = PAL_SUCCESS;
00358     if (CHK_FD_VALIDITY(*fd))
00359     {//Bad File Descriptor
00360         ret = PAL_ERR_FS_BAD_FD;
00361     }
00362     else
00363     {
00364         *pos = f_tell((FIL*)*fd);
00365     }
00366     return ret;
00367 }
00370 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsUnlink(const char *pathName)
00371 {
00372     palStatus_t ret = PAL_SUCCESS;
00373     FRESULT status = FR_OK;
00375     status = f_unlink(pathName);
00376     if (status != FR_OK)
00377     {
00378         if (status == FR_DENIED)
00379         {
00380             ret = PAL_ERR_FS_DIR_NOT_EMPTY;
00381         }
00382         else
00383         {
00384             ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00385         }
00386     }
00387     return ret;
00388 }
00391 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsRmFiles(const char *pathName)
00392 {
00393     DIR dh; //Directory handler
00394     palStatus_t ret = PAL_SUCCESS;
00395     FRESULT status = FR_OK;
00396     char buffer[PAL_MAX_FILE_AND_FOLDER_LENGTH] = {0}; //Buffer for coping the name and folder
00397     FILINFO  currentEntry = { 0 }; //file Entry
00399     status = f_opendir(&dh, pathName);
00400     if (status != FR_OK)
00401     {
00402         ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00403     }
00405     if (ret == PAL_SUCCESS)
00406     {
00407         while(true)
00408         {
00409             if (!pal_plat_findNextFile(&dh, &currentEntry))
00410             {
00411                 ret = PAL_ERR_FS_ERROR_IN_SEARCHING;
00412                 break;
00413             }
00414             pal_plat_addFileNameToPath(pathName, currentEntry.fname, buffer);
00415             if (currentEntry.fname[0] != '\0')
00416             {
00417                 if (currentEntry.fattrib & AM_DIR)
00418                 {
00419                     ret = pal_fsRmFiles(buffer);
00420                     if (ret != PAL_SUCCESS)
00421                     {
00422                         break;
00423                     }
00424                     ret = pal_fsRmDir(buffer);
00425                     if (PAL_SUCCESS != ret)
00426                     {
00427                         break;
00428                     }
00429                 }
00430                 else
00431                 {
00432                     status = f_unlink (buffer);
00433                     if (status != FR_OK)
00434                     {
00435                         ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00436                         break;
00437                     }
00438                 }
00439             }
00440             else
00441             {//End of directory reached  without errors break, close directory and exit
00442                 break;
00443             }
00444         }//while()
00446         status = f_closedir (&dh); //Close DIR handler
00447         if (status != FR_OK)
00448         {
00449             ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00450         }
00451     }
00453     return ret;
00454 }
00457 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsCpFolder(const char *pathNameSrc,  char *pathNameDest)
00458 {
00459     DIR src_dh; //Directory for the source Directory handler
00460     palStatus_t ret = PAL_SUCCESS;
00461     FILINFO currentEntry = { 0 }; //file Entry
00462     FRESULT status = FR_OK;
00465     status = f_opendir(&src_dh, pathNameSrc);
00466     if (status != FR_OK)
00467     {
00468         ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00469     }
00472     if (ret == PAL_SUCCESS)
00473     {
00474         while(true)
00475         {
00476             if (!pal_plat_findNextFile(&src_dh, &currentEntry))
00477             {
00478                 ret = PAL_ERR_FS_ERROR_IN_SEARCHING;
00479                 break;
00480             }
00481             if (currentEntry.fname[0] != 0)
00482             {
00483                 if (currentEntry.fattrib & AM_DIR) // skip all folder as this is flat copy only
00484                 {
00485                     continue;
00486                 }
00487                 //copy the file to the destination
00488                 ret = pal_plat_fsCpFile(pathNameSrc, pathNameDest, currentEntry.fname);
00489                 if (ret != PAL_SUCCESS)
00490                 {
00491                     break;
00492                 }
00493             }
00494             else
00495             {//End of directory reached  without errors break and close directory and exit
00496                 break;
00497             }
00498         }//while()
00499         f_closedir(&src_dh);
00500     }
00502     return ret;
00503 }
00506 PAL_PRIVATE palStatus_t pal_plat_fsCpFile(const char *pathNameSrc,  char *pathNameDest, char * fileName)
00507 {
00508     palStatus_t ret = PAL_SUCCESS;
00509     FIL src_fd, dst_fd;
00510     char * buffer = NULL;
00511     char buffer_name[PAL_MAX_FILE_AND_FOLDER_LENGTH] = {0}; //Buffer for coping the name and folder
00512     size_t bytesCount = 0;
00513     FRESULT status = FR_OK;
00515     //Add file name to path
00516     pal_plat_addFileNameToPath(pathNameSrc, fileName, buffer_name);
00517     status = f_open(&src_fd, buffer_name, g_platOpenModeConvert[PAL_FS_FLAG_READONLY]);
00518     if (status != FR_OK)
00519     {
00520         ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00521     }
00522     else
00523     {
00524         //Add file name to path
00525         pal_plat_addFileNameToPath(pathNameDest, fileName, buffer_name);
00526         status = f_open(&dst_fd, buffer_name, g_platOpenModeConvert[PAL_FS_FLAG_READWRITETRUNC]);
