Final version

Dependencies:   Crypto_light mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of EMBEDDED_CW2_Final by Jacob Kay



File content as of revision 6:96383d87c51f:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "SHA256.h"
#include "rtos.h"
#define char_len_max 32

//Photointerrupter input pins
#define I1pin D2
#define I2pin D11
#define I3pin D12

//Incremental encoder input pins
#define CHA   D7
#define CHB   D8

//Motor Drive output pins   //Mask in output byte
#define L1Lpin D4           //0x01
#define L1Hpin D5           //0x02
#define L2Lpin D3           //0x04
#define L2Hpin D6           //0x08
#define L3Lpin D9           //0x10
#define L3Hpin D10          //0x20

//Mapping from sequential drive states to motor phase outputs
State   L1  L2  L3
0       H   -   L
1       -   H   L
2       L   H   -
3       L   -   H
4       -   L   H
5       H   L   -
6       -   -   -
7       -   -   -
//Drive state to output table
const int8_t driveTable[] = {0x12,0x18,0x09,0x21,0x24,0x06,0x00,0x00};

//Mapping from interrupter inputs to sequential rotor states. 0x00 and 0x07 are not valid
const int8_t stateMap[] = {0x07,0x05,0x03,0x04,0x01,0x00,0x02,0x07};

//Phase lead to make motor spin
int8_t lead = 2;  //2 for forwards, -2 for backwards
int8_t oldLead = lead;
//Status LED

DigitalOut led1(LED1);

//Photointerrupter inputs
InterruptIn I1(I1pin);
InterruptIn I2(I2pin);
InterruptIn I3(I3pin);

//Motor Drive outputs
PwmOut L1L(L1Lpin);
DigitalOut L1H(L1Hpin);
PwmOut L2L(L2Lpin);
DigitalOut L2H(L2Hpin);
PwmOut L3L(L3Lpin);
DigitalOut L3H(L3Hpin);

//Initialise the serial port

//***********Initialisation Our Variables************//

//Message IDs
enum message_code {
    ERROR_C = 0, //Error message ID
    HASH = 1, //Hash frequency ID
    NONCE = 2, //correct nonce ID
    POSITION = 3, //Starting Rotor ID
    DECODED = 4, //Decoded message ID
    NEW_KEY = 5, //new key ID
    OLD_KEY = 6, //old key ID
    VELOCITY = 7, //velocity
    NEW_SPEED = 8,

//message structure
typedef struct {
    uint8_t code; //ID
    uint64_t data; //Data
    float dataf; //Fudged it
} message_t;

Mail<message_t,16> outMessages; //Output message queue
Queue<void, 8> inCharQ; //character inputs

int8_t orState; //starting state of the rotor
uint8_t sequence[] = {0x45,0x6D,0x62,0x65,0x64,0x64,0x65,0x64,0x20,0x53,0x79,0x73,0x74,0x65,0x6D,0x73,0x20,0x61,0x72,0x65,0x20,0x66,0x75,0x6E,0x20,0x61,0x6E,0x64,0x20,0x64,0x6F,0x20,0x61,0x77,0x65,0x73,0x6F,0x6D,0x65,0x20,0x74,0x68,0x69,0x6E,0x67,0x73,0x21,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
uint64_t* key = (uint64_t*)((int)sequence + 48); //Key generation
uint64_t* nonce = (uint64_t*)((int)sequence + 56); //Nonce
uint8_t hash[32]; //Hash output
char commInChar[char_len_max]; //array 32 characters length
uint8_t ptr; //char array pointer
volatile uint64_t newKey; //means value can change between thread calls
uint64_t oldKey;
Mutex newKey_mutex; //Stops the value from beng changed during use
float newSpeed = 30.0f;
Mutex newSpeed_mutex;
uint32_t torqueVal = 1000;
float noRotations = 0.0f;
bool dirSwitch = false;
bool rotate = false;
bool rotStart = false;
int period = 2000;
int kp = 25.0f;
int kd  = 20.0f;

