MBED_LPC11U24 Capacitor Dose Meter

Dependencies:   mbed USBDevice

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Dec 18 01:37:25 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1812 @@
+//  Capacitor Dose Meter                                          //
+//  for 6CH Sensor Charge / Discharge / Measure                    //
+//   Since 2019.11.22  H.Tsunemoto                                 //
+//   Sample Program Import (1) Serial_interrupt                    //
+//                         (2) Timer_Interrupt(100mSec) Sample     //
+//                         (3) Internal_ADC_with_interrupt         //
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "LPC11Uxx.h" 
+// MBED NXP-LPC11U24 Bord I/O Port Status Define
+Serial device(USBTX, USBRX);
+// On_Board Debug LED  
+DigitalOut myled1(P1_8);
+DigitalOut myled2(P1_9);
+DigitalOut myled3(P1_10);
+DigitalOut myled4(P1_11);
+DigitalOut P36_Int1msec(p36);
+DigitalOut P35_SampleTiming(p35);
+// Common Relay Connect SW
+DigitalOut pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5(p5);
+DigitalOut pCOM_GND_Conn_p6(p6);
+DigitalOut pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13(p13);
+// Sensor Relay Connect SW 1 - 6 
+DigitalOut pS1_Conn_p7(p7);
+DigitalOut pS2_Conn_p8(p8);
+DigitalOut pS3_Conn_p9(p9);
+DigitalOut pS4_Conn_p10(p10);
+DigitalOut pS5_Conn_p11(p11);
+DigitalOut pS6_Conn_p12(p12);
+// Sensor Error LED 1 - 6
+DigitalOut pS1_LED_p30(p30);
+DigitalOut pS2_LED_p29(p29);
+DigitalOut pS3_LED_p28(p28);
+DigitalOut pS4_LED_p27(p27);
+DigitalOut pS5_LED_p26(p26);
+DigitalOut pS6_LED_p25(p25);
+//Sensor 6CH AnalogIn input 1 - 6 (p15,p16,p17,p18,p19,p20 );
+AnalogIn    pS1_AD0__p15(p15);
+AnalogIn    pS2_AD1__p16(p16);
+AnalogIn    pS3_AD2__p17(p17);
+AnalogIn    pS4_AD3__p18(p18);
+AnalogIn    pS5_AD5__p19(p19);
+AnalogIn    pS6_AD6__p20(p20);
+//DigitalInOut p10_Power(p10,PIN_OUTPUT,PullNone,0);
+//  Parameter Data //////////////
+// --------------  Capacitor Dose Meter Parameter Declaration  ----------------//
+typedef struct  st_CapDose_Action_param{
+    int i_CPD_Mode;             // Main Job Mode 
+    int i_Meas_Job_Stage;        // Measurement Job Job Stage
+    int i_Charge_Job_Stage;     // Charge Job Stage
+    int i_DisCharge_Job_Stage;  // DisCharge Job Stage
+//    int i_CPD_Mode;         // Main Job Mode 
+enum {
+    CPD_STAT_Ready=0
+//    i_Meas_Job_Stage;         // 測定動作状態遷移 
+enum {
+    MEAS_STAGE_Ready=0
+    ,MEAS_STAGE_AD_Open
+    ,MEAS_STAGE_Connect_Start
+    ,MEAS_STAGE_Sn_Measure
+    ,MEAS_STAGE_Sn_End
+//   int i_Charge_Job_Stage;     // Charge Job Stage
+enum {
+    CHARGE_STAGE_Ready=0
+    ,CHARGE_STAGE_SnMeasure
+    ,CHARGE_STAGE_EndChack
+    ,CHARGE_STAGE_SnRetry
+//    int i_DisCharge_Job_Stage;  // DisCharge Job Stage
+enum {
+// 初期値セット st_CapDose_Action_param 
+const ST_CAPDOSE_ACTION_PARAMETER const_st_CapDose_Action_param_Default=
+//     int i_CPD_Mode;             // Main Job Mode 
+    CPD_STAT_Ready
+//   int i_Meas_Job_Stage;        // Measurement Job Job Stage
+    ,MEAS_STAGE_Ready
+//    int i_Charge_Job_Stage;     // Charge Job Stage
+    ,CHARGE_STAGE_Ready
+//    int i_DisCharge_Job_Stage;  // DisCharge Job Stage
+//    設定データ                //
+// --------------  Capacitor Dose Meter Setting Parameter Declaration  ----------------//
+typedef struct  st_CapDoseSetting_param{
+    // 共通設定項目
+    int i_RelaySW_Delay;            // 共通 Relay 切り替え時遅延時間[x1msec]
+    //Measure 専用パラメータ
+    int   i_Meas_Interval_Time;         //  測定値 AD測定間隔
+    int   i_Meas_Connect_Time;          //  測定時 Sensor 接続時間
+    int   i_Meas_StartDelayTime;        //  センサー接続からセンサー値測定開始Delay
+    int   i_Meas_SampleAveTimes;         // 測定開始から AD測定回数 
+    int   i_Meas_SampleAveInterval;      //  AD測定間隔 
+                                        //  (i_Meas_StartDelayTime + (i_Meas_SampleAveTim x i_Meas_SampleAveInterval))
+                                        //  が i_Meas_Connect_Time より小さい
+    // Charge/DisCharge 共通
+    int   i_CDC_Meas_IntervalTime;      //  充放電時電圧監視 AD測定間隔
+     // Charge 専用パラメータ
+    float   f_ChargeTargetVolt;           // 充電完了判断しきい値レベル 設定値
+    int     i_ChargeLimitTime;              //  充電時間 リミット制限
+    int     i_ChargeAflerDelay;             // 充電しきい値達成後Wait
+    // DisCharge 専用   
+    float   f_DisChargeTargetVolt;          // 放電時 放電終了 レベルしきい値[ADC_Level ]
+    int     i_DisChargeLimitTime;           //  放電時間 リミット制限
+    int     i_DisChargeAfterDelay;          // 放電時 しきい値達成後 Delay
+    // 共通設定項目
+    //int i_RelaySW_Delay;                  // 共通 Relay 切り替え時遅延時間[x1msec]
+#define Def_RELAY_SW_DELAY_5ms       5       // Relay SW 切り替え時間 初期値 5msec
+#define Def_RELAY_SW_DELAY_SetMax_1S  1000       // Relay SW 切り替え時間 最大値
+    //Measure 専用パラメータ
+    //int   i_Meas_Interval_Time;           //  測定値 AD測定間隔
+#define Def_MEAS_INTERVAL_100ms        100     // 100msec毎に 再接続 Sample Ave
+#define Def_MEAS_INTERVAL_SET_MAX_10min 600000  // 測定間隔 リミット
+    //int   i_Meas_Connect_Time;            //  測定時 SeSample AveSample Ave    
+#define Def_MEAS_CONNECT_TIME_50ms    50      //1回 測定での接続時間  50msec
+#define Def_MEAS_CONNECT_TIME_Max1m  60000      //1回 測定での接Max1mi 6000ax 60000sec = 1min
+    //int   i_Meas_StartDelayTime;          //  センサー接続からセンサー値測定開始Delay
+#define Def_MEAS_START_DELAY_10ms     10      // Sensor 接続からAD測定開始 Delay時間 初期値 14msec
+#define Def_MEAS_START_DELAY_SetMax1sec     1000      // Sensor 接続からAD測定開始 Delay時間 最大1sec
+    //int   i_Meas_SampleAveTimes;           // 測定開始から AD測定回数 (i_Meas_StartDelayTime + i_Meas_SampleAveTimes)
+#define Def_MEAS_SAMPLE_AVE_32Times   32      // AD測定回数 初期値 32回 
+#define Def_MEAS_SAMPLE_AVE_Times_SetMax_60000   60000     // AD測定回数 /1測定 60000Times 
+    //int   i_Meas_SampleAveInterval;       //  AD測定間隔 
+ #define Def_MEAS_SAMPLE_INETRVAL_1ms    1   // AD測定回数 初期値 毎回 1msec
+ #define Def_MEAS_SAMPLE_INETRVAL_SetMax_1sec   1000// AD測定間隔 初期値 毎回 1sec
+    //int  i_CDC_Meas_IntervalTime;         //  充放電時電圧監視 AD測定間隔
+#define Def_CDC_MEAS_INTERVAL_5ms  5             // しきい値監視 初期値 5msec
+#define Def_CDC_MEAS_INTERVAL_SetMax  1000       // しきい値監視 最大 1sec
+     // Charge 専用パラメータ
+    //float f_ChargeTargetVolt;             // 充電完了判断しきい値レベル 設定値
+#define Def_CHARGE_TARGETVolt3V  3.0f         // Charge [V] Power Charge Target Limit Volt
+#define Def_CHARGE_TARGET_VoltMIN    1.0f
+#define Def_CHARGE_TARGET_VoltMAX    3.3f
+    // int i_ChargeLimitTime;               //  充電時間 リミット制限
+#define Def_CHARGE_LIMIT_TIME_10sec 10000         // 10000msec = 10sec 
+#define Def_CHARGE_LIMIT_TIME_SetMax_1min 60000         // 60000msec = 1minutes 
+    //int i_ChargeAflerDelay;               // 充電しきい値達成後Wait
+#define Def_CHARGE_AFTER_DELAY5sec      5000    // 5000msec = 5sec 
+#define Def_CHARGE_AFTER_DELAY_SetMax_1min    60000         // 60000msec = 1minutes 
+    // DisCharge 専用   
+   //float f_DisChargeTargetVolt;           // 充電完了判断しきい値レベル 設定値
+#define Def_DisCHARGE_TARGETVolt05V  0.5f      // DisCharge [V] Power Charge Target Limit Volt
+#define Def_DisCHARGE_TARGET_VoltMIN    0.0f
+#define Def_DisCHARGE_TARGET_VoltMAX    3.0f
+    //int i_DisChargeLimitTime;             //  放電時間 リミット制限
+#define Def_DISCHARGE_LIMIT_TIME10sec 10000      // 10000msec = 10sec 
+#define Def_DISCHARGE_LIMIT_TIMEMax_1min   60000         // 60000msec = 1minutes 
+    //int i_DisChargeAfterDelay;            // 放電時 しきい値達成後 Delay
+#define Def_DISCHARGE_AFTER_DELAY5sec 5000      // 5000msec = 5sec 
+#define Def_DISCHARGE_AFTER_DELAY_SetMax_1min 60000         // 60000msec = 1minutes  
+//    測定及び状態監視データ      //
+//DigitalOut pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5(p5) ,pCOM_GND_Conn_p6(p6) ,pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13(p13);
+// Sensor Relay Connect SW 1 - 6 
+//DigitalOut pS1_Conn_p7(p7) ,pS2_Conn_p8(p8), pS3_Conn_p9(p9), pS4_Conn_p10(p10), pS5_Conn_p11(p11), pS6_Conn_p12(p12);
+// Sensor Error LED 1 - 6
+//DigitalOut pS1_LED_p30(p30), pS2_LED_p29(p29), pS3_LED_p28(p28), pS4_LED_p27(p27), pS5_LED_p26(p26), pS6_LED_p25(p25);
+//---------------  I/O Port Setting Now -----------------------//
+#define nSENSOR_6CH     6
+#define Sel_S1  0
+#define Sel_S2  1
+#define Sel_S3  2
+#define Sel_S4  3
+#define Sel_S5  4
+#define Sel_S6  5
+#define No_S1  1
+#define No_S2  2
+#define No_S3  3
+#define No_S4  4
