The transmitting code for JetX Engineering

Dependencies:   MLX90614 mbed nRF24L01P

diff -r 000000000000 -r 42fb8bed86d5 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Mar 23 16:51:22 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include "mlx90614.h"
+#include "nRF24L01P.h"
+Serial pc (USBTX, USBRX);
+InterruptIn rpm1 (p21); // initiate two rpm sensors 130/140 degrees was the best output for the rpm1 resistor
+InterruptIn rpm2 (p22); 
+InterruptIn vibr (p23); // initiate vibration sensor
+AnalogIn press1 (p15); // initiate four pressure sensors
+AnalogIn press2 (p16);
+AnalogIn press5 (p17);
+AnalogIn press3 (p19);
+AnalogIn press4 (p18);
+AnalogIn air (p20);
+I2C i2c(p28,p27);   // sda,scl
+MLX90614 temp1(&i2c, 0x5A<<1); // initiate using default address
+MLX90614 temp2(&i2c, 0x04<<1); // initiate using changed address
+Timer t_rpm1; // create two timers for rpm calculations
+Timer t_rpm2;
+Timer t_vibr; // create a timer for vibration calculations
+Ticker ticker; // create ticker to send data
+nRF24L01P wireless(p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10); // mosi, miso, sck, csn, ce, irq
+// viarables
+union rpm1_sensor{
+    float rpm_value;
+    char bytes[4];
+    }r1;
+union rpm2_sensor{
+    float rpm_value;
+    char bytes[4];
+    }r2;
+union vibr_sensor{
+    float vibr_value;
+    char bytes[4];
+    }v;
+union press1_sensor{
+    float press_value;
+    char bytes[4];
+    }p1;
+union press2_sensor{
+    float press_value;
+    char bytes[4];
+    }p2;
+union press3_sensor{
+    float press_value;
+    char bytes[4];
+    }p3;
+union press4_sensor{
+    float press_value;
+    char bytes[4];
+    }p4;
+union air_sensor{
+    float air_value;
+    char bytes[4];
+    }a;
+union temp1_sensor{
+    float temp_value;
+    char bytes[4];
+    }t1;
+union temp2_sensor{
+    float temp_value;
+    char bytes[4];
+    }t2;
+int rpm1_count = 0;
+int rpm2_count = 0;
+int rpm_sample_size = 6; //changed to 5 from 10
+int vibr_count = 0;
+int vibr_sample_size = 10;
+int press_sample_size = 10;
+float press_sample1 = 0.0;
+float press_sample2 = 0.0;
+float press_sample3 = 0.0;
+float press_sample4 = 0.0;
+int air_sample_size = 10;
+float air_sample = 0.0;
+// voltage from a voltage divider with 5v input
+float air_volt_ref = 3.24;
+const int DATA_SIZE = 20;
+char data[DATA_SIZE];
+char* data_pointers[DATA_SIZE] = {&r1.bytes[2], &r1.bytes[3], &r2.bytes[2], &r2.bytes[3], &v.bytes[2], &v.bytes[3], 
+    &p1.bytes[0], &p1.bytes[1], &p2.bytes[0], &p2.bytes[1], &p3.bytes[0], &p3.bytes[1], 
+    &p4.bytes[0], &p4.bytes[1], &a.bytes[2], &a.bytes[3], &t1.bytes[2], &t1.bytes[3], &t2.bytes[2], &t2.bytes[3]};
+    float pressure0, pressure1, pressure2, pressure3;
+    float temperature0, temperature1;
+    float rpm0, rpm1;
+    float vibration;
+    float airflow;
+// functions 
+void setRpm1(){
+    if (rpm1_count == rpm_sample_size){
+        t_rpm1.stop();
+        // calculate frequency
+        float time =;
+        float frequency = rpm1_count/time; // in Hz
+        r1.rpm_value = frequency;
+        rpm1_count = 0;
+        t_rpm1.reset();
+        t_rpm1.start();
+        }
+    else{
+        rpm1_count++;
+        }
+    }
+void resetRpm1(){
+    if(>rpm_sample_size/2){
+        t_rpm1.reset();
+        rpm1_count = 0;
+        r1.rpm_value = 0;
+        }
+    }
+void setRpm2(){
+    if (rpm2_count == rpm_sample_size){
+        t_rpm2.stop();
+        // calculate frequency
+        float time =;
+        float frequency = rpm2_count/time; // in Hz
+        r2.rpm_value = frequency;     
+        rpm2_count = 0;
