Hal Drivers for L4

Dependents:   BSP OneHopeOnePrayer FINAL_AUDIO_RECORD AudioDemo

Fork of STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver by Senior Design: Sound Monitor

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_sai.c	Mon Nov 02 19:37:23 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1905 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32l4xx_hal_sai.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.1.0
+  * @date    16-September-2015
+  * @brief   SAI HAL module driver.
+  *          This file provides firmware functions to manage the following 
+  *          functionalities of the Serial Audio Interface (SAI) peripheral:
+  *           + Initialization/de-initialization functions
+  *           + I/O operation functions
+  *           + Peripheral Control functions 
+  *           + Peripheral State functions
+  *         
+  @verbatim
+ ==============================================================================
+                  ##### How to use this driver #####
+ ==============================================================================           
+  [..]
+    The SAI HAL driver can be used as follows:
+    (#) Declare a SAI_HandleTypeDef handle structure (eg. SAI_HandleTypeDef hsai).
+    (#) Initialize the SAI low level resources by implementing the HAL_SAI_MspInit() API:
+        (##) Enable the SAI interface clock.
+        (##) SAI pins configuration:
+            (+++) Enable the clock for the SAI GPIOs.
+            (+++) Configure these SAI pins as alternate function pull-up.
+        (##) NVIC configuration if you need to use interrupt process (HAL_SAI_Transmit_IT()
+             and HAL_SAI_Receive_IT() APIs):
+            (+++) Configure the SAI interrupt priority.
+            (+++) Enable the NVIC SAI IRQ handle.
+        (##) DMA Configuration if you need to use DMA process (HAL_SAI_Transmit_DMA()
+             and HAL_SAI_Receive_DMA() APIs):
+            (+++) Declare a DMA handle structure for the Tx/Rx channel.
+            (+++) Enable the DMAx interface clock.
+            (+++) Configure the declared DMA handle structure with the required Tx/Rx parameters.
+            (+++) Configure the DMA Tx/Rx Channel.
+            (+++) Associate the initialized DMA handle to the SAI DMA Tx/Rx handle.
+            (+++) Configure the priority and enable the NVIC for the transfer complete interrupt on the 
+                DMA Tx/Rx Channel.
+    (#) The initialization can be done by two ways 
+        (##) Expert mode : Initialize the structures Init, FrameInit and SlotInit and call HAL_SAI_Init().
+        (##) Simplified mode : Initialize the high part of Init Structure and call HAL_SAI_InitProtocol().
+  [..]           
+   (@) The specific SAI interrupts (FIFO request and Overrun underrun interrupt)
+       will be managed using the macros __HAL_SAI_ENABLE_IT() and __HAL_SAI_DISABLE_IT()
+       inside the transmit and receive process.   
+  [..]           
+   (@) Make sure that either:
+       (+@) PLLSAI1CLK output is configured or 
+       (+@) PLLSAI2CLK output is configured or 
+       (+@) PLLSAI3CLK output is configured or 
+       (+@) External clock source is configured after setting correctly 
+            the define constant EXTERNAL_SAI1_CLOCK_VALUE or EXTERNAL_SAI2_CLOCK_VALUE in the stm32l4xx_hal_conf.h file. 
+  [..]
+    (@) In master Tx mode: enabling the audio block immediately generates the bit clock 
+        for the external slaves even if there is no data in the FIFO, However FS signal 
+        generation is conditioned by the presence of data in the FIFO.
+  [..]
+    (@) In master Rx mode: enabling the audio block immediately generates the bit clock 
+        and FS signal for the external slaves.
+  [..]
+    (@) It is mandatory to respect the following conditions in order to avoid bad SAI behavior:
+        (+@)  First bit Offset <= (SLOT size - Data size)
+        (+@)  Data size <= SLOT size
+        (+@)  Number of SLOT x SLOT size = Frame length
+        (+@)  The number of slots should be even when SAI_FS_CHANNEL_IDENTIFICATION is selected.
+  [..]
+     Three operation modes are available within this driver :
+   *** Polling mode IO operation ***
+   =================================
+   [..]