+#define No_S5  5
+#define No_S6  6
+typedef struct st_PortStat{
+    int i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5;
+    int i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6;
+    int i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13;
+    int i_pSn_Conn[nSENSOR_6CH];
+    int i_pSn_LED[nSENSOR_6CH];
+    // Relay SW ON/OFF
+    #define RelayON     1
+    #define RelayOFF    0
+    #define LED_ON      0
+    #define LED_OFF     1
+    #define Def_PortSET_Stat_MAX 1
+// --------------  Capacitor Dose Meter Measurement Parameter  ----------------//
+typedef struct  st_MeasStat{
+    int i_Sn_ADMeas[nSENSOR_6CH];
+    int i_Sn_ERR[nSENSOR_6CH];
+    int i_Sn_MeasCount[nSENSOR_6CH];
+// Work Space Declaration
+ST_MEAS_STAT st_Meas;
+//  Timer 割り込み 定義
+// Timer Interrupt //
+Ticker Int1mSec_Timer;
+Timer t;
+// --- USB Serial Communication ---  //
+void Tx_interrupt();
+void Rx_interrupt();
+void send_line();
+int read_line();  // Return Rec CHAR Count 2013.08.08 Tsunemoto Append
+void Tick_1mSec_Interrupt();
+// Circular buffers for serial TX and RX data - used by interrupt routines
+const int ser_buffer_size = 255;
+// might need to increase buffer size for high baud rates
+char tx_buffer[ser_buffer_size];
+char rx_buffer[ser_buffer_size];
+// Circular buffer pointers
+// volatile makes read-modify-write atomic
+volatile int tx_in=0;
+volatile int tx_out=0;
+volatile int rx_in=0;
+volatile int rx_out=0;
+// Line buffers for sprintf and sscanf
+char tx_line[80];
+char rx_line[80];
+//---  2013.08.08 Tsunemoto ------//
+//--  rx Data Cr Rec Counter
+volatile int rx_cr_Rec = 0;
+//--------- Timer Innterrupt For DAC Control  ---------------//
+int timer_count=0;
+int timer_1Sec=0;
+int main_loop_count=0;
+////  Measurement Mode   /////
+#define SAMPLE_MODE_NotActive   0
+#define SAMPLE_MODE_ACTIVE      1
+int i_SampleMode=0;
+#define CHARGE_MODE_NotActive   0
+#define CHARGE_MODE_AfterDelay  1
+#define CHARGE_MODE_ACTIVE      2
+int i_ChargeMode=0;
+#define DISCHARGE_MODE_NotActive   0
+int i_DisChargeMode=0;
+// 100usec Decrement Counter
+int i_ADC_IntCount =0;
+int i_ADC_Sample_Count=0;
+int i_ChargeAfterDelayCount =0;
+int i_Charge_TermOverCount=0;
+int i_DisChargeTermCount =0;
+//------------    Command Check & Set Function ---------------------------------//
+//------------    Command Check & Set Function ---------------------------------//
+void CapDose_param_init();
+float ADC_Sample_Send();
+void Ser_Command_Input();
+void com_Table_Param_Send();
+void com_Stat_Table_Param_Send();
+// USB Serial Command Job
+bool com_Check_SW_PCV_COMVref(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_SW_PCG_COMGND(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_SW_PCA_COMADG(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_SW_Psn_SensConn(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_SW_PLn_LEDset(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_RDL_ConnDelayAfterRSW(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_MIT_MeasurementInterval(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_MCT_MeasurementConnectTime(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_MSD_MeasSampleStartDelay(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_MAT_MeasAveTimes(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_MAI_MeasSampleAveInterval(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_CDI_Charge_DisCharge_SampleInterval(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_CTV_ChargeTargetVoltSet(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_CLT_ChargeLimitTimeSet(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_CAD_ChargeAfterDelaySet(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_DTV_DisChargeTargetVoltSet(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_DLT_DisChargeLimitTimeSet(int i_RecCharCount);
+bool com_Check_DAD_DisChargeAfterDelaySet(int i_RecCharCount);
+//  Relay SW Control Initial Set                //
+//      Common Relay Connect SW                 //
+//      DigitalOut pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5(p5);       //
+//      DigitalOut pCOM_GND_Conn_p6(p6);        //
+//      DigitalOut pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13(p13);    //
+//DigitalOut pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5(p5) ,pCOM_GND_Conn_p6(p6) ,pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13(p13);                                         //
+// Sensor Relay Connect SW 1 - 6                                                                                            //
+//DigitalOut pS1_Conn_p7(p7) ,pS2_Conn_p8(p8), pS3_Conn_p9(p9), pS4_Conn_p10(p10), pS5_Conn_p11(p11), pS6_Conn_p12(p12);    //
+// Sensor Error LED 1 - 6                                                                                                   //
+//DigitalOut pS1_LED_p30(p30), pS2_LED_p29(p29), pS3_LED_p28(p28), pS4_LED_p27(p27), pS5_LED_p26(p26), pS6_LED_p25(p25);    //
+//  ---------------  I/O Port Setting Now -----------------------  ///
+//typedef struct st_PortStat{                                       //
+//    int i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5;                                      //
+//    int i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6;                                       //
+//    int i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13;                                    //
+//    int i_pSn_Conn[nSENSOR_6CH];                                  //
+//    int i_pSn_LED[nSENSOR_6CH];                                   //
+void set_Initial_IOPort()  
+    pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5 = RelayOFF;       st_IOPort.i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5 = RelayOFF;
+    pCOM_GND_Conn_p6 = RelayOFF;        st_IOPort.i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6 = RelayOFF;
+     pS1_Conn_p7 = RelayOFF;             st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S1] = RelayOFF;
+     pS2_Conn_p8 = RelayOFF;             st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S2] = RelayOFF;
+     pS3_Conn_p9 = RelayOFF;             st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S3] = RelayOFF;
+     pS4_Conn_p10 = RelayOFF;            st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S4] = RelayOFF;
+     pS5_Conn_p11 = RelayOFF;            st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S5] = RelayOFF;
+     pS6_Conn_p12 = RelayOFF;            st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S6] = RelayOFF;
+    pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13 = RelayON; st_IOPort.i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13 = RelayON;
+     pS1_LED_p30 = LED_OFF;             st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S1] = LED_OFF;
+     pS2_LED_p29 = LED_OFF;             st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S2] = LED_OFF;
+     pS3_LED_p28 = LED_OFF;             st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S3] = LED_OFF;
+     pS4_LED_p27 = LED_OFF;             st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S4] = LED_OFF;
+     pS5_LED_p26 = LED_OFF;             st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S5] = LED_OFF;
+     pS6_LED_p25 = LED_OFF;             st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S6] = LED_OFF;
+//typedef struct st_PortStat{                                       //
+//    int i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5;                                      //
+//    int i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6;                                       //
+//    int i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13;                                    //
+void set_RelaySW_COM(int i_sw_Vref,int i_sw_GND,int i_sw_ADOFF)
+    st_IOPort.i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5 = i_sw_Vref;
+    pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5 = i_sw_Vref;
+    st_IOPort.i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6 = i_sw_GND;
+    pCOM_GND_Conn_p6 = i_sw_GND;
+    st_IOPort.i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13 = i_sw_ADOFF;
+    pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13 = i_sw_ADOFF;