Thread commOutT(osPriorityNormal,1024); //Output Thread
Thread commInT(osPriorityNormal,1200); //Input Thread
Thread motorCtrlT(osPriorityNormal,1024);

void init_pwm()

void putMessage(uint8_t code, uint64_t data)
    message_t *pMessage = outMessages.alloc(); //allocated the recieved message to  outmessages
    pMessage->code = code;
    pMessage->data = data;

void putMessage(uint8_t code, float data)
    message_t *pMessage = outMessages.alloc(); //allocated the recieved message to  outmessages
    pMessage->code = code;
    pMessage->dataf = data;

void commOutFn()
    while(1) {
        osEvent newEvent = outMessages.get(); //pulls the message
        message_t *pMessage = (message_t*)newEvent.value.p; //assigns the values to pmessage

        switch(pMessage->code) { //finds correct ID for message
            case ERROR_C:
                if(pMessage->data == 0) { //Input message was too large
                    pc.printf("Input command too large\n\r");
            case HASH:
                pc.printf("Hash Rate %d Hashes/sec \n\r",pMessage->data); //outputs the hash frequency
            case NONCE:
                pc.printf("Found a nonce 0x%016x\n\r", pMessage->data); //outputs correct nonce
            case POSITION:
                pc.printf("Rotor Starting Position: %d\n\r", pMessage->data); //outputs starting position
            case DECODED:
                if (pMessage->data == 0) {
                    pc.printf("Decoded as max speed\n\r");
                } else if (pMessage->data == 1) {
                    pc.printf("Decoded no rotations\n\r");
                } else if (pMessage->data == 2) {
                    pc.printf("Decoded key K\n\r");
                } else if (pMessage->data == 3) {
                    pc.printf("Decoded torque T\n\r");
            case NEW_KEY:
                pc.printf("Decoded new key 0x%016llx\n\r",pMessage->data);
            case OLD_KEY:
                pc.printf("Decoded new key same as old key: 0x%016llx\n\r",pMessage->data);
            case VELOCITY:
                pc.printf("Current speed: %f\n\r",pMessage->dataf);
            case NEW_SPEED:
                pc.printf("New speed: %f\n\r",pMessage->dataf);
            case NEW_ROTATIONS:
                pc.printf("New number of rotations: %f\n\r",pMessage->dataf);
        }; //removes the message

void serialISR()
    uint8_t newChar = pc.getc(); //gets valuee from serial port
    inCharQ.put((void*)newChar); //places into newChar

void decode_char(char* buffer, uint8_t index)
    if(buffer[index] == 'V') { //if first value is R rotate cretain number of times
        sscanf(buffer, "V%f", &newSpeed);
        if(newSpeed == 0.0f) {
            newSpeed = 120.0f;
        } else if(newSpeed < 0.0f) {
            newSpeed = fabsf(newSpeed);
    } else if(buffer[index] == 'v') { //if first value is R rotate cretain number of times
        sscanf(buffer, "v%f", &newSpeed);
        if(newSpeed == 0.0f) {
            newSpeed = 120.0f;
        } else if(newSpeed < 0.0f) {
            newSpeed = fabsf(newSpeed);

    } else if(buffer[index] == 'R') { //if first value is V set speed of rotation
        sscanf(buffer, "R%f", &noRotations);
        rotate = true;
        rotStart = true;
    } else if(buffer[index] == 'r') { //if first value is V set speed of rotation
        sscanf(buffer, "r%f", &noRotations);
        rotate = true;
        rotStart = true;
    } else if (buffer[index] == 'K') { //if char is K set key to value input
        sscanf(buffer, "K%llx", &newKey);
        if(oldKey != newKey) {
            *key = newKey;
            oldKey = newKey;
        } else {
    } else if (buffer[index] == 'k') { //if char is K set key to value input
        sscanf(buffer, "k%llx", &newKey);
        if(oldKey != newKey) {
            *key = newKey;
            oldKey = newKey;
        } else {

void commInFn()
    pc.printf("Enter your command:\n\r"); //Tells the person to input their message
    pc.attach(&serialISR); //looks for the serialISR to get message
    while(1) {
        if(ptr >= char_len_max) {
            putMessage(ERROR_C,(uint64_t)0); //if gone over the buffer length, cancel and restart for next input
            ptr = 0; //reset pointer
        osEvent newEvent = inCharQ.get(); //get next character
        uint8_t newChar = (uint8_t)newEvent.value.p;
        if(newChar != '\r' && newChar != '\n') {
            commInChar[ptr] = newChar; //place values into buffer
            ptr++; //increment pointer
        } else {
            //   commInChar[ptr] = '\0'; //defines the end of the command
            commInChar[ptr] = ' '; //defines the end of the command
            ptr = 0; //resets the pointer
            decode_char(commInChar,ptr); //sends array to decoding function

