HTTP server is created by connecting an ENC28J60 module to the mbed board. It is serving a webpage which enables remotely turn on/off LED1 (or other device). Compile, download, run and type into your web browser and Flot Interactivity Graphique

Dependencies:   UIPEthernet mbed FCT_WEB hebergement

Fork of WebSwitch_ENC28J60 by Zoltan Hudak

Page généré : /media/uploads/Fo170/webservernucleo.png

P.S : 1ère mise en fonctionnement de la carte NUCLEO STM32F411RET6 Instruction pour la mise en fonctionnement :

Vue d'ensemble : /media/uploads/Fo170/vue_d_ensemble_1.jpg


Vue de la carte ENC28J60 : /media/uploads/Fo170/carte_enc28j60_a.jpg


Carte Nucléo : /media/uploads/Fo170/nucleo_stm32f411re.jpg

Tue Jul 28 20:24:02 2015 +0000
mise en place du code pour graphique dynamique ADC, les test de bon fonctionnement : au bout d'une apr?s-midi la page ne s'affiche plus, le red?marrage de l'ordinateur redonne la visibilit? de la page qui fonctionne toujours au-del?s des 25 400 sec...

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 1 /* In this example LED1 is switched on/off using a web browser connected to this HTTP server.
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 2 * The example is based on the Tuxgraphics Web Switch <>.
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 3 * This HTTP server is built around the the ENC28J60 chip
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 4 * driven by the UIPEthernet library <>
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 5 * ported to mbed.
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 6 */
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 7
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 8 #include <mbed.h>
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 9 #include <UIPEthernet.h>
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 10 #include <UIPServer.h>
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 11 #include <UIPClient.h>
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 12 #include <string>
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 13
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 14 // PC_0 (connectique Morpho) : Entrée Analogique (0 à 3.3V)
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 15
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 16 // Carte ENC28J60 <--> Nucleo F411RE
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 17 // PB_5 (connectique Morpho) : MOSI
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 18 // PB_4 (connectique Morpho) : MISO
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 19 // PB_3 (connectique Morpho) : SCK
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 20 // PB_6 (connectique Morpho) : CS
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 21
Fo170 5:a46a2512e17e 22 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
Fo170 5:a46a2512e17e 23 AnalogIn a_in(PC_0);
Fo170 5:a46a2512e17e 24
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 25 using namespace std;
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 26
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 27 // UIPEthernet is the name of a global instance of UIPEthernetClass.
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 28 // Do not change the name! It is used within the UIPEthernet library.
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 29 #if defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 30 UIPEthernetClass UIPEthernet(p11, p12, p13, p8); // mosi, miso, sck, cs
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 31 #elif defined(TARGET_LPC1114)
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 32 UIPEthernetClass UIPEthernet(dp2, dp1, dp6, dp25); // mosi, miso, sck, cs
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 33 #elif defined(TARGET_LPC11U68)
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 34 UIPEthernetClass UIPEthernet(P0_9, P0_8, P1_29, P0_2); // mosi, miso, sck, cs
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 35 #elif defined (TARGET_NUCLEO_F103RB)
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 36 UIPEthernetClass UIPEthernet(PB_5, PB_4, PB_3, PB_6); // mosi, miso, sck, cs
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 37 #elif defined (TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 38 UIPEthernetClass UIPEthernet(PB_5, PB_4, PB_3, PB_6); // mosi, miso, sck, cs
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 39 #elif defined (TARGET_NUCLEO_F411RE)
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 40 UIPEthernetClass UIPEthernet(PB_5, PB_4, PB_3, PB_6); // mosi, miso, sck, cs
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 41
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 42 // If your board/plaform is not present yet then uncomment the following two lines and replace TARGET_YOUR_BOARD as appropriate.
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 43
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 44 //#elif defined (TARGET_YOUR_BOARD)
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 45 //UIPEthernetClass UIPEthernet(SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCK, SPI_CS); // mosi, miso, sck, cs
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 46
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 47 #endif
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 48
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 49 // Note:
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 50 // If it happends that any of the SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCK, SPI_CS pins collide with LED1 pin
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 51 // then either use different SPI port (if available on the board) and change the pin names in the constructor UIPEthernet(...) accordingly
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 52 // or instead of using LED1 pin, select a free pin (not used by SPI port) and connect to it an external LED which is connected to a resitor that is connected to the groud.
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 53 // In the second case remember to replace LED1 in sw(LED1) constructor (see below).
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 54
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 55
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 56 // MAC number must be unique within the connected network. Modify as appropriate.
hudakz 3:0133517ba02d 57 const uint8_t MY_MAC[6] = {0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x06};
Fo170 5:a46a2512e17e 58
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 59 // IP address must be also unique and compatible with your network. Change as appropriate.
Fo170 5:a46a2512e17e 60 const IPAddress MY_IP(192,168,0,170);
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 61 const string __IP_LOCAL__ = "";
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 62 const string __hebergement__ = "";
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 63 const string __Temp_between_measurements__ = "1";
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 64 #define __Temp_between_measurements_in_Second__ 1
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 65
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 66 // Logo Test d'image en base64 :
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 67 //
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 68 const string __Logo_image__ = "<img alt='' src=''>";
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 69
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 70 const string __image_Password_Folder__ = "<img alt='' src=''>";
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 71 const string __image_301_Moved_Permanently__ = "<img alt='' src=''>";
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 72 const string __image_401_Unauthorized__ = "<img alt='' src=''>";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 73
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 74 #define NB_SAMPLES 10
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 75 unsigned long int Sample = 0;
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 76 float adc_samples[NB_SAMPLES];// = { 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.01,1.02,1.03,1.04 };
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 77 float time_samples[NB_SAMPLES];// = { -0.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 };
