Working, but boundaries not yet tested

Dependencies:   HIDScope MODSERIAL QEI biquadFilter mbed

Fork of prog_inversekin_feedback by Gerhard Berman

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Oct 20 13:11:09 2016 +0000
Commit message:
All working!

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Oct 20 12:31:42 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Oct 20 13:11:09 2016 +0000
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
  float motorValue2 = 0.0;
 //set constant or variable values
-//int counts1 = 0;
-//int counts2 = 0;
+int counts1 = 0;
+int counts2 = 0;
 int counts1Prev = 0;
 int counts2Prev = 0;
 double DerivativeCounts;
@@ -74,9 +74,7 @@
 //define encoder counts and degrees
 QEI Encoder1(D12, D13, NC, 32); // turns on encoder
-QEI Encoder2(D14, D15, NC, 32); // turns on encoder
-    int counts1 = Encoder1.getPulses();           // gives position of encoder 
-    int counts2 = Encoder2.getPulses();           // gives position of encoder 
+QEI Encoder2(D10, D11, NC, 32); // turns on encoder
 const int counts_per_revolution = 4200; //counts per motor axis revolution
 const int inverse_gear_ratio = 131;
@@ -97,8 +95,8 @@
     float biceps2 = !;
     if (biceps1 > 0 && biceps2 > 0){
         //both arms activated: stamp moves down
-        led1 = 1;
-        led2 = 1;
+        //led1 = 1;
+        //led2 = 1;
         dx = 0;
         dy = 1; //dy_stampdown; //into stamping vertical position?? ~the stamp down action
         q1_dotOut = dy*(((x0 + L1*cos(q1))*(L0*L0 + L1*sin(q1)*L0 + x0*x0 + L1*cos(q1)*x0 + 1))/(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + pow(L1*x0*sin(q1),2) + pow(L0*L1*cos(q1),2) - 2*L0*L1*L1*x0*cos(q1)*sin(q1)) - (x0*(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + L0*L0 + x0*x0 + 2*L0*L1*sin(q1) + 2*L1*x0*cos(q1) + 1))/(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + pow(L1*x0*sin(q1),2) + pow(L0*L1*cos(q1),2) - 2*L0*L1*L1*x0*cos(q1)*sin(q1))) - dx*(((L0 + L1*sin(q1))*(L0*L0 + L1*sin(q1)*L0 + x0*x0 + L1*cos(q1)*x0 + 1))/(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + pow(L1*x0*sin(q1),2) + pow(L0*L1*cos(q1),2) - 2*L0*L1*L1*x0*cos(q1)*sin(q1)) - (L0*(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + L0*L0 + x0*x0 + 2*L0*L1*sin(q1) + 2*L1*x0*cos(q1) + 1))/(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + pow(L1*x0*sin(q1),2) + pow(L0*L1*cos(q1),2) - 2*L0*L1*L1*x0*cos(q1)*sin(q1)));
@@ -113,8 +111,8 @@
     else if (biceps1 > 0 && biceps2 <= 0){
         //arm 1 activated, move left
-        led1 = 1;
-        led2 = 0;
+        //led1 = 1;
+        //led2 = 0;
         dx = 1; //-biceps1;
         dy = 0;
         q1_dotOut = dy*(((x0 + L1*cos(q1))*(L0*L0 + L1*sin(q1)*L0 + x0*x0 + L1*cos(q1)*x0 + 1))/(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + pow(L1*x0*sin(q1),2) + pow(L0*L1*cos(q1),2) - 2*L0*L1*L1*x0*cos(q1)*sin(q1)) - (x0*(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + L0*L0 + x0*x0 + 2*L0*L1*sin(q1) + 2*L1*x0*cos(q1) + 1))/(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + pow(L1*x0*sin(q1),2) + pow(L0*L1*cos(q1),2) - 2*L0*L1*L1*x0*cos(q1)*sin(q1))) - dx*(((L0 + L1*sin(q1))*(L0*L0 + L1*sin(q1)*L0 + x0*x0 + L1*cos(q1)*x0 + 1))/(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + pow(L1*x0*sin(q1),2) + pow(L0*L1*cos(q1),2) - 2*L0*L1*L1*x0*cos(q1)*sin(q1)) - (L0*(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + L0*L0 + x0*x0 + 2*L0*L1*sin(q1) + 2*L1*x0*cos(q1) + 1))/(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + pow(L1*x0*sin(q1),2) + pow(L0*L1*cos(q1),2) - 2*L0*L1*L1*x0*cos(q1)*sin(q1)));