+//          ---   Sensor n Relay Control  ---                       //
+//typedef struct st_PortStat{                                       //
+//    int i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5;                                      //
+//    int i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6;                                       //
+//    int i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13;                                    //
+//>>    int i_pSn_Conn[nSENSOR_6CH];                                //
+//    int i_pSn_LED[nSENSOR_6CH];                                   //
+void set_RelaySW_SensConn(int i_Sn,int i_sw)
+    switch(i_Sn){
+        case No_S1:
+            st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S1] = i_sw;
+            pS1_Conn_p7 = i_sw;
+            break;
+        case No_S2:
+            st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S2] = i_sw;
+            pS2_Conn_p8 = i_sw;
+           break;
+        case No_S3:
+            st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S3] = i_sw;
+            pS3_Conn_p9 = i_sw;
+           break;
+        case No_S4:
+            st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S4] = i_sw;
+            pS4_Conn_p10 = i_sw;
+           break;
+        case No_S5:
+            st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S5] = i_sw;
+            pS5_Conn_p11 = i_sw;
+            break;
+        case No_S6:
+            st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S6] = i_sw;
+            pS6_Conn_p12 = i_sw;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;    
+    }
+//          ---   LED n ON/OFF Control  ---                       //
+//typedef struct st_PortStat{                                       //
+//    int i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5;                                      //
+//    int i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6;                                       //
+//    int i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13;                                    //
+//    int i_pSn_Conn[nSENSOR_6CH];                                  //
+//>>    int i_pSn_LED[nSENSOR_6CH];                                   //
+void set_LEDnSW_port(int i_Sn,int i_sw)
+    switch(i_Sn){
+        case No_S1:
+            st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S1] = i_sw;
+            pS1_LED_p30 = i_sw;
+            break;
+        case No_S2:
+            st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S2] = i_sw;
+            pS2_LED_p29 = i_sw;
+           break;
+        case No_S3:
+             st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S3] = i_sw;
+           pS3_LED_p28 = i_sw;
+           break;
+        case No_S4:
+             st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S4] = i_sw;
+           pS4_LED_p27 = i_sw;
+           break;
+        case No_S5:
+            st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S5] = i_sw;
+            pS5_LED_p26 = i_sw;
+            break;
+        case No_S6:
+            st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S6] = i_sw;
+            pS6_LED_p25 = i_sw;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;    
+    }
+//--------------Parameter Initial Set ------------------//
+void CapDose_param_init()
+    st_CapDoseMain.i_CPD_Mode = const_st_CapDose_Action_param_Default.i_CPD_Mode;
+    st_CapDoseMain.i_Meas_Job_Stage = const_st_CapDose_Action_param_Default.i_Meas_Job_Stage;
+    st_CapDoseMain.i_Charge_Job_Stage = const_st_CapDose_Action_param_Default.i_Charge_Job_Stage;
+    st_CapDoseMain.i_DisCharge_Job_Stage = const_st_CapDose_Action_param_Default.i_DisCharge_Job_Stage;
+    // 共通設定項目
+    //int i_RelaySW_Delay;                  // 共通 Relay 切り替え時遅延時間[x1msec]
+    st_CapDoseSetting.i_RelaySW_Delay = Def_RELAY_SW_DELAY_5ms;   // Relay SW 切り替え時間 初期値 5msec
+    //Measure 専用パラメータ
+    //int   i_Meas_Interval_Time;           //  測定値 AD測定間隔
+    st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_Interval_Time = Def_MEAS_INTERVAL_100ms; 
+    //int   i_Meas_Connect_Time;            //  測定時 SeSample AveSample Ave  
+    st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_Connect_Time = Def_MEAS_CONNECT_TIME_50ms;
+    //int   i_Meas_StartDelayTime;          //  センサー接続からセンサー値測定開始Delay
+    st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_StartDelayTime = Def_MEAS_START_DELAY_10ms;
+    //int   i_Meas_SampleAveTimes;           // 測定開始から AD測定回数 (i_Meas_StartDelayTime + i_Meas_SampleAveTimes)
+    st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_SampleAveTimes = Def_MEAS_SAMPLE_AVE_32Times;
+    //int   i_Meas_SampleAveInterval;       //  AD測定間隔 
+    st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_SampleAveInterval = Def_MEAS_SAMPLE_INETRVAL_1ms;
+    //int  i_CDC_Meas_IntervalTime;         //  充放電時電圧監視 AD測定間隔
+    st_CapDoseSetting.i_CDC_Meas_IntervalTime = Def_CDC_MEAS_INTERVAL_5ms;
+     // Charge 専用パラメータ
+    //float f_ChargeTargetVolt;             // 充電完了判断しきい値レベル 設定値
+    st_CapDoseSetting.f_ChargeTargetVolt = Def_CHARGE_TARGETVolt3V;
+    // int i_ChargeLimitTime;               //  充電時間 リミット制限
+    st_CapDoseSetting.i_ChargeLimitTime = Def_CHARGE_LIMIT_TIME_10sec;
+    //int i_ChargeAflerDelay;               // 充電しきい値達成後Wait
+    st_CapDoseSetting.i_ChargeAflerDelay = Def_CHARGE_AFTER_DELAY5sec;
+    // DisCharge 専用   
+    //float f_DisChargeTargetVolt;           // 充電完了判断しきい値レベル 設定値
+    st_CapDoseSetting.f_DisChargeTargetVolt = Def_DisCHARGE_TARGETVolt05V;
+    //int i_DisChargeLimitTime;             //  放電時間 リミット制限
+    st_CapDoseSetting.i_DisChargeLimitTime = Def_DISCHARGE_LIMIT_TIME10sec;
+    //int i_DisChargeAfterDelay;            // 放電時 しきい値達成後 Delay
+    st_CapDoseSetting.i_DisChargeAfterDelay = Def_DISCHARGE_AFTER_DELAY5sec;
+ }
+//    i_Meas_Job_Stage;         // 測定動作状態遷移 
+//enum {
+//    MEAS_STAGE_Ready=0
+//    ,MEAS_STAGE_AD_Open
+//    ,MEAS_STAGE_Connect_Start
+//    ,MEAS_STAGE_Sn_Measure
+//    ,MEAS_STAGE_Sn_End
+//     --  Main Action Sequence  ---      //
+//           <<<  Measure  >>>            //
+void MainAction_Measurement(void)
+//----------   "SM" レベル測定スタート      ---------------------//
+//  //  
+//int i_ADC_IntCount =0;
+//int i_ADC_Sample_Count=0;
+void Start_SampleMeasure()
+    st_CapDoseMain.i_CPD_Mode = CPD_STAT_MEAS;         // Main Action Measurement Stage Set
+    sprintf(tx_line,"SM:START\r\n" );
+    send_line();
+    AnalogIn p20_Adc(p20);
+   i_SampleMode = SAMPLE_MODE_ACTIVE;
+ //   i_ADC_IntCount= (st_dosimeterDock_param.i_SampleInterval_msec)*10;
+//    i_ADC_Sample_Count= 0 ;   //st_dosimeterDock_param.i_SampleTimes_MAX;
+void Start_MeasureSingle()
+void Start_MeasureNtimes()
+void Start_MeasureContinuous()
+//     --  Main Action Sequence  ---      //
+//           <<<  Charge  >>>             //
+void MainAction_Charge(void)
+//     --  Main Action Sequence  ---      //
+//           <<<  DisCharge  >>>          //
+void MainAction_DisCharge(void)
+//     Main                                             //
+int main(){
+    float f_ADC_inp =0.0;
+    set_Initial_IOPort();
+    device.baud(115200);
+    timer_count = 0;
+    CapDose_param_init();
+    Int1mSec_Timer.attach_us(&Tick_1mSec_Interrupt, (1000));       // 1msec Timer 割り込み
+    t.reset();
+    t.start();
+    // Setup a serial interrupt function to receive data
+    device.attach(&Rx_interrupt, Serial::RxIrq);
+    // Setup a serial interrupt function to transmit data
+    device.attach(&Tx_interrupt, Serial::TxIrq);
+    timer_count = 0;
+    //--- ADC Measurement Control Parameter Initial Set ---//
+    //    adc_param_init(); 
+    //--- DAC Control Parameter Init --- //
+    //   dac1_param_init();
+    // -- Main Loop -- //
+    while (1) {
+        if(rx_cr_Rec > 0){
+            Ser_Command_Input();
+        }
+        // Sample Measurement Active
+        if(i_SampleMode == SAMPLE_MODE_ACTIVE){
+             myled4 = 1.0;
+            if(i_ADC_IntCount == 0){
+ //               i_ADC_IntCount= (st_dosimeterDock_param.i_SampleInterval_msec)*10;
+                f_ADC_inp =ADC_Sample_Send();
+                i_ADC_Sample_Count++;
+//               if(i_ADC_Sample_Count >= st_dosimeterDock_param.i_SampleTimes_MAX){
