A 5-wire resistive touch screen controller.



File content as of revision 4:140d6bff4860:


//-- Macros for calibration function
#define X_T1 t[0][0]
#define X_T2 t[1][0]
#define X_T3 t[2][0]

#define Y_T1 t[0][1]
#define Y_T2 t[1][1]
#define Y_T3 t[2][1]

#define X_D1 d[0][0]
#define X_D2 d[1][0]
#define X_D3 d[2][0]

#define Y_D1 d[0][1]
#define Y_D2 d[1][1]
#define Y_D3 d[2][1]

#include "mbed.h"

  * A library to get xy-coordinates from a 5-wire resistive touchc screen
  * @author CA Bezuidenhout
class ResistiveTouchController
   * @param ur : Upper right pin of screen (Digital)
   * @param lr : Lower right pin of screen (Digital)
   * @param s : Wiper pin of screen (Analog)
   * @param ul : Upper left pin of screen (Digital)
   * @param ll : Lower left pin of screen (Digital)
   * @param num_of_samples : Number of samples used to calculate average analog value (default 5)
   * @param settle : Time in seconds required for the electric field to settle (default 2ms)
  ResistiveTouchController(PinName ur, PinName lr, PinName s, PinName ul, PinName ll, int num_of_samples = 5, float settle =  0.002);

   Determines if screen is touched.
   * @returns 1 if touch is detected, 0 if not.
  int TouchDetected();

   * Measured the analog values for x and y coordinates
  void Measure();

   * Get the raw analog value of the x coordinate
   * @returns Raw analog value of x coordinate
  float RawX();

   * Get the raw analog value of the y coordinate
   * @returns Raw analog value of y coordinate
  float RawY();

   *Get the digital value of the x coordinate, calculated using \f$x = Ax_t + By_t+C\f$
   * @returns Digital value of x coordinate
  float X();

   * Get the digital value of the y coordinate, calculated using \f$y = Dx_t + Ey_t+F\f$
   * @returns Digital value of y coordinate
  float Y();

   * Calibrates the screen from 3 points.
   * @param t[3][2] : Array containing the 3 raw data points
   *  <ul>
   *  <li>t[0][0] = Raw x value at 90% of x</li>
   *  <li>t[1][0] = Raw x value at 50% of x</li>
   *  <li>t[2][0] = Raw x value at 10% of x</li>
   *  </ul>
   *  <ul>
   *  <li>t[0][1] = Raw y value at 50% of y</li>
   *  <li>t[1][1] = Raw y value at 90% of y</li>
   *  <li>t[2][1] = Raw y value at 10% of y</li>
   *  </ul>
   * -------------------------------------------------------
   * @param d[3][2] : Array containing the 3 digital points
   * <ul>
   * <li>d[0][0] = Digital x value at 90% of x</li>
   * <li>d[1][0] = Digital x value at 50% of x</li>
   * <li>d[2][0] = Digital x value at 10% of x</li>
   * </ul>
   * <ul>
   * <li>_d[0][1] = Digital y value at 50% of y</li>
   * <li>_d[1][1] = Digital y value at 90% of y</li>
   * <li>_d[2][1] = Digital y value at 10% of y</li>
   * </ul>
  void Calibrate(float t[3][2], float d[3][2]);

   * Set the settle time of the screen
   * @param settle : Time in seconds required for the electric field to settle (default 2ms)
  void SetSettleTime(float settle);

  DigitalInOut _UR;
  DigitalInOut _LR;
  PinName _S;
  DigitalInOut _UL;
  DigitalInOut _LL;
  Timer _delayTimer;

  float _settle;

  static const char DETECT_MODE = 1;
  static const char X_MODE = 2;
  static const char Y_MODE = 3;

  float A,B,C,D,E,F;

  float _xt, _yt;

  int _samples;

  void ConfigPins(char mode);
  float MeasureS();
  void Delay(float time);