demo with update made to thread depreciation

Dependencies:   GPS_Provider X_NUCLEO_GNSS1A1


File content as of revision 4:4e909af6e7b9:

# TeseoLocation
This repo contains a GPS_Provider example applications based on
mbed OS and built with [mbed-cli]( meant for building an executable.

Please browse to subdirectories for specific documentation.

Getting Started


To build this, you need to have a computer with the following software installed:

* [CMake](
* [mbed-cli]( Please note that **mbed-cli has its own set of dependencies**, listed in the installation instructions.
* [Python](
* [ARM GCC toolchain 4.9.x](
* A serial terminal emulator (e.g. screen, pySerial, cu).
* If the OS used is Windows, the serial driver of the board has to be correctly installed.
	* For boards with mbed interface firmware the installation instructions are located (here)[]

In order to use GPSProvider in mbed OS you need one the following hardware combination:

* A supported target, such as the [NUCLEO-F401RE](, with an external GPS peripheral, such as an X-NUCLEO-GNSS1A1.

The [`GPS_Provider`module]( provides the GPS APIs on mbed OS.

Targets for GPS

The following targets have been tested and work with these examples:

* Boards with an ST shield plugged in:

Building and testing the examples

__To build the example:__

1. Clone the repository containing the example:

	$ git clone

	or, alternatively,

	$ mbed import

	**Tip:** If you don't have GitHub installed, you can [download a zip file]( of the repository.

2. Update the source tree:

	$ mbed update

3. Run the build:

	$ mbed compile -t <ARM | GCC_ARM> -m <YOUR_TARGET>

4. Exporting to desktop IDEs

	$ mbed export -i <UVISION | GCC_ARM | IAR | COIDE> -m <YOUR_TARGET>

	**Note:** Please, refer to [mbed-cli]( for details about tool guidelines.

__To run the application on your board:__

1. Connect your mbed board to your computer over USB. It appears as removable storage.

2. When you run the ``mbed compile`` command, as you did above, mbed cli creates a BIN or an HEX file in a ```BUILD/<target-name>/<toolchain>``` directory under the example's directory. Drag and drop the file to the removable storage.

__TeseoLocation application description:__

In this application, real time GNSS data received by the Teseo-LIV3F device can be displayed through a serial connection and a serial terminal on a PC. Furthermore the user can run commands enabling three [advanced features](
* Geofencing
* Odometer
* Data Logging

1. A serial connection should be set up between the Nucleo and the X-NUCLEO-GNSS1A1 boards and the PC with the following parameters:
* baud rate: 115200
* data: 8 bit
* parity: none
* stop: 1bit
* flow control: none
* New-line (Tx/Rx): CR

	![](img/serial_setup.png) ![](img/serial_setup1.png)
	**figure 1** Serial connection parameters

2. The user can select among different options to:
* get in a human readable format information related to the acquired GNSS position (or the satellites in view, the active satellites, and so on)
* enable feature (geofencing, odometer, data logging)
* configure a geofence circle
* require geofence status
* start/stop feature (odometer, data logging)

	**figure 2** TeseoLocation Application menu