
Fork of XBEE by GDP 4

--- a/XBEE.h	Tue Oct 18 03:29:46 2016 +0000
+++ b/XBEE.h	Tue Oct 18 03:58:55 2016 +0000
@@ -14,12 +14,13 @@
 void sendCommand(float info); // Send a float to the status box
 void sendCommand(double info); // Send a double to the status box
 void checkForCommand(); // Reads through the Serial buffer executing any pending commands. call this function regularly to avoid buffer overflow 
-void test(); // Test function to test low level comms. This will infinitely loop mirroring back everything received and sending the character 'A' ASCII value 65 every 0.5 seconds
+void test(); // Test function to test low level comms. This will send "Receiving the following data:" and then mirror back everything currently in the serial buffer
+             // Note this function does not use the comms protocol so won't appear on the status text box, you will have to use putty
-bool scanForStartBytes();
-void switchCase(char command);
+bool scanForStartBytes(); // Synchronise comms
+void switchCase(char command); // Process inbound commands
 CBuffer* cBuffer; // Pointer to circular buffer storing inbound serial data
 Serial* xbeeSerial; // Pointer to serial class
 char startBytes[3]; // Temp variables to store inbound start bytes for comms synchronisation