Official support library for using mbed as a programmable coprocessor in the Innomatix DAP-III+ telematics platform



File content as of revision 12:3d37c8a7be2b:

v1.0.7 - 9/6/2017
    Rework all library modules due to updates in the mbed core library.
    Rework SystemUpdate() to be more robust when the DAP has not yet opened
        the serial port and when the port is closed unexpectedly
    Rework the main example to be more DataBin focused so users do not need
        CAN channels wired just to try things out.

v1.0.5 - 9/30/2016
    Move Developers Guide and Quick Start Guide into folders to simplify
    library maintenance.  The mbed development environment will not open .DOCX
    files but you can right-click and export them to your local machine.

    Rebuild library to pick up changes in mbed & USBDevice libraries
    NOTE: As of version 63:01321bd the USBDevice library throws a couple of
        warnings when building the Innomatix Support project.  The same warning
        is shown for USBAudio and USBSerial.

        Warning: Function "mbed::FunctionPointerArg1<R, void>::FunctionPointerArg1(R (*)())
        [with R=void]" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/InnomatixSupport/
        /extras/mbed_abea610beb85/FunctionPointer.h', '53'); return false;">
        /extras/mbed_abea610beb85/FunctionPointer.h:53</a>) was declared deprecated
        ("FunctionPointer has been replaced by Callback<void()> [since mbed-os-5.1]") in
        "USBDevice/USBAudio/USBAudio.cpp", Line: 25, Col: 233