Dependents:   HagridOS5

Fork of RA8875 by David Smart

diff -r 1690a7ae871c -r 7a0b70f56550 GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h
--- a/GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h	Sun Jul 31 20:59:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/GraphicsDisplayJPEG.h	Mon Aug 01 22:31:42 2016 +0000
@@ -22,51 +22,57 @@
 #include "DisplayDefs.h"
-/* Error code */
+/// Error code results for the jpeg engine
 typedef enum {
-    JDR_OK = noerror, /* 0: Succeeded */
-    JDR_INTR = external_abort,   /* 1: Interrupted by output function */ 
-    JDR_INP = bad_parameter,    /* 2: Device error or wrong termination of input stream */
-    JDR_MEM1 = not_enough_ram,   /* 3: Insufficient memory pool for the image */
-    JDR_MEM2 = not_enough_ram,   /* 4: Insufficient stream input buffer */
-    JDR_PAR = bad_parameter,    /* 5: Parameter error */
-    JDR_FMT1 = not_supported_format,   /* 6: Data format error (may be damaged data) */
-    JDR_FMT2 = not_supported_format,   /* 7: Right format but not supported */
-    JDR_FMT3 = not_supported_format   /* 8: Not supported JPEG standard */
+    JDR_OK = noerror,                   ///< 0: Succeeded 
+    JDR_INTR = external_abort,          ///< 1: Interrupted by output function 
+    JDR_INP = bad_parameter,            ///< 2: Device error or wrong termination of input stream 
+    JDR_MEM1 = not_enough_ram,          ///< 3: Insufficient memory pool for the image 
+    JDR_MEM2 = not_enough_ram,          ///< 4: Insufficient stream input buffer 
+    JDR_PAR = bad_parameter,            ///< 5: Parameter error 
+    JDR_FMT1 = not_supported_format,    ///< 6: Data format error (may be damaged data) 
+    JDR_FMT2 = not_supported_format,    ///< 7: Right format but not supported 
+    JDR_FMT3 = not_supported_format     ///< 8: Not supported JPEG standard 
-/* Rectangular structure */
+/// Rectangular structure definition for the jpeg engine
 typedef struct {
-    loc_t left, right, top, bottom;
+    loc_t left;         ///< left coord
+    loc_t right;        ///< right coord
+    loc_t top;          ///< top coord
+    loc_t bottom;       ///< bottom coord
+/// Decompressor object structure for the jpeg engine
+typedef struct JDEC JDEC;
-/* Decompressor object structure */
-typedef struct JDEC JDEC;
+/// Internal structure for the jpeg engine
 struct JDEC {
-    uint16_t dctr;              /* Number of bytes available in the input buffer */
-    uint8_t * dptr;             /* Current data read ptr */
-    uint8_t * inbuf;            /* Bit stream input buffer */
-    uint8_t dmsk;              /* Current bit in the current read byte */
-    uint8_t scale;             /* Output scaling ratio */
-    uint8_t msx, msy;          /* MCU size in unit of block (width, height) */
-    uint8_t qtid[3];           /* Quantization table ID of each component */
-    int16_t dcv[3];           /* Previous DC element of each component */
-    uint16_t nrst;              /* Restart inverval */
-    uint16_t width, height;     /* Size of the input image (pixel) */
-    uint8_t * huffbits[2][2];   /* Huffman bit distribution tables [id][dcac] */
-    uint16_t * huffcode[2][2];   /* Huffman code word tables [id][dcac] */
-    uint8_t * huffdata[2][2];   /* Huffman decoded data tables [id][dcac] */
-    int32_t * qttbl[4];         /* Dequaitizer tables [id] */
-    void * workbuf;          /* Working buffer for IDCT and RGB output */
-    uint8_t * mcubuf;           /* Working buffer for the MCU */
-    void * pool;             /* Pointer to available memory pool */
-    uint16_t sz_pool;           /* Size of momory pool (bytes available) */
-    uint16_t (*infunc)(JDEC * jd, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t bufsize);/* Pointer to jpeg stream input function */
-    void * device;           /* Pointer to I/O device identifiler for the session */
+    uint16_t dctr;              ///< Number of bytes available in the input buffer 
+    uint8_t * dptr;             ///< Current data read ptr 
+    uint8_t * inbuf;            ///< Bit stream input buffer 
+    uint8_t dmsk;               ///< Current bit in the current read byte 
+    uint8_t scale;              ///< Output scaling ratio 
+    uint8_t msx;                ///< MCU size in unit of block (width, ...) 
+    uint8_t msy;                ///< MCU size in unit of block (..., height) 
+    uint8_t qtid[3];            ///< Quantization table ID of each component 
+    int16_t dcv[3];             ///< Previous DC element of each component 
+    uint16_t nrst;              ///< Restart inverval 
+    uint16_t width;             ///< Size of the input image (pixel width, ...) 
+    uint16_t height;            ///< Size of the input image (..., pixel height) 
+    uint8_t * huffbits[2][2];   ///< Huffman bit distribution tables [id][dcac] 
+    uint16_t * huffcode[2][2];  ///< Huffman code word tables [id][dcac] 
+    uint8_t * huffdata[2][2];   ///< Huffman decoded data tables [id][dcac] 
+    int32_t * qttbl[4];         ///< Dequaitizer tables [id] 
+    void * workbuf;             ///< Working buffer for IDCT and RGB output 
+    uint8_t * mcubuf;           ///< Working buffer for the MCU 
+    void * pool;                ///< Pointer to available memory pool 
+    uint16_t sz_pool;           ///< Size of momory pool (bytes available) 
+    uint16_t (*infunc)(JDEC * jd, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t bufsize);  ///< Pointer to jpeg stream input function 
+    void * device;              ///< Pointer to I/O device identifiler for the session 