Fixed more bogues


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
18:10bc91c3fb42 2017-03-30 GaiSensei Fixed more bogues default tip
17:969aa15f783d 2017-03-30 GaiSensei Fixed bogues
16:f4df01448b59 2017-03-30 GaiSensei Fixed bogues
15:ab3e0d32e578 2017-03-29 GaiSensei Transmitter done, receiver coded but not tested
14:cc65f603e659 2017-03-29 GaiSensei added transmitter
13:b5d0f491d465 2017-02-14 GaiSensei commentaires
12:78d0f5119d2e 2017-02-14 GaiSensei Petite modif
11:d3811e37d89c 2017-02-14 GaiSensei Final library working with read file and pan id
10:612739c6d27d 2017-02-14 GaiSensei Lecture fichier config et pan id
9:04063c29ab43 2017-02-14 dupm2216 Parse remote command status; ; When the status is not "OK", blink the error led for 1 second and resent the remote at command (aka blink remote led)
8:b9c096965c00 2017-02-14 dupm2216 Change parsed messages mail type from vector<char> to ingoing_value_t (struct)
7:c65c4c98d237 2017-02-14 GaiSensei On peut envoyer des messages des capteurs
6:b70f32a80d51 2017-02-13 dupm2216 Convert a parsed frame into a human readable string
5:cd3c79853dc8 2017-02-12 dupm2216 AT command for powering the LED
4:e97cfe6cc18c 2017-02-12 dupm2216 Handle received frames of any type
3:37ea92feece2 2017-02-12 dupm2216 Parse arbitrary supported frame; ; Supported frames:; ; - Receive packet; ; - Transmit status; ; - AT command response; ; Also refactored the assert_vector_equal function so that the assert message show the problematic line more accurately
2:5d437f1b1548 2017-02-11 dupm2216 Make it pass
1:8a0e05ec166c 2017-02-11 dupm2216 Test make it fail
0:8f5379c94a69 2017-02-11 dupm2216 Moved xbee to library