PinDetect rework, removed the continuous sampling, using just irq, timers and pin state sequence.

Fork of PinDetect by Andy K

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PinDetect Class Reference

PinDetect Class Reference

PinDetectMod is a rework of PinDetect, . More...

#include <PinDetectMod.h>

Public Member Functions

 PinDetect (PinName p, PinMode m, int assertvalue, unsigned int debounce_us=5000, unsigned int held_us=2000000)
 PinDetect constructor.
 ~PinDetect ()
 PinDetect destructor.
void disable ()
void enable ()
void setDebounceTime (unsigned int dbtime)
 Set debounce time.
void setHeldTime (unsigned int htime)
 Set time until held assumed.
void attach_asserted (void(*function)(void))
 Attach a callback function.
template<typename T >
void attach_asserted (T *object, void(T::*member)(void))
 Attach a callback object/method.
void attach_deasserted (void(*function)(void))
 Attach a callback function.
template<typename T >
void attach_deasserted (T *object, void(T::*member)(void))
 Attach a callback object/method.
void attach_asserted_held (void(*function)(void))
 Attach a callback function.
template<typename T >
void attach_asserted_held (T *object, void(T::*member)(void))
 Attach a callback object/method.
void attach_deasserted_held (void(*function)(void))
 Attach a callback function.
template<typename T >
void attach_deasserted_held (T *object, void(T::*member)(void))
 Attach a callback object/method.
 operator int ()
 operator int()
unsigned int state ()
 Get the current pin state.
void statereset ()
 Reset pinstate to S_IDLE and reset debounce/held timers.
unsigned int getbouncein ()
 Get the total bounces for deasserted->asserted.
unsigned int getbounceout ()
 Get the total bounces for asserted->deasserted.

Detailed Description

PinDetectMod is a rework of PinDetect, .

Unlike the original PinDetect which samples pin at specified rate, here is all about interrupts and timers, because for some application the continuous sampling of a mostly idle pin is an overhead. Pin state is evaluated in sequence deasserted->ringing->asserted->(->held_asserted)->ringing->deasserted callback function can be attached to these state changes: deasserted->asserted (e.g. as soon as button is pressed) asserted->deasserted (e.g quick button pulse) asserted->held_asserted (e.g. as soon as the button is evaluated to be held) held_asserted->deasserted (e.g. long button pulse)

Only callbacks that have been attached will be called by the library.


 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "PinDetectMod.h"

 DigitalOut led1( LED1 );
 PinDetect pin(p30, PullUp, 0);

 void keyPressed( void ) {

 void keyQuickPulsed( void ) {

 void keyPressedHeld( void ) {

 void keyLongPulsed( void ) {

 int main() {

     pin.attach_asserted( &keyPressed );
     pin.attach_deasserted( &keyQuickPulsed );
     pin.attach_asserted_held( &keyPressedHeld );
     pin.attach_deasserted_held( &keyLongPulsed );

     while( 1 ) {
         led1 = !led1;
         wait( 0.2 );

Definition at line 101 of file PinDetectMod.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PinDetect ( PinName  p,
PinMode  m,
int  assertvalue,
unsigned int  debounce_us = 5000,
unsigned int  held_us = 2000000 

PinDetect constructor.

See also:
pPinName is a valid pin that supports DigitalIn
mPinMode (PullUp, PullDown, PullNone....)
assertvaluepin state to be considered as asserted (0 or 1)
debounce_usdebounce time in microseconds, default 5000
held_ustime in microseconds for the state to be considered held_asserted, default 2000000

Definition at line 116 of file PinDetectMod.h.

~PinDetect (  )

PinDetect destructor.

Definition at line 139 of file PinDetectMod.h.

Member Function Documentation

void attach_asserted ( void(*)(void)  function )

Attach a callback function.

 DigitalOut led1( LED1 );
 PinDetect pin(p30, PullUp, 0);

 void myCallback( void ) {
   led1 = 1;
 main() {
     pin.attach_asserted( &myCallback );

Call this function when a pin is asserted.

functionA C function pointer

Definition at line 192 of file PinDetectMod.h.

void attach_asserted ( T *  object,
void(T::*)(void)  member 

Attach a callback object/method.

 class Bar {
     void myCallback( void ) { led1 = 1; }

 DigitalOut led1( LED1 );
 PinDetect pin(p30, PullUp, 0);
 Bar bar;

 main() {
     pin.attach_asserted( &bar, &Bar::myCallback );

Call this function when a pin is asserted.

objectAn object that conatins the callback method.
methodThe method within the object to call.

