
Dependencies:   ADS1015 MPU6050 PixelArray-Nucleo mbed

Fork of Momo_Pilot_1 by Momo Medical

--- a/Sensorplate/main.cpp	Thu Sep 14 09:43:21 2017 +0000
+++ b/Sensorplate/main.cpp	Wed Sep 27 09:04:08 2017 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,28 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "Adafruit_ADS1015.h"
-#include "USBSerial.h"
 #include "MPU6050.h"
+#include "neopixel.h"
+#define NLED (11)
+#define ONE_COLOR
+InterruptIn lock(p16);                                                      // Interrupts for buttons.
+InterruptIn reposition(p17);
+InterruptIn mute(p15);
+InterruptIn new_patient(p14);
+AnalogIn LDR_val(p18);
+AnalogIn supplyvoltage(p20);                                                // Analog input between 0 and 1 (0 and 100 %) for reading supplyvoltage from accupack.
+PwmOut LED_intern1(LED1);
+DigitalOut LED_intern2(LED2);
+DigitalOut LED_intern3(LED4);
+neopixel::PixelArray array(p11);
+Timer hold_timer;
+Timer delay;
+Timer speaker_timer;
+DigitalOut speaker1(p21);
+DigitalOut speaker2(p22);
 I2C i2c(p28, p27);                  // I2C
 MPU6050 agu(p28,p27);               // Accelerometer/Gyroscope Unit
@@ -9,6 +30,7 @@
 Adafruit_ADS1115 pr2(&i2c, 0x49);   // second PiëzoResistive ADC
 Adafruit_ADS1115 pel(&i2c, 0x4B);   // PiëzoElectric ADC
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx  // Serial USB connection
+Serial pi(p9, p10, 9600);           // Setup serial communication for pi.
 Timer t;                            // Timer for equally time-spaced samples
 Ticker sample_cycle;                // Polling cycle
 int cycle_time = 100000;            // Cycle time in us
@@ -20,6 +42,214 @@
 int k = 0;
 float acce[3];                      // Raw accelerometer data
 float gyro[3];                      // Raw gyroscope data
+char LED_colour;                                                            // Variable to set LED colour.
+bool lock_state = 0, lock_flag = 0, mute_state = 0, alarm = 0, calibration_flag = 0, intensity_select = 0;            // Boolean variables for states lock, mute and alarm.
+bool mute_flag = 0, new_patient_flag = 0, reposition_flag = 0, power_plug_flag = 0, battery_voltage_flag = 0;
+bool speaker_flag_current = 0, LED_red_flag_current = 0, LED_yellow_flag_current = 0, LED_green_flag_current = 0;
+bool speaker_flag_last = 0, LED_red_flag_current = 0, LED_yellow_flag_current = 0, LED_green_flag_current = 0; 
+int locktime_ms = 2000;                                                     // Waittime in ms.
+int calibrationtime_ms = 5000;
+int calibration_flash;
+int buttondelay_ms = 750;                                                   // Button delay in ms.
+int delay_lock_interface = 3000*60;                                         // Delay for non using interface locktime.
+int speaker_active_ms = 750;
+double alarm_voltage = 0.2;                                                 // Needed voltage for alarm expressed as a percentage (0 - 100 % => 0 - 3.3 V).
+int red_var, green_var, blue_var, intensity, current_intensity = 0;         // Variables to set LED intensity
+void set_intensity()                                                        // Function to set the intensity for the LED's
+    if (intensity_select == 0) {
+        intensity = 50;
+    } else { 
+        intensity = 25;
+    }
+    //intensity = (1-LDR_val)*100;                                          // Calculate intensity (use right part of the graphic)
+    //if (abs(intensity-current_intensity) > 5) {                           // If difference is greater then 5, change intensity dependent on range.