+     (+) Send an amount of data in blocking mode using HAL_SAI_Transmit() 
+     (+) Receive an amount of data in blocking mode using HAL_SAI_Receive()
+   *** Interrupt mode IO operation ***    
+   ===================================
+   [..]
+     (+) Send an amount of data in non-blocking mode using HAL_SAI_Transmit_IT() 
+     (+) At transmission end of transfer HAL_SAI_TxCpltCallback() is executed and user can 
+         add his own code by customization of function pointer HAL_SAI_TxCpltCallback()
+     (+) Receive an amount of data in non-blocking mode using HAL_SAI_Receive_IT() 
+     (+) At reception end of transfer HAL_SAI_RxCpltCallback() is executed and user can 
+         add his own code by customization of function pointer HAL_SAI_RxCpltCallback()
+     (+) In case of flag error, HAL_SAI_ErrorCallback() function is executed and user can 
+         add his own code by customization of function pointer HAL_SAI_ErrorCallback()
+   *** DMA mode IO operation ***
+   ==============================
+   [..] 
+     (+) Send an amount of data in non-blocking mode (DMA) using HAL_SAI_Transmit_DMA() 
+     (+) At transmission end of transfer HAL_SAI_TxCpltCallback() is executed and user can 
+         add his own code by customization of function pointer HAL_SAI_TxCpltCallback()
+     (+) Receive an amount of data in non-blocking mode (DMA) using HAL_SAI_Receive_DMA() 
+     (+) At reception end of transfer HAL_SAI_RxCpltCallback() is executed and user can 
+         add his own code by customization of function pointer HAL_SAI_RxCpltCallback()
+     (+) In case of flag error, HAL_SAI_ErrorCallback() function is executed and user can 
+         add his own code by customization of function pointer HAL_SAI_ErrorCallback()
+     (+) Pause the DMA Transfer using HAL_SAI_DMAPause()
+     (+) Resume the DMA Transfer using HAL_SAI_DMAResume()
+     (+) Stop the DMA Transfer using HAL_SAI_DMAStop()
+   *** SAI HAL driver additional function list ***
+   ================================================= 
+   [..]
+     Below the list the others API available SAI HAL driver :
+      (+) HAL_SAI_EnableTxMuteMode(): Enable the mute in tx mode 
+      (+) HAL_SAI_DisableTxMuteMode(): Disable the mute in tx mode 
+      (+) HAL_SAI_EnableRxMuteMode(): Enable the mute in Rx mode
+      (+) HAL_SAI_DisableRxMuteMode(): Disable the mute in Rx mode
+      (+) HAL_SAI_FlushRxFifo(): Flush the rx fifo.
+      (+) HAL_SAI_Abort(): Abort the current transfer
+   *** SAI HAL driver macros list ***
+   ============================================= 
+   [..]
+     Below the list of most used macros in SAI HAL driver :
+      (+) __HAL_SAI_ENABLE(): Enable the SAI peripheral
+      (+) __HAL_SAI_DISABLE(): Disable the SAI peripheral
+      (+) __HAL_SAI_ENABLE_IT(): Enable the specified SAI interrupts
+      (+) __HAL_SAI_DISABLE_IT(): Disable the specified SAI interrupts
+      (+) __HAL_SAI_GET_IT_SOURCE(): Check if the specified SAI interrupt source is 
+          enabled or disabled
+      (+) __HAL_SAI_GET_FLAG(): Check whether the specified SAI flag is set or not
+  @endverbatim
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  *
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32l4xx_hal.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup SAI SAI
+  * @brief SAI HAL module driver
+  * @{
+  */
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup SAI_Private_Typedefs  SAI Private Typedefs
+  * @{
+  */
+typedef enum {
+  * @}
+  */
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup SAI_Private_Constants  SAI Private Constants
+  * @{
+  */
+#define SAI_FIFO_SIZE       8
+  * @}
+  */
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup SAI_Private_Functions  SAI Private Functions
+  * @{
+  */
+static void SAI_FillFifo(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai);
+static int32_t SAI_InterruptFlag(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint32_t mode);
+static HAL_StatusTypeDef SAI_InitI2S(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint32_t protocol, uint32_t datasize, uint32_t nbslot);
+static HAL_StatusTypeDef SAI_InitPCM(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint32_t protocol, uint32_t datasize, uint32_t nbslot);
+static HAL_StatusTypeDef SAI_Disable(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai);
+static void SAI_Transmit_IT8Bit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai);
+static void SAI_Transmit_IT16Bit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai);
+static void SAI_Transmit_IT32Bit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai);
+static void SAI_Receive_IT8Bit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai);
+static void SAI_Receive_IT16Bit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai);
+static void SAI_Receive_IT32Bit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai);
+static void SAI_DMATxCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+static void SAI_DMATxHalfCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+static void SAI_DMARxCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+static void SAI_DMARxHalfCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+static void SAI_DMAError(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma);
+  * @}
+  */
+/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup SAI_Exported_Functions SAI Exported Functions
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup SAI_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions 
+ *  @brief    Initialization and Configuration functions 
+ *
+ ===============================================================================
+              ##### Initialization and de-initialization functions #####
+ ===============================================================================
+    [..]  This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to initialize and 
+          de-initialize the SAIx peripheral:
+      (+) User must implement HAL_SAI_MspInit() function in which he configures 
+          all related peripherals resources (CLOCK, GPIO, DMA, IT and NVIC ).
