Version FC

Dependencies:   DmTftLibrary eeprom SX1280Lib filesystem mbed

Fork of MSNV2-Terminal_V1-5 by Francis CHATAIN

diff -r 3bf2fe501aa2 -r d085ab35d584 ExtMemory.cpp
--- a/ExtMemory.cpp	Tue Sep 18 19:58:14 2018 +0000
+++ b/ExtMemory.cpp	Tue Sep 18 20:06:35 2018 +0000
@@ -16,22 +16,79 @@
 #include "Component.hpp"
 #include "Payload.hpp"
 using namespace misnet;
 // =====================================  Methods of class
 void ExtMemory::read (DataBase* dataBase) {
     // read eeprom  and initialize database
+    uint8_t componentID=0xff;
+    int16_t servicesNbr=0, servicesTotal=0;
+    int32_t  pos=0;
+    ServiceDefinition sd,prev_sd;
+    Header hd;
     DEBUG( "*** EXTMEM Reading external memory ***\n");
     dataBase->setRadioParameter ( (uint32_t)2400000000UL, LORA_BW_0400, LORA_SF7, (int8_t)-18, (uint8_t)100, (uint16_t)2000, (uint16_t)2000) ;
+    // ---- read header block
+, (void *) &hd, sizeof(hd));
+    if (ep.getError() != 0) error(ep.getErrorMessage());
+    pos += sizeof(hd);
+    DEBUG("*** [reading header] services:%d mode:0x%02x payloadID:0x%04x ***\n",
+            hd.nb_of_services, hd.operating_mode, hd.payload_id);
+    servicesTotal = hd.nb_of_services; //dataBase.getNbService()
+    // ----  read services blocks
+    std::vector<Component*> components = std::vector<Component*>();
+    std::vector<Service*> services = std::vector<Service*>();
+    Component* component;
+    std::string name[6] = {"HTS221","LPS22HB","LSM303D","LSM6DSL","BME280","DS18B20"}; // debug purpose
+    while(servicesNbr<servicesTotal){
+        while(, (void *) &sd, sizeof(sd)),(servicesNbr<servicesTotal)){
+            pos += sizeof(sd);
+            if (ep.getError() != 0) { error(ep.getErrorMessage()); continue;}
+            // TODO STATE field is missing in ServiceDefinition
+            // TODO access pins
+            Service::ACCESS_PIN access_pins[6] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
+            Service* service;
+//          = new Service((misnet::Service::DEVICE_TYPE) sd.device_type,
+//                                          sd.mistnet_code,
+//                                          Service::ENABLED,
+//                                          (misnet::Service::ACCESS_TYPE) sd.access_type,
+//                                          (misnet::Service::REQUEST_MODE) sd.request_mode,
+//                                          (misnet::Service::UP_MODE) sd.up_mode,
+//                                          access_pins,
+//                                          sd.subsample_rate,
+//                                          (misnet::Service::ACTION) sd.action,
+//                                          (misnet::Service::OUTPUT_MODE) sd.output,
+//                                          sd.comment);
+            if( componentID == 255 ) componentID = sd.component_id;
+            if( (sd.component_id != componentID) || (servicesNbr == servicesTotal-1) ){
+                if(servicesNbr == servicesTotal-1) services.push_back(service);
+//              component = new Component((misnet::Component::COMPONENT_ID) prev_sd.component_id, services);
+                components.push_back(component);
+                DEBUG("push component code %d [%s] to vector (%d services)\n",prev_sd.component_id,name[component->getId()-1].c_str(),services.size());
+                services.clear();
+            }
+            services.push_back(service);
+            prev_sd = sd;
+            componentID = sd.component_id;
+            servicesNbr += 1;
+        }
+        services.clear();
+        DEBUG("\n");
+    }
+    Payload * payload = new Payload((misnet::Payload::PAYLOAD_ID) hd.payload_id, components, hd.payload_base_period);
+    dataBase->setPayload(payload);
     /* ******************************************************************************
       In this example, the terminal holds 3 components :
@@ -53,178 +110,225 @@
     LSM303A et DS18B20 ne contiennent pas les devices décrits ici, c'est juste un exemple ;-)
     ************************************************************************************** */
-    Service::ACCESS_PIN access_pins[6] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
-    //Value::GENERIC_VALUE generic_value = { 0.0, Value::NOT_SET };
-    Value delta_threshold, low_threshold_limit, high_threshold_limit;
-    // Construction du premier service du premier composant
-    // ----------------------------------------------------
-    delta_threshold.setUint16Value(100);