+    //    if (intensity <= 20) {
+    //        intensity = 20;
+    //    }
+    //    if (40 >= intensity > 20) {
+    //        intensity = 40;
+    //    }
+    //    if (60 >= intensity > 40) {
+    //        intensity = 60;
+    //    }
+    //    if (80 >= intensity > 60) {
+    //        intensity = 80;
+    //    }
+    //    if (intensity > 80) {
+    //        intensity = 100;
+    //    }
+    //}
+    // current_intensity = intensity;                                       // Save intensisty to compare in first if statement of this set_intensity function.
+void colour_select(char LED_colour)                                         // Function to select the colour.
+    set_intensity();                                                        // Call function set_intensity
+    if (LED_colour == 'r') {
+        red_var = (2.55*intensity);
+        green_var = 0;
+        blue_var = 0;
+    }
+    if (LED_colour == 'y') {
+        red_var = (2.55*intensity);
+        green_var = (2.55*intensity);
+        blue_var = 0;
+    }
+    if (LED_colour == 'g') {
+        red_var = 0;
+        green_var = (2.55*intensity);
+        blue_var = 0;
+    }
+    if (calibration_flash >= 1) {
+        if ((calibration_flash % 2) == 0) {
+            red_var = 255;
+            green_var = 255;
+            blue_var = 255;
+        } else {
+            red_var = 0;
+            green_var = 0;
+            blue_var = 0;
+        }
+        calibration_flash--;
+    }
+void trigger_lock()                                                         // If rising edge lock button is detected start locktimer.
+    hold_timer.start();
+    delay.reset();
+    delay.start();
+void timer_lock()                                                           // End timer lock.
+    lock_flag = 0;                                                          // Set lock_flag off.
+    hold_timer.stop();                                                      // Stop and reset holdtimer
+    hold_timer.reset();
+void trigger_reposition()
+    if (lock_state == 1 | (delay.read_ms() < buttondelay_ms)) {             // Control statement for lock interface and delay for non using buttons at the same time.
+    } else {
+        delay.reset();
+        delay.start();
+        pi.printf("02\n");                                                  // Seriele communicatie met PI.
+        if (LED_intern1 == 0) {
+            LED_intern1 = 1.0;
+        } else {
+            LED_intern1 = 0.0;
+        }
+        LED_colour = 'r';
+    }
+void trigger_mute()
+    if (lock_state == 1 | (delay.read_ms() < buttondelay_ms)) {             // Control statement for lock interface and delay for non using buttons at the same time.
+        mute_state = 0;
+    } else {
+        delay.reset();
+        delay.start();
+        pi.printf("01\n");
+        mute_state = !mute_state;
+        if (LED_intern1 == 0) {
+            LED_intern1 = 1.0;
+        } else {
+            LED_intern1 = 0.0;
+        }
+        LED_colour = 'y';
+    }
+void trigger_new_patient()                                                  // Function to trigger hold timer for new patient calibration function.
+    if (lock_state == 1) {
+    } else {
+        hold_timer.start();
+    }
+void timer_calibration()                                                    // Timer calibration function.
+    hold_timer.stop();
+    hold_timer.reset();
+    if (lock_state == 1 | (delay.read_ms() < buttondelay_ms)) {             // Control statement for lock interface and delay for non using buttons at the same time.
+    } else {
+        if (calibration_flag == 0) {
+            pi.printf("03\n");
+            if (LED_intern1 == 0) {
+                LED_intern1 = 1.0;
+            } else {
+                LED_intern1 = 0.0;
+            }
+            LED_colour = 'g';
+        } else {
+            calibration_flag = 0;
+        }
+    }
+void generate(neopixel::Pixel * out, uint32_t index, uintptr_t val)         // Generate LED colour.
+    out->red   = red_var;
+    out->green = green_var;
+    out->blue  = blue_var;
+void read_voltage()
+    LED_intern3 = 0;
+    if ( > alarm_voltage) {                             // If supplyvoltage (readed from input) is greater then the setted alarmvoltage.
