WIZwiki-W7500_ADC + Flot Exemple interactivity + THING SPEAK
Dependencies: SDFileSystem STATIC_COLORS WIZnetInterface mbed
test durée de fonctionnement :
172 458 secondes ===> environs 48h
- Committer:
- Fo170
- Date:
- 2016-07-13
- Revision:
- 7:c2acbe486cf2
- Parent:
- 6:d68dd410b141
File content as of revision 7:c2acbe486cf2:
#include "mbed.h" #include "EthernetInterface.h" #include "SDFileSystem.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define NB_SAMPLES 10 unsigned long int Sample = 0; float adc_samples[NB_SAMPLES];// = { 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.01,1.02,1.03,1.04 }; float time_samples[NB_SAMPLES];// = { -0.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 }; float x_min = 0.0, x_max = 0.0; float y_min = 0.0, y_max = 0.0; float Seconds = 0.0; float meas = 0.0; #define USE_DHCP 1 /* MAC Address Details ( http://www.macvendorlookup.com/ ) Company Wiznet Address Seoul 135-830 Nonyhun, Kangnam KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Range : 00:08:DC:00:00:00 - 00:08:DC:FF:FF:FF Type : MA-L: IEEE MAC Address Large (24-bit block size) */ //#define MAC "\x31\x41\x59\x26\x53\x58" #define MAC "\x00\x08\xDC\x31\x41\x59" //#define MAC "\x00\x08\xDC\x11\x34\x78" #define IP "" #define MASK "" #define GATEWAY "" #define HTTPD_SERVER_PORT 80 #define HTTPD_MAX_REQ_LENGTH 1023 #define HTTPD_MAX_HDR_LENGTH 255 #define HTTPD_MAX_FNAME_LENGTH 127 #define HTTPD_MAX_DNAME_LENGTH 127 #if defined(TARGET_WIZwiki_W7500) Serial uart(USBTX, USBRX); SDFileSystem sd(PB_3, PB_2, PB_1, PB_0, "sd"); // WIZwiki-W7500 #include "static_colors.h" // LED RED : server listning status // LED GREEN : socket connecting status Ok // LED BLUE : socket connecting status Busy #endif EthernetInterface eth; TCPSocketServer server; TCPSocketConnection client; //------ THING_SPEAK ------------------ #define THRESHOLD_V 0.01 float adc_v = 0.0; float adc_v_moy = 0.0; float adc_v_moy_old = 0.0; int ret; bool status; float calcule_update_time; #define UPDATE_TIME_THING_SPEAK 15.0 char paq_en[64]; #define THING_SPEAK_IP_STR "" /* thingspeak.com IP Address */ #define THING_SPEAK_IP_PORT 80 /* port number */ #define THING_SPEAK_KEY_STR "PD6JY2N94E3N0UNO" /* API key */ #define THING_SPEAK_CHANNEL 132986 /* channel ID */ #define THING_SPEAK_LABEL_STR "field1" char * str0 = "POST /update HTTP/1.1\n"; char * str1 = "Host: api.thingspeak.com\n"; char * str2 = "Connection: close\n"; char * str3 = "X-THINGSPEAKAPIKEY: "; char * str4 = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n"; char * write_key = "PD6JY2N94E3N0UNO"; char * str5 = "Content-Length: "; TCPSocketConnection client_th; void thingspeak_update(void) { int attempt = 0; int length; char buffer_th[64]; char data_entry[64]; // active l'envoi sur THING SPEAK si l'évolution moyenne est supérieure au seuil désiré if((abs(adc_v_moy - adc_v_moy_old) >= THRESHOLD_V)) { while(attempt < 4) { uart.printf("\n\rWaiting for connection to ThingSpeak server...\n\r"); ret = client_th.connect(THING_SPEAK_IP_STR,THING_SPEAK_IP_PORT); if(!ret) { uart.printf("Connected to ThingSpeak server\n\r"); } else { uart.printf("Connection attempt to ThingSpeak server failed\n\r"); attempt++; } if(client_th.is_connected() ) // try to send data { // METHODE POST // update function // POST /update HTTP/1.1\n client_th.send(str0,strlen(str0)); uart.printf("%s >%d\n\r",str0,strlen(str0)); // Host: api.thingspeak.com\n client_th.send(str1,strlen(str1)); uart.printf("%s >%d\n\r",str1,strlen(str1)); // Connection: close\n client_th.send(str2,strlen(str2)); uart.printf("%s >%d\n\r",str2,strlen(str2)); // X-THINGSPEAKAPIKEY: PD6JY2N94E3N0UNO