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 78 float x_min = 0.0, x_max = 0.0;
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 79 float y_min = 0.0, y_max = 0.0;
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 80 float Seconds = 0.0;
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 81 float k = 0.0;
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 82 //------------
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 83 Ticker second_ticker;
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 84
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 85 void add_one_second()
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 86 {
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 87 Seconds = Seconds + k;//0.1;
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 88 }
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 89 //------------
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 90 const uint16_t MY_PORT = 80; // for HTTP connection
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 91 EthernetServer myServer = EthernetServer(MY_PORT);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 92 // In this example we are turning on/off LED1.
hudakz 4:d34811deedab 93 DigitalOut sw(LED1); // Change LED1 to a pin of your choice. However, make sure that it does not collide with any of the SPI pins already used in the UIPEthernet(...) constructor above!
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 94
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 95 const string PASSWORD = "secret"; // change as you like
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 96 const string HTTP_OK = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 97 const string MOVED_PERM = "HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently\r\nLocation: ";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 98 const string UNAUTHORIZED = "HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 99 string httpHeader; // HTTP header
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 100 string httpContent; // HTTP content
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 101
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 102
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 103 // analyse the url given
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 104 // return values: -1 invalid password
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 105 // -2 no command given but password valid
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 106 // -3 just refresh page
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 107 // 0 switch off
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 108 // 1 switch on
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 109 //
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 110 // The string passed to this function will look like this:
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 111 // GET /password HTTP/1.....
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 112 // GET /password/ HTTP/1.....
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 113 // GET /password/?sw=1 HTTP/1.....
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 114 // GET /password/?sw=0 HTTP/1.....
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 115
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 116 int8_t analyse_get_url(string& str)
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 117 {
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 118 if(str.substr(5, PASSWORD.size()) != PASSWORD)
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 119 return(-1);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 120
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 121 uint8_t pos = 5 + PASSWORD.size();
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 122
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 123 if(str.substr(pos, 1) == " ") return(-2);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 124
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 125 if(str.substr(pos, 1) != "/") return(-1);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 126
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 127 pos++;
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 128
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 129 string cmd(str.substr(pos, 5));
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 130
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 131 if(cmd == "?sw=0") return(0);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 132
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 133 if(cmd == "?sw=1") return(1);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 134
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 135 return(-3);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 136 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 137
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 138 string& moved_perm(uint8_t flag)
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 139 {
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 140 if(flag == 1)
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 141 httpContent = "/" + PASSWORD + "/";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 142 else
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 143 httpContent = "";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 144
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 145 httpContent += "<h1>301 Moved Permanently ";
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 146 httpContent += __image_301_Moved_Permanently__;
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 147 httpContent += "</h1>\r\n";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 148 return (httpContent);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 149 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 150
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 151 string& page(uint8_t status)
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 152 {
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 153 char buffer[128];
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 154 //char time_stamp[32];
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 155 float meas;
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 156 meas =; // Converts and read the analog input value (value from 0.0 to 1.0)
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 157 meas = meas * 3300.0; // Change the value to be in the 0 to 3300 range
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 158 //Seconds = Seconds + 1;
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 159 x_min = x_max = Seconds;
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 160 y_min = y_max = meas;
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 161 int i;
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 162
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 163 for(i = 1 ; i < NB_SAMPLES ; i++)
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 164 {
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 165 time_samples[i-1] = time_samples[i];
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 166 adc_samples[i-1] = adc_samples[i];
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 167 if( time_samples[i] < x_min ) x_min = time_samples[i];
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 168 if( time_samples[i] > x_max ) x_max = time_samples[i];
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 169 if( adc_samples[i] < y_min ) y_min = adc_samples[i];
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 170 if( adc_samples[i] > y_max ) y_max = adc_samples[i];
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 171 }
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 172
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 173 adc_samples[NB_SAMPLES-1] = meas;
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 174 time_samples[NB_SAMPLES-1] = Seconds;
Fo170 5:a46a2512e17e 175 //-------------
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 176 httpContent = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"\">\r\n";
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 177 httpContent += "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"";
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 178 httpContent += __Temp_between_measurements__;
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 179 httpContent += ";url=http://";