+//                    i_SampleMode = SAMPLE_MODE_NotActive;           // Sample End
+//                   myled4 = 0;
+//                    sprintf(tx_line,"SM:END\r\n" );
+//                    send_line();
+//                }
+            }
+        }
+        // 動作 モード シーケンス
+        //enum {
+        //CPD_STAT_Ready=0
+        //,CPD_STAT_MEAS
+        //,CPD_STAT_CHARGE
+        //};
+        switch(st_CapDoseMain.i_CPD_Mode){
+            case CPD_STAT_Ready:
+                break;
+            case CPD_STAT_MEAS:
+                MainAction_Measurement();
+                break;
+            case CPD_STAT_CHARGE:
+                MainAction_Charge();
+                break;
+            case CPD_STAT_DISCHARGE:
+                MainAction_DisCharge();
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+       // MainLoop LED Blink
+        main_loop_count++;
+        if(main_loop_count>=100000){
+            myled1 = (myled1+1) & 1;
+            main_loop_count = 0;
+        }
+            /////////////////////////////////
+    }
+//----------    Chargeスタート      ---------------------//
+void Start_ChargeMode()
+    sprintf(tx_line,"SC:START\r\n" );
+   send_line();
+ //   AnalogIn p20_Adc(p20);
+ //  i_ChargeMode = CHARGE_MODE_ACTIVE;
+ //   i_ADC_IntCount= (st_dosimeterDock_param.i_SampleInterval_msec)*10;
+//    i_Charge_TermOverCount = (int)( (st_dosimeterDock_param.f_ChargeOver_Time) * 10000.0f);
+//    i_ADC_Sample_Count= 0 ;   //st_dosimeterDock_param.i_SampleTimes_MAX;
+ //   P10_PWR_Pin_1_High();
+ //      sprintf(tx_line,"TIMECOUNT %4d\r\n",i_Charge_TermOverCount );
+ //  send_line();
+//----------    DisChargeスタート      ---------------------//
+void Start_DisChargeMode()
+    sprintf(tx_line,"SD:START\r\n" );
+    send_line();
+    i_DisChargeMode = DISCHARGE_MODE_ACTIVE;
+//    i_ADC_IntCount= (st_dosimeterDock_param.i_SampleInterval_msec)*10;
+ //   i_DisChargeTermCount=(int)( (st_dosimeterDock_param.f_DisCharge_Time) * 10000.0f);
+//    i_ADC_Sample_Count= 0 ;   //st_dosimeterDock_param.i_SampleTimes_MAX;
+//    P10_PWR_Pin_0_GND();
+// 動作 パラメータ  初期設定
+// --------------  Capacitor Dose Meter Parameter Declaration  ----------------//
+//typedef struct  st_CapDose_Action_param{
+//    int i_CPD_Mode;             // Main Job Mode 
+//    int i_Meas_Job_Stage;        // Measurement Job Job Stage
+//    int i_Charge_Job_Stage;     // Charge Job Stage
+//    int i_DisCharge_Job_Stage;  // DisCharge Job Stage
+// 初期値セット st_CapDose_Action_param 
+//const ST_CAPDOSE_ACTION_PARAMETER const_st_CapDose_Action_param_Default=
+////     int i_CPD_Mode;             // Main Job Mode 
+//   CPD_STAT_Ready
+// //   int i_Meas_Job_Stage;        // Measurement Job Job Stage
+//   ,MEAS_STAGE_Ready
+////    int i_Charge_Job_Stage;     // Charge Job Stage
+//   ,CHARGE_STAGE_Ready
+////    int i_DisCharge_Job_Stage;  // DisCharge Job Stage
+/////      ADC 1 Sample Input & Send        //
+float ADC_Sample_Send()
+ //   int i;
+    float f_ADC_V =0.0;
+    AnalogIn p20_Adc(p20);
+    f_ADC_V  = (float)p20_Adc*3.3;
+    sprintf(tx_line,"ADC,%3i,%2.3f\r\n",i_ADC_Sample_Count, f_ADC_V  );
+    send_line();
+    return(f_ADC_V);
+//  P10 Power Port Set    //
+void P10_PWR_Pin_0_GND()
+ }
+void P10_PWR_Pin_1_High()
+void P10_PWR_Pin_2_Open()
+void P10_PWR_Pin_Setting(int i_selMode)
+    switch(i_selMode){
+        case 0:
+            P10_PWR_Pin_0_GND();
+        break;
+        case 1:
+            P10_PWR_Pin_1_High();
+        break;
+        case 2:
+            P10_PWR_Pin_2_Open();
+       break;
+        default:
+        break;
+    }
+//  P20 ADC Port Set    //
+void P20_ADC_Pin_0_Open()
+    DigitalInOut p20_GPIO_Open(p20,PIN_OUTPUT,OpenDrain,1);
+void P20_ADC_Pin_1_ADCin()
+    AnalogIn    p20_Adc(p20);
+void P20_ADC_Pin_2_AD_Open()
+    DigitalInOut p20_GPIO_Open(p20,PIN_OUTPUT,OpenDrain,1);
+void P20_ADC_Pin_3_ADPin_GNDTest()
+    DigitalInOut p20_GPIO_GND(p20,PIN_OUTPUT,PullNone,0);
+void P20_ADC_Pin_4_ADPin_HighTest()
+    DigitalInOut p20_GPIO_High(p20,PIN_OUTPUT,PullNone,1);
+void P20_ADC_Pin_Setting(int i_selMode)
+    switch(i_selMode){
+        case 0:
+            P20_ADC_Pin_0_Open();
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            P20_ADC_Pin_1_ADCin();
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            P20_ADC_Pin_2_AD_Open();
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            P20_ADC_Pin_3_ADPin_GNDTest();
+            break;
+         case 4:
+            P20_ADC_Pin_4_ADPin_HighTest();
+            break;
+       default:
+            break;
+    }
+//-----    Serial tx/rx Communication  
+// Copy tx line buffer to large tx buffer for tx interrupt routine
+void send_line() {
+    int i;
+    char temp_char;
+    bool empty;
+    i = 0;
+// Start Critical Section - don't interrupt while changing global buffer variables
+    NVIC_DisableIRQ(UART_IRQn);
+    empty = (tx_in == tx_out);
+    while ((i==0) || (tx_line[i-1] != '\n')) {
+// Wait if buffer full
+        if (((tx_in + 1) % ser_buffer_size) == tx_out) {
+// End Critical Section - need to let interrupt routine empty buffer by sending
+            NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART_IRQn);
+            while (((tx_in + 1) % ser_buffer_size) == tx_out) {
+            }
+// Start Critical Section - don't interrupt while changing global buffer variables
+            NVIC_DisableIRQ(UART_IRQn);
+        }
+        tx_buffer[tx_in] = tx_line[i];
+        i++;
+        tx_in = (tx_in + 1) % ser_buffer_size;
+    }
+    if (device.writeable() && (empty)) {
+        temp_char = tx_buffer[tx_out];
+        tx_out = (tx_out + 1) % ser_buffer_size;
+// Send first character to start tx interrupts, if stopped
+        device.putc(temp_char);
+    }
+// End Critical Section
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART_IRQn);
+    return;
+// Read a line from the large rx buffer from rx interrupt routine
+// 2013.08.08 H.Tsunemoto 
+// Append Return Chear Number
+int read_line(){
+//void read_line() {
+    int i;
+    i = 0;
+    // Start Critical Section - don't interrupt while changing global buffer variables
+    NVIC_DisableIRQ(UART_IRQn);
+    while((rx_in != rx_out) && (rx_buffer[rx_out]<0x20)){
+          rx_out = (rx_out + 1) % ser_buffer_size;
+     }
+     while(rx_in != rx_out){
+        rx_line[i] = rx_buffer[rx_out];
+         rx_out = (rx_out + 1) % ser_buffer_size;
+        if((rx_line[i] == '\r') || (rx_line[i] == '\n')){
+            break;
+       }
+             i++;
+    }
+    rx_line[i] = 0;
+// End Critical Section
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART_IRQn);
+    return(i);
+// Interupt Routine to read in data from serial port
+void Rx_interrupt() {
+    //led1=1;
+// Loop just in case more than one character is in UART's receive FIFO buffer
+// Stop if buffer full
+    while ((device.readable()) || (((rx_in + 1) % ser_buffer_size) == rx_out)) {
+        rx_buffer[rx_in] = device.getc();
+// Uncomment to Echo to USB serial to watch data flow
+//        monitor_device.putc(rx_buffer[rx_in]);
+        //------- 2013.08.08 Tsunemoto ------------//
+        // -- Char CR Rec Counter ----//
+        if(rx_buffer[rx_in]== '\r'){
+           //led2 = 1;
+           rx_cr_Rec ++;
+        }
+        //----------------------------//
+        rx_in = (rx_in + 1) % ser_buffer_size;
+    }
+    //led1=0;
+    return;
+// Interupt Routine to write out data to serial port
+void Tx_interrupt() {
+    //led2=1;
+// Loop to fill more than one character in UART's transmit FIFO buffer
+// Stop if buffer empty
+    while ((device.writeable()) && (tx_in != tx_out)) {
+        device.putc(tx_buffer[tx_out]);
+        tx_out = (tx_out + 1) % ser_buffer_size;
+    }
+    //led2=0;
+    return;
+//   1msec Timer Interrupt
+// 1msec Decrement Counter
+//int i_ADC_IntCount =0;
+//int i_ADC_Sample_Count=0;
+//int i_Charge_Term_Count=0;
+//int i_ChargeAfterDelayCount =0;
+//int i_Charge_TermOverCount=0;
+//int i_DisChargeTermCount =0;
+void Tick_1mSec_Interrupt() 
+    P36_Int1msec=1;
+    // Sampling Interval 
+    if(i_ADC_IntCount >0){
+        i_ADC_IntCount--;
+    }
+    // i_Charge_Term_Count 
+    if(i_ChargeAfterDelayCount >0){