+      (+) Call the function HAL_SAI_Init() to configure the selected device with 
+          the selected configuration:
+        (++) Mode (Master/slave TX/RX)
+        (++) Protocol 
+        (++) Data Size
+        (++) MCLK Output
+        (++) Audio frequency
+        (++) FIFO Threshold
+        (++) Frame Config
+        (++) Slot Config
+      (+) Call the function HAL_SAI_DeInit() to restore the default configuration 
+          of the selected SAI peripheral.     
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief  Initialize the structure FrameInit, SlotInit and the low part of 
+  *         Init according to the specified parameters and call the function
+  *         HAL_SAI_Init to initialize the SAI block.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains 
+  *               the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @param  protocol: one of the supported protocol @ref SAI_Protocol
+  * @param  datasize: one of the supported datasize @ref SAI_Protocol_DataSize
+  *                   the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @param  nbslot: Number of slot.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_InitProtocol(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint32_t protocol, uint32_t datasize, uint32_t nbslot)
+  HAL_StatusTypeDef errorcode = HAL_OK;
+  switch(protocol)
+  {
+  case SAI_I2S_STANDARD :
+    errorcode = SAI_InitI2S(hsai, protocol, datasize, nbslot);
+    break;  
+  case SAI_PCM_LONG :
+  case SAI_PCM_SHORT :
+    errorcode = SAI_InitPCM(hsai, protocol, datasize, nbslot);
+    break;
+  default :
+    errorcode = HAL_ERROR;
+    break;
+  }
+  if(errorcode == HAL_OK)
+  {
+    errorcode = HAL_SAI_Init(hsai);
+  }
+  return errorcode;
+  * @brief  Initialize the SAI according to the specified parameters 
+  *         in the SAI_InitTypeDef structure and initialize the associated handle.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_Init(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  uint32_t tmpregisterGCR = 0;
+  /* Check the SAI handle allocation */
+  if(hsai == NULL)
+  {
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  /* check the instance */
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_ALL_INSTANCE(hsai->Instance));
+  /* Check the SAI Block parameters */
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_AUDIO_FREQUENCY(hsai->Init.AudioFrequency));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_PROTOCOL(hsai->Init.Protocol));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_MODE(hsai->Init.AudioMode));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_DATASIZE(hsai->Init.DataSize));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_FIRST_BIT(hsai->Init.FirstBit));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_CLOCK_STROBING(hsai->Init.ClockStrobing));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_SYNCHRO(hsai->Init.Synchro));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_OUTPUT_DRIVE(hsai->Init.OutputDrive));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_NODIVIDER(hsai->Init.NoDivider));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_FIFO_THRESHOLD(hsai->Init.FIFOThreshold));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_MONOSTEREO_MODE(hsai->Init.MonoStereoMode));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_COMPANDING_MODE(hsai->Init.CompandingMode));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_TRISTATE_MANAGEMENT(hsai->Init.TriState));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_SYNCEXT(hsai->Init.SynchroExt));
+  /* Check the SAI Block Frame parameters */