@@ -122,8 +120,8 @@
     else if (biceps1 <= 0 && biceps2 > 0){
         //arm 1 activated, move left
-        led1 = 0;
-        led2 = 1;
+        //led1 = 0;
+        //led2 = 1;
         dx = 1; //biceps2;
         dy = 0;
         q1_dotOut = dy*(((x0 + L1*cos(q1))*(L0*L0 + L1*sin(q1)*L0 + x0*x0 + L1*cos(q1)*x0 + 1))/(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + pow(L1*x0*sin(q1),2) + pow(L0*L1*cos(q1),2) - 2*L0*L1*L1*x0*cos(q1)*sin(q1)) - (x0*(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + L0*L0 + x0*x0 + 2*L0*L1*sin(q1) + 2*L1*x0*cos(q1) + 1))/(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + pow(L1*x0*sin(q1),2) + pow(L0*L1*cos(q1),2) - 2*L0*L1*L1*x0*cos(q1)*sin(q1))) - dx*(((L0 + L1*sin(q1))*(L0*L0 + L1*sin(q1)*L0 + x0*x0 + L1*cos(q1)*x0 + 1))/(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + pow(L1*x0*sin(q1),2) + pow(L0*L1*cos(q1),2) - 2*L0*L1*L1*x0*cos(q1)*sin(q1)) - (L0*(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + L0*L0 + x0*x0 + 2*L0*L1*sin(q1) + 2*L1*x0*cos(q1) + 1))/(pow(L1*cos(q1),2) + pow(L1*sin(q1),2) + pow(L1*x0*sin(q1),2) + pow(L0*L1*cos(q1),2) - 2*L0*L1*L1*x0*cos(q1)*sin(q1)));
@@ -131,8 +129,8 @@
-        led1 = 0;
-        led2 = 0;
+        //led1 = 0;
+        //led2 = 0;
         q1_dotOut = 0;
@@ -220,24 +218,26 @@
     // clockwise. motorValues outside range are truncated to
     // within range
     //control motor 1
-    if (motorValue1 >=0) 
-        {motor1DirectionPin=cw;
+    if (motorValue1 >=0) //clockwise rotation
+        {motor1DirectionPin=ccw;        //inverted due to opposite (to other motor) build-up in tower
-    else {motor1DirectionPin=ccw;
+    else    //counterclockwise rotation 
+        {motor1DirectionPin=cw;         //inverted due to opposite (to other motor) build-up in tower
     if (fabs(motorValue1)>1) motor1MagnitudePin = 1;
         else motor1MagnitudePin = fabs(motorValue1);
     //control motor 2
-    if (motorValue2 >=0) 
+    if (motorValue2 >=0)  //clockwise rotation
         {motor2DirectionPin=ccw; //action is cw, due to faulty motor2DirectionPin (inverted)
-    else {motor2DirectionPin=cw;    //action is ccw, due to faulty motor2DirectionPin (inverted)
+    else    //counterclockwise rotation 
+        {motor2DirectionPin=cw;    //action is ccw, due to faulty motor2DirectionPin (inverted)
@@ -276,8 +276,8 @@
 int main()
- int led1val =;
- int led2val =;
+ //int led1val =;
+ //int led2val =;
  pc.printf("Test putty IK");
  MeasureTicker.attach(&MeasureTicker_act, 1.0f); 
@@ -288,8 +288,8 @@
         if (MeasureTicker_go){
-            //counts1 = Encoder1.getPulses();           // gives position of encoder 
-            //counts2 = Encoder2.getPulses();           // gives position of encoder 
+            counts1 = Encoder1.getPulses();           // gives position of encoder 
+            counts2 = Encoder2.getPulses();           // gives position of encoder 
         if (BiQuadTicker_go){