sprintf(buffer_th,"%s %s\n",str3,write_key); client_th.send(buffer_th,strlen(buffer_th)); uart.printf("%s >%d",buffer_th,strlen(buffer_th)); // Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n client_th.send(str4,strlen(str4)); uart.printf("%s >%d",str4,strlen(str4)); sprintf(data_entry,"field1=%f\n",adc_v_moy ); //adc moyenne en volts length=strlen(data_entry); // Content-Length: sprintf(buffer_th,"Content-Length: %d\n\n",length); uart.printf("%s >%d\n\r",buffer_th,strlen(buffer_th)); uart.printf("%s >%d\n\r",data_entry,strlen(data_entry)); client_th.send(buffer_th,strlen(buffer_th)); client_th.send(data_entry,strlen(data_entry)); // METHODE GET // http://api.thingspeak.com/update?api_key=PD6JY2N94E3N0UNO&field1=value attempt = 4; } } adc_v_moy_old = adc_v_moy; } } //------ THING_SPEAK ------------------ char buffer[HTTPD_MAX_REQ_LENGTH+1]; char httpHeader[HTTPD_MAX_HDR_LENGTH+1]; char fileName[HTTPD_MAX_FNAME_LENGTH+1]; char dirName[HTTPD_MAX_DNAME_LENGTH+1]; char *uristr; char *eou; char *qrystr; FILE *fp; int rdCnt; // Initialize a pins to perform analog input and digital output fucntions AnalogIn ain0(A0); AnalogIn ain1(A1); AnalogIn ain2(A2); AnalogIn ain3(A3); float a0_f, a1_f, a2_f, a3_f; #define __IP_LOCAL__ IP #define __hebergement__ "http://olivier.fournet.free.fr/" #define __Time_between_page_refresh__ "1" int refresh = 1; // 1 second refresh //------------ #define __Time_tic_in_Second__ 0.1 Ticker time_tic; void add_one_tic() { int i; Seconds = Seconds + (float)__Time_tic_in_Second__; // mesures ADC meas = ain0.read(); // Converts and read the analog input value (value from 0.0 to 1.0) // valeur instantanée pour Thing Speak adc_v = meas * 3.3; meas = meas * 3300.0; // Change the value to be in the 0 to 3300 range // moyenne sur 10 valeurs adc_v_moy = 0.1 * (9.0 * adc_v_moy + adc_v); x_min = x_max = Seconds; y_min = y_max = meas; for(i = 1 ; i < NB_SAMPLES ; i++) { time_samples[i-1] = time_samples[i]; adc_samples[i-1] = adc_samples[i]; if( time_samples[i] < x_min ) x_min = time_samples[i]; if( time_samples[i] > x_max ) x_max = time_samples[i]; if( adc_samples[i] < y_min ) y_min = adc_samples[i]; if( adc_samples[i] > y_max ) y_max = adc_samples[i]; } adc_samples[NB_SAMPLES-1] = meas; time_samples[NB_SAMPLES-1] = Seconds; } //------------ Ticker ledTick; char *pch; char ext[5]; char ext_gif[] = "gif"; char ext_jpg[] = "jpg"; char ext_png[] = "png"; char ext_tiff[] = "tiff"; int pos_ext; int extLen; void ledTickfunc() { led_r = !led_r; } void printf_send_client(const char *str_c) { char http_send[HTTPD_MAX_REQ_LENGTH+1]; sprintf(http_send,str_c); client.send(http_send,strlen(http_send)); } void variables(void) { printf_send_client("<SCRIPT script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n"); a0_f = ain0.read()*3.3; sprintf(httpHeader,"A0 = %3.3f;\r\n", a0_f); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); a1_f = ain1.read()*3.3; sprintf(httpHeader,"A1 = %3.3f;\r\n", a1_f); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); a2_f = ain2.read()*3.3; sprintf(httpHeader,"A2 = %3.3f;\r\n", a2_f); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); a3_f = ain3.read()*3.3; sprintf(httpHeader,"A3 = %3.3f;\r\n", a3_f); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); printf_send_client("</SCRIPT>\r\n"); } void ETAT(void) { int i; // httpHeader printf_send_client("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"); // Début page Web printf_send_client("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">\r\n"); // meta_refresh sprintf(httpHeader,"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"" __Time_between_page_refresh__ ";url=http://%s/\">\r\n", eth.getIPAddress() ); //sprintf(httpHeader,"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1;url=http://%s/\">\r\n", eth.getIPAddress() ); //sprintf(httpHeader,"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"%u;url=http://%s/\">\r\n", refresh, eth.getIPAddress() ); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); printf_send_client("<html><head>\r\n"); // title printf_send_client("<title>WIZwiki-W7500 - Flot Examples: Interactivity</title>\r\n"); printf_send_client("<LINK REL=\"SHORTCUT ICON\" type=\"image/x-icon\" href=\"" __hebergement__ "favicon.ico\">\r\n<link rel=\"icon\" href=\"" __hebergement__ "favicon.ico\" type=\"image/x-icon\">\r\n"); // JavaScript Interactivity sprintf(httpHeader,"<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" __hebergement__ "electronique/e/WIZwiki-W7500/js/WIZwiki-W7500_Interactivity_init.js\"></script>\r\n"); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); printf_send_client("<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">init_WIZwiki_W7500_Interactivity();</script>\r\n"); // Variables JavaScript printf_send_client("<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n"); printf_send_client("var color_Y = \"#FF0000\";\r\n"); printf_send_client("var label_Y = \"Adc(mV)\";\r\n"); // sprintf(httpHeader, "var x_min = -0.5, x_max = 14.5, y_min = -0.5, y_max = 1.5;\r\n"); // TEST sprintf(httpHeader, "var x_min = %.1f, x_max = %.1f, y_min = %.1f, y_max = %.1f;\r\n", x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); // sprintf(httpHeader, "var array_value = [[-0.1,0.1],[2,0.2],[3,0.3],[4,0.4],[5,0.5],[6,0.6],[7,0.7],[8,0.8],[9,0.9],[10,1],[11,1.01],[12,1.02],[13,1.03],[14,1.04]];\r\n"); // TEST // client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); // TEST if(Sample > NB_SAMPLES) { printf_send_client("var array_value = ["); for(i = 0 ; i < NB_SAMPLES ; i++) { if(i < NB_SAMPLES) sprintf(httpHeader, "[%.1f,%.1f],", time_samples[i], adc_samples[i]); else sprintf(httpHeader, "[%.1f,%.1f]", time_samples[i], adc_samples[i]); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); } printf_send_client("];\r\n"); } Sample++; printf_send_client("</script>\r\n"); // <SCRIPT> variables(); // <FIN SCRIPT> // Fin Variable JavaScript printf_send_client("</head><body><center>\r\n"); sprintf(httpHeader,"<h2>WIZwiki-W7500 - mBED</h2> ( Compiled at : %s and %s )<p>\r\n", __DATE__ , __TIME__); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); printf_send_client("<p>(<a href=\"http://www.flotcharts.org/flot/examples/interacting/index.html\">Flot Examples: Interactivity</a>)<p>\r\n"); printf_send_client("ETAT :<p>\r\n"); sprintf(httpHeader,"IP: %s, MASK: %s, GW: %s<p>\r\n", eth.getIPAddress(), eth.getNetworkMask(), eth.getGateway()); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); //sprintf(httpHeader,"˜A0 :<script>document.write(A0);</script>V<br>\r\n"); sprintf(httpHeader,"˜A0 : %3.3fV<br>\r\n", a0_f); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); //sprintf(httpHeader,"˜A1 :<script>document.write(A1);</script>V<br>\r\n"); sprintf(httpHeader,"˜A1 : %3.3fV<br>\r\n", a1_f); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); //sprintf(httpHeader,"˜A2 :<script>document.write(A2);</script>V<br>\r\n"); sprintf(httpHeader,"˜A2 : %3.3fV<br>\r\n", a2_f); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); //sprintf(httpHeader,"˜A3 :<script>document.write(A3);</script>V<p>\r\n"); sprintf(httpHeader,"˜A3 : %3.3fV<br>\r\n", a3_f); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); sprintf(httpHeader, "Time : %.1f Seconds - Sample : %u<p>\r\n", Seconds, Sample);// diplays the human readable Seconds client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); printf_send_client("<p><script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">WIZwiki_W7500_Interactivity();</script><p>\r\n"); printf_send_client("<p><a href=\"..