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 180 httpContent += __IP_LOCAL__;
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 181 httpContent += "/\">\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 182 httpContent += "<HTML><HEAD>\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 183 httpContent += "<title>WEB Server Nucleo F411RE - ENC28J60 - Flot Examples: Interactivity</title>\r\n";
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 184 httpContent += "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"";
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 185 httpContent += __hebergement__;
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 186 httpContent += "WebServerNucleo_Interactivity_init.js\"></script>\r\n";
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 187 httpContent += "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">init_WebServerNucleo_Interactivity();</script>\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 188 // Variables JavaScript
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 189 httpContent += "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n";
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 190 httpContent += "var color_Y = \"#FF0000\";\r\n";
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 191 httpContent += "var label_Y = \"Adc(x)\";\r\n";
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 192 //httpContent += "var x_min = -0.5, x_max = 14.5, y_min = -0.5, y_max = 1.5;\r\n";
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 193 sprintf(buffer, "var x_min = %f, x_max = %f, y_min = %f, y_max = %f;\r\n", x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max);
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 194 httpContent += buffer;
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 195 //httpContent += "var array_value = [[-0.1,0.1],[2,0.2],[3,0.3],[4,0.4],[5,0.5],[6,0.6],[7,0.7],[8,0.8],[9,0.9],[10,1],[11,1.01],[12,1.02],[13,1.03],[14,1.04]];\r\n";
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 196 if(Sample > NB_SAMPLES)
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 197 {
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 198 httpContent += "var array_value = [";
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 199 for(i = 0 ; i < NB_SAMPLES ; i++)
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 200 {
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 201 sprintf(buffer, "[%f,%f],", time_samples[i], adc_samples[i]);
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 202 httpContent += buffer;
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 203 }
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 204 httpContent += "];\r\n";
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 205 }
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 206 Sample++;
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 207 httpContent += "</script>\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 208 // Fin Variable JavaScript
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 209 httpContent += "</HEAD><BODY>\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 210 httpContent += "<center><h2>WEB Server Nucleo F411RE</h2>\r\n";
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 211 httpContent += "<p>Designed for STM32F411RE & ENC28J60 (RTC, ADC - <a href=\"\">Flot Examples: Interactivity</a>),\r\n";
Fo170 10:bbee7dd4bcda 212 httpContent += "<p>Compilation avec mBED &agrave; " __TIME__ " le " __DATE__" \r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 213
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 214 // httpContent += __Logo_image__ ;
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 215
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 216 httpContent += "<p></center>\r\n<hr><p>\r\n";
Fo170 5:a46a2512e17e 217
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 218 if(status == 1)
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 219 {
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 220 httpContent += "<font color=#00FF00>Switch ON</font>\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 221 }
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 222 else
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 223 {
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 224 httpContent += "<font color=#FF0000>Switch OFF</font>\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 225 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 226
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 227 httpContent += "<hr>\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 228 //-------------
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 229 /*
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 230 httpContent += "Local Time: ";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 231 time_t seconds = time(NULL)+ 19800; // time(null) gives the GMT time .
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 232 // printf("Time as seconds since January 1, 1970 = %d\n", seconds);
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 233 strftime(time_stamp, 32, "%y %m %d, %H:%M:%Ss", localtime(&seconds));
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 234 // this converts the value in seconds obtained above to human readable format and assigns it to the timestamp
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 235 sprintf(buffer, "%s", time_stamp);// diplays the human readable time
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 236 */
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 237 sprintf(buffer, "%.1f ", Seconds);// diplays the human readable Seconds
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 238 httpContent += buffer;
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 239 httpContent += "Seconds\r\n<hr>\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 240 //----------------
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 241 httpContent += "AnalogIn(PC_0) : ";
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 242 sprintf(buffer, "%.0f mV\r\n", meas);
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 243 httpContent += buffer;
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 244 httpContent += "<hr>\r\n<p>Usage Password Page :<p>http://host_or_ip/password<p><hr>\r\n";
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 245 httpContent += "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">WebServerNucleo_Interactivity();</script>\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 246 httpContent += "</BODY></HTML>";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 247 //-----------
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 248 //wait(1);
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 249 return httpContent;
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 250 }
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 251
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 252 string& page_toggle_switch(uint8_t status)
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 253 {
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 254 //-------------
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 255 httpContent = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"\">\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 256 httpContent += "<HTML><HEAD>\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 257 httpContent += "<title>WEB Server Nucleo F411RE - ENC28J60 - Password Page</title>\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 258 httpContent += "</HEAD><BODY>\r\n";
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 259 httpContent += "<center><h2>WEB Server Nucleo F411RE - ENC28J60 - Password Page</h2></center>\r\n<p>";
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 260 httpContent += __image_Password_Folder__;
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 261 httpContent += "<p>\r\n";
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 262
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 263 if(status == 1)
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 264 {
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 265 httpContent += "<hr><pre>\r\n <font color=#00FF00>ON</font>";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 266 httpContent += " <a href=\"./?sw=0\">[switch off]</a>\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 267 }
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 268 else
