wifi test

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Radio Private Variables

Radio Private Variables


static uint32_t s_lXtalFrequency
 The Xtal frequency.
static const uint8_t s_vectcBHalfFactor [4] = {(HIGH_BAND_FACTOR/2), (MIDDLE_BAND_FACTOR/2), (LOW_BAND_FACTOR/2), (VERY_LOW_BAND_FACTOR/2)}
 Factor is: B/2 used in the formula for SYNTH word calculation.
static const uint8_t s_vectcBandRegValue [4] = {SYNT0_BS_6, SYNT0_BS_12, SYNT0_BS_16, SYNT0_BS_32}
 BS value to write in the SYNT0 register according to the selected band.
static const uint16_t s_vectnBandwidth26M [90]
 It represents the available channel bandwidth times 10 for 26 Mhz xtal.
static const uint16_t s_vectnVCOFreq [16]
 It represents the available VCO frequencies.
static SpiritFunctionalState xDoVcoCalibrationWA = S_ENABLE
 This variable is used to enable or disable the VCO calibration WA called at the end of the SpiritRadioSetFrequencyBase fcn.
static const float fPowerFactors [5][6]
 These values are used to interpolate the power curves.

Variable Documentation

const float fPowerFactors[5][6] [static]
Initial value:

These values are used to interpolate the power curves.

Interpolation curves are linear in the following 3 regions:

  • reg value: 1 to 13 (up region)
  • reg value: 13 to 40 (mid region)
  • reg value: 41 to 90 (low region) power_reg = m*power_dBm + q For each band the order is: {m-up, q-up, m-mid, q-mid, m-low, q-low}.
    The power interpolation curves have been extracted by measurements done on the divisional evaluation boards.

Definition at line 154 of file SPIRIT_Radio.c.

uint32_t s_lXtalFrequency [static]

The Xtal frequency.

To be set by the user (see SetXtalFreq() function)

Definition at line 94 of file SPIRIT_Radio.c.

const uint8_t s_vectcBandRegValue[4] = {SYNT0_BS_6, SYNT0_BS_12, SYNT0_BS_16, SYNT0_BS_32} [static]

BS value to write in the SYNT0 register according to the selected band.

Definition at line 104 of file SPIRIT_Radio.c.

const uint8_t s_vectcBHalfFactor[4] = {(HIGH_BAND_FACTOR/2), (MIDDLE_BAND_FACTOR/2), (LOW_BAND_FACTOR/2), (VERY_LOW_BAND_FACTOR/2)} [static]

Factor is: B/2 used in the formula for SYNTH word calculation.

Definition at line 99 of file SPIRIT_Radio.c.

const uint16_t s_vectnBandwidth26M[90] [static]
Initial value:
  8001, 7951, 7684, 7368, 7051, 6709, 6423, 5867, 5414, \
    4509, 4259, 4032, 3808, 3621, 3417, 3254, 2945, 2703, \
      2247, 2124, 2015, 1900, 1807, 1706, 1624, 1471, 1350, \
        1123, 1062, 1005,  950,  903,  853,  812,  735,  675, \
          561,  530,  502,  474,  451,  426,  406,  367,  337, \
            280,  265,  251,  237,  226,  213,  203,  184,  169, \
              140,  133,  126,  119,  113,  106,  101,   92,   84, \
                70,   66,   63,   59,   56,   53,   51,   46,   42, \
                  35,   33,   31,   30,   28,   27,   25,   23,   21, \
                    18,   17,   16,   15,   14,   13,   13,   12,   11

It represents the available channel bandwidth times 10 for 26 Mhz xtal.

The channel bandwidth for others xtal frequencies can be computed since this table multiplying the current table by a factor xtal_frequency/26e6.

Definition at line 112 of file SPIRIT_Radio.c.

const uint16_t s_vectnVCOFreq[16] [static]
Initial value:
  4644, 4708, 4772, 4836, 4902, 4966, 5030, 5095, \
    5161, 5232, 5303, 5375, 5448, 5519, 5592, 5663

It represents the available VCO frequencies.

Definition at line 129 of file SPIRIT_Radio.c.

SpiritFunctionalState xDoVcoCalibrationWA = S_ENABLE [static]

This variable is used to enable or disable the VCO calibration WA called at the end of the SpiritRadioSetFrequencyBase fcn.

Default is enabled.

Definition at line 140 of file SPIRIT_Radio.c.