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_FRAME_LENGTH(hsai->FrameInit.FrameLength));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_ACTIVE_FRAME(hsai->FrameInit.ActiveFrameLength));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_FS_DEFINITION(hsai->FrameInit.FSDefinition));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_FS_POLARITY(hsai->FrameInit.FSPolarity));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_FS_OFFSET(hsai->FrameInit.FSOffset));
+  /* Check the SAI Block Slot parameters */
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_FIRSTBIT_OFFSET(hsai->SlotInit.FirstBitOffset));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_SLOT_SIZE(hsai->SlotInit.SlotSize));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_SLOT_NUMBER(hsai->SlotInit.SlotNumber));
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_SLOT_ACTIVE(hsai->SlotInit.SlotActive));
+  if(hsai->State == HAL_SAI_STATE_RESET)
+  {
+    /* Allocate lock resource and initialize it */
+    hsai->Lock = HAL_UNLOCKED;
+    /* Init the low level hardware : GPIO, CLOCK, NVIC and DMA */
+    HAL_SAI_MspInit(hsai);
+  }
+  hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_BUSY;
+  /* Disable the selected SAI peripheral */
+  SAI_Disable(hsai);
+  /* SAI Block Synchro Configuration ---------------------------------------------------*/
+  /* This setting must be done with both audio block (A & B) disabled                   */
+  switch(hsai->Init.SynchroExt)
+  {
+      tmpregisterGCR = 0;
+      break;
+      tmpregisterGCR = SAI_GCR_SYNCIN_0;
+      break;
+      tmpregisterGCR = SAI_GCR_SYNCOUT_0;
+      break;
+      tmpregisterGCR = SAI_GCR_SYNCOUT_1;
+      break;
+  }
+  if((hsai->Instance == SAI1_Block_A) || (hsai->Instance == SAI1_Block_B))
+  {
+    SAI1->GCR = tmpregisterGCR;
+  }
+  else 
+  {
+    SAI2->GCR = tmpregisterGCR;
+  }
+  if(hsai->Init.AudioFrequency != SAI_AUDIO_FREQUENCY_MCKDIV)
+  {
+    uint32_t freq = 0;
+    uint32_t tmpval;
+    /* In this case, the MCKDIV value is calculated to get AudioFrequency */
+    if((hsai->Instance == SAI1_Block_A ) || (hsai->Instance == SAI1_Block_B ))
+    {
+      freq = HAL_RCCEx_GetPeriphCLKFreq(RCC_PERIPHCLK_SAI1);  
+    }
+    if((hsai->Instance == SAI2_Block_A ) || (hsai->Instance == SAI2_Block_B )) 
+    {
+      freq = HAL_RCCEx_GetPeriphCLKFreq(RCC_PERIPHCLK_SAI2);  
+    }
+    /* Configure Master Clock using the following formula :
+       MCLK_x = SAI_CK_x / (MCKDIV[3:0] * 2) with MCLK_x = 256 * FS
+       FS = SAI_CK_x / (MCKDIV[3:0] * 2) * 256
+        MCKDIV[3:0] = SAI_CK_x / FS * 512 */
+    /* (freq x 10) to keep Significant digits */
+    tmpval = (freq * 10) / (hsai->Init.AudioFrequency * 2 * 256);
+    hsai->Init.Mckdiv = tmpval / 10;
+    /* Round result to the nearest integer */
+    if((tmpval % 10) > 8) 
+    {
+      hsai->Init.Mckdiv+= 1;
+    }
+  }
+  /* SAI Block Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+  /* SAI CR1 Configuration */
+  hsai->Instance->CR1&=~(SAI_xCR1_MODE | SAI_xCR1_PRTCFG |  SAI_xCR1_DS |      \
+                         SAI_xCR1_LSBFIRST | SAI_xCR1_CKSTR | SAI_xCR1_SYNCEN |\
+                         SAI_xCR1_MONO | SAI_xCR1_OUTDRIV  | SAI_xCR1_DMAEN |  \
+                         SAI_xCR1_NODIV | SAI_xCR1_MCKDIV);
+  hsai->Instance->CR1|=(hsai->Init.AudioMode | hsai->Init.Protocol |           \
+                        hsai->Init.DataSize | hsai->Init.FirstBit  |           \
+                        hsai->Init.ClockStrobing | hsai->Init.Synchro |        \
+                        hsai->Init.MonoStereoMode | hsai->Init.OutputDrive |   \
+                        hsai->Init.NoDivider | (hsai->Init.Mckdiv << 20) | hsai->Init.CompandingMode);
+  /* SAI CR2 Configuration */
+  hsai->Instance->CR2&= ~(SAI_xCR2_FTH | SAI_xCR2_FFLUSH | SAI_xCR2_COMP);
+  hsai->Instance->CR2|=  (hsai->Init.FIFOThreshold | hsai->Init.CompandingMode | hsai->Init.TriState);
+  /* SAI Frame Configuration -----------------------------------------*/