//Set a given drive state
void motorOut(int8_t driveState, uint32_t torque)

    //Lookup the output byte from the drive state.
    int8_t driveOut = driveTable[driveState & 0x07];

    //Turn off first
    if (~driveOut & 0x01) L1L.pulsewidth_us(0);
    if (~driveOut & 0x02) L1H = 1;
    if (~driveOut & 0x04) L2L.pulsewidth_us(0);
    if (~driveOut & 0x08) L2H = 1;
    if (~driveOut & 0x10) L3L.pulsewidth_us(0);
    if (~driveOut & 0x20) L3H = 1;

    //Then turn on
    if (driveOut & 0x01) L1L.pulsewidth_us(torque); //motor torque output
    if (driveOut & 0x02) L1H = 0;
    if (driveOut & 0x04) L2L.pulsewidth_us(torque);
    if (driveOut & 0x08) L2H = 0;
    if (driveOut & 0x10) L3L.pulsewidth_us(torque);
    if (driveOut & 0x20) L3H = 0;

//Convert photointerrupter inputs to a rotor state
inline int8_t readRotorState()
    return stateMap[I1 + 2*I2 + 4*I3];

//Basic synchronisation routine
int8_t motorHome()
    //Put the motor in drive state 0 and wait for it to stabilise
    wait(1.0); //waits for stabalisation
    lead = 0; //stops rotation

    //Get the rotor state
    return readRotorState();

int32_t motorPosition;
void motorISR()
    static int8_t oldRotorState; //remembers old state
    int8_t rotorState = readRotorState(); //reads motor position
    motorOut((rotorState-orState+lead+6)%6,torqueVal); //+6 to make sure the remainder is positive
    if(rotorState - oldRotorState==5) motorPosition--; //reverse
    else if(rotorState - oldRotorState== -5) motorPosition++; //forward
    else motorPosition+=(rotorState - oldRotorState);
    oldRotorState = rotorState;//remember previous state

void motorCtrlTick()
    motorCtrlT.signal_set(0x1); //wait for 100 ms to send signal

Timer t_motor;
void motorCtrlFn()

    float v, v_avg, ys, yr, dEr; //local variables used
    int i = 0, dt, oldPosition, totPosition, position, startPosition, newEr, oldEr, mainLead;
    bool jumpStart = false;
    Ticker motorCtrlTicker;
    while(1) {
        if(rotate) {
            if(rotStart) {
                if(noRotations > 0) {
                    lead = 2;//positive rotations
                } else if(noRotations < 0) {
                    lead = -2;//negative rotations
                } else if(noRotations == 0 && lead == 0) {
                    lead = 2;//if no direction specified spin forwards
                i = 0; //reset variables
                v_avg = 0;
                yr = 0.0f;
                ys = 0.0f;
                dEr = 0.0f;
                mainLead = lead; //sets general direction
                totPosition = (int)6*noRotations; //number of position changes required
                oldEr = totPosition; //how far away
                rotStart = false; //stops from running this loop
                __disable_irq(); //disables interrupts
                startPosition = motorPosition; //sets start position at present motor position
                oldPosition = startPosition; //sets old position to same value
                motorPosition = 0; //resets time and motorPosition
                __enable_irq(); //enables interrupts
                position = 0;
                jumpStart = true;

            } else if(noRotations == 0) { //if to spin forever
                i++; //increment counter
                position = motorPosition; //adds on number of rotations
                dt = t_motor.read_ms(); //change in time
                t_motor.reset(); //resets time
                motorPosition = 0; //resets motor position
                __enable_irq(); //enables interrupts
                v = (166.67f*((float)position/(float)dt)); //calculates velocity
                v_avg += v; //adds speed onto averager
                if((int)abs(v) < 1 && newSpeed != 0) {
                    lead = mainLead; //makes sure it's in the correct direction
                    torqueVal = 1000; //sets torque
                    motorISR(); //moves the motor
                ys = kp*(newSpeed-abs(v)); //speed controller
                if(ys < 0) {
                    lead = mainLead*-1; //reverses direction
                } else {
                    lead = mainLead; //goes forwards
                if(abs(ys) > 1000) {
                    torqueVal = 1000; //maximum speed
                } else {
                    torqueVal = abs(ys); //makes sure absolute
                // pc.printf("torque = %d\r\n",torqueVal);
            } else {
                i++; //increment counter
                position +=  motorPosition; //adds on number of rotations
                dt = t_motor.read_ms(); //change in time
                //       pc.printf("motorPosPre = %d\r\n",motorPosition);
                t_motor.reset(); //resets time
                motorPosition = 0; //resets motor position
                __enable_irq(); //enables interrupts
                //      pc.printf("Pos = %d\r\n",position);
                v = 166.67f*(((float)position-(float)oldPosition)/(float)dt); //calculates velocity

