Changes to the library related to interrupt mode.


Dependents:   Display_53L0A1_IntSatelites Display_53L0A1_InterruptMode

Fork of X_NUCLEO_53L0A1 by ST

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VL53L0X Defines

VL53L0X Defines

VL53L0X Defines. More...

Data Structures

struct  VL53L0X_Version_t
 Defines the parameters of the Get Version Functions. More...
struct  VL53L0X_DeviceInfo_t
 Defines the parameters of the Get Device Info Functions. More...
struct  VL53L0X_DeviceParameters_t
 Defines all parameters for the device. More...
struct  VL53L0X_DMaxData_t
 Structure containing the Dmax computation parameters and data. More...
struct  VL53L0X_SpadData_t
 Spad Configuration Data. More...
struct  VL53L0X_DevData_t
 VL53L0X PAL device ST private data structure
End user should never access any of these field directly. More...
struct  VL53L0X_RangeData_t
 Range measurement data. More...
struct  VL53L0X_HistogramData_t
 Histogram measurement data. More...


 Error and Warning code returned by API

The following DEFINE are used to identify the PAL ERROR.

 Defines Device modes

Defines all possible modes for the device.

 Defines Histogram modes

Defines all possible Histogram modes for the device.

 List of available Power Modes

List of available Power Modes.

 Defines the current status of the device

Defines the current status of the device.

 Defines the Polarity

of the Interrupt Defines the Polarity of the Interrupt

 Vcsel Period Defines

Defines the range measurement for which to access the vcsel period.

 Defines the steps

carried out by the scheduler during a range measurement.

 General Macro Defines

General Macro Defines.

Detailed Description

VL53L0X Defines.