+  hsai->Instance->FRCR&=(~(SAI_xFRCR_FRL | SAI_xFRCR_FSALL | SAI_xFRCR_FSDEF | \
+                           SAI_xFRCR_FSPO | SAI_xFRCR_FSOFF));
+  hsai->Instance->FRCR|=((hsai->FrameInit.FrameLength - 1)  | 
+                            hsai->FrameInit.FSOffset | 
+                            hsai->FrameInit.FSDefinition | 
+                            hsai->FrameInit.FSPolarity   | 
+                            ((hsai->FrameInit.ActiveFrameLength - 1) << 8));  
+  /* SAI Block_x SLOT Configuration ------------------------------------------*/
+  /* This register has no meaning in AC 97 and SPDIF audio protocol */
+  hsai->Instance->SLOTR&= (~(SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF | SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTSZ |            \
+                             SAI_xSLOTR_NBSLOT | SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTEN ));
+  hsai->Instance->SLOTR|=  hsai->SlotInit.FirstBitOffset |  hsai->SlotInit.SlotSize
+                          | hsai->SlotInit.SlotActive | ((hsai->SlotInit.SlotNumber - 1) <<  8);           
+  /* Initialize the error code */
+  hsai->ErrorCode = HAL_SAI_ERROR_NONE;
+  /* Initialize the SAI state */
+  hsai->State= HAL_SAI_STATE_READY;
+  /* Release Lock */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hsai);
+  return HAL_OK;
+  * @brief  DeInitialize the SAI peripheral. 
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_DeInit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* Check the SAI handle allocation */
+  if(hsai == NULL)
+  {
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_BUSY;
+  /* Disabled All interrupt and clear all the flag */
+  hsai->Instance->IMR = 0;
+  hsai->Instance->CLRFR = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+  /* Disable the SAI */
+  SAI_Disable(hsai);
+  /* Flush the fifo */
+  SET_BIT(hsai->Instance->CR2, SAI_xCR2_FFLUSH);
+  /* DeInit the low level hardware: GPIO, CLOCK, NVIC and DMA */
+  HAL_SAI_MspDeInit(hsai);
+  /* Initialize the error code */
+  hsai->ErrorCode = HAL_SAI_ERROR_NONE;
+  /* Initialize the SAI state */
+  hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_RESET;
+  return HAL_OK;
+  * @brief Initialize the SAI MSP.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+__weak void HAL_SAI_MspInit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+            the HAL_SAI_MspInit could be implemented in the user file
+   */ 
+  * @brief DeInitialize the SAI MSP.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+__weak void HAL_SAI_MspDeInit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+            the HAL_SAI_MspDeInit could be implemented in the user file
+   */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @defgroup SAI_Exported_Functions_Group2 IO operation functions 
+ *  @brief   Data transfers functions 
+ *
+  ===============================================================================
+                      ##### IO operation functions #####
+ ===============================================================================  
+    [..]
+    This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to manage the SAI data 
+    transfers.
+    (+) There are two modes of transfer:
+       (++) Blocking mode : The communication is performed in the polling mode. 
+            The status of all data processing is returned by the same function 
+            after finishing transfer.  
+       (++) No-Blocking mode : The communication is performed using Interrupts 
+            or DMA. These functions return the status of the transfer startup.
+            The end of the data processing will be indicated through the 
+            dedicated SAI IRQ when using Interrupt mode or the DMA IRQ when 
+            using DMA mode.