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 269 {
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 270 httpContent += "<hr><pre>\r\n <font color=#FF0000>OFF</font>";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 271 httpContent += " <a href=\"./?sw=1\">[switch on]</a>\r\n";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 272 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 273
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 274 httpContent += " <a href=\".\">[refresh status]</a>\r\n";
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 275 httpContent += "</pre>\r\n<hr>\r\n";
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 276
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 277 httpContent += "</BODY></HTML>";
Fo170 5:a46a2512e17e 278 //-----------
Fo170 5:a46a2512e17e 279 wait(1);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 280 return httpContent;
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 281 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 282
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 283 void http_send(EthernetClient& client, string& header, string& content)
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 284 {
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 285 char content_length[5] = {};
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 286
hudakz 2:76f339a1ba9b 287 header += "\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 288 header += "Content-Length: ";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 289 sprintf(content_length, "%d", content.length());
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 290 header += string(content_length) + "\r\n";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 291 header += "Pragma: no-cache\r\n";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 292 header += "Connection: About to close\r\n";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 293 header += "\r\n";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 294 string webpage = header + content;
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 295 client.write((uint8_t*)webpage.c_str(),webpage.length());
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 296 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 297
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 298 int main()
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 299 {
Fo170 5:a46a2512e17e 300 // RTC
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 301 //set_time(1387188323); // Set RTC time to 16 December 2013 10:05:23 UTC
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 302
Fo170 5:a46a2512e17e 303 // Date and time are set.
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 304
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 305 // Init the ticker with the address of the function (add_one_second) to be attached and the interval (100 ms)
Fo170 8:305b64d7dd23 306 second_ticker.attach(&add_one_second, 0.1);
Fo170 11:afb33350db83 307 k = (float)__Temp_between_measurements_in_Second__ / (float)NB_SAMPLES;
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 308 //-----------------
hudakz 3:0133517ba02d 309 UIPEthernet.begin(MY_MAC,MY_IP);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 310 myServer.begin();
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 311 while(1)
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 312 {
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 313 EthernetClient client = myServer.available();
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 314 if(client)
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 315 {
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 316 size_t size = client.available();
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 317 if(size > 0)
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 318 {
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 319 uint8_t* buf = (uint8_t*)malloc(size);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 320 size =, size);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 321 string received((char*)buf);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 322 free(buf);
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 323 if(received.substr(0, 3) != "GET")
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 324 {
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 325 // head, post or other method
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 326 // for possible status codes see:
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 327 //
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 328 httpHeader = HTTP_OK;
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 329 httpContent = "<h1>200 OK</h1>";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 330 http_send(client, httpHeader, httpContent);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 331 continue;
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 332 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 333
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 334 if(received.substr(0, 6) == "GET / ")
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 335 {
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 336 httpHeader = HTTP_OK;
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 337 /*
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 338 httpContent = "<p>Usage: http://host_or_ip/password</p>\r\n";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 339 http_send(client, httpHeader, httpContent);
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 340 */
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 341 http_send(client, httpHeader, page(sw));
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 342 continue;
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 343 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 344
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 345 int cmd = analyse_get_url(received);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 346
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 347 if(cmd == -2)
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 348 {
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 349 // redirect to the right base url
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 350 httpHeader = MOVED_PERM;
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 351 http_send(client, httpHeader, moved_perm(1));
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 352 continue;
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 353 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 354
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 355 if(cmd == -1)
Fo170 7:acad90a34466 356 {
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 357 httpHeader = UNAUTHORIZED;
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 358 httpContent = "<h1>401 Unauthorized ";
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 359 httpContent += __image_401_Unauthorized__;
Fo170 9:2f7ad2b13ec8 360 httpContent += "</h1>\r\n";
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 361 http_send(client, httpHeader, httpContent);
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 362 continue;
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 363 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 364
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 365 if(cmd == 1)
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 366 {
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 367 sw = 1; // switch on
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 368 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 369
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 370 if(cmd == 0)
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 371 {
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 372 sw = 0; // switch off
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 373 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 374
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 375 httpHeader = HTTP_OK;
Fo170 6:2ce163810c2f 376 http_send(client, httpHeader, page_toggle_switch(sw));
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 377 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 378 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 379 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 380 }
hudakz 0:68a0003c4cb8 381
hudakz 3:0133517ba02d 382