Published code on MBED - Not my program - credit given to the person who wrote it. Used to test your Physical Ethernet connection to a IP address of your MBED. See my Ethernet 101 connection help.

Dependencies:   mbed lwip

Thu Oct 21 12:07:57 2010 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
JeffM 0:615340446b29 1 #include "mbed.h"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 2 #include "lwip/opt.h"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 3 #include "lwip/stats.h"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 4 #include "lwip/sys.h"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 5 #include "lwip/pbuf.h"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 6 #include "lwip/udp.h"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 7 #include "lwip/tcp.h"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 8 #include "lwip/dns.h"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 9 #include "lwip/dhcp.h"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 10 #include "lwip/init.h"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 11 #include "lwip/netif.h"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 12 #include "netif/etharp.h"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 13 #include "netif/loopif.h"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 14 #include "device.h"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 15
JeffM 0:615340446b29 16 Ethernet ethernet;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 17 DigitalOut ledLink(p30);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 18 DigitalOut ledActivity(p29);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 19 DigitalOut ledStage0 (LED1);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 20 DigitalOut ledStage1 (LED2);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 21 DigitalOut ledStage2 (LED3);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 22 DigitalOut ledTCP80 (LED4);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 23
JeffM 0:615340446b29 24 volatile char stage = 0;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 25
JeffM 0:615340446b29 26 Ticker stage_blinker;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 27
JeffM 0:615340446b29 28 struct netif netif_data;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 29
JeffM 0:615340446b29 30 const char testPage[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 31 "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 32 "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 33 "<html>"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 34 "<head>"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 35 "<title>mbed test page</title>"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 36 "<style type='text/css'>"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 37 "body{font-family:'Arial, sans-serif', sans-serif;font-size:.8em;background-color:#fff;}"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 38 "</style>"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 39 "</head>"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 40 "<body>%s</body></html>\r\n\r\n";
JeffM 0:615340446b29 41
JeffM 0:615340446b29 42 char buffer[1024];
JeffM 0:615340446b29 43 char temp[1024];
JeffM 0:615340446b29 44 err_t recv_callback(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err) {
JeffM 0:615340446b29 45 struct netif *netif = &netif_data;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 46 ledTCP80 = true;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 47 printf("TCP callback from %d.%d.%d.%d\r\n", ip4_addr1(&(pcb->remote_ip)),ip4_addr2(&(pcb->remote_ip)),ip4_addr3(&(pcb->remote_ip)),ip4_addr4(&(pcb->remote_ip)));
JeffM 0:615340446b29 48 char *data;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 49 /* Check if status is ok and data is arrived. */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 50 if (err == ERR_OK && p != NULL) {
JeffM 0:615340446b29 51 /* Inform TCP that we have taken the data. */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 52 tcp_recved(pcb, p->tot_len);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 53 data = static_cast<char *>(p->payload);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 54 /* If the data is a GET request we can handle it. */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 55 if (strncmp(data, "GET ", 4) == 0) {
JeffM 0:615340446b29 56 printf("Handling GET request...\r\n");
JeffM 0:615340446b29 57 printf("Request:\r\n%s\r\n", data);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 58
JeffM 0:615340446b29 59 //generate the test page
JeffM 0:615340446b29 60 time_t seconds = time(NULL);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 61 sprintf(temp, "<h1>Congratulations!</h1>If you can see this page, your mbed is working properly."
JeffM 0:615340446b29 62 "<h2>mbed Configuration</h2>"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 63 "mbed RTC time:%s<br/>"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 64 "mbed HW address: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x<br/>"
JeffM 0:615340446b29 65 "mbed IP Address: %s<br/>",
JeffM 0:615340446b29 66 ctime(&seconds),
JeffM 0:615340446b29 67 (char*) netif->hwaddr[0],
JeffM 0:615340446b29 68 (char*) netif->hwaddr[1],
JeffM 0:615340446b29 69 (char*) netif->hwaddr[2],
JeffM 0:615340446b29 70 (char*) netif->hwaddr[3],
JeffM 0:615340446b29 71 (char*) netif->hwaddr[4],
JeffM 0:615340446b29 72 (char*) netif->hwaddr[5],
JeffM 0:615340446b29 73 inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)&(netif->ip_addr))
JeffM 0:615340446b29 74 );
JeffM 0:615340446b29 75 sprintf(buffer, testPage, temp);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 76 if (tcp_write(pcb, (void *)buffer, strlen(buffer), 1) == ERR_OK) {
JeffM 0:615340446b29 77 tcp_output(pcb);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 78 printf("Closing connection...\r\n");
JeffM 0:615340446b29 79 tcp_close(pcb);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 80 }
JeffM 0:615340446b29 81 }
JeffM 0:615340446b29 82 else
JeffM 0:615340446b29 83 {
JeffM 0:615340446b29 84 printf("Non GET request...\r\nRequest:\r\n%s\r\n", data);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 85 }
JeffM 0:615340446b29 86
JeffM 0:615340446b29 87 pbuf_free(p);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 88 }
JeffM 0:615340446b29 89
JeffM 0:615340446b29 90 else {
JeffM 0:615340446b29 91 /* No data arrived */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 92 /* That means the client closes the connection and sent us a packet with FIN flag set to 1. */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 93 /* We have to cleanup and destroy out TCPConnection. */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 94 printf("Connection closed by client.\r\n");
JeffM 0:615340446b29 95 pbuf_free(p);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 96 }
