This is a program that turns your mbed device into a FireFly gateway, that publishes data from FireFly BLE modules to the IBM Watson IoT Platform.
Dependencies: C12832 EthernetInterface MQTT mbed-rtos mbed
Fork of IBMIoTClientEthernetExample by
Diff: K64F.h
- Revision:
- 27:9727cdb5fa65
- Parent:
- 25:93368e752d2d
--- a/K64F.h Fri Mar 04 09:14:23 2016 +0000 +++ b/K64F.h Wed Mar 30 07:05:50 2016 +0000 @@ -23,20 +23,12 @@ BusOut r (D5); BusOut g (D9); BusOut b (D8); -//MMA7660 MMA(PTE25, PTE24); //matjaz: ne uporablam !!! -//LM75B sensor(PTE25, PTE24); DigitalIn Up(A2); DigitalIn Down(A3); DigitalIn Right(A4); DigitalIn Left(A5); DigitalIn Click(D4); AnalogIn ain1(A0); AnalogIn ain2(A1); -//Matjaz -//I2C masterI2C(PTE25,PTE24); //I2C (PinName sda, PinName scl) -//I2CSlave slave(PTE25, PTE24); RawSerial pc(USBTX, USBRX); RawSerial xbee(PTC17,PTC16); - - - #define LED2_OFF 1 #define LED2_ON 0