+    (+) Blocking mode functions are :
+        (++) HAL_SAI_Transmit()
+        (++) HAL_SAI_Receive()
+        (++) HAL_SAI_TransmitReceive()
+    (+) Non Blocking mode functions with Interrupt are :
+        (++) HAL_SAI_Transmit_IT()
+        (++) HAL_SAI_Receive_IT()
+        (++) HAL_SAI_TransmitReceive_IT()
+    (+) Non Blocking mode functions with DMA are :
+        (++) HAL_SAI_Transmit_DMA()
+        (++) HAL_SAI_Receive_DMA()
+        (++) HAL_SAI_TransmitReceive_DMA()
+    (+) A set of Transfer Complete Callbacks are provided in non Blocking mode:
+        (++) HAL_SAI_TxCpltCallback()
+        (++) HAL_SAI_RxCpltCallback()
+        (++) HAL_SAI_ErrorCallback()
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief  Transmit an amount of data in blocking mode.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @param  pData: Pointer to data buffer
+  * @param  Size: Amount of data to be sent
+  * @param  Timeout: Timeout duration
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_Transmit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint8_t* pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
+  uint32_t tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
+  HAL_StatusTypeDef errorcode = HAL_OK;
+  /* Process Locked */
+  __HAL_LOCK(hsai);
+  if((pData == NULL ) || (Size == 0)) 
+  {
+    errorcode = HAL_ERROR;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  if(hsai->State != HAL_SAI_STATE_READY)
+  {
+    errorcode = HAL_BUSY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_BUSY_TX;
+  hsai->ErrorCode = HAL_SAI_ERROR_NONE;
+  hsai->XferSize = Size;
+  hsai->XferCount = Size;
+  hsai->pBuffPtr = pData;
+  /* Check if the SAI is already enabled */ 
+  if((hsai->Instance->CR1 & SAI_xCR1_SAIEN) == RESET)
+  {
+    /* fill the fifo with data before to enabled the SAI */
+    SAI_FillFifo(hsai);
+    /* Enable SAI peripheral */    
+    __HAL_SAI_ENABLE(hsai);
+  }
+  do 
+  { 
+    /* Write data if the FIFO is not full */
+    if((hsai->Instance->SR & SAI_xSR_FLVL) != SAI_FIFOSTATUS_FULL)
+    {
+      if((hsai->Init.DataSize == SAI_DATASIZE_8) && (hsai->Init.CompandingMode == SAI_NOCOMPANDING))
+      {
+        hsai->Instance->DR = (*hsai->pBuffPtr++);
+      }
+      else if(hsai->Init.DataSize <= SAI_DATASIZE_16)
+      {
+        *(uint16_t *)&hsai->Instance->DR = *((uint16_t *)hsai->pBuffPtr);
+        hsai->pBuffPtr+= 2;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        hsai->Instance->DR = *((uint32_t *)hsai->pBuffPtr);
+        hsai->pBuffPtr+= 4;
+      }
+      hsai->XferCount--;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      /* Check for the Timeout */
+      if((Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY) && ((Timeout == 0)||((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart ) > Timeout)))
+      {
+        errorcode = HAL_TIMEOUT;
+        goto error;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  while(0 != hsai->XferCount);
+error :
+  hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_READY; 
+  /* Process Unlocked */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hsai);
+  return errorcode;
+  * @brief  Receive an amount of data in blocking mode. 