-    low_threshold_limit.setUint16Value(10000);
-    high_threshold_limit.setUint16Value(12000);
-    Service* service1 = new Service(Service::SENSOR,
-                    102,
-                    Service::ENABLED,
-                    Service::UART_,
-                    Service::IRQ_,
-                    Service::BY_DELTA,
-                    access_pins,
-                    300,
-                    delta_threshold,
-                    low_threshold_limit,
-                    high_threshold_limit,
-                    Service::MESSAGE,
-                    Service::IO,
-                    "Premier service du composant BME280 sur cette payload");
-    // Construction du deuxieme service du premier composant
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    delta_threshold.setFloatValue(1.0);
-    low_threshold_limit.setFloatValue(100.0);
-    high_threshold_limit.setFloatValue(110.0);
-    Service* service2 = new Service(Service::SENSOR,
-                    103,
-                    Service::ENABLED,
-                    Service::UART_,
-                    Service::IRQ_,
-                    Service::BY_RANGE,
-                    access_pins,
-                    120,
-                    delta_threshold,
-                    low_threshold_limit,
-                    high_threshold_limit,
-                    Service::MESSAGE,
-                    Service::IO,
-                    "Deuxieme service du composant BME280 sur cette payload");
+//    Service::ACCESS_PIN access_pins[6] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
+//    // Construction du premier service du premier composant
+//    // ----------------------------------------------------
+//    Service* service1 = new Service(Service::SENSOR,
+//                            102,
+//                            Service::ENABLED,
+//                            Service::UART_,
+//                            Service::IRQ_,
+//                            Service::BY_DELTA,
+//                            access_pins,
+//                            300,
+//                            Service::MESSAGE,
+//                            Service::IO,
+//                            "Premier service du composant BME280 sur cette payload");
+//    // Construction du deuxieme service du premier composant
+//    // -----------------------------------------------------
+//    Service* service2 = new Service(Service::SENSOR,
+//                            103,
+//                            Service::ENABLED,
+//                            Service::UART_,
+//                            Service::IRQ_,
+//                            Service::BY_DELTA,
+//                            access_pins,
+//                            120,
+//                            Service::MESSAGE,
+//                            Service::IO,
+//                            "Deuxieme service du composant BME280 sur cette payload");
+//    // Construction du troisieme service du premier composant
+//    // ------------------------------------------------------
+//    Service* service3 = new Service(Service::SENSOR,
+//                            104,
+//                            Service::DISABLED,
+//                            Service::UART_,
+//                            Service::IRQ_,
+//                            Service::BY_DELTA,
+//                            access_pins,
+//                            30,
+//                            Service::MESSAGE,
+//                            Service::IO,
+//                            "Troisieme service du composant BME280 sur cette payload");
+//    // Construction du premier composant
+//    // ---------------------------------
+//    std::vector<Service*> services = std::vector<Service*>();
+//    services.push_back(service1);
+//    services.push_back(service2);
+//    services.push_back(service3);
+//    Component* component1 = new Component(Component::BME280, services);
+//    // Construction du premier service du deuxieme composant
+//    // -----------------------------------------------------
+//    Service* service4 = new Service(Service::SENSOR,
+//                            113,
+//                            Service::ENABLED,
+//                            Service::UART_,
+//                            Service::IRQ_,
+//                            Service::BY_DELTA,
+//                            access_pins,
+//                            60,
+//                            Service::MESSAGE,
+//                            Service::IO,
