NVProperty generic key value store using the MCU flash area.

Dependents:   Turtle_RadioShuttle

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/NVProperty_Editor.cpp	Sun Feb 03 13:00:24 2019 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ * This is an unpublished work copyright
+ * (c) 2019 Helmut Tschemernjak
+ * 30826 Garbsen (Hannover) Germany
+ *
+ *
+ * Use is granted to registered RadioShuttle licensees only.
+ * Licensees must own a valid serial number and product code.
+ * Details see: www.radioshuttle.de
+ */
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include "main.h"
+#include "arch.h"
+#include <NVPropertyProviderInterface.h>
+#include "NVProperty.h"
+static const char *getNiceName(int id, int val);
+ * add custom user defined properties here
+ */
+class UserProperty : public NVProperty {
+	enum Properties {
+	};
+// #define ARRAYLEN(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(0[arr]))
+struct propArray {
+	int id;
+	NVProperty::NVPType type;
+	const char *name;
+	int valueInt;
+	const char *valueStr;
+} propArray[] = {
+	{ NVProperty::RTC_AGING_CAL,      NVProperty::T_32BIT,  "RTC_AGING_CAL", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::ADC_VREF,           NVProperty::T_32BIT,  "ADC_VREF", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::HARDWARE_REV,       NVProperty::T_32BIT,  "HARDWARE_REV", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::LORA_DEVICE_ID,     NVProperty::T_32BIT,  "LORA_DEVICE_ID", 0, NULL },  
+	{ NVProperty::LORA_CODE_ID,       NVProperty::T_32BIT,  "LORA_CODE_ID", 0, NULL },  
+	{ NVProperty::LORA_REMOTE_ID,     NVProperty::T_32BIT,  "LORA_REMOTE_ID", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::LORA_REMOTE_ID_ALT, NVProperty::T_32BIT,  "LORA_REMOTE_ID_ALT", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::LORA_RADIO_TYPE,    NVProperty::T_32BIT,  "LORA_RADIO_TYPE", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::LORA_FREQUENCY,     NVProperty::T_32BIT,  "LORA_FREQUENCY", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::LORA_BANDWIDTH,     NVProperty::T_32BIT,  "LORA_BANDWIDTH", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::LORA_TXPOWER,       NVProperty::T_32BIT,  "LORA_TXPOWER", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::LORA_APP_PWD,       NVProperty::T_STR,	"LORA_APP_PWD", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::LORA_APP_PWD_ALT,   NVProperty::T_STR,	"LORA_APP_PWD_ALT", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::LOC_LONGITUDE,      NVProperty::T_STR,	"LOC_LONGITUDE", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::LOC_LATITUDE,       NVProperty::T_STR,	"LOC_LATITUDE", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::LOC_NAME,           NVProperty::T_STR,	"LOC_NAME", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::HOSTNAME,           NVProperty::T_STR,	"HOSTNAME", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::WIFI_SSID,          NVProperty::T_STR,    "WIFI_SSID", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::WIFI_PASSWORD,      NVProperty::T_STR,    "WIFI_PASSWORD", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::WIFI_SSID_ALT,      NVProperty::T_STR,    "WIFI_SSID_ALT", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::WIFI_PASSWORD_ALT,  NVProperty::T_STR,    "WIFI_PASSWORD_ALT", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::USE_DHCP,           NVProperty::T_32BIT,  "USE_DHCP", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::MAC_ADDR,           NVProperty::T_STR,    "MAC_ADDR", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::NET_IP_ADDR,        NVProperty::T_STR,    "NET_IP_ADDR", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::NET_IP_ROUTER,      NVProperty::T_STR,    "NET_IP_ROUTER", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::NET_IP_DNS_SERVER,  NVProperty::T_STR,    "NET_IP_DNS_SERVER", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::MQTT_SERVER,        NVProperty::T_STR,    "MQTT_SERVER", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::MQTT_SERVER_ALT,    NVProperty::T_STR,    "MQTT_SERVER_ALT", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::MQTT_TOPIC_INFO,    NVProperty::T_STR,    "MQTT_TOPIC_INFO", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::MQTT_TOPIC_ALARM,   NVProperty::T_STR,    "MQTT_TOPIC_ALARM", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::MQTT_TOPIC_4,       NVProperty::T_STR,    "MQTT_TOPIC_4", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::MQTT_TOPIC_5,       NVProperty::T_STR,    "MQTT_TOPIC_5", 0, NULL },