+        alarm = 0;                                                          // Alarm is off.
+    } else {
+        alarm = 1;                                                          // Else alarm is on.
+    }
+    if (alarm == 1 && mute_state == 0 && (speaker_timer.read_ms() < speaker_active_ms)) { // Set speaker on for 750 ms.
+        speaker1 = 1;                                                       // Set speaker.
+        speaker2 = 1;
+        speaker_timer.start();                                              // Set timer for speaker to iterate on and off.
+        LED_intern3 = !LED_intern3;
+    }
+    if (alarm == 1 && mute_state == 1 && (speaker_timer.read_ms() < speaker_active_ms)) { // Set speaker on for 750 ms.
+        speaker1 = 0;                                                       // Set speaker.
+        speaker2 = 0;
+        speaker_timer.start();                                              // Set timer for speaker to iterate on and off.
+        LED_intern3 = !LED_intern3;
+    }
+    if ((speaker_timer.read_ms() > speaker_active_ms) && (speaker_timer.read_ms() < (speaker_active_ms*2))) {
+        speaker1 = 0;                                                       // Turn off speaker (use two outputs because of currentlimiting of one).
+        speaker2 = 0;
+    }
+    if (speaker_timer.read_ms() > (speaker_active_ms*2)) {
+        speaker_timer.stop();                                               // Stop speaker timer.
+        speaker_timer.reset();
+    }
 void read_adc()
@@ -38,19 +268,41 @@
     for (k = 0; k < 4; k = k + 1) {
         res[k+4] =  pr2.readADC_SingleEnded(k); //Last 4 PR readout
-    while(t.read_us()<(2*(cycle_time/5))) {}    //Wait untill 40% of cycle 
+    while(t.read_us()<(2*(cycle_time/5))) {}    //Wait untill 40% of cycle
     elec[2] = pel.readADC_SingleEnded(0);       //Third PE readout
     agu.getAccelero(acce);                      //Get accelerometer data
     angle = acce[2]*10;
+    agu.getGyro(gyro);                          //Get gyroscope data
     while(t.read_us()<(3*(cycle_time/5))) {}    //Wait untill 60% of cycle
     elec[3] = pel.readADC_SingleEnded(0);       //Fourth PE readout
-    agu.getGyro(gyro);                          //Get gyroscope data
+    if ((hold_timer.read_ms() > locktime_ms) && lock_flag == 0 && lock == 1) { // If statement for lock function.
+        lock_flag = 1;
+        LED_intern2 = !LED_intern2;
+        lock_state = !lock_state;
+    }
+    if ((hold_timer.read_ms() > calibrationtime_ms) && calibration_flag == 0 && new_patient == 1) { // If statement for calibration system.
+        calibration_flag = 1;
+        calibration_flash = 11;
+        pi.printf("Calibration button is pressed.");                    // Print statement for serial communication to inform algorithm to calibrate.
+    }
+    if (delay.read_ms() > delay_lock_interface) {                       // If buttons are not pressed for 3 minutes, set lock active.
+        lock_state = 1;
+        LED_intern2 = 1;
+    }
+    read_voltage();                                                     // Supplyvoltage control for alarm.