+//                            "Premier service du composant LSM303A sur cette payload");
+//    // Construction du deuxieme service du deuxieme composant
+//    // ------------------------------------------------------
+//    Service* service5 = new Service(Service::SENSOR,
+//                            115,
+//                            Service::DISABLED,
+//                            Service::UART_,
+//                            Service::IRQ_,
+//                            Service::BY_DELTA,
+//                            access_pins,
+//                            80,
+//                            Service::MESSAGE,
+//                            Service::IO,
+//                            "Deuxieme service du composant LSM303A sur cette payload");
+//    // Construction du deuxieme composant
+//    // ----------------------------------
+//    services.clear();
+//    services.push_back(service4);
+//    services.push_back(service5);
+//    Component* component2 = new Component(Component::LSM303A, services);
+//    // Construction du premier service du troisieme composant
+//    // ------------------------------------------------------
+//    Service* service6 = new Service(Service::ACTUATOR,
+//                            139,
+//                            Service::ENABLED,
+//                            Service::UART_,
-    // Construction du troisieme service du premier composant
-    // ------------------------------------------------------
-    Service* service3 = new Service(Service::SENSOR,
-                    104,
-                    Service::DISABLED,
-                    Service::UART_,
-                    Service::IRQ_,
-                    Service::BY_DELTA,
-                    access_pins,
-                    30,
-                    delta_threshold,
-                    low_threshold_limit,
-                    high_threshold_limit,
-                    Service::MESSAGE,
-                    Service::IO,
-                    "Troisieme service du composant BME280 sur cette payload");
-    // Construction du premier composant
-    // ---------------------------------
-    std::vector<Service*> services = std::vector<Service*>();
-    services.push_back(service1);
-    services.push_back(service2);
-    services.push_back(service3);
-    Component* component1 = new Component(Component::BME280, services);
-    // Construction du premier service du deuxieme composant
-    // -----------------------------------------------------
-    delta_threshold.setInt8Value(2);
-    low_threshold_limit.setInt8Value(100);
-    high_threshold_limit.setInt8Value(110);
+//                            Service::IRQ_,
+//                            Service::BY_DELTA,
+//                            access_pins,
+//                            50,
+//                            Service::MESSAGE,
+//                            Service::IO,
+//                            "Premier service du composant DS18B20 sur cette payload");
+//    // Construction du troisieme composant
+//    // -----------------------------------
+//    services.clear();
+//    services.push_back(service6);
+//    Component* component3 = new Component(Component::DS18B20, services);
+//    // Construction de la payload
+//    // --------------------------
+//    std::vector<Component*> components = std::vector<Component*>();
+//    components.push_back(component1);
+//    components.push_back(component2);
+//    components.push_back(component3);
+//    Payload * payload = new Payload(Payload::IOT_PAYLOAD_3, components, 10000);
+//    /* Payload sampling information, based on this example
+//       ---------------------------------------------------
+//        - Payload base period is 10000, which means 176 microseconds * 10000, i.e. 1.76 seconds
+//            - Service 1 : subsample rate is 300, so the service sampling period is 528 seconds
+//            - Service 2 : subsample rate is 120, so the service sampling period is 211.2 seconds
+//            - Service 3 : subsample rate is 30, so the service sampling period is 52.8 seconds
+//            - Service 4 : subsample rate is 60, so the service sampling period is 105.6 seconds
+//            - Service 5 : subsample rate is 80, so the service sampling period is 140.8 seconds
+//            - Service 6 : subsample rate is 50, so the service sampling period is 35.2 seconds
+//        - GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of its services is 10, so the payload will be awaken
+//          every 17.6 seconds.