                oldPosition = position; //changes old position
                newEr = totPosition-position; //difference in placement
                dEr = 1000.0f*((float)newEr-(float)oldEr)/(float)dt; //change against time
                oldEr = newEr; //old is same as new
                yr = (float)kp*(float)newEr + (float)kd*dEr; //rotational controller
                v_avg += v; //adds speed onto averager
                ys = (float)kp*((float)newSpeed-fabsf(v))*((newEr > 0) ? 1.0f : ((newEr < 0) ? -1.0f : 0.0f)); //speed controller
                if(jumpStart == true) {
                    lead = mainLead; //makes sure it's in the correct direction
                    torqueVal = 900; //sets torque
                    motorISR(); //moves the motor
                    jumpStart = false;

                if(v >=0.0f) { //if speed is +ve
                    if(abs(ys)<abs(yr)) {
                        torqueVal = abs(ys); //sets the torque output
                    } else {
                        torqueVal = abs(yr);//sets the torque output
                    if(abs(newEr) <=5) {//stops it spinning
                        torqueVal = 0;
                        lead = 0;
                        rotate = false;
                        pc.printf("NewErr %d\r\n",newEr);
                    } else if (yr<-500 && dEr <0) {
                        torqueVal = abs(yr);//go backwards
                        lead = -2;
                    } else {
                        lead = 2; //go forwards
                } else {
                    if(abs(ys)>abs(yr)) {
                        torqueVal = abs(ys); //take the highest value for torque
                    } else {
                        torqueVal = abs(yr);
                    if(abs(newEr) <=5) { //stop spinning when error loess than 1 rotation
                        torqueVal = 0;
                        lead = 0;
                        rotate = false;
                    } else if (yr>500 && dEr >0) { //goes backwards if overshot
                        torqueVal = abs(yr);
                        lead = 2;
                    } else {
                        lead = -2;
                if(torqueVal != 0 && lead !=0 && abs(v)== 0) { //makes sure motor spins if it is meant to
                    torqueVal = torqueVal + 50;
                if(torqueVal > 1000) { //stops non linear torque
                    torqueVal = 1000;
        if (i==10) {//every 1 second print velocity
            v_avg = v_avg/i;
            putMessage(VELOCITY, v_avg);
            v_avg = 0;
            i= 0;

int main()
    pc.printf("Hello\n\r"); //outputs hello when turned on
    commOutT.start(commOutFn); //starts the output and input threads
    //Run the motor synchronisation
    orState = motorHome(); //finds staring position

    Timer t; //adds a timer to count number of hashes per second
    //orState is subtracted from future rotor state inputs to align rotor and motor states
    //Poll the rotor state and set the motor outputs accordingly to spin the motor
    I1.rise(&motorISR); //looks for rising edge to trigger the motor change
    I1.fall(&motorISR); //looks for rising edge to trigger the motor change
    uint16_t counter;
    counter = 0; //initialised and set to 0 to count number of hashes
    t.start(); //starts the timer
    while (1) {

        if(t.read_ms() >= 1000) { //if more than 1 second has surpased
            putMessage(HASH, (uint64_t)counter); //outputs the hash frequency
            counter = 0; //reset counter
            t.reset(); //resets the timer
        SHA256::computeHash(&hash[0],&sequence[0],sizeof(sequence)); //computes the hash
        counter++; //increments counter;

        if((hash[0] == 0) && (hash[1] == 0)) {
            putMessage(NONCE,*nonce); //when hash is correct print the nonce

        *nonce += 1; //increments nonce