standard m3pi_TUB Library, republished

Dependents:   Mapping

Fork of m3pi_TUB by TUB-MRT


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
16:a57be5cc5a94 2016-01-30 ErmGas Programm to map a track defined by a black starting line with a minimu9 V3 sensormodule. The sensorvalues are saved on an USB-Stick. Additionally a potential EKF (extended Kalman-Filter) is implemented and commented out. default tip
15:954081ec1a2d 2015-07-22 dpfeiffer eigentlich nichts ge?ndert
14:5589eef1f879 2014-10-06 ngoldin added value ranges for sensors
13:da9ef3d5c3fe 2014-05-20 ngoldin whatever
12:78fd82b3fb09 2013-10-15 ngoldin Switched left_motor and right_motor. Was the wrong way around before.
11:7bfb33432791 2013-05-17 ngoldin slowstop
10:f89d2a3a9ed2 2013-05-14 ngoldin Fixed my additional methods. Constructing the array inside the function led to memory overrun in the long run. Now, they expect to be given a pointer to somewhere to write.
9:deb9547909c3 2013-05-13 ngoldin added read out calibrated sensors function
8:4b7d6ea9b35b 2011-05-12 chris (none)
7:9b128cebb3c2 2011-03-25 chris Revised library that includes a constructor that requires no parameters. As the design is fixed, they can be hard coded.
6:62ee1486ecb9 2010-11-10 chris Changed delay after reset to 0.1 to stop the LCD getting corrupted
5:09fb0636207b 2010-11-07 chris Added code to access the leds
4:54c673c71fc0 2010-11-07 chris Modified reset routine, and code to switch the LEDs off
3:c38d2f980494 2010-11-01 chris Added line_position and auto calibrate to the RPC function list
2:330eb028e85b 2010-11-01 chris Corrected code line_position function
1:816a80dcc1a3 2010-10-29 chris 1.1 - Added some additional features, including PID demo
0:e6020bd04b45 2010-10-29 chris Initial revision