+    uint32_t val = 0;
+    colour_select(LED_colour);
+    array.update(generate, NLED, val);
     while(t.read_us()<(4*(cycle_time/5))) {}    //Wait untill 80% of cycle
     elec[4] = pel.readADC_SingleEnded(0);       //Fifth PE readout
@@ -58,6 +310,52 @@
     while(t.read_us()<(4.5*(cycle_time/5))) {}  //Wait untill 90% of cycle
     pc.printf(",%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,\r\n", res[4], res[7], res[6], res[5], res[1], res[0], res[2], res[3], elec[0], elec[1], elec[2], elec[3], elec[4], acce[0]*100, acce[1]*100, acce[2]*100, gyro[0]*100, gyro[1]*100, gyro[2]*100); // print all to serial port
     //receiving order: 8 resistive sensors, 5 electric readings, 3 accelerometer axes, 3 gyroscope axes
+    if (mute_flag == 1) {
+        pi.printf(">01\n");
+        mute_flag = 0;
+    }
+    if (new_patient_flag == 1) {
+        pi.printf(">02\n");
+        new_patient_flag = 0;
+    }
+    if (reposition_flag == 1) {
+        pi.printf(">03\n");
+        reposition_flag = 0;
+    }
+    if (power_plug_flag == 1) {
+        pi.printf("#%d\n", power_plug_flag);
+        power_plug_flag = 0;
+    }
+    if (battery_voltage_flag == 1) {
+        pi.printf("%%d\n", battery_voltage);
+        battery_voltage_flag = 0;
+    }
+    if (speaker_flag_current == speaker_flag_last) {
+        pi.printf("&07\n");       
+    } else if (speaker_flag_current != speaker_flag_last) {
+        pi.printf("&70\n");
+    }
+    if (LED_red_flag == 1) {
+        pi.printf("& \n");   
+        LED_red_flag = 0;
+    }
+    if (LED_yellow_flag == 1) {
+        pi.printf("& \n");   
+        LED_yellow_flag = 0;               // Een event bij deactivatie
+    } 
+    if (LED_green_flag == 1) {
+        pi.printf("& \n");   
+        LED_green_flag = 0;
+    }    
 int main()
@@ -67,8 +365,300 @@
     pr1.setGain(GAIN_TWOTHIRDS); // set range to +/-6.144V
     pr2.setGain(GAIN_TWOTHIRDS); // set range to +/-6.144V
     pel.setGain(GAIN_TWOTHIRDS); // set range to +/-6.144V
+    pi.format(8, SerialBase::None, 1);
+    lock.rise(&trigger_lock);                                               // Interrupt for rising edge lock button.
+    lock.fall(&timer_lock);
+    reposition.rise(&trigger_reposition);
+    mute.rise(&trigger_mute);
+    new_patient.rise(&trigger_new_patient);                                 // New patient/calibration button rising event.
+    new_patient.fall(&timer_calibration);                                   // Falling edge for calibration algorithm option.
+    delay.reset();                                                          // Delaytimer reset en start.
+    delay.start();
     sample_cycle.attach_us(&read_adc, cycle_time);
     while (1) {
         wait_us(cycle_time+1); // wait indefinitely because the ticker restarts every 50 ms
\ No newline at end of file
+Author          :   R. Molenaar
+Company         :   Momo Medical
+Source          :
+File            :   main.cpp
+Version | -date :   0.1 | 18-9-2017
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "pwm_tone.h"
+#include "neopixel.h"
+#define NLED (11)
+#define ONE_COLOR
+Serial pi(p9, p10, 9600);                                                   // Setup serial communication.
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, 9600);
+InterruptIn lock(p16);                                                      // Interrupts for buttons.
+InterruptIn reposition(p17);
+InterruptIn mute(p15);
+InterruptIn new_patient(p14);
+AnalogIn LDR_val(p18);
+AnalogIn supplyvoltage(p20);                                                // Analog input between 0 and 1 (0 and 100 %) for reading supplyvoltage from accupack.
+PwmOut LED_intern1(LED1);
+DigitalOut LED_intern2(LED2);
+DigitalOut LED_intern3(LED4);
+Timer hold_timer;
+Timer delay;
+Timer speaker_timer;
+DigitalOut speaker1(p21);
+DigitalOut speaker2(p22);
+char LED_colour;                                                            // Variable to set LED colour.
+bool lock_state, lock_flag, mute_state, alarm, calibration_flag;            // Boolean variables for states lock, mute and alarm.
+int locktime_ms = 2000;                                                     // Waittime in ms.