+//    */
+//    // Enregistrement de la payload dans la database
+//    // ---------------------------------------------
+//    dataBase->setPayload(payload);
+void ExtMemory::populate (void) {
-    Service* service4 = new Service(Service::SENSOR,
-                    113,
-                    Service::ENABLED,
-                    Service::UART_,
-                    Service::IRQ_,
-                    Service::BY_DELTA,
-                    access_pins,
-                    60,
-                    delta_threshold,
-                    low_threshold_limit,
-                    high_threshold_limit,
-                    Service::MESSAGE,
-                    Service::IO,
-                    "Premier service du composant LSM303A sur cette payload");
+    int32_t   pos=0;
+    ServiceDefinition sd, sd_r;
+    Header hd, hd_r;
-    // Construction du deuxieme service du deuxieme composant
-    // ------------------------------------------------------
-    Service* service5 = new Service(Service::SENSOR,
-                    115,
-                    Service::DISABLED,
-                    Service::UART_,
-                    Service::IRQ_,
-                    Service::BY_DELTA,
-                    access_pins,
-                    80,
-                    delta_threshold,
-                    low_threshold_limit,
-                    high_threshold_limit,
-                    Service::MESSAGE,
-                    Service::IO,
-                    "Deuxieme service du composant LSM303A sur cette payload");
-    // Construction du deuxieme composant
-    // ----------------------------------
-    services.clear();
-    services.push_back(service4);
-    services.push_back(service5);
-    Component* component2 = new Component(Component::LSM303A, services);
+    // -----------header----------
+    hd.nb_of_services = 5;
+    hd.nb_of_sensors = 3;
+    hd.operating_mode = 0x09;
+    hd.payload_id = 0x1234;
+    ep.write((uint32_t) (pos), (void *) &hd, sizeof(hd));
+    if (ep.getError() != 0) error(ep.getErrorMessage());
+ (pos), (void *) &hd_r, sizeof(hd_r));
+    if (ep.getError() != 0) error(ep.getErrorMessage());
+    pos += sizeof(hd);
+    printf("*** [writing header] services:%d mode:0x%02x payloadID:0x%04x***\n",
+            hd_r.nb_of_services, hd_r.operating_mode, hd_r.payload_id);
-    // Construction du premier service du troisieme composant
-    // ------------------------------------------------------
-    delta_threshold.setDoubleValue(1.0);
-    low_threshold_limit.setDoubleValue(0.0);
-    high_threshold_limit.setDoubleValue(1.0);
+    // ---------services----------
+    sd.component_id = Component::DS18B20;
+    sd.device_type = Service::DEVICE_TYPE::SENSOR;
+    sd.mistnet_code = 0x5f;
+    strcpy(sd.comment,"DS1_TEMP");
+    ep.write((uint32_t) (pos), (void *) &sd, sizeof(sd));
+    if (ep.getError() != 0) error(ep.getErrorMessage());
+ (pos), (void *) &sd_r, sizeof(sd_r));
+    if (ep.getError() != 0) error(ep.getErrorMessage());
+    pos += sizeof(sd);
+    printf("service1 ID:0x%02x type:0x%02x code:0x%04x\n",
+            sd_r.component_id, sd_r.device_type, sd_r.mistnet_code);
-    Service* service6 = new Service(Service::ACTUATOR,
-                    139,
-                    Service::ENABLED,
-                    Service::UART_,
-                    Service::IRQ_,
-                    Service::BY_RANGE,
-                    access_pins,
-                    50,
-                    delta_threshold,
-                    low_threshold_limit,
-                    high_threshold_limit,
-                    Service::MESSAGE,
-                    Service::IO,
-                    "Premier service du composant DS18B20 sur cette payload");
-    // Construction du troisieme composant
