Hochschule München
UM6 on AirBearing
- Committer:
- Date:
- 2014-04-10
- Revision:
- 0:8a2c63ece2a9
File content as of revision 0:8a2c63ece2a9:
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File: UM6_config.h Author: CH Robotics Version: 1.0 Description: Preprocessor definitions and function declarations for UM6 configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifndef __UM6_CONFIG_H #define __UM6_CONFIG_H #include "UM6_usart.h" extern bool recive; MODSERIAL um6_uart(p9, p10); // UM6 SERIAL OVER UART Pin 9 & Pin 10 // CONFIG_ARRAY_SIZE and DATA_ARRAY_SIZE specify the number of 32 bit configuration and data registers used by the firmware // (Note: The term "register" is used loosely here. These "registers" are not actually registers in the same sense of a // microcontroller register. They are simply index locations into arrays stored in global memory. Data and configuration // parameters are stored in arrays because it allows a common communication protocol to be used to access all data and // configuration. The software communicating with the sensor needs only specify the register address, and the communication // software running on the sensor knows exactly where to find it - it needn't know what the data is. The software communicatin // with the sensor, on the other hand, needs to know what it is asking for (naturally...) // This setup makes it easy to make more data immediately available when needed - simply increase the array size, add code in // the firmware that writes data to the new array location, and then make updates to the firmware definition on the PC side. #define CONFIG_ARRAY_SIZE 44 #define DATA_ARRAY_SIZE 33 #define COMMAND_COUNT 9 // #define CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS 0 #define DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS 85 #define COMMAND_START_ADDRESS 170 // These preprocessor definitions make it easier to access specific configuration parameters in code // They specify array locations associated with each register name. Note that in the comments below, many of the values are // said to be 32-bit IEEE floating point. Obviously this isn't directly the case, since the arrays are actually 32-bit unsigned // integer arrays. Bit for bit, the data does correspond to the correct floating point value. Since you can't cast ints as floats, // special conversion has to happen to copy the float data to and from the array. // Starting with configuration register locations... // Now for data register locations. // In the communication protocol, data registers are labeled with number ranging from 128 to 255. The value of 128 will be subtracted from these numbers // to produce the actual array index labeled below #define UM6_STATUS DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS // Status register defines error codes with individual bits #define UM6_GYRO_RAW_XY (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 1) // Raw gyro data is stored in 16-bit signed integers #define UM6_GYRO_RAW_Z (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 2) #define UM6_ACCEL_RAW_XY (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 3) // Raw accel data is stored in 16-bit signed integers #define UM6_ACCEL_RAW_Z (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 4) #define UM6_MAG_RAW_XY (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 5) // Raw mag data is stored in 16-bit signed integers #define UM6_MAG_RAW_Z (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 6) #define UM6_GYRO_PROC_XY (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 7) // Processed gyro data has scale factors applied and alignment correction performed. Data is 16-bit signed integer. #define UM6_GYRO_PROC_Z (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 8) #define UM6_ACCEL_PROC_XY (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 9) // Processed accel data has scale factors applied and alignment correction performed. Data is 16-bit signed integer. #define UM6_ACCEL_PROC_Z (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 10) #define UM6_MAG_PROC_XY (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 11) // Processed mag data has scale factors applied and alignment correction performed. Data is 16-bit signed integer. #define UM6_MAG_PROC_Z (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 12) #define UM6_EULER_PHI_THETA (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 13) // Euler angles are 32-bit IEEE floating point #define UM6_EULER_PSI (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 14) #define UM6_QUAT_AB (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 15) // Quaternions are 16-bit signed integers. #define UM6_QUAT_CD (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 16) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_00 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 17) // Error covariance is a 4x4 matrix of 32-bit IEEE floating point values #define UM6_ERROR_COV_01 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 18) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_02 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 19) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_03 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 20) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_10 