Uses the SRF02 UDS and displays distance in a variety of ways on the N5110 LCD.

Dependencies:   N5110WN PowerControl SRF02 mbed



File content as of revision 3:00933efbe463:

@file main.h
@brief Header file containng function prototypes, defines and global variables.
@brief Shows a Ultra-sonic Distance Sensor
@author Jakobi Blackburn
@date 13 March 2015
#ifndef MAIN_H
#define MAIN_H

#define PI 3.14159265359

#include "mbed.h"
#include "PowerControl/PowerControl.h"
#include "PowerControl/EthernetPowerControl.h"
#include "Speaker.h"
#include "N5110.h"
#include "SRF02/SRF02.h"

// Inputs
@namespace UnitTog
@brief An Interrupt button that toggles the Unit
InterruptIn UnitTog(p14);
@namespace LCDTog
@brief A SPDT switch that turns the LCD Screen on/off
AnalogIn LCDTog(p15);
@namespace LogTog
@brief An Interrupt button that toggles the Logging Capabilities
InterruptIn LogTog(p16);
@namespace VisTog
@brief An Interrupt button that changes the visual representation of the data
InterruptIn VisTog(p17);
@namespace BuzVol
@brief An Analogue input (Potentiometer) that is used to change the volume of the buzzer
AnalogIn BuzVol(p19);
@namespace BLEDLevel
@brief An Analogue input (Potentiometer) that is used to change the backlight of the LCD screen
AnalogIn BLEDLevel(p20);
@namespace sensor
@brief Ultra-Sonic distance sensor requires SDA and SCL lines
SRF02 sensor(p28,p27);//SDA SCL

// Outputs
@namespace N5110 LCD
@brief An LCD screen that requires
N5110 lcd(p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p13,p26);
@namespace Buzzer
@brief A buzzer that can produce different notes dependant on the frquency of the signal inputted to it. Used as an
Speaker Buzzer(p18);
@namespace BLED
@brief The backlight of the LCD screen. Brightness can be changed via Pulse Width Modulation
PwmOut BLED(p26);
@namespace WLED
@brief A LED used as visual warning
DigitalOut WLED(p21);
@namespace LLED
@brief A LED used to show Logging is off/on
DigitalOut LLED(p29);
@namespace pc
@brief Serial output used mainly for debugging.
@brief Pinout TX, RX
Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);// the tx and rx respectively
@namespace leds
@brief leds used to display error messages and when the file is being written too
BusOut leds(LED4,LED3,LED2,LED1);

// ---- Variables ----

float scanSpeed=1; /*!< float that changes the speed that the distance is taken */
float volume=1; /*!< float used to vary the volume */
int distance; /*!< integer that stores the distance */
float unitX=1; /*!< Float that stores the unit multiple if 1 unit is cm, 0.01 = m, 10 = mm */
const char *units ="cm"; /*!< string of characters that stores the unit */
int visual =0;/*!< integer that stores the visual display mode */

// ---- Flags ----
int timerFlag=0; /*!< flag used to trigger the timer ISR   */
int setTimeFlag = 0; /*!< flag for ISR for setting time  */
int logButtonFlag = 0; /*!<flag for button toggle  */

// ---- MISC ----
char rxString[16]; /*!< buffer to store received string   */
LocalFileSystem local("local"); /*!< create local filesystem   */

Ticker timer;

//  ---- functions ----
deals with the visual and audiable alerts.
void warnings();  
takes 10 distances and averages them.
@returns The distance between the Sensor and the nearest object infront of it
float getDistance(); 
changes the units cm/m/mm
void unitToggle();
changes the visual display
void visToggle();    
ISR used for the timer
void timerExpired(); 
sets the speed of the scanning, dependant on the distance
void setScanSpeed();
Displays an error message on the Mbed LEDs
@brief The error message show is up to 14. IF 15 shown it is a ack bit error for the SRF02
@param E - Error Code
@returns flashing Mbed LEDs signifying the error
void error(int E);

void logButtonPressed();

void logging(char* data,float data1);
ISR for the serial port
void serialISR();
function to set the UNIX time
void setTime(); 
Plays a set of frequencies through the buzzer creating a tune
void introTune();
sets every other pixel on, creating a checkerboard like effect
void checkerBoard();
sets the parameters for the first visual mode
void LCDVis0();
sets the parameters for the second visual mode
void LCDVis1();
sets the parameters for the third visual mode
void LCDVis2();

typedef const struct State STyp; /*!< defines the struct type */
Sets the struct
struct State { 
 float unitMultiple; /*!< float that stores the unit mulitple */
 const char *Unit; /*!<stores the sting value of the unit */
 int nextState[2]; /*!< array of next states */

@brief sets the Finite State Machine for the Unit toggle.
STyp fsm[3] = {
 {1,"cm",{0,1}}, /*!< State 0: stays in the current state unless input is recieved */ 
 {0.01,"m",{1,2}},  /*!< State 1: stays in the current state unless input is recieved  */ 
 {10,"mm",{2,0}} /*!< State 2: stays in the current state unless input is recieved  */ 
int state=0;/*!< sets the initial state */

typedef const struct VState VSTyp; /*!< defines the struct type */
Sets the struct
struct VState { 
 int visual; /*!< integer that stores the visual mode */
 int nextState[2]; /*!< array of next states */

@brief sets the Finite State Machine for the Visual toggle.
VSTyp Vfsm[3] = {
 {0,{0,1}}, /*!< State 0: stays in the current state unless input is recieved */ 
 {1,{1,2}},  /*!< State 1: stays in the current state unless input is recieved  */ 
 {2,{2,0}} /*!< State 2: stays in the current state unless input is recieved  */ 
int Vstate=0;/*!< sets the initial state */