+	{ NVProperty::ALARM_STATUS,       NVProperty::T_32BIT,  "ALARM_STATUS", 0, NULL },
+	/*
+	* A user defined property
+	*/
+	{ UserProperty::MY_CITY,          NVProperty::T_STR,    "MY_CITY", 0, NULL },
+void NVPropertyEditor(void)
+	NVProperty p;
+	rprintf("\nWelcome to the Property Editor which allows reading/writing/erasing non volatile settings\r\n\r\n");
+  	rprintf("Properties cmds are:  l (list properties), s (set e.g. s20=value), d (delete e.g. d20), q (quit)\r\n");
+	while(true) {
+		char buf[80];
+		memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+		rprintf("$ ");
+		const char *cmd = ConsoleReadline(buf, (int)sizeof(buf), true);
+		if (!cmd)
+			continue;
+		switch(*cmd) {
+			case 'l': {
+				int cnt = ARRAYLEN(propArray);
+				rprintf("List of Properties:\r\n");
+				for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
+					char tbuf[128];
+					const char *value = "(not set)";
+					memset(tbuf, 0, sizeof(tbuf));
+					if (propArray[i].type <= NVProperty::T_32BIT) {
+						int val = p.GetProperty(propArray[i].id, NVProperty::NVP_ENOENT);
+						if (val != NVProperty::NVP_ENOENT) {
+							value = tbuf;
+							snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%d (0x%x) %s", val, val, getNiceName(propArray[i].id, val));
+						}
+					} else if (propArray[i].type == NVProperty::T_STR) {
+						const char *s = p.GetProperty(propArray[i].id, (const char *)NULL);
+						if (s)
+							value = s;
+					}
+					rprintf("%24s: %d=%s\r\n", propArray[i].name, propArray[i].id, value);
+					wait_ms(2); // to flush buffers
+				}
+				rprintf("\r\n");
+			}
+			break;
+			case 'd': {
+				int id = strtol(++cmd, NULL, 0);
+				if (id < 1) {
+					dprintf("invalid parameter");
+					break;
+				}
+				int cnt = ARRAYLEN(propArray);
+				int slot = -1;
+				for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
+					if (propArray[i].id == id) {
+						slot = i;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (slot == -1)
+					dprintf("Property: %d not found in table", id);
+				else {
+					dprintf("Deleted Property: %d %s", id, propArray[slot].name);
+					p.OpenPropertyStore(true); // enable for write
+					p.EraseProperty(id);
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+			case 's': {
+				char *v = strchr(++cmd, '=');
+				if (!v)
+					continue;
+				*v++ = 0;
+				int id = strtol(cmd, NULL, 0);
+				if (id < 1) {
+					dprintf("invalid parameter");
+					break;
+				}
+				int cnt = ARRAYLEN(propArray);
+				int slot = -1;
+				for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
+					if (propArray[i].id == id) {
+						slot = i;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (slot == -1)
+					dprintf("Property: %d not found in table", id);
+				else {
+					dprintf("Set Property: %s: %d=%s", propArray[slot].name, id, v);
+					p.OpenPropertyStore(true); // enable for write
+					if (propArray[slot].type == NVProperty::T_STR) {
+						p.SetProperty(id, p.T_STR, v, p.S_FLASH);
+					} else if (propArray[slot].type <= NVProperty::T_32BIT) {
+						p.SetProperty(id, p.T_32BIT, (int)strtoll(v, NULL, 0), p.S_FLASH);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+			case 'q':
+				return;
+			default:
+				break;
+		}
+	}
+static const char *getNiceName(int id, int val)
+  const char *name = "";
+  switch(id) {
+    case NVProperty::LORA_RADIO_TYPE:
+      if (val == 1)
+        return "RS_Node_Offline";
+      else if (val == 2)
+        return "RS_Node_Checking";
+      else if (val == 3)
+        return "RS_Node_Online";
+      else if (val == 4)
+        return "RS_Station_Basic";
+      else if (val == 5)
+        return "RS_Station_Server";
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  return name;