NVProperty generic key value store using the MCU flash area.

Dependents:   Turtle_RadioShuttle

diff -r 1083b3c785dc -r 3a8297ad8cd9 NVProperty.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/NVProperty.h	Thu Jan 24 14:28:11 2019 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ * This is an unpublished work copyright
+ * (c) 2019 Helmut Tschemernjak
+ * 30826 Garbsen (Hannover) Germany
+ *
+ *
+ * Use is granted to registered RadioShuttle licensees only.
+ * Licensees must own a valid serial number and product code.
+ * Details see: www.radioshuttle.de
+ */
+#ifndef __NVPROPERTY_H__
+#define __NVPROPERTY_H__
+#ifndef UNUSED
+ #define UNUSED(x) (void)(x)
+class NVProperty {
+	/*
+	 * The property store size depends on the implementation
+	 * The ESP32 uses the NVS partition therefore the size is being ignored.
+	 * The D21 uses the default 16kByte which is a good tradeoff between
+	 * space needed for the application versus space for properties.
+     * Larger D21 property space (e.g. 20kB) has the advantage that the
+     * flash blocks are less busy. For the D21 it is a good idea to
+	 * use increments of 16kB because this is the region locking area size
+ 	 */
+    NVProperty(int propSizekB = 16, bool erase = false);
+    ~NVProperty();
+    enum NVPType {
+        T_BIT	= 1,
+        T_8BIT	= 2,
+        T_16BIT	= 3,
+        T_32BIT	= 4,
+        T_64BIT	= 5,
+        T_STR	= 6,	// strings can be up to 256 bytes including zero
+        T_BLOB	= 7,	// blobs can be up to 256 bytes long
+		T_MAX	= 15	// we have only 4 bit space for the NVP types
+    };
+    enum NVPStore {
+        S_OTP	= 0x01,
+        S_FLASH	= 0x02,
+        S_RAM	= 0x04,
+    };
+    enum NVPErrCode {
+        NVP_OK = 0,
+        NVP_NO_FLASH 	= -1,
+        NVP_NO_RAM 		= -2,
+        NVP_NO_STORE 	= -3,
+        NVP_NO_PERM 	= -4,
+        NVP_ERR_NOSPACE	= -5,
+        NVP_ERR_FAIL	= -6,
+        NVP_INVALD_PARM	= -7,
+        NVP_ENOENT		= -0x12345687,
+    };
+    /*
+     * Get property protocol version to allow
+     * API differences between multiple versions
+     */
+    int GetVersion(void) { return 100; };
+    /*
+     * A simple GetProperty retuns its values as an int or int64
+     * The order should always be S_RAM,S_FLASH, S_OTP
+     */
+    int GetProperty(int key, int defaultValue = 0);
+    int64_t GetProperty64(int key, int64_t defaultValue = 0);
+	/*
+	 * const char *GetProperty: receives a copy of the propery, use free to release it.
+	 */
+    const char *GetProperty(int key, const char *defaultValue = NULL);
+    /*
+     * when a block gets returned the buffer is filled up to the property
+     * or max at the bsize length.
+	 * if the buffer is NULL only the size value will be set
+     */
+    int GetProperty(int key, void  *buffer, int *size);
+    /*
+     * SetProperty
+     * It requires to use OpenPropertyStore and finally ClosePropertyStore(true)
+     * to write out all properties.
+	 * Properties are being limited to 256 bytes. (e.g. 255 long strings or 256 bytes blobs)
+     *
+	 * Number properties e.g. 0 or 1, or 123 are highly optimized in storage sizes
+	 * therefore the value is automatically being compressed to a bit or a little
+	 * number to use less flash storage space.
+     */
+    int SetProperty(int key, NVPType ptype, int64_t value, NVPStore store = S_FLASH);
+    int SetProperty(int key, NVPType ptype, const char *value, NVPStore store = S_FLASH);
+    int SetProperty(int key, NVPType ptype, const void *blob, int length, NVPStore store = S_FLASH);
+    int EraseProperty(int key, NVPStore store = S_FLASH);
+	/*
+	 * ReorgProperties is usually not needed because when a property storage is
+	 * full it reorganizes itself to make space for new properties.
+	 */
+	int ReorgProperties(NVPStore store = S_FLASH);
+	/*
+	 * Opens a property store for reading or writing.
+	 */
+    int OpenPropertyStore(bool forWrite = false);
+	/*
+	 * Closes the property store and flushes the data, depending on the
+	 * implementation flush may be not needed, e.g. D21
+	 */
+    int ClosePropertyStore(bool flush = false);
+    enum Properties {
+		RTC_AGING_CAL	= 1, // int8_t the RTC aging calibration value
+		ADC_VREF		= 2, // the adc refernce volatge in millivolt
+		HARDWARE_REV	= 3, // the hardware revision of the board
+		CPUID			= 4, // the internal CPU ID
+		LORA_DEVICE_ID	= 10, // uint32_t the LoRa device ID
+		LORA_CODE_ID	= 11, // uint32_t the Code for the RadioShuttle protocol
+		LORA_REMOTE_ID	= 12, // specifies the server address
+		LORA_REMOTE_ID_ALT = 13, // specifies the alternate server address
+		LORA_RADIO_TYPE	= 14,	// 1 = Offline, 3 = Online, 4 = RS_Station_Basic
+		LORA_FREQUENCY 	= 15,	// channel frequency in Hz, e.g. 868100000
+		LORA_BANDWIDTH	= 16,	// channel bandwidth in Hz, e.g. 125000
+		LORA_SPREADING_FACTOR = 17, // e.g. 7
+		LORA_TXPOWER	= 18,	// e.g. 14 for 15 dBm.
+		LORA_APP_PWD	= 20,	// passwords are per app, there are only two placeholders
+		LOC_LONGITUDE	= 25,	// a string
+		LOC_LATITUDE 	= 26,	// a string
+		LOC_NAME 		= 27, 	// a string with the location name
+		HOSTNAME 		= 28,	// the device host name
+		WIFI_SSID		= 30,
+		WIFI_SSID_ALT	= 32,
+		USE_DHCP		= 34,
+		MAC_ADDR		= 35,
+		NET_IP_ADDR		= 36,
+		NET_IP_ROUTER	= 37,
+		MQTT_SERVER		= 40,	// url mqtt or mqtts://user.password@server:port
+		MQTT_TOPIC_4	= 45,
+		MQTT_TOPIC_5	= 46,
+		ALARM_STATUS 	= 50,   // alarm on=0, off !0
+    };
+    NVPropertyProviderInterface *_ram;
+    NVPropertyProviderInterface *_flash;
+    NVPropertyProviderInterface *_otp;
+    bool _allowWrite;
+    bool _didOpen;