+int calibrationtime_ms = 5000;
+int calibration_flash;
+int buttondelay_ms = 750;                                                   // Button delay in ms.
+int delay_lock_interface = 3000*60;                                         // Delay for non using interface.
+int speaker_active_ms = 750;
+double alarm_voltage = 0.2;                                                 // Needed voltage for alarm expressed as a percentage (0 - 100 % => 0 - 3.3 V).
+int red_var, green_var, blue_var, intensity, current_intensity = 0;         // Variables to set LED intensity
+void set_intensity()                                                        // Function to set the intensity for the LED's
+    intensity = (1-LDR_val)*100;                                            // Calculate intensity (use right part of the graphic)
+    if (abs(intensity-current_intensity) > 5) {                             // If difference is greater then 5, change intensity dependent on range.
+        if (intensity <= 20) {
+            intensity = 20;
+        }
+        if (40 >= intensity > 20) {
+            intensity = 40;
+        }
+        if (60 >= intensity > 40) {
+            intensity = 60;
+        }
+        if (80 >= intensity > 60) {
+            intensity = 80;
+        }
+        if (intensity > 80) {
+            intensity = 100;
+        }
+    }
+    current_intensity = intensity;                                          // Save intensisty to compare in first if statement of this set_intensity function.
+void colour_select(char LED_colour)                                         // Function to select the colour.
+    set_intensity();                                                        // Call function set_intensity
+    if (LED_colour == 'r') {
+        red_var = (2.55*intensity);
+        green_var = 0;
+        blue_var = 0;
+    }
+    if (LED_colour == 'y') {
+        red_var = (2.55*intensity);
+        green_var = (2.55*intensity);
+        blue_var = 0;
+    }
+    if (LED_colour == 'g') {
+        red_var = 0;
+        green_var = (2.55*intensity);
+        blue_var = 0;
+    }
+    if (calibration_flash >= 1) {
+        if((calibration_flash % 2) == 0) {
+            red_var = 255;
+            green_var = 255;
+            blue_var = 255;
+        } else {
+            red_var = 0;
+            green_var = 0;
+            blue_var = 0;
+        }
+        calibration_flash--;
+    }
+void trigger_lock()                                                         // If rising edge lock button is detected start locktimer.
+    hold_timer.start();
+    delay.reset();
+    delay.start();
+void timer_lock()                                                           // End timer lock.
+    lock_flag = 0;                                                          // Set lock_flag off.
+    hold_timer.stop();                                                      // Stop and reset holdtimer
+    hold_timer.reset();
+void trigger_reposition()
+    if (lock_state == 1 | (delay.read_ms() < buttondelay_ms)) {             // Control statement for lock interface and delay for non using buttons at the same time.
+    } else {
+        delay.reset();
+        delay.start();
+        pi.printf("02\n");                                                  // Seriele communicatie met PI.
+        if (LED_intern1 == 0) {
+            LED_intern1 = 1.0;
+        } else {
+            LED_intern1 = 0.0;
+        }
+        LED_colour = 'r';
+    }
+void trigger_mute()
+    if (lock_state == 1 | (delay.read_ms() < buttondelay_ms)) {             // Control statement for lock interface and delay for non using buttons at the same time.
+        mute_state = 0;
+    } else {
+        delay.reset();
+        delay.start();
+        pi.printf("01\n");
+        mute_state = !mute_state;
+        if (LED_intern1 == 0) {
+            LED_intern1 = 1.0;
+        } else {
+            LED_intern1 = 0.0;
+        }
+        LED_colour = 'y';
+    }
+void trigger_new_patient()                                                  // Function to trigger hold timer for new patient calibration function.
+    if (lock_state == 1) {
+    } else {
+        hold_timer.start();
+    }
+void timer_calibration()                                                    // Timer calibration function.
