Driver to read switches, one at a time or an entire dip-sw

Dependents:   input dip_switch dipsw_change input ... more

diff -r 000000000000 -r 8e569e04a0fb Hotboards_switches.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Hotboards_switches.cpp	Sun Feb 28 01:32:55 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+  Hotboards_switches.cpp - Driver to control interrupts
+  Hotboards Dip-switch board (
+  Created by Diego Perez, January 16, 2016.
+  Released into the public domain.
+#include "Hotboards_switches.h"
+#define bitRead( var, bit )           (((var) >> (bit)) & 0x01)
+#define bitWrite( var, bit, val )     (val) ? (var) |= (1<<(bit)) : (var) &= ~(1<<(bit))
+Hotboards_switches::Hotboards_switches( PinName sw0, bool close )
+    _sws = 1;
+    _close = close;
+    begin( 0, sw0 );
+Hotboards_switches::Hotboards_switches( PinName sw1, PinName sw0, bool close )
+    _sws = 2;
+    _close = close;
+    begin( 0, sw0 );
+    begin( 1, sw1 );
+Hotboards_switches::Hotboards_switches( PinName sw2, PinName sw1, PinName sw0, bool close )
+    _sws = 3;
+    _close = close;
+    begin( 0, sw0 );
+    begin( 1, sw1 );
+    begin( 2, sw2 );
+Hotboards_switches::Hotboards_switches( PinName sw3, PinName sw2, PinName sw1, PinName sw0, bool close )
+    _sws = 4;
+    _close = close;
+    begin( 0, sw0 );
+    begin( 1, sw1 );
+    begin( 2, sw2 );
+    begin( 3, sw3 );
+Hotboards_switches::Hotboards_switches( PinName sw4, PinName sw3, PinName sw2, PinName sw1, PinName sw0, bool close )
+    _sws = 5;
+    _close = close;
+    begin( 0, sw0 );
+    begin( 1, sw1 );
+    begin( 2, sw2 );
+    begin( 3, sw3 );
+    begin( 4, sw4 );
+Hotboards_switches::Hotboards_switches( PinName sw5, PinName sw4, PinName sw3, PinName sw2, PinName sw1, PinName sw0, bool close )
+    _sws = 6;
+    _close = close;
+    begin( 0, sw0 );
+    begin( 1, sw1 );
+    begin( 2, sw2 );
+    begin( 3, sw3 );
+    begin( 4, sw4 );
+    begin( 5, sw5 );
+Hotboards_switches::Hotboards_switches( PinName sw6, PinName sw5, PinName sw4, PinName sw3, PinName sw2, PinName sw1, PinName sw0, bool close )
+    _sws = 7;
+    _close = close;
+    begin( 0, sw0 );
+    begin( 1, sw1 );
+    begin( 2, sw2 );
+    begin( 3, sw3 );
+    begin( 4, sw4 );
+    begin( 5, sw5 );
+    begin( 6, sw6 );
+Hotboards_switches::Hotboards_switches( PinName sw7, PinName sw6, PinName sw5, PinName sw4, PinName sw3, PinName sw2, PinName sw1, PinName sw0, bool close )
+    _sws = 8;
+    _close = close;
+    begin( 0, sw0 );
+    begin( 1, sw1 );
+    begin( 2, sw2 );
+    begin( 3, sw3 );
+    begin( 4, sw4 );
+    begin( 5, sw5 );
+    begin( 6, sw6 );
+    begin( 7, sw7 );
+uint8_t Hotboards_switches::read( uint8_t sw )
+    uint8_t i;
+    uint8_t val = 0;
+    if( sw == 0xff )
+    {
+        for( i=0 ; i<_sws ; i++ )
+        {
+            bitWrite( val, i, readSw( i ) );
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        val = readSw( sw );
+    }
+    return val;
+bool Hotboards_switches::hasItChange( uint8_t sw )
+    uint8_t i;
+    bool isChanged = 0;
+    if( sw == 0xff )
+    {
+        for( i=0 ; i<_sws ; i++ )
+        {
+            isChanged |= hasItChangeSw( i );
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        isChanged = hasItChangeSw( sw );
+    }
+    return isChanged;
+void Hotboards_switches::begin( uint8_t sw, PinName pin )
+    _sw[ sw ] = new DigitalIn( pin );;
+bool Hotboards_switches::readSw( uint8_t sw )
+    bool val = _sw[ sw ];
+    if( _close == 0 ) val = !val;
+    return val;
+bool Hotboards_switches::hasItChangeSw( uint8_t sw )
+    bool swState;
+    bool isChanged = 0;
+    // leemos el boton de la tarjeta
+    swState = read( sw );
+    // comparemos el estado actual con la anterior lectura
+    if( swState != bitRead( _lastSwState, sw ) )
+    {
+        // si el estado cambio esque recien se presiono
+        isChanged = 1;
+    }
+    // respaldamos el esatdo actual para compararlo la siguiente vez que preguntemos
+    bitWrite( _lastSwState, sw, swState );
+    return isChanged;