Definition at line 220 of file PinDetectMod.h.

void attach_asserted_held ( void(*)(void)  function )

Attach a callback function.

 DigitalOut led2( LED2 );
 PinDetect pin(p30, PullUp, 0);

 void myCallback( void ) {
   led2 = 1;

 main() {
     pin.attach_asserted_held( &myCallback );

Call this function when a pin is asserted and held.

functionA C function pointer

Definition at line 296 of file PinDetectMod.h.

void attach_asserted_held ( T *  object,
void(T::*)(void)  member 

Attach a callback object/method.

 class Bar {
     void myCallback( void ) { led2 = 0; }

 DigitalOut led2( LED2 );
 PinDetect pin(p30, PullUp, 0);
 Bar bar;
 main() {
     pin.attach_asserted_held( &bar, &Bar::myCallback );

Call this function when a pin is asserted and held.

objectAn object that conatins the callback method.
methodThe method within the object to call.

Definition at line 324 of file PinDetectMod.h.

void attach_deasserted ( T *  object,
void(T::*)(void)  member 

Attach a callback object/method.

 class Bar {
     void myCallback( void ) { led1 = 0; }

 DigitalOut led1( LED1 );
 PinDetect pin(p30, PullUp, 0);
 Bar bar;
 main() {
     pin.attach_deasserted( &bar, &Bar::myCallback );

Call this function when a pin is deasserted (short pulse).

objectAn object that conatins the callback method.
methodThe method within the object to call.

Definition at line 272 of file PinDetectMod.h.

void attach_deasserted ( void(*)(void)  function )

Attach a callback function.

 DigitalOut led1( LED1 );
 PinDetect pin(p30, PullUp, 0);

 void myCallback( void ) {
   led1 = 0;

 main() {
     pin.attach_deasserted( &myCallback );

Call this function when a pin is deasserted (short pulse).

functionA C function pointer

Definition at line 244 of file PinDetectMod.h.

void attach_deasserted_held ( void(*)(void)  function )

Attach a callback function.

 DigitalOut led3( LED3 );
 PinDetect pin(p30, PullUp, 0);

 void myCallback( void ) {
   led3 = 1;

 main() {
     pin.attach_deasserted_held( &myCallback );

Call this function when a pin is deasserted after being held.

functionA C function pointer

Definition at line 348 of file PinDetectMod.h.

void attach_deasserted_held ( T *  object,
void(T::*)(void)  member 

Attach a callback object/method.

 class Bar {
     void myCallback( void ) { led3 = 0; }

 DigitalOut led3( LED3 );
 PinDetect pin(p30, PullUp, 0);
 Bar bar;
 main() {
     pin.attach_deasserted_held( &bar, &Bar::myCallback );

Call this function when a pin is deasserted after being held.

objectAn object that conatins the callback method.
methodThe method within the object to call.

Definition at line 376 of file PinDetectMod.h.

void disable (  )


Definition at line 146 of file PinDetectMod.h.

void enable (  )


Definition at line 153 of file PinDetectMod.h.

unsigned int getbouncein (  )

Get the total bounces for deasserted->asserted.

bounces so far

Definition at line 408 of file PinDetectMod.h.

unsigned int getbounceout (  )

Get the total bounces for asserted->deasserted.

bounces so far

Definition at line 416 of file PinDetectMod.h.

operator int (  )

operator int()

Read the value of the pin being sampled.

Definition at line 384 of file PinDetectMod.h.

void setDebounceTime ( unsigned int  dbtime )

Set debounce time.


Definition at line 163 of file PinDetectMod.h.

void setHeldTime ( unsigned int  htime )

Set time until held assumed.


Definition at line 169 of file PinDetectMod.h.

unsigned int state (  )

Get the current pin state.

pinstate bitmask S_HELD|S_ASSERTED|S_RINGING, 0=S_IDLE

Definition at line 390 of file PinDetectMod.h.

void statereset (  )

Reset pinstate to S_IDLE and reset debounce/held timers.

Definition at line 397 of file PinDetectMod.h.