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @param  pData: Pointer to data buffer
+  * @param  Size: Amount of data to be received
+  * @param  Timeout: Timeout duration
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_Receive(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout)
+  uint32_t tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
+  HAL_StatusTypeDef errorcode = HAL_OK;
+  /* Process Locked */
+  __HAL_LOCK(hsai);
+  if((pData == NULL ) || (Size == 0)) 
+  {
+    errorcode = HAL_ERROR;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  if(hsai->State != HAL_SAI_STATE_READY)
+  { 
+    errorcode = HAL_BUSY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  hsai->pBuffPtr = pData;
+  hsai->XferSize = Size;
+  hsai->XferCount = Size;
+  hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_BUSY_RX;
+  hsai->ErrorCode = HAL_SAI_ERROR_NONE;
+  /* Check if the SAI is already enabled */ 
+  if((hsai->Instance->CR1 & SAI_xCR1_SAIEN) == RESET)
+  {
+    /* Enable SAI peripheral */    
+    __HAL_SAI_ENABLE(hsai);
+  }
+   /* Receive data */
+  do
+  { 
+    /* Wait until RXNE flag is set */
+    if((hsai->Instance->SR & SAI_xSR_FLVL) != SAI_FIFOSTATUS_EMPTY)
+    {
+      if((hsai->Init.DataSize == SAI_DATASIZE_8) && (hsai->Init.CompandingMode == SAI_NOCOMPANDING))
+      {
+        (*hsai->pBuffPtr++) = hsai->Instance->DR;
+      }
+      else if(hsai->Init.DataSize <= SAI_DATASIZE_16)
+      {
+        *((uint16_t*)hsai->pBuffPtr) = hsai->Instance->DR;
+        hsai->pBuffPtr+= 2;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        *((uint32_t*)hsai->pBuffPtr) = hsai->Instance->DR;
+        hsai->pBuffPtr+= 4;
+      }  
+      hsai->XferCount--; 
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      /* Check for the Timeout */
+      if((Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY) && ((Timeout == 0)||((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart ) > Timeout)))
+      {
+        errorcode = HAL_TIMEOUT;
+        goto error;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  while(0 != hsai->XferCount);
+error : 
+  hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_READY; 
+  /* Process Unlocked */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hsai);
+  return errorcode;
+  * @brief  Transmit an amount of data in non-blocking mode with Interrupt.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @param  pData: Pointer to data buffer
+  * @param  Size: Amount of data to be sent
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_Transmit_IT(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)
+  HAL_StatusTypeDef errorcode = HAL_OK;
+  /* Process Locked */
+  __HAL_LOCK(hsai);  
+  if((pData == NULL) || (Size == 0)) 
+  {
+    errorcode = HAL_ERROR;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  if(hsai->State != HAL_SAI_STATE_READY)
+  {
+    errorcode = HAL_BUSY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  hsai->pBuffPtr = pData;
+  hsai->XferSize = Size;
+  hsai->XferCount = Size;
+  hsai->ErrorCode = HAL_SAI_ERROR_NONE;
+  hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_BUSY_TX;
+  if((hsai->Init.DataSize == SAI_DATASIZE_8) && (hsai->Init.CompandingMode == SAI_NOCOMPANDING))
+  {
+    hsai->InterruptServiceRoutine = SAI_Transmit_IT8Bit;
+  }
+  else if(hsai->Init.DataSize <= SAI_DATASIZE_16)
+  {
+    hsai->InterruptServiceRoutine = SAI_Transmit_IT16Bit;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    hsai->InterruptServiceRoutine = SAI_Transmit_IT32Bit;
+  }
+  /* Enable FRQ and OVRUDR interrupts */
+  __HAL_SAI_ENABLE_IT(hsai, SAI_InterruptFlag(hsai, SAI_MODE_IT));
+  /* Check if the SAI is already enabled */ 
+  if((hsai->Instance->CR1 & SAI_xCR1_SAIEN) == RESET)
+  {
+    /* Fill the fifo before starting the communication */
+    SAI_FillFifo(hsai);
+    /* Enable SAI peripheral */    
+    __HAL_SAI_ENABLE(hsai);
+  }
+error :
+  /* Process Unlocked */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hsai);
+  return errorcode;
+  * @brief  Receive an amount of data in non-blocking mode with Interrupt.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @param  pData: Pointer to data buffer
+  * @param  Size: Amount of data to be received
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_Receive_IT(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)
+  HAL_StatusTypeDef errorcode = HAL_OK;
+  /* Process Locked */
+  __HAL_LOCK(hsai);
+  if((pData == NULL) || (Size == 0)) 
+  {
+    errorcode =  HAL_ERROR;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  if(hsai->State != HAL_SAI_STATE_READY)
+  {
+    errorcode = HAL_BUSY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  hsai->pBuffPtr = pData;
+  hsai->XferSize = Size;
+  hsai->XferCount = Size;
+  hsai->ErrorCode = HAL_SAI_ERROR_NONE;
+  