+        i_ChargeAfterDelayCount--;
+    }
+    if(i_Charge_TermOverCount >0){
+        i_Charge_TermOverCount--;
+    }
+    // Discharge Term Counter
+    if(i_DisChargeTermCount >0){
+        i_DisChargeTermCount--;
+    }
+    timer_count++;                  //increment timer_count
+    if(timer_count >= 10000){
+        timer_count = 0;
+        timer_1Sec++;
+    }
+    P36_Int1msec=0;
+//------------    Command Check & Set Function ---------------------------------//
+//  Input :i_RecCharCount :Command Stringth Length                              //
+//         rx_line[80] :(Global) Rec Data Stringth                              //
+//  Return :bool b_CommadERR  0= ACK                                            //
+//                            1= ERR                                            //
+//-------- DosimeterDock Parameter declaration  --------//
+//    設定パラメータ応答               //
+// --------------  Capacitor Dose Meter I・O Port ON/OFF Test  ----------------//
+ //  MBED Port (Relay Control Pin Replay Status & Set I/O Port
+ //     bool com_Check_SW_RCV_COMVref(int i_RecCharCount)
+ //     bool com_Check_SW_RCG_COMGND(int i_RecCharCount)
+ //     bool com_Check_SW_RCA_COMADG(int i_RecCharCount)
+ //     bool com_Check_SW_RSn_SnConn(int i_RecCharCount)n=1-6
+ // Setting Parameter Replay & Setting
+ //     bool com_Check_SW_RCV_COMVref(int i_RecCharCount)
+//  Command No.1  "Relay SW ON/OFF "  P5 COM_Vref3.2V Pin Status  Set             //
+//typedef struct st_PortStat{
+//>>    int i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5;
+//    int i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6;
+//    int i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13;
+//    int i_pSn_Conn[nSENSOR_6CH];
+//    int i_pSn_LED[nSENSOR_6CH];
+//int st_IOPort.i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5 = 1;  // P5 Vref3.2V Connect
+bool com_Check_SW_PCV_COMVref(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 3){
+        b_CommadERR = 1;
+    }
+    else if( ((rx_line[3] == 'O') && (rx_line[4] == 'N') )
+             || ((rx_line[3] == ' ') &&(rx_line[4] == 'O') && (rx_line[5] == 'N') )){
+        set_RelaySW_COM(RelayON,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13);
+    }
+    else if( ((rx_line[3] == 'O') && (rx_line[4] == 'F') )
+             || ((rx_line[3] == ' ') &&(rx_line[4] == 'O') && (rx_line[5] == 'F') )){
+        set_RelaySW_COM(RelayOFF,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13);
+    }
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if((i_num >= 0 ) && (i_num <= Def_PortSET_Stat_MAX)){
+                 set_RelaySW_COM(i_num,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13);
+        }
+        else{
+            b_CommadERR = 1;
+        }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+//  Command No.2  "Relay SW ON/OFF "  P6 COM GND  Pin Status  Set             //
+//typedef struct st_PortStat{
+//>>    int i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6;
+bool com_Check_SW_PCG_COMGND(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 3){
+        b_CommadERR = 1;
+    } 
+    else if( ((rx_line[3] == 'O') && (rx_line[4] == 'N') )
+             || ((rx_line[3] == ' ') &&(rx_line[4] == 'O') && (rx_line[5] == 'N') )){
+        set_RelaySW_COM(st_IOPort.i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5,RelayON,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13);
+    }
+    else if( ((rx_line[3] == 'O') && (rx_line[4] == 'F') )
+             || ((rx_line[3] == ' ') &&(rx_line[4] == 'O') && (rx_line[5] == 'F') )){
+        set_RelaySW_COM(st_IOPort.i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5,RelayOFF,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13);
+    }
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if((i_num >= 0 ) && (i_num <= Def_PortSET_Stat_MAX)){
+                 set_RelaySW_COM(st_IOPort.i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5,i_num,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13);
+        }
+        else{
+            b_CommadERR = 1;
+        }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+//  Command No.3  "Relay SW ON/OFF "  P13 ADC Inp Short GND  Pin Status  Set    //
+//typedef struct st_PortStat{
+//>>    int i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13;
+bool com_Check_SW_PCA_COMADG(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 3){
+        b_CommadERR = 1;
+    } 
+    else if( ((rx_line[3] == 'O') && (rx_line[4] == 'N') )
+             || ((rx_line[3] == ' ') &&(rx_line[4] == 'O') && (rx_line[5] == 'N') )){
+        set_RelaySW_COM(st_IOPort.i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6,RelayON);
+    }
+    else if( ((rx_line[3] == 'O') && (rx_line[4] == 'F') )
+             || ((rx_line[3] == ' ') &&(rx_line[4] == 'O') && (rx_line[5] == 'F') )){
+        set_RelaySW_COM(st_IOPort.i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6,RelayOFF);
+    }
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if((i_num >= 0 ) && (i_num <= Def_PortSET_Stat_MAX)){
+                 set_RelaySW_COM(st_IOPort.i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6,i_num);
+        }
+        else{
+            b_CommadERR = 1;
+        }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+//  Command No.4  "Relay SW ON/OFF "  Sensor 1 - 6 Relay  Pin Status  Set    //
+//typedef struct st_PortStat{
+//>>    int i_pSn_Conn[nSENSOR_6CH];
+bool com_Check_SW_Psn_SensConn(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_SensorNo=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    #define SENSOR_S0   0x30 
+        i_SensorNo = (int)(rx_line[2]);
+    if((i_SensorNo >= 0x31) && (i_SensorNo <= 0x36)){
+        if(i_RecCharCount < 3){
+         b_CommadERR = 1;
+        } 
+        else if( ((rx_line[3] == 'O') && (rx_line[4] == 'N') )
+             || ((rx_line[3] == ' ') &&(rx_line[4] == 'O') && (rx_line[5] == 'N') )){
+            set_RelaySW_SensConn((i_SensorNo - SENSOR_S0) ,RelayON);
+        }
+        else if( ((rx_line[3] == 'O') && (rx_line[4] == 'F') )
+             || ((rx_line[3] == ' ') &&(rx_line[4] == 'O') && (rx_line[5] == 'F') )){
+            set_RelaySW_SensConn((i_SensorNo - SENSOR_S0) ,RelayOFF);
+        }
+        else{
+            pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+            i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+            if((i_num >= 0 ) && (i_num <= Def_PortSET_Stat_MAX)){
+                 set_RelaySW_SensConn((i_SensorNo - SENSOR_S0) ,i_num);
+            }
+            else{
+                b_CommadERR = 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else{
+        b_CommadERR = 1;
+    }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+//  Command No.5  "Sensor LED  ON/OFF "  LED 1 - 6   Pin Status  Set    //
+//typedef struct st_PortStat{
+///>>    int i_pSn_LED[nSENSOR_6CH];
+bool com_Check_SW_PLn_LEDset(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_SensorNo=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    #define SENSOR_S0   0x30 
+        i_SensorNo = (int)(rx_line[2]);
+    if((i_SensorNo >= 0x31) && (i_SensorNo <= 0x36)){
+        if(i_RecCharCount < 3){
+         b_CommadERR = 1;
+        } 
+        else if( ((rx_line[3] == 'O') && (rx_line[4] == 'N') )
+             || ((rx_line[3] == ' ') &&(rx_line[4] == 'O') && (rx_line[5] == 'N') )){
+            set_LEDnSW_port((i_SensorNo - SENSOR_S0)  ,LED_ON);
+        }
+        else if( ((rx_line[3] == 'O') && (rx_line[4] == 'F') )
+             || ((rx_line[3] == ' ') &&(rx_line[4] == 'O') && (rx_line[5] == 'F') )){
+            set_LEDnSW_port((i_SensorNo - SENSOR_S0)  ,LED_OFF);
+        }
+        else{
+            pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+            i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+            if((i_num >= 0 ) && (i_num <= Def_PortSET_Stat_MAX)){
+                 set_LEDnSW_port((i_SensorNo - SENSOR_S0) ,i_num);
+            }
+            else{
+                b_CommadERR = 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else{
+        b_CommadERR = 1;
+    }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+//  Command No.11  Setteing Parameter Set No.11    //