-    // -----------------------------------
-    services.clear();
-    services.push_back(service6);
-    Component* component3 = new Component(Component::DS18B20, services);
+    sd.component_id = Component::LSM303D;
+    sd.device_type = Service::DEVICE_TYPE::SENSOR;
+    sd.mistnet_code = 0x2b;
+    strcpy(sd.comment,"LSM_ACCEL");
+    ep.write((uint32_t) (pos), (void *) &sd, sizeof(sd));
+    if (ep.getError() != 0) error(ep.getErrorMessage());
+ (pos), (void *) &sd_r, sizeof(sd_r));
+    if (ep.getError() != 0) error(ep.getErrorMessage());
+    pos += sizeof(sd);
+    printf("service2 ID:0x%02x type:0x%02x code:0x%04x\n",
+            sd_r.component_id, sd_r.device_type, sd_r.mistnet_code);
-    // Construction de la payload
-    // --------------------------
-    std::vector<Component*> components = std::vector<Component*>();
-    components.push_back(component1);
-    components.push_back(component2);
-    components.push_back(component3);
-    Payload * payload = new Payload(Payload::IOT_PAYLOAD_3, components, 10000);
+    sd.component_id = Component::BME280;
+    sd.device_type = Service::DEVICE_TYPE::SENSOR;
+    sd.mistnet_code = 0x4a;
+    strcpy(sd.comment,"BME_TEMP");
+    ep.write((uint32_t) (pos), (void *) &sd, sizeof(sd));
+    if (ep.getError() != 0) error(ep.getErrorMessage());
+ (pos), (void *) &sd_r, sizeof(sd_r));
+    if (ep.getError() != 0) error(ep.getErrorMessage());
+    pos += sizeof(sd);
+    printf("service3 ID:0x%02x type:0x%02x code:0x%04x\n",
+            sd_r.component_id, sd_r.device_type, sd_r.mistnet_code);
-    /* Payload sampling information, based on this example
-       ---------------------------------------------------
-        - Payload base period is 10000, which means 176 microseconds * 10000, i.e. 1.76 seconds
-            - Service 1 : subsample rate is 300, so the service sampling period is 528 seconds
-            - Service 2 : subsample rate is 120, so the service sampling period is 211.2 seconds
-            - Service 3 : subsample rate is 30, so the service sampling period is 52.8 seconds
-            - Service 4 : subsample rate is 60, so the service sampling period is 105.6 seconds
-            - Service 5 : subsample rate is 80, so the service sampling period is 140.8 seconds
-            - Service 6 : subsample rate is 50, so the service sampling period is 35.2 seconds
-        - GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of its services is 10, so the payload will be awaken
-          every 17.6 seconds.
-    */
+    sd.component_id = Component::BME280;
+    sd.device_type = Service::DEVICE_TYPE::SENSOR;
+    sd.mistnet_code = 0x4b;
+    strcpy(sd.comment,"BME_HUMI"); 
+    ep.write((uint32_t) (pos), (void *) &sd, sizeof(sd));
+    if (ep.getError() != 0) error(ep.getErrorMessage());
+ (pos), (void *) &sd_r, sizeof(sd_r));
+    if (ep.getError() != 0) error(ep.getErrorMessage());
+    pos += sizeof(sd);
+    printf("service4 ID:0x%02x type:0x%02x code:0x%04x\n",
+            sd_r.component_id, sd_r.device_type, sd_r.mistnet_code);
+    sd.component_id = Component::BME280;
+    sd.device_type = Service::DEVICE_TYPE::SENSOR;
+    sd.mistnet_code = 0x4c;
-    // Enregistrement de la payload dans la database
-    // ---------------------------------------------
-    dataBase->setPayload(payload);
+    strcpy(sd.comment,"BME_BARO");
+    ep.write((uint32_t) (pos), (void *) &sd, sizeof(sd));
+    if (ep.getError() != 0) error(ep.getErrorMessage());
+ (pos), (void *) &sd_r, sizeof(sd_r));
+    if (ep.getError() != 0) error(ep.getErrorMessage());
+    pos += sizeof(sd);
+    printf("service5 ID:0x%02x type:0x%02x code:0x%04x\n",
+            sd_r.component_id, sd_r.device_type, sd_r.mistnet_code);
\ No newline at end of file