GPS for mbed

Dependents:   MPOA_GPS

Fork of GPS by Sukkin Pang

--- a/GPS.cpp	Fri Jul 27 15:07:00 2012 +0000
+++ b/GPS.cpp	Sun Jan 15 16:05:12 2017 +0000
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 		// Check if it is a GPGGA msg (matches both locked and non-locked msg)
-		if(sscanf(msg, "GPGGA,%f,%f,%c,%f,%c,%d", &time, &latitude, &ns, &longitude, &ew, &lock) >= 1) { 
+		if(sscanf(msg, "GPGGA,%f,%f,%c,%f,%c,%d,%d", &time, &latitude, &ns, &longitude, &ew, &lock, &snum) >= 1) { 
 			if(!lock) {
 				longitude = 0.0;
 				latitude = 0.0;		
@@ -34,9 +34,75 @@
 				degrees = trunc(longitude / 100.0f * 0.01f);
 				minutes = longitude - (degrees * 100.0f);
 				longitude = degrees + minutes / 60.0f;
-				return 1;
+				xns = ns;
+				xtime = time;
+				xew = ew;
+				//return 1;
+		/*
+		Parsing GSV message
+		totmsg - total number of messages in cycle
+		actmsg - message number
+		siv - number of SVs in view
+		prn	- SV PRN number
+		svele - elevation
+		svaz - azimuth
+		*/
+		if(sscanf(msg, "GPGSV,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", &totmsg, &actmsg, &siv, &tempprn1, &tempsvele1, &tempsvaz1, &tempprn2, &tempsvele2, &tempsvaz2, &tempprn3, &tempsvele3, &tempsvaz3, &tempprn4, &tempsvele4, &tempsvaz4) >= 1) { 
+			if(!lock) {
+				totmsg = 0;
+				actmsg = 0;	
+				siv = 0;
+				tempprn1 = 0;
+				tempsvele1 = 0;
+				tempsvaz1 = 0;	
+				tempprn2 = 0;
+				tempsvele2 = 0;
+				tempsvaz2 = 0;	
+				tempprn3 = 0;
+				tempsvele3 = 0;
+				tempsvaz3 = 0;	
+				tempprn4 = 0;
+				tempsvele4 = 0;
+				tempsvaz4 = 0;	
+				return 0;
+			} else {
+					if(actmsg==1){
+						prn1 = tempprn1;
+						svele1 = tempsvele1;
+						svaz1 = tempsvaz1;	
+						prn2 = tempprn2;
+						svele2 = tempsvele2;
+						svaz2 = tempsvaz2;	
+						prn3 = tempprn3;
+						svele3 = tempsvele3;
+						svaz3 = tempsvaz3;	
+						prn4 = tempprn4;
+						svele4 = tempsvele4;
+						svaz4 = tempsvaz4;	
+						return 1;
+						}
+				//naznačené řešení pro příjem druhé čtveřice údají o satelitech
+				/*if(actmsg==2){
+						prn5 = tempprn1;
+						svele5 = tempsvele1;
+						svaz5 = tempsvaz1;	
+						prn6 = tempprn2;
+						svele6 = tempsvele2;
+						svaz6 = tempsvaz2;	
+						prn7 = tempprn3;
+						svele7 = tempsvele3;
+						svaz7 = tempsvaz3;	
+						prn8 = tempprn4;
+						svele8 = tempsvele4;
+						svaz8 = tempsvaz4;	
+						return 1;
+						}*/
+			}
+		}