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 21) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_11 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 22) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_12 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 23) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_13 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 24) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_20 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 25) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_21 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 26) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_22 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 27) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_23 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 28) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_30 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 29) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_31 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 30) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_32 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 31) #define UM6_ERROR_COV_33 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 32) #define UM6_GET_FW_VERSION COMMAND_START_ADDRESS // Causes the UM6 to report the firmware revision #define UM6_FLASH_COMMIT (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 1) // Causes the UM6 to write all configuration values to FLASH #define UM6_ZERO_GYROS (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 2) // Causes the UM6 to start a zero gyros command #define UM6_RESET_EKF (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 3) // Causes the UM6 to reset the EKF #define UM6_GET_DATA (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 4) // Causes the UM6 to transmit a data packet containing data from all enabled channels #define UM6_SET_ACCEL_REF (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 5) // Causes the UM6 to set the current measured accel data to the reference vector #define UM6_SET_MAG_REF (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 6) // Causes the UM6 to set the current measured magnetometer data to the reference vector #define UM6_RESET_TO_FACTORY (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 7) // Causes the UM6 to load default factory settings #define UM6_SAVE_FACTORY (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 8) // Causes the UM6 to save the current settings to the factory flash location #define UM6_USE_CONFIG_ADDRESS 0 #define UM6_USE_FACTORY_ADDRESS 1 #define UM6_BAD_CHECKSUM 253 // Sent if the UM6 receives a packet with a bad checksum #define UM6_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS 254 // Sent if the UM6 receives a packet with an unknown address #define UM6_INVALID_BATCH_SIZE 255 // Sent if a requested batch read or write operation would go beyond the bounds of the config or data array /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : ComputeChecksum * Input : USARTPacket* new_packet * Output : None * Return : uint16_t * Description : Returns the two byte sum of all the individual bytes in the given packet. *******************************************************************************/ uint16_t ComputeChecksum( USARTPacket* new_packet ) { int32_t index; uint16_t checksum = 0x73 + 0x6E + 0x70 + new_packet->PT + new_packet->address; for ( index = 0; index < new_packet->data_length; index++ ) { checksum += new_packet->packet_data[index]; } return checksum; } static USARTPacket new_packet; // Flag for storing the current USART state uint8_t gUSART_State = USART_STATE_WAIT; struct UM6{ float Gyro_Proc_X; float Gyro_Proc_Y; float Gyro_Proc_Z; float Accel_Proc_X; float Accel_Proc_Y; float Accel_Proc_Z; float Mag_Proc_X; float Mag_Proc_Y; float Mag_Proc_Z; float Roll; float Pitch; float Yaw; }; UM6 data; void Process_um6_packet() { int16_t MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_X; int16_t MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_Y; int16_t MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_Z; int16_t MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_X; int16_t MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_Y; int16_t MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_Z; int16_t MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_X; int16_t MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Y; int16_t MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Z; int16_t MY_DATA_EULER_PHI; int16_t MY_DATA_EULER_THETA; int16_t MY_DATA_EULER_PSI; static uint8_t data_counter = 0; // The next action should depend on the USART state. switch ( gUSART_State ) { // USART in the WAIT state. In this state, the USART is waiting to see the sequence of bytes // that signals a new incoming packet. case USART_STATE_WAIT: if ( data_counter == 0 ) { // Waiting on 's' character if ( um6_uart.getc() == 's' ) { data_counter++; } else { data_counter = 0; } } else if ( data_counter == 1 ) { // Waiting on 'n' character if ( um6_uart.getc() == 'n' ) { data_counter++; } else { data_counter = 0; } } else if ( data_counter == 2 ) { // Waiting on 'p' character if ( um6_uart.getc() == 