Dependencies:   BMI160 RTC SDFileSystem USBDevice max32630fthr

Fork of MPSMAXbutton by Faizan Ahmad



File content as of revision 0:769c5a7b3939:


#include "sc_types.h"
#include "Default.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

/*! \file This header defines prototypes for all functions that are required by the state machine implementation.

This is a state machine uses time events which require access to a timing service. Thus the function prototypes:
	- default_setTimer and
	- default_unsetTimer
are defined.

This state machine makes use of operations declared in the state machines interface or internal scopes. Thus the function prototypes:
	- defaultIface_menu
	- defaultIface_function
	- defaultIface_execute
	- defaultIfaceFunc_ready
	- defaultIfaceFunc_active
	- defaultIfaceFunc_alarm
	- defaultIfaceFunc_moveDownAct
	- defaultIfaceFunc_moveUpAct
	- defaultIfaceFunc_return
are defined.

These functions will be called during a 'run to completion step' (runCycle) of the statechart. 
There are some constraints that have to be considered for the implementation of these functions:
	- never call the statechart API functions from within these functions.
	- make sure that the execution time is as short as possible.
extern void defaultIface_menu(const Default* handle, const sc_integer select1);
extern void defaultIface_function(const Default* handle, const sc_integer select2);
extern void defaultIface_execute(const Default* handle);

extern void defaultIfaceFunc_ready(const Default* handle);
extern void defaultIfaceFunc_active(const Default* handle);
extern void defaultIfaceFunc_alarm(const Default* handle);
extern void defaultIfaceFunc_moveDownAct(const Default* handle);
extern void defaultIfaceFunc_moveUpAct(const Default* handle);
extern void defaultIfaceFunc_return(const Default* handle);

 * This is a timed state machine that requires timer services

/*! This function has to set up timers for the time events that are required by the state machine. */
	This function will be called for each time event that is relevant for a state when a state will be entered.
	\param evid An unique identifier of the event.
	\time_ms The time in milli seconds
	\periodic Indicates the the time event must be raised periodically until the timer is unset 
extern void default_setTimer(Default* handle, const sc_eventid evid, const sc_integer time_ms, const sc_boolean periodic);

/*! This function has to unset timers for the time events that are required by the state machine. */
	This function will be called for each time event taht is relevant for a state when a state will be left.
	\param evid An unique identifier of the event.
extern void default_unsetTimer(Default* handle, const sc_eventid evid);

#ifdef __cplusplus