JeffM 0:615340446b29 97 /* Don't panic! Everything is fine. */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 98 ledTCP80 = false;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 99 return ERR_OK;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 100 }
JeffM 0:615340446b29 101 /* Accept an incomming call on the registered port */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 102 err_t accept_callback(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *npcb, err_t err) {
JeffM 0:615340446b29 103 LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(arg);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 104 /* Subscribe a receive callback function */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 105 tcp_recv(npcb, &recv_callback);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 106 /* Don't panic! Everything is fine. */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 107 return ERR_OK;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 108 }
JeffM 0:615340446b29 109
JeffM 0:615340446b29 110 void stageblinker()
JeffM 0:615340446b29 111 {
JeffM 0:615340446b29 112 switch (stage)
JeffM 0:615340446b29 113 {
JeffM 0:615340446b29 114 case 0:
JeffM 0:615340446b29 115 ledStage0 = !ledStage0;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 116 ledStage1 = false;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 117 ledStage2 = false;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 118 break;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 119 case 1:
JeffM 0:615340446b29 120 ledStage0 = true;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 121 ledStage1 = !ledStage1;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 122 ledStage2 = false;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 123 break;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 124 case 2:
JeffM 0:615340446b29 125 ledStage0 = true;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 126 ledStage1 = true;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 127 ledStage2 = true;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 128 stage_blinker.detach();
JeffM 0:615340446b29 129 break;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 130 }
JeffM 0:615340446b29 131 }
JeffM 0:615340446b29 132
JeffM 0:615340446b29 133 int main() {
JeffM 0:615340446b29 134 printf("mBed Ethernet Tester 1.0\r\nStarting Up...\r\n");
JeffM 0:615340446b29 135 stage = 0;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 136 struct netif *netif = &netif_data;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 137 struct ip_addr ipaddr;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 138 struct ip_addr netmask;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 139 struct ip_addr gateway;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 140 Ticker tickFast, tickSlow, tickARP, eth_tick, dns_tick, dhcp_coarse, dhcp_fine;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 141 stage_blinker.attach_us(&stageblinker, 1000*500);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 142
JeffM 0:615340446b29 143 char *hostname = "my-mbed";
JeffM 0:615340446b29 144
JeffM 0:615340446b29 145 printf("Configuring device for DHCP...\r\n");
JeffM 0:615340446b29 146 /* Start Network with DHCP */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 147 IP4_ADDR(&netmask, 255,255,255,255);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 148 IP4_ADDR(&gateway, 0,0,0,0);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 149 IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, 0,0,0,0);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 150 /* Initialise after configuration */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 151 lwip_init();
JeffM 0:615340446b29 152 netif->hwaddr_len = ETHARP_HWADDR_LEN;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 153 device_address((char *)netif->hwaddr);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 154 netif = netif_add(netif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gateway, NULL, device_init, ip_input);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 155 netif->hostname = hostname;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 156 netif_set_default(netif);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 157 dhcp_start(netif); // <-- Use DHCP
JeffM 0:615340446b29 158
JeffM 0:615340446b29 159 /* Initialise all needed timers */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 160 tickARP.attach_us( &etharp_tmr, ARP_TMR_INTERVAL * 1000);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 161 tickFast.attach_us(&tcp_fasttmr, TCP_FAST_INTERVAL * 1000);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 162 tickSlow.attach_us(&tcp_slowtmr, TCP_SLOW_INTERVAL * 1000);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 163 dns_tick.attach_us(&dns_tmr, DNS_TMR_INTERVAL * 1000);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 164 dhcp_coarse.attach_us(&dhcp_coarse_tmr, DHCP_COARSE_TIMER_MSECS * 1000);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 165 dhcp_fine.attach_us(&dhcp_fine_tmr, DHCP_FINE_TIMER_MSECS * 1000);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 166 stage = 1;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 167 while (!netif_is_up(netif)) {
JeffM 0:615340446b29 168 ledLink =;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 169 device_poll();
JeffM 0:615340446b29 170 }
JeffM 0:615340446b29 171
JeffM 0:615340446b29 172 /*
JeffM 0:615340446b29 173 while (!(netif->dhcp->state == DHCP_BOUND || netif->dhcp->state == DHCP_PERMANENT))
JeffM 0:615340446b29 174 {
JeffM 0:615340446b29 175 ledLink =;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 176 device_poll();
JeffM 0:615340446b29 177 //printf("Waiting for DHCP response, state = %d\r\n", netif->dhcp->state);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 178 //wait_ms(100);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 179 }
JeffM 0:615340446b29 180 */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 181 stage = 2;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 182 printf("Interface is up, local IP is %s\r\n",
JeffM 0:615340446b29 183 inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)&(netif->ip_addr)));
JeffM 0:615340446b29 184
JeffM 0:615340446b29 185 printf("Starting Web Server...\r\n");
JeffM 0:615340446b29 186
JeffM 0:615340446b29 187 /* Bind a function to a tcp port */
JeffM 0:615340446b29 188 struct tcp_pcb *pcb = tcp_new();
JeffM 0:615340446b29 189 if (tcp_bind(pcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, 80) == ERR_OK) {
JeffM 0:615340446b29 190 pcb = tcp_listen(pcb);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 191 tcp_accept(pcb, &accept_callback);
JeffM 0:615340446b29 192 }
JeffM 0:615340446b29 193
JeffM 0:615340446b29 194 printf("Waiting for connection...\r\n");
JeffM 0:615340446b29 195 while(1) {
JeffM 0:615340446b29 196 device_poll();
JeffM 0:615340446b29 197 ledLink =;
JeffM 0:615340446b29 198 }
JeffM 0:615340446b29 199 }