+        t_rpm2.reset();
+        t_rpm2.start();
+        }
+    else{
+        rpm2_count++;
+        }
+    }
+void resetRpm2(){    
+    if(>rpm_sample_size/2){
+        t_rpm2.reset();
+        rpm1_count = 0;
+        r2.rpm_value = 0;
+        }
+    }
+void setPressure(){
+    float press_sample1 = 0;
+    float press_sample2 = 0;
+    float press_sample3 = 0;
+    float press_sample4 = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < press_sample_size; i++){
+        press_sample1 +=;
+        press_sample2 +=;
+        press_sample3 +=;
+        press_sample4 +=;
+        wait(0.02);
+    }
+    float avgPr1 = press_sample1/press_sample_size;
+    // Transfer Function from data sheet:
+    //Vout = VS*(0.0018*P+0.04) ± Error
+    // Where :
+    // VS = 5.0 Vdc
+    // Temperature = 0 to 85°C
+    //pc.printf("avg press 1 = %0.2f\n", avgPr1);
+    //float avg = avgPr1;
+    avgPr1 *= 100;
+    //avgPr1 = (((avgPr1+0.2) / 5.13) - 0.04) / 0.0018; 
+    //avgPr1 = ((avgPr1 / 5) - 0.04) / 0.0018;
+    //pc.printf("avg press 1 = %0.2f\n", avgPr1);
+    p1.press_value = avgPr1; // converts to integer
+    float avgPr2 = press_sample2/press_sample_size; 
+    avgPr2 *= 100;
+    //avgPr2 = (((avgPr2+1.0) / 4.6) - 0.04) / 0.0018;  
+    p2.press_value = avgPr2;
+    float avgPr3 = press_sample3/press_sample_size;
+    avgPr3 *= 100; // (((avgPr3+1.1) / 4.6) - 0.04) / 0.0018; 
+    p3.press_value = avgPr3;
+    float avgPr4 = press_sample4/press_sample_size;
+    avgPr4 *= 100; //(((avgPr4+1.0) / 4.6) - 0.04) / 0.0018; 
+    p4.press_value = avgPr4;
+    }
+void setAirspeed(){
+    float air_sample = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < air_sample_size; i++){
+        air_sample +=;
+        wait(0.02);
+    }
+    //pc.printf("analog read %f\n", );
+    float avgAir = air_sample/air_sample_size;
+    // transfer function from datasheet
+    //NOTE added comments
+    //avgAir = (avgAir/air_volt_ref - 0.5) * 5;
+    //pc.printf("pressure is %f\n", pressure);
+    // END NOTE
+    // Vout = Vs * (0.2 * P(kPa) + 0.5) +- 6.25%
+    avgAir = avgAir / 3.3 *  5;
+    float pressure = ((avgAir * air_volt_ref / 5) - 0.5f) * 1/0.2f;
+    pressure *= 1000;
+    //pc.printf("pressure is %f\r", pressure);
+    // air speed (m/s) formula: speed_of_sound(in m/s)in room temp (20 degrees) * sqrt(  (   (measured_pressure/pressure_at_sea_level + 1)^(2/7)  -1)  *5)
+    float calc_power = pow((((avgAir) / 10132.5) + 1), 0.285714286);
+    float calc_sqrt = 5 * (calc_power - 1);
+    calc_sqrt = sqrt(calc_sqrt);
+    float calc_airSpeed = 343.21 * calc_sqrt;
+    //pc.printf("calc airspeed %f\n", calc_airSpeed);
+    a.air_value = calc_airSpeed;
+    }
+void setVibration(){
+    if (vibr_count == vibr_sample_size){
+        vibr.disable_irq();
+        t_vibr.stop();
+        // calculate frequency
+        float time =;
+        float frequency = vibr_count/time; // in Hz
+        v.vibr_value = frequency;
+        vibr_count = 0;
+        t_vibr.reset();
+        t_vibr.start();
+        wait(0.025);
+        vibr.enable_irq();
+        }
+    else{
+        vibr_count++;
+        vibr.disable_irq();
+        wait(0.025);
+        vibr.enable_irq();
+        }
+    }
+void resetVibration(){    
+    if(>vibr_sample_size/2){
+        t_vibr.reset();
+        vibr_count = 0;
+        v.vibr_value = 0;
+        }
+    }
+void synchronizeData(){
+    for (int i = 0; i<DATA_SIZE; i++){
+        data[i] = *data_pointers[i];
+        }
+    }
+void pcHeader(){
+    // Display the (default) setup of the nRF24L01+ chip
