
Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cxkEngine/cxkEngine.cpp	Mon May 06 06:09:02 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#include "cxkEngine.h"
+void cxkEngine::init(int CXK_width,int CXK_height,int ball_size,int speed)
+    // initialise the game parameters
+    _CXK_width = CXK_width;
+    _CXK_height = CXK_height;
+    _ball_size = ball_size;
+    _speed = speed;
+    // x position on screen - WIDTH is defined in N5110.h
+    _cxkpx = 80 - _CXK_width;
+     _cxkpy = 40 - _CXK_height;// 80 ;40 are the edge of the wall 
+    // puts CXKs and ball in middle
+    _cxkp.init(_cxkpx,_cxkpy,_CXK_height,_CXK_width);
+    _ball.init(_ball_size,_speed,_direction);
+void cxkEngine::read_input(Gamepad &pad)
+    _d = pad.get_direction();
+    _vara = pad.get_vara();
+void cxkEngine::draw(N5110 &lcd)
+    // draw the wall basket in the LCD buffer
+    lcd.drawRect(0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT,FILL_TRANSPARENT);//wal
+    lcd.drawCircle(6,20,5,FILL_TRANSPARENT);// kuang
+    //score
+    print_scores(lcd);
+    // CXKs
+    _cxkp.draw(lcd);
+    int cxkp_score = _cxkp.get_score();
+    // ball
+    _ball.draw(lcd);
+    if (cxkp_score >= 30) {
+        lcd.printString("Congratulations",0,1);  
+    lcd.printString(" u win CXK",0,2);
+    lcd.printString("GAME OVER",0,4);
+    lcd.refresh();
+   }     
+void cxkEngine::update(Gamepad &pad)
+    check_goal(pad);
+    // important to update CXKs and ball before checking collisions so can
+    // correct for it before updating the display
+    _cxkp.update(_d,_vara);
+    _ball.update();
+    check_wall_collision(pad);
+    check_CXK_collisions(pad);
+void cxkEngine::check_wall_collision(Gamepad &pad)
+    // read current ball attributes
+    Vector2D ball_pos = _ball.get_pos();
+    Vector2D ball_velocity = _ball.get_velocity();
+    // check if hit top wall
+    if (ball_pos.y <= 1) {  //  1 due to 1 pixel boundary
+        ball_pos.y = 1;  // bounce off ceiling without going off screen
+        ball_velocity.y = -ball_velocity.y;
+        // audio feedback
+        pad.tone(650.0,0.1);
+    }
+    else if (ball_pos.x <= 1) {  //  1 due to 1 pixel boundary
+        ball_pos.x = 1;  // bounce off ceiling without going off screen
+        ball_velocity.x = -ball_velocity.x;
+        // audio feedback
+        pad.tone(750.0,0.1);
+    }
+    // check if hit right wall
+    else if (ball_pos.x + _ball_size >= (WIDTH-1) ) { // bottom pixel is 47
+        // hit bottom
+        ball_pos.x = (WIDTH-1) - _ball_size;  // stops ball going off screen
+        ball_velocity.x = -ball_velocity.x;
+        // audio feedback
+        pad.tone(750.0,0.1);
+    }
+    // check if hit bottom wall
+    else if (ball_pos.y + _ball_size >= (HEIGHT-1) ) { // bottom pixel is 47
+        // hit bottom
+        ball_pos.y = (HEIGHT-1) - _ball_size;  // stops ball going off screen
+        ball_velocity.y = -ball_velocity.y;
+        // audio feedback
+        pad.tone(650.0,0.1);
+    }
+    // update ball parameters
+    _ball.set_velocity(ball_velocity);
+    _ball.set_pos(ball_pos);
+void cxkEngine::check_CXK_collisions(Gamepad &pad)
+    // read current ball attributes
+    Vector2D ball_pos = _ball.get_pos();
+    Vector2D ball_velocity = _ball.get_velocity();
+    // see if ball has hit the
+    // check cxkp next
+    Vector2D cxkp_pos = _cxkp.get_pos();
+    // see if ball has hit the CXK 
+    if ((ball_pos.y - cxkp_pos.y >= -5) && 
+        (ball_pos.y - cxkp_pos.y <= 5) &&
+        (ball_pos.x - cxkp_pos.x >= -5) && 
+        (ball_pos.x - cxkp_pos.x <=  5)
+         ) //right
+     {
+        // if it has, change the position and reflect x,y  velocity
+        ball_pos.x= ball_pos.x + 3;
+        ball_pos.y = ball_pos.y + 1;
+         ball_velocity.x = -ball_velocity.x ;
+      ball_velocity.y = -ball_velocity.y;
+        // audio feedback
+        pad.tone(1000.0,0.1);
+        pad.tone(900.0,0.1);
+        pad.tone(800.0,0.1);
+    }
+        // write new attributes
+    _ball.set_velocity(ball_velocity);
+    _ball.set_pos(ball_pos);
+void cxkEngine::check_goal(Gamepad &pad)
+    Vector2D ball_pos = _ball.get_pos();
+    Vector2D cxkp_pos = _cxkp.get_pos();
+    // cxkp has scored if the ball in the basket
+    if (
+        (ball_pos.y <= 25) &&
+        (ball_pos.y >= 15) && 
+        (ball_pos.x <= 6) && 
+        (ball_pos.x >= 1)  
+     ) {
+        _cxkp.add_score();
+        _ball.init(_ball_size,_speed,_direction);
+        pad.tone(1500.0,0.5);
+        pad.leds_on();
+        wait(0.5); // wiat show the goal 
+        pad.leds_off();
+    }
+void cxkEngine::print_scores(N5110 &lcd)
+    // get scores from CXKs
+    int cxkp_score = _cxkp.get_score();
+    // print to LCD i
+    // font is 8 wide, so leave 4 pixel 2e from middle assuming two digits
+    char buffer2[14];
+    sprintf(buffer2,"%2d",cxkp_score);
+    lcd.printString(buffer2,40 ,1);