'p' ) { // The full 'snp' sequence was received. Reset data_counter (it will be used again // later) and transition to the next state. data_counter = 0; gUSART_State = USART_STATE_TYPE; } else { data_counter = 0; } } break; // USART in the TYPE state. In this state, the USART has just received the sequence of bytes that // indicates a new packet is about to arrive. Now, the USART expects to see the packet type. case USART_STATE_TYPE: new_packet.PT = um6_uart.getc(); gUSART_State = USART_STATE_ADDRESS; break; // USART in the ADDRESS state. In this state, the USART expects to receive a single byte indicating // the address that the packet applies to case USART_STATE_ADDRESS: new_packet.address = um6_uart.getc(); // For convenience, identify the type of packet this is and copy to the packet structure // (this will be used by the packet handler later) if ( (new_packet.address >= CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS) && (new_packet.address < DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS) ) { new_packet.address_type = ADDRESS_TYPE_CONFIG; } else if ( (new_packet.address >= DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS) && (new_packet.address < COMMAND_START_ADDRESS) ) { new_packet.address_type = ADDRESS_TYPE_DATA; } else { new_packet.address_type = ADDRESS_TYPE_COMMAND; } // Identify the type of communication this is (whether reading or writing to a data or configuration register, or sending a command) // If this is a read operation, jump directly to the USART_STATE_CHECKSUM state - there is no more data in the packet if ( (new_packet.PT & PACKET_HAS_DATA) == 0 ) { gUSART_State = USART_STATE_CHECKSUM; } // If this is a write operation, go to the USART_STATE_DATA state to read in the relevant data else { gUSART_State = USART_STATE_DATA; // Determine the expected number of bytes in this data packet based on the packet type. A write operation // consists of 4 bytes unless it is a batch operation, in which case the number of bytes equals 4*batch_size, // where the batch size is also given in the packet type byte. if ( new_packet.PT & PACKET_IS_BATCH ) { new_packet.data_length = 4*((new_packet.PT >> 2) & PACKET_BATCH_LENGTH_MASK); } else { new_packet.data_length = 4; } } break; // USART in the DATA state. In this state, the USART expects to receive new_packet.length bytes of // data. case USART_STATE_DATA: new_packet.packet_data[data_counter] = um6_uart.getc(); data_counter++; // If the expected number of bytes has been received, transition to the CHECKSUM state. if ( data_counter == new_packet.data_length ) { // Reset data_counter, since it will be used in the CHECKSUM state. data_counter = 0; gUSART_State = USART_STATE_CHECKSUM; } break; // USART in CHECKSUM state. In this state, the entire packet has been received, with the exception // of the 16-bit checksum. case USART_STATE_CHECKSUM: // Get the highest-order byte if ( data_counter == 0 ) { new_packet.checksum = ((uint16_t)um6_uart.getc() << 8); data_counter++; } else { // ( data_counter == 1 ) // Get lower-order byte new_packet.checksum = new_packet.checksum | ((uint16_t)um6_uart.getc() & 0x0FF); // Both checksum bytes have been received. Make sure that the checksum is valid. uint16_t checksum = ComputeChecksum( &new_packet ); // If checksum does not match, exit function if ( checksum != new_packet.checksum ) { return; } // end if(checksum check) else { // Packet was received correctly. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CHECKSUM WAS GOOD SO GET ARE DATA!!!!!!!!!!!! // IF DATA ADDRESS if (new_packet.address_type == ADDRESS_TYPE_DATA) { //------------------------------------------------------------ // UM6_GYRO_PROC_XY (0x5C) // To convert the register data from 16-bit 2's complement integers to actual angular rates in degrees // per second, the data should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.0610352 as shown below // angular_rate = register_data*0.0610352 if (new_packet.address == UM6_GYRO_PROC_XY) { // GYRO_PROC_X MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_X = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[0]<<8; //bitshift it MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_X |= new_packet.packet_data[1]; data.Gyro_Proc_X = MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_X*0.0610352; MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_Y = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[2]<<8; //bitshift it MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_Y |= new_packet.packet_data[3]; data.Gyro_Proc_Y = MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_Y*0.0610352; //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ // UM6_GYRO_PROC_Z (0x5D) // To convert the register data from a 16-bit 2's complement integer to the actual angular rate in // degrees per second, the data should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.0610352 as shown below. // GYRO_PROC_Z MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_Z = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[4]<<8; //bitshift it MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_Z |= new_packet.packet_data[5];; data.Gyro_Proc_Z = MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC_Z*0.0610352; } // end if(MY_DATA_GYRO_PROC) //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ // UM6_ACCEL_PROC_XY (0x5E) // To convert the register data from 16-bit 2's complement integers to actual acceleration in gravities, // the data should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.000183105 as shown below. // acceleration = register_data* 0.000183105 if (new_packet.address == UM6_ACCEL_PROC_XY) { // ACCEL_PROC_X MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_X = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[0]<<8; //bitshift it MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_X |= new_packet.packet_data[1]; data.Accel_Proc_X = MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_X*0.000183105; // ACCEL_PROC_Y MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_Y = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[2]<<8; //bitshift it MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_Y |= new_packet.packet_data[3]; data.Accel_Proc_Y = MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_Y*0.000183105; //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ // UM6_ACCEL_PROC_Z (0x5F) // To convert the register data from a 16-bit 2's complement integer to the actual acceleration in // gravities, the data should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.000183105 as shown below. // ACCEL_PROC_Z MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_Z = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[4]<<8; //bitshift it MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_Z |= new_packet.packet_data[5]; data.Accel_Proc_Z = MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC_Z*0.000183105; recive = 1; } // end if(MY_DATA_ACCEL_PROC) //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ // UM6_MAG_PROC_XY (0x60) // To convert the register data from 16-bit 2's complement integers to a unit-norm (assuming proper // calibration) magnetic-field vector, the data should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.000305176 as // shown below. // magnetic field = register_data* 0.000305176 if (new_packet.address == UM6_MAG_PROC_XY) { // MAG_PROC_X MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_X = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[0]<<8; //bitshift it MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_X |= new_packet.packet_data[1]; data.Mag_Proc_X = MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_X*0.000305176; // MAG_PROC_Y MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Y = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[2]<<8; //bitshift it MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Y |= new_packet.packet_data[3]; data.Mag_Proc_Y = MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Y*0.000305176; //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ // UM6_MAG_PROC_Z (0x61) // To convert the register data from 16-bit 2's complement integers to a unit-norm (assuming proper // calibration) magnetic-field vector, the data should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.000305176 as // shown below. // magnetic field = register_data*0.000305176 // MAG_PROC_Z MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Z = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[4]<<8; //bitshift it MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Z |= new_packet.packet_data[5]; data.Mag_Proc_Z = MY_DATA_MAG_PROC_Z*0.000305176; } // end if(UM6_MAG_PROC) //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ // UM6_EULER_PHI_THETA (0x62) // Stores the most recently computed roll (phi) and pitch (theta) angle estimates. The angle // estimates are stored as 16-bit 2's complement integers. To obtain the actual angle estimate in // degrees, the register data should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.0109863 as shown below // angle estimate = register_data* 0.0109863 if (new_packet.address == UM6_EULER_PHI_THETA) { // EULER_PHI (ROLL) MY_DATA_EULER_PHI = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[0]<<8; //bitshift it MY_DATA_EULER_PHI |= new_packet.packet_data[1]; data.Roll = MY_DATA_EULER_PHI*0.0109863; // EULER_THETA (PITCH) MY_DATA_EULER_THETA = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[2]<<8; //bitshift it MY_DATA_EULER_THETA |= new_packet.packet_data[3]; data.Pitch = MY_DATA_EULER_THETA*0.0109863; //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ // UM6_EULER_PSI (0x63) (YAW) // Stores the most recently computed yaw (psi) angle estimate. The angle estimate is stored as a 16- // bit 2's complement integer. To obtain the actual angle estimate in degrees, the register data // should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.0109863 as shown below MY_DATA_EULER_PSI = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[4]<<8; //bitshift it MY_DATA_EULER_PSI |= new_packet.packet_data[5]; data.Yaw = MY_DATA_EULER_PSI*0.0109863; } // end if(UM6_EULER_PHI_THETA) //------------------------------------------------------------ } // end if(ADDRESS_TYPE_DATA) // A full packet has been received. // Put the USART back into the WAIT state and reset // the data_counter variable so that it can be used to receive the next packet. data_counter = 0; gUSART_State = USART_STATE_WAIT; } // end else(GET_DATA) } break; } // end switch ( gUSART_State ) return; } // end get_gyro_x() #endif