+    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ Frequency    : %d MHz\r\n",  wireless.getRfFrequency() );
+    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ Output power : %d dBm\r\n",  wireless.getRfOutputPower() );
+    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ Data Rate    : %d kbps\r\n", wireless.getAirDataRate() );
+    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ TX Address   : 0x%010llX\r\n", wireless.getTxAddress() );
+    pc.printf( "nRF24L01+ RX Address   : 0x%010llX\r\n\n", wireless.getRxAddress() );
+    }
+void pcDataOut(){
+    pc.printf("Temperature sensor 1 reading: %3.1f degrees celcius\n", t1.temp_value);
+    pc.printf("Temperature sensor 2 reading: %3.1f degrees celcius\n", t2.temp_value);
+    pc.printf("RPM sensor 1 reading: %.1f Hz, %d rpm\n", r1.rpm_value, (int) (r1.rpm_value*60 + 0.5));
+    pc.printf("RPM sensor 2 reading: %.1f Hz, %d rpm\n", r2.rpm_value, (int) (r2.rpm_value*60 + 0.5));
+    pc.printf("Vibration sensor reading: %.1f Hz, %d rpm\n", v.vibr_value, (int) (v.vibr_value*60 + 0.5));
+    pc.printf("Pressure Sensor 1 reading: %.2f kPa\n", p1.press_value);
+    pc.printf("Pressure Sensor 2 reading: %.2f kPa\n", p2.press_value);
+    pc.printf("Pressure Sensor 3 reading: %.2f kPa\n", p3.press_value);
+    pc.printf("Pressure Sensor 4 reading: %.2f kPa\n\n", p4.press_value);
+    pc.printf("Air Speed Sensor reading: %.2f m/s\n\n", a.air_value);
+    // individual bytes to be sent in hex
+    //pc.printf("%x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x\n", 
+            //data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7], data[8], data[9], 
+            //data[10], data[11], data[12], data[13], data[14], data[15], data[16], data[17], data[18], data[19]);
+    }
+int main() {
+    //static_assert(sizeof(data) == 40, "unexpected strucure size");
+    wireless.powerUp();
+    t_rpm1.start();
+    t_rpm2.start();
+    t_vibr.start();
+    //pcHeader(); // print info on screen
+    // wireless setup
+    wireless.setTransferSize(DATA_SIZE);
+    wireless.setReceiveMode();
+    wireless.enable();
+    // rpm1 sampling on rising edge
+    rpm1.rise(&setRpm1);
+    // rpm2 sampling on rising edge
+    rpm2.rise(&setRpm2);
+    // vibration ampling on rising edge
+    vibr.rise(&setVibration);
+    // sample pressure and airspeed every set interval
+    ticker.attach(&setPressure, 0.7);
+    ticker.attach(&setAirspeed, 0.7);
+    while(1) {
+        // reset to 0 if idle
+        resetRpm1();
+        resetRpm2();
+        resetVibration();
+        temp1.getTemp(&t1.temp_value);
+        temp2.getTemp(&t2.temp_value);
+        setPressure();
+        synchronizeData();
+        wireless.write(NRF24L01P_PIPE_P0, data, sizeof data);
+        // fill in the data and send
+        //ddata = {0};+
+        //#define GUI
+        #ifdef GUI
+        memset(&ddata, 0, sizeof(ddata));
+        ddata.temperature0 = t1.temp_value;
+        ddata.temperature1 = t2.temp_value;
+        ddata.rpm0 = r1.rpm_value;
+        ddata.rpm1 = r2.rpm_value;
+        ddata.vibration = v.vibr_value;
+        ddata.pressure0 = p1.press_value;
+        ddata.pressure1 = p2.press_value;
+        ddata.pressure2 = p3.press_value;
+        ddata.pressure3 = p4.press_value;
+        ddata.airflow = a.air_value;
+        char *ptr = (char*)&ddata;
+        size_t s = sizeof(ddata);
+        pc.putc('s');
+        for (unsigned j = 0; j < s; ++j) {
+            pc.putc(ptr[j]);
+        }
+        #else
+        pcDataOut();
+        #endif
+        wait(0.2);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file