+    hold_timer.stop();
+    hold_timer.reset();
+    if (lock_state == 1 | (delay.read_ms() < buttondelay_ms)) {              // Control statement for lock interface and delay for non using buttons at the same time.
+    } else {
+        if (calibration_flag == 0) {
+            pi.printf("03\n");
+            if (LED_intern1 == 0) {
+                LED_intern1 = 1.0;
+            } else {
+                LED_intern1 = 0.0;
+            }
+            LED_colour = 'g';
+        } else {
+            calibration_flag = 0;
+        }
+    }
+void generate(neopixel::Pixel * out, uint32_t index, uintptr_t val)         // Generate LED colour.
+    out->red   = red_var;
+    out->green = green_var;
+    out->blue  = blue_var;
+void read_voltage()
+    LED_intern3 = 0;
+    if ( > alarm_voltage) {                             // If supplyvoltage (readed from input) is greater then the setted alarmvoltage.
+        alarm = 0;                                                          // Alarm is off.
+    } else {
+        alarm = 1;                                                          // Else alarm is on.
+    }
+    if (alarm == 1 && mute_state == 0 && (speaker_timer.read_ms() < speaker_active_ms)) { // Set speaker on for 750 ms.
+        speaker1 = 1;                                                       // Set speaker.
+        speaker2 = 1;
+        speaker_timer.start();                                              // Set timer for speaker to iterate on and off.
+        LED_intern3 = !LED_intern3;
+    }
+    if (alarm == 1 && mute_state == 1 && (speaker_timer.read_ms() < speaker_active_ms)) { // Set speaker on for 750 ms.
+        speaker1 = 0;                                                       // Set speaker.
+        speaker2 = 0;
+        speaker_timer.start();                                              // Set timer for speaker to iterate on and off.
+        LED_intern3 = !LED_intern3;
+    }
+    if ((speaker_timer.read_ms() > speaker_active_ms) && (speaker_timer.read_ms() < (speaker_active_ms*2))) {
+        speaker1 = 0;                                                       // Turn off speaker (use two outputs because of currentlimiting of one).
+        speaker2 = 0;
+    }
+    if (speaker_timer.read_ms() > (speaker_active_ms*2)) {
+        speaker_timer.stop();                                               // Stop speaker timer.
+        speaker_timer.reset();
+    }
+int main()
+    pi.format(8, SerialBase::None, 1);
+    lock.rise(&trigger_lock);                                               // Interrupt for rising edge lock button.
+    lock.fall(&timer_lock);
+    reposition.rise(&trigger_reposition);
+    mute.rise(&trigger_mute);
+    new_patient.rise(&trigger_new_patient);                                 // New patient/calibration button rising event.
+    new_patient.fall(&timer_calibration);                                   // Falling edge for calibration algorithm option.
+    delay.reset();                                                          // Delaytimer reset en start.
+    delay.start();
+    neopixel::PixelArray array(p11);
+    while(1) {
+        wait_ms(100);                                                       // Simulate 100 ms delay from sensorplate code.
+        if ((hold_timer.read_ms() > locktime_ms) && lock_flag == 0 && lock == 1) { // If statement for lock function.
+            lock_flag = 1;
+            LED_intern2 = !LED_intern2;
+            lock_state = !lock_state;
+        }
+        if ((hold_timer.read_ms() > calibrationtime_ms) && calibration_flag == 0 && new_patient == 1) { // If statement for calibration system.
+            calibration_flag = 1;
+            calibration_flash = 11;
+            pi.printf("Calibration button is pressed.");                    // Print statement for serial communication to inform algorithm to calibrate.
+        if (delay.read_ms() > delay_lock_interface) {                       // If buttons are not pressed for 3 minutes, set lock active.
+            lock_state = 1;
+            LED_intern2 = 1;
+        }
+        read_voltage();                                                     // Supplyvoltage control for alarm.
+        uint32_t val = 0;
+        colour_select(LED_colour);
+        array.update(generate, NLED, val);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file