\">Root</a>\r\n"); printf_send_client("</center></body></html>\r\n"); } //-------------------------------------------- void Serial_Interface_init(void) { // Serial Interface eth; // Serial port configuration (valeurs par defaut) : 9600 baud, 8-bit data, no parity, stop bit uart.baud(9600); uart.format(8, SerialBase::None, 1); uart.printf("Initializing\n"); wait(1.0); } void Check_File_System(void) { // Check File System uart.printf("Checking File System\n"); DIR *d = opendir("/sd/"); if(d != NULL) { uart.printf("SD Card Present\n"); } else { uart.printf("SD Card Root Directory Not Found\n"); } wait(1.0); } void ethernet_init(void) { // EthernetInterface eth; uart.printf("Initializing Ethernet\n"); #if USE_DHCP //eth.init Use DHCP int ret = eth.init((uint8_t*)MAC); // Use DHCP for WIZnetInterface uart.printf("Connecting DHCP\n"); #else int ret = eth.init((uint8_t*)MAC,IP,MASK,GATEWAY); //IP,mask,Gateway uart.printf("Connecting (IP,mask,Gateway)\n"); #endif wait(1.0); // Check Ethernet Link-Done uart.printf("Check Ethernet Link\r\n"); if(eth.link() == true) { uart.printf("- Ethernet PHY Link - Done\r\n"); COLOR(_RED_); } else { uart.printf("- Ethernet PHY Link - Fail\r\n"); COLOR(_BLACK_); } wait(1.0); if(!ret) { uart.printf("Initialized, MAC: %s\r\n", eth.getMACAddress()); ret = eth.connect(); if(!ret) { uart.printf("IP: %s, MASK: %s, GW: %s\r\n", eth.getIPAddress(), eth.getNetworkMask(), eth.getGateway()); COLOR(_CYAN_); } else { uart.printf("Error ethernet.connect() - ret = %d\r\n", ret); COLOR(_BLUE_); exit(0); } } else { uart.printf("Error ethernet.init() - ret = %d\r\n", ret); COLOR(_BLACK_); exit(0); } wait(1.0); // TCPSocketServer server; server.bind(HTTPD_SERVER_PORT); server.listen(); uart.printf("Server Listening\n"); } int main(void) { // initialisation des variables int i; for(i = 0 ; i < NB_SAMPLES ; i++) { time_samples[i] = 0; adc_samples[i] = 0.0; } adc_v_moy = ain0.read()*3.3; adc_v_moy_old = adc_v_moy; //------------------ Serial_Interface_init(); // Init the ticker with the address of the function (add_one_second) to be attached and the interval (1000 ms) time_tic.attach(&add_one_tic, __Time_tic_in_Second__); //-------------- ledTick.attach(&ledTickfunc,0.5); //--------------- Check_File_System(); ethernet_init(); while(true) { uart.printf("\nWait for new connection...\r\n"); server.accept(client); client.set_blocking(false, 1500); // Timeout after (1.5)s uart.printf("Connection from: %s\r\n", client.get_address()); while(true) { //led_g = LED_ON; COLOR(_GREEN_); int n = client.receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if(n <= 0) break; uart.printf("Recieved Data: %d\r\n\r\n%.*s\r\n",n,n,buffer); if(n >= 1024) { sprintf(httpHeader,"HTTP/1.1 413 Request Entity Too Large \r\nContent-Type: text\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); client.send(buffer,n); break; } else { buffer[n]=0; } if(!strncmp(buffer, "GET ", 4)) { uristr = buffer + 4; eou = strstr(uristr, " "); if(eou == NULL) { sprintf(httpHeader,"HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request \r\nContent-Type: text\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n"); client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader)); client.send(buffer,n); } else { *eou = 0; //get_file(uristr); ETAT(); thingspeak_update(); } } } //led_g = LED_OFF; COLOR(_BLACK_); client.close(); client_th.close(); // } }