+// --------------  Capacitor Dose Meter Setting Parameter Declaration  ----------------//
+//typedef struct  st_CapDoseSetting_param{
+//    // 共通設定項目
+//    int i_RelaySW_Delay;            // 共通 Relay 切り替え時遅延時間[x1msec]
+//    //Measure 専用パラメータ
+//    int   i_Meas_Interval_Time;         //  測定値 AD測定間隔
+//    int   i_Meas_Connect_Time;          //  測定時 Sensor 接続時間
+//    int   i_Meas_StartDelayTime;        //  センサー接続からセンサー値測定開始Delay
+//    int   i_Meas_SampleAveTimes;         // 測定開始から AD測定回数 
+//    int   i_Meas_SampleAveInterval;      //  AD測定間隔 //  
+//        (i_Meas_StartDelayTime + (i_Meas_SampleAveTim x i_Meas_SampleAveInterval)) が i_Meas_Connect_Time より小さい
+//    // Charge/DisCharge 共通
+//    int   i_CDC_Meas_IntervalTime;      //  充放電時電圧監視 AD測定間隔
+//     // Charge 専用パラメータ
+//    float f_ChargeTargetVolt;           // 充電完了判断しきい値レベル 設定値
+//     int i_ChargeLimitTime;             //  充電時間 リミット制限
+//    int i_ChargeAflerDelay;             // 充電しきい値達成後Wait
+//    // DisCharge 専用   
+//    float f_DisChargeTargetVolt;          // 放電時 放電終了 レベルしきい値[ADC_Level ]
+//    int i_DisChargeLimitTime;       //  放電時間 リミット制限
+//    int i_DisChargeAfterDelay;      // 放電時 しきい値達成後 Delay
+//  Command No.101  "RDL xxx"  [msec] Relay SW After Delay Relay 切替後接続Delay               //
+//int st_CapDoseSetting.i_RelaySW_Delay  // 
+bool com_Check_RDL_ConnDelayAfterRSW(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){ b_CommadERR = 1;} 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if((i_num > 0 ) && (i_num <= Def_RELAY_SW_DELAY_SetMax_1S)){
+                 st_CapDoseSetting.i_RelaySW_Delay = i_num;
+        }
+        else{ b_CommadERR = 1; }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+//  Command No.102  "MIT xxxx"  [msec] 測定間隔                                 //
+//  int st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_Interval_Time                                  //
+//        条件 > 測定時接続時間 < MaxLimit (<600000msec = 10minutes          // 
+bool com_Check_MIT_MeasurementInterval(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){ b_CommadERR = 1;} 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if((i_num > st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_Connect_Time ) && (i_num <= Def_MEAS_INTERVAL_SET_MAX_10min)){
+                 st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_Interval_Time = i_num;
+        }
+        else{ b_CommadERR = 1; }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+//  Command No.103  "MCT xxxx"  [msec] 1測定時1接続時間                          //
+//  int st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_Connect_Time                                  //
+//        条件 > 測定時接続時間 < MaxLimit (<60000msec = 1minutes            // 
+//              <測定間隔
+bool com_Check_MCT_MeasurementConnectTime(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){ b_CommadERR = 1;} 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if( (i_num > 0 ) && (i_num < st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_Interval_Time ) && (i_num <= Def_MEAS_CONNECT_TIME_Max1m)){
+                 st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_Connect_Time = i_num;
+        }
+        else{ b_CommadERR = 1; }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+//  Command No.104  "MSD xxxx"  [msec] s測定開始 遅延時間                       //
+//  int st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_StartDelayTime                                 //
+//        条件 < 測定時接続時間 < MaxLimit (< = 10sec            // 
+//              <測定間隔
+bool com_Check_MSD_MeasSampleStartDelay(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){ b_CommadERR = 1;} 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if( (i_num > 0 ) && (i_num < st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_Connect_Time ) && (i_num <= Def_MEAS_START_DELAY_SetMax1sec)){
+                 st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_StartDelayTime = i_num;
+        }
+        else{ b_CommadERR = 1; }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+//  Command No.105  "MAT xxxx"  [msec] s測定開始 遅延時間                       //
+//  int st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_SampleAveTimes                                 //
+//        条件 < 測定 Ave回数             // 
+//              <測定間隔
+bool com_Check_MAT_MeasAveTimes(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){ b_CommadERR = 1;} 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if( (i_num > 0 ) && (i_num < st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_Connect_Time ) && (i_num <= Def_MEAS_SAMPLE_AVE_Times_SetMax_60000)){
+                 st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_SampleAveTimes = i_num;
+        }
+        else{ b_CommadERR = 1; }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+//  Command No.106  "MAI xxxx"  [msec] 測定 繰返しAve Sample間隔                //
+//  int st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_SampleAveInterval                                 //
+//        条件 < 測定時接続時間 < MaxLimit (< = 10sec            // 
+//              <測定間隔
+bool com_Check_MAI_MeasSampleAveInterval(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){ b_CommadERR = 1;} 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if( (i_num > 0 ) &&  (i_num <= Def_MEAS_SAMPLE_INETRVAL_SetMax_1sec)){
+                 st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_SampleAveInterval = i_num;
+        }
+        else{ b_CommadERR = 1; }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+////  Charge / DisCharge Setting Command
+//    int   i_CDC_Meas_IntervalTime;      //  充放電時電圧監視 AD測定間隔
+//    float f_ChargeTargetVolt;           // 充電完了判断しきい値レベル 設定値
+//     int i_ChargeLimitTime;             //  充電時間 リミット制限
+//    int i_ChargeAflerDelay;             // 充電しきい値達成後Wait
+//    float f_DisChargeTargetVolt;          // 放電時 放電終了 レベルしきい値[ADC_Level ]
+//    int i_DisChargeLimitTime;       //  放電時間 リミット制限
+//    int i_DisChargeAfterDelay;      // 放電時 しきい値達成後 Delay
+//  Command No.107  "CDI xxxx"  [msec] 測定 Charge/DisCharge  Sample間隔                //
+//  int st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_SampleAveInterval                                 //
+//        条件 < 
+bool com_Check_CDI_Charge_DisCharge_SampleInterval(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){ b_CommadERR = 1;} 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if( (i_num > 0 ) &&  (i_num <= Def_CDC_MEAS_INTERVAL_SetMax)){
+                 st_CapDoseSetting.i_CDC_Meas_IntervalTime = i_num;
+        }
+        else{ b_CommadERR = 1; }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+//  Command No.108  "CTV xxxx"  [V] 測定 Charge しきい値 V              //
+//  int st_CapDoseSetting.f_ChargeTargetVolt                                     //
+//        条件 < 
+bool com_Check_CTV_ChargeTargetVoltSet(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    float f_num=0.00f;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){ b_CommadERR = 1; } 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        f_num = atof(pt_comRec);
+        if((f_num >= Def_CHARGE_TARGET_VoltMIN ) && (f_num <= Def_CHARGE_TARGET_VoltMAX)){
+                 st_CapDoseSetting.f_ChargeTargetVolt = ( f_num ) ;
+        }
+        else{b_CommadERR = 1;}
+   }
+   return(b_CommadERR);
+//  Command No.109  "CLT xxxx"  [msec] 測定 Charge 時間 limits             //
+//  int st_CapDoseSetting.i_ChargeLimitTime                                     //
+//        条件 < 
+bool com_Check_CLT_ChargeLimitTimeSet(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){ b_CommadERR = 1;} 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if( (i_num > 0 ) &&  (i_num <= Def_CHARGE_LIMIT_TIME_SetMax_1min)){
+                 st_CapDoseSetting.i_ChargeLimitTime = i_num;
+        }
+        else{ b_CommadERR = 1; }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+//  Command No.110  "CAD xxxx"  [msec] 測定 Charge 後 接続解除Delay             //
+//  int st_CapDoseSetting.i_ChargeAflerDelay                                    //
+//        条件 < 
+bool com_Check_CAD_ChargeAfterDelaySet(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){ b_CommadERR = 1;} 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if( (i_num > 0 ) &&  (i_num <= Def_CHARGE_AFTER_DELAY_SetMax_1min)){