00527         if (status != FR_OK)
00528         {
00529             ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00530         }
00531         else
00532         {
00533             buffer = (char*)pal_plat_malloc (PAL_FS_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE);
00534             if (!buffer)
00535             {
00536                 ret = PAL_ERR_RTOS_RESOURCE ;
00537             }
00538         }
00539     }
00541     if (ret == PAL_SUCCESS)
00542     {
00543         while (1)
00544         {
00545             status = f_read(&src_fd, buffer, PAL_FS_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE, &bytesCount);
00547             if (status != FR_OK)
00548             {
00549                 break;
00550             }
00552             //Check if end of file reached
00553             if (bytesCount == 0)
00554             {
00555                 break;
00556             }
00558             status = f_write(&dst_fd, buffer, bytesCount, &bytesCount);
00559             if (status != FR_OK)
00560             {
00561                 break;
00562             }
00563         }
00564         if (status != FR_OK)
00565         {
00566             ret = pal_plat_errorTranslation(status);
00567         }
00568     }
00572     f_close(&src_fd);
00573     f_close(&dst_fd);
00574     if (buffer)
00575     {
00576         pal_plat_free (buffer);
00577     }
00578     return ret;
00579 }
00581 const char* pal_plat_fsGetDefaultRootFolder(pal_fsStorageID_t dataID)
00582 {
00583     const char* returnedRoot = NULL;
00584     if (PAL_FS_PARTITION_PRIMARY == dataID)
00585     {
00586         returnedRoot =  PAL_FS_MOUNT_POINT_PRIMARY;
00587     }
00588     else if (PAL_FS_PARTITION_SECONDARY == dataID)
00589     {
00590         returnedRoot =  PAL_FS_MOUNT_POINT_SECONDARY;
00591     }
00592     return returnedRoot;
00593 }
00596 PAL_PRIVATE bool pal_plat_findNextFile(DIR *dh, FILINFO  *CurrentEntry)
00597 {
00598     bool ret = true;
00599     bool skip = false;
00600     bool foundFile = false;
00601     FRESULT status;
00603     do
00604     {
00605         status = f_readdir(dh, CurrentEntry);
00606         if (status == FR_OK)
00607         {
00608             if ((CurrentEntry)->fname[0] == 0)
00609             {//End Of Directory
00610                 ret = true;
00611                 break;
00612             }
00614             /* Skip the names "." and ".." as we don't want to remove them. also make sure that the current entry point to REGULER file*/
00615             skip = (!strcmp((CurrentEntry)->fname, ".")) || (!strcmp((CurrentEntry)->fname, ".."));
00616             if (skip)
00617             {
00618                 continue;
00619             }
00620             else
00621             {
00622                 foundFile = true;
00623             }
00624         }
00625         else
00626         {//NOT!!! EOF  other error
00627             ret = false;
00628             break; //Break from while
00629         }
00630     }
00631     while((!foundFile) && (ret)); //While file has been found or ret is set to false
00632     return ret;
00633 }
00635 PAL_PRIVATE palStatus_t pal_plat_addFileNameToPath(const char *pathName, const char * fileName, char * fullPath)
00636 {
00637     palStatus_t ret = PAL_SUCCESS;
00639     if ((strlen(pathName) >= PAL_MAX_FOLDER_DEPTH_CHAR)  || (strlen(fileName) >= PAL_MAX_FULL_FILE_NAME))
00640     {
00641         ret = PAL_ERR_FS_FILENAME_LENGTH;
00642     }
00643     else if (fullPath)
00644     {
00645         strcpy(fullPath, pathName);
00646         strcat(fullPath, "/");
00647         strcat(fullPath, fileName);
00648     }
00649     else
00650     {
00651         ret = PAL_ERR_RTOS_RESOURCE ;
00652     }
00653     return ret;
00654 }
00657 PAL_PRIVATE palStatus_t pal_plat_errorTranslation (int errorOpCode)
00658 {
00659     palStatus_t ret = PAL_SUCCESS;
00661     switch(errorOpCode)
00662     {
00663     case 0:
00664         break;
00665     case FR_DENIED:
00666     case FR_WRITE_PROTECTED:
00667     case FR_LOCKED:
00668         ret = PAL_ERR_FS_ACCESS_DENIED;
00669         break;
00671     case FR_NOT_READY :
00672         ret = PAL_ERR_FS_BUSY;
00673         break;
00675     case FR_EXIST:
00676         ret = PAL_ERR_FS_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST;
00677         break;
00679     case FR_INVALID_NAME:
00680     case FR_INVALID_OBJECT:
00681     case FR_INVALID_DRIVE:
00682         ret = PAL_ERR_FS_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
00683         break;
00685     case  FR_NO_FILE:
00686         ret = PAL_ERR_FS_NO_FILE;
00687         break;
00689     case FR_NO_PATH:
00690         ret = PAL_ERR_FS_NO_PATH;
00691         break;
00693     default:
00694         ret = PAL_ERR_FS_ERROR;
00695         break;
00696     }
00697     return ret;
00698 }
00701 size_t pal_plat_fsSizeCheck(const char *stringToChk)
00702 {
00703     size_t length = 0;
00704     length = strlen(stringToChk);
00705     return length;
00706 }
00710 palStatus_t pal_plat_fsFormat(pal_fsStorageID_t dataID)
00711 {
00712     const char* partitionNames[] ={
00713                                     PAL_FS_MOUNT_POINT_PRIMARY,
00714                                     PAL_FS_MOUNT_POINT_SECONDARY
00715                                    };
00716     palStatus_t result = PAL_SUCCESS;
00717     const char* partName = partitionNames[dataID];
00718     FRESULT res = f_mkfs(partName, 0, 0);
00719     if (FR_OK != res)
00720     {
00721         result = PAL_ERR_FS_ERROR;
00722     }
00723     return result;
00724 }