+                 st_CapDoseSetting.i_ChargeAflerDelay = i_num;
+        }
+        else{ b_CommadERR = 1; }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+//  Command No.111  "DTV xxxx"  [V] 測定 Charge しきい値 V              //
+//  int st_CapDoseSetting.f_DisChargeTargetVolt                                    //
+//        条件 < 
+bool com_Check_DTV_DisChargeTargetVoltSet(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    float f_num=0.00f;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){ b_CommadERR = 1; } 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        f_num = atof(pt_comRec);
+        if((f_num >= Def_DisCHARGE_TARGET_VoltMIN ) && (f_num <= Def_DisCHARGE_TARGET_VoltMAX)){
+                 st_CapDoseSetting.f_DisChargeTargetVolt = ( f_num ) ;
+        }
+        else{b_CommadERR = 1;}
+   }
+   return(b_CommadERR);
+//  Command No.112  "DLT xxxx"  [msec] 測定 Charge 時間 limits             //
+//  int st_CapDoseSetting.i_DisChargeLimitTime                                     //
+//        条件 < 
+bool com_Check_DLT_DisChargeLimitTimeSet(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){ b_CommadERR = 1;} 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if( (i_num > 0 ) &&  (i_num <= Def_DISCHARGE_LIMIT_TIMEMax_1min)){
+                 st_CapDoseSetting.i_DisChargeLimitTime = i_num;
+        }
+        else{ b_CommadERR = 1; }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+//  Command No.113  "DAD xxxx"  [msec] 測定 Charge 後 接続解除Delay             //
+//  int st_CapDoseSetting.i_ChargeAflerDelay                                    //
+//        条件 < 
+bool com_Check_DAD_DisChargeAfterDelaySet(int i_RecCharCount)
+    bool b_CommadERR=0;
+    int i_num=0;
+    char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){ b_CommadERR = 1;} 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num= atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if( (i_num > 0 ) &&  (i_num <= Def_DISCHARGE_AFTER_DELAY_SetMax_1min)){
+                 st_CapDoseSetting.i_DisChargeAfterDelay = i_num;
+        }
+        else{ b_CommadERR = 1; }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+//-----    Serial rx Commmand Input & Parameter Set Function   -----//
+//  Tsunemoto Scince 2013.08.08                                     //
+void Ser_Command_Input()
+    int i_RecCharCount;
+    bool b_CommadERR = 0;
+//    int i;
+ //   while(rx_cr_Rec > 0){
+         // Read a line from the large rx buffer from rx interrupt routine
+        i_RecCharCount = read_line();
+        if(i_RecCharCount >0)
+        {
+            switch (rx_line[0]){
+                case 'P':
+                    if(rx_line[1] == 'C'){
+                        switch(rx_line[2]){
+                            case 'V':
+                                b_CommadERR = com_Check_SW_PCV_COMVref(i_RecCharCount);
+                                break;
+                            case 'G':
+                                b_CommadERR = com_Check_SW_PCG_COMGND(i_RecCharCount);
+                                break;
+                            case 'A':
+                                b_CommadERR = com_Check_SW_PCA_COMADG(i_RecCharCount);
+                                break;
+                            default:
+                                break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else if (rx_line[1] == 'S'){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_SW_Psn_SensConn(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                    else if (rx_line[1] == 'L'){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_SW_PLn_LEDset(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                    else{
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 'R':
+                    if((rx_line[1] == 'D') && (rx_line[2] == 'L')){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_RDL_ConnDelayAfterRSW(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                 case 'M':
+                    if((rx_line[1] == 'I') && (rx_line[2] == 'T')){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_MIT_MeasurementInterval(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                    else if((rx_line[1] == 'C') && (rx_line[2] == 'T')){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_MCT_MeasurementConnectTime(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                    else if((rx_line[1] == 'S') && (rx_line[2] == 'D')){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_MSD_MeasSampleStartDelay(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                    else if((rx_line[1] == 'A') && (rx_line[2] == 'T')){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_MAT_MeasAveTimes(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                    else if((rx_line[1] == 'A') && (rx_line[2] == 'I')){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_MAT_MeasAveTimes(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 'C':
+                    if((rx_line[1] == 'D') && (rx_line[2] == 'I')){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_CDI_Charge_DisCharge_SampleInterval(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                    else if((rx_line[1] == 'T') && (rx_line[2] == 'V')){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_CTV_ChargeTargetVoltSet(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                    else if((rx_line[1] == 'L') && (rx_line[2] == 'T')){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_CLT_ChargeLimitTimeSet(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                    else if((rx_line[1] == 'A') && (rx_line[2] == 'D')){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_CAD_ChargeAfterDelaySet(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                   break;
+                case 'D':
+                    if((rx_line[1] == 'T') && (rx_line[2] == 'V')){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_DTV_DisChargeTargetVoltSet(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                    else if((rx_line[1] == 'L') && (rx_line[2] == 'T')){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_DLT_DisChargeLimitTimeSet(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                    else if((rx_line[1] == 'A') && (rx_line[2] == 'D')){
+                        b_CommadERR = com_Check_DAD_DisChargeAfterDelaySet(i_RecCharCount);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 'S':
+                   switch (rx_line[1]){
+                        case 'M':
+                            switch (rx_line[2]){
+                                case 'S':
+                                    Start_MeasureSingle();
+                                    break;
+                                case 'N':
+                                    Start_MeasureNtimes();
+                                    break;
+                                case 'C':
+                                     Start_MeasureContinuous();
+                                   break;
+                                default:
+                                    b_CommadERR = 2;
+                                    break;
+                            }        
+                            //Start_SampleMeasure();
+                            break;
+                        case 'C':
+                            Start_ChargeMode();
+                            break;
+                        case 'D':
+                            Start_DisChargeMode();
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            break;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case '?':
+                    com_Stat_Table_Param_Send();
+                    /////////////////////////////
+                    // Iwate Pattern
+                    break;
+               default:
+                    break;
+            }
+            //}
+        }
+        if(b_CommadERR == 0){
+                sprintf(tx_line,"ACK%d \r\n",rx_cr_Rec); 
+                // Copy tx line buffer to large tx buffer for tx interrupt routine
+                send_line();
+        }
+        else{
+                sprintf(tx_line,"ERR%d \r\n",b_CommadERR); 
+                // Copy tx line buffer to large tx buffer for tx interrupt routine
+                send_line();
+        }
+        rx_cr_Rec--;
+ //   }
+//------------    Command Check & Set Function ---------------------------------//
+//  Input :i_RecCharCount :Command Stringth Length                              //
+//         rx_line[80] :(Global) Rec Data Stringth                              //
+//  Return :bool b_CommadERR  0= ACK                                            //
+//                            1= ERR                                            //
+//  CapDose  ?"  Setting  Parameter Repry                                          //
+//    設定パラメータ応答               //
+// --------------  Capacitor Dose Meter Setting Parameter Declaration  ----------------//
+//typedef struct  st_CapDoseSetting_param{
+//    // 共通設定項目
+//    int i_RelaySW_Delay;            // 共通 Relay 切り替え時遅延時間[x1msec]
+//    //Measure 専用パラメータ
+//    int   i_Meas_Interval_Time;         //  測定値 AD測定間隔
+//    int   i_Meas_Connect_Time;          //  測定時 Sensor 接続時間
+//    int   i_Meas_StartDelayTime;        //  センサー接続からセンサー値測定開始Delay
+//    int   i_Meas_SampleAveTimes;         // 測定開始から AD測定回数 
+//    int   i_Meas_SampleAveInterval;      //  AD測定間隔 
+//                                        //  (i_Meas_StartDelayTime + (i_Meas_SampleAveTim x i_Meas_SampleAveInterval))
+//                                        //  が i_Meas_Connect_Time より小さい
+//    // Charge/DisCharge 共通
+//    int   i_CDC_Meas_IntervalTime;      //  充放電時電圧監視 AD測定間隔
+//     // Charge 専用パラメータ
+//    float f_ChargeTargetVolt;           // 充電完了判断しきい値レベル 設定値
+//     int i_ChargeLimitTime;             //  充電時間 リミット制限
+//    int i_ChargeAflerDelay;             // 充電しきい値達成後Wait
+//    // DisCharge 専用   
+//    float f_DisChargeTargetVolt;          // 放電時 放電終了 レベルしきい値[ADC_Level ]
+//    int i_DisChargeLimitTime;       //  放電時間 リミット制限
+//    int i_DisChargeAfterDelay;      // 放電時 しきい値達成後 Delay
+void com_Stat_Table_Param_Send()
+float f_num;
+int i_num;
+    sprintf(tx_line,"Capacitor DoseMeter MBED_LPC11U24 Ver0.01 \r\n");
+    send_line();
+    sprintf(tx_line,"?: Parameter & Status Request \r\n");
+    send_line();
+   // 共通設定項目
+    //int i_RelaySW_Delay;                  // 共通 Relay 切り替え時遅延時間[x1msec]
+    //st_CapDoseSetting.i_RelaySW_Delay = Def_RELAY_SW_DELAY_5ms;   // Relay SW 切り替え時間 初期値 5msec
+    i_num = ((int)st_CapDoseSetting.i_RelaySW_Delay );
+   sprintf(tx_line,"Com:RelaySW Change Delay Time [RDL]=%3d[msec]\r\n",i_num);
+   send_line();
+       //Measure 専用パラメータ
+    //int   i_Meas_Interval_Time;           //  測定値 AD測定間隔
+    //st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_Interval_Time = Def_MEAS_INTERVAL_100ms; 
+    i_num = ((int)st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_Interval_Time );
+    sprintf(tx_line,"Meas:Meas Interval Time [MIT]=%6d[msec]\r\n",i_num);
+    send_line();   
+    //int   i_Meas_Connect_Time;            //  測定時 SeSample AveSample Ave  
+    //st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_Connect_Time = Def_MEAS_CONNECT_TIME_50ms;
+    i_num = ((int)st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_Connect_Time );
+    sprintf(tx_line,"Meas:1Meas Sensor Connect Time [MCT]=%5d[msec]\r\n",i_num);
+    send_line();
+    //int   i_Meas_StartDelayTime;          //  センサー接続からセンサー値測定開始Delay
+    //st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_StartDelayTime = Def_MEAS_START_DELAY_10ms;
+    i_num = ((int)st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_StartDelayTime );
+    sprintf(tx_line,"Meas:Sample Delay Time after Sensor Connect [MSD]=%3d[msec]\r\n",i_num);
+    send_line();    
+    //int   i_Meas_SampleAveTimes;           // 測定開始から AD測定回数 (i_Meas_StartDelayTime + i_Meas_SampleAveTimes)
+    //st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_SampleAveTimes = Def_MEAS_SAMPLE_AVE_32Times;
+    i_num = ((int)st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_SampleAveTimes );
+    sprintf(tx_line,"Meas:1Meas Sample Average Times  [MAT]=%3d[times]\r\n",i_num);
+    send_line();
+    //int   i_Meas_SampleAveInterval;       //  AD測定間隔 
+    //st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_SampleAveInterval = Def_MEAS_SAMPLE_INETRVAL_1ms;
+    i_num = ((int)st_CapDoseSetting.i_Meas_SampleAveInterval );
+    sprintf(tx_line,"Meas:nSample Average Interval Time  [MAI]=%3d[msec]\r\n",i_num);
+    send_line();
+    //int  i_CDC_Meas_IntervalTime;         //  充放電時電圧監視 AD測定間隔
+    //st_CapDoseSetting.i_CDC_Meas_IntervalTime = Def_CDC_MEAS_INTERVAL_5ms;
+    i_num = ((int)st_CapDoseSetting.i_CDC_Meas_IntervalTime );
+    sprintf(tx_line,"Charge/Discharge: threshold Sample Interval Time [CDI]=%3d[msec]\r\n",i_num);
+    send_line();
+    // Charge 専用パラメータ
+    //float f_ChargeTargetVolt;             // 充電完了判断しきい値レベル 設定値
+    //st_CapDoseSetting.f_ChargeTargetVolt = Def_CHARGE_TARGETVolt3V;
+    f_num = ((float)st_CapDoseSetting.f_ChargeTargetVolt );
+    sprintf(tx_line,"Charge:Charge Target Level [CTV]=%2.3f[V]\r\n",f_num);
+    send_line();
+     // int i_ChargeLimitTime;               //  充電時間 リミット制限
+    //st_CapDoseSetting.i_ChargeLimitTime = Def_CHARGE_LIMIT_TIME_10sec;
+    i_num = ((int)st_CapDoseSetting.i_ChargeLimitTime );
+    sprintf(tx_line,"Charge: Charge Wait Time Max Limit [CLT]=%5d[msec]\r\n",i_num);
+    send_line();
+    //int i_ChargeAflerDelay;               // 充電しきい値達成後Wait
+    //st_CapDoseSetting.i_ChargeAflerDelay = Def_CHARGE_AFTER_DELAY5sec;
+    i_num = ((int)st_CapDoseSetting.i_ChargeAflerDelay);
+    sprintf(tx_line,"Charge: Delay Time After Charge [CAD]=%5d[msec]\r\n",i_num);
+    send_line();
+    // DisCharge 専用   
+   //float f_DisChargeTargetVolt;           // 充電完了判断しきい値レベル 設定値
+   //st_CapDoseSetting.f_DisChargeTargetVolt = Def_DisCHARGE_TARGETVolt05V;
+    f_num = ((float)st_CapDoseSetting.f_DisChargeTargetVolt );
+    sprintf(tx_line,"Discharge:Discharge Target Level [DTV]=%2.3f[V]\r\n",f_num);
+    send_line();
+    //int i_DisChargeLimitTime;             //  放電時間 リミット制限
+    //st_CapDoseSetting.i_DisChargeLimitTime = Def_DISCHARGE_LIMIT_TIME10sec;
+    i_num = ((int)st_CapDoseSetting.i_DisChargeLimitTime);
+    sprintf(tx_line,"Discharge: Discharge Wait Time Max Limit [DLT]=%5d[msec]\r\n",i_num);
+    send_line();
+     //int i_DisChargeAfterDelay;            // 放電時 しきい値達成後 Delay
+    //st_CapDoseSetting.i_DisChargeAfterDelay = Def_DISCHARGE_AFTER_DELAY5sec;
+    i_num = ((int)st_CapDoseSetting.i_DisChargeAfterDelay);
+    sprintf(tx_line,"Discharge: Delay Time After Discharge [DAD]=%5d[msec]\r\n",i_num);
+    send_line();
+// typedef struct st_PortStat{
+//    int i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5;
+//    int i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6;
+//    int i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13;
+//    int i_pSn_Conn[nSENSOR_6CH];
+//    int i_pSn_LED[nSENSOR_6CH];
+    sprintf(tx_line," Relay & LED Control StatusControl Status\r\n");
+    send_line();
+    sprintf(tx_line,"Common Relay Control\r\n" );
+    send_line();
+    sprintf(tx_line," COM_Ref3.2V=[%1d],COM_GND=[%1d],COM_ADGND=[%1d]\r\n"
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_Vref_Conn_p5
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_GND_Conn_p6
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pCOM_AD_OFF_DRV_p13
+                    );
+    send_line();
+    sprintf(tx_line," S1=[%1d],S2=[%1d],S3=[%1d],S4=[%1d],S5=[%1d],S6=[%1d]\r\n"
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S1]
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S2]
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S3]
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S4]
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S5]
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pSn_Conn[Sel_S6]
+                    );
+    send_line();
+    sprintf(tx_line," LED1=[%1d],LED2=[%1d],LED3=[%1d],LED4=[%1d],LED5=[%1d],LED6=[%1d]\r\n"
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S1]
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S2]
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S3]
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S4]
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S5]
+                    ,st_IOPort.i_pSn_LED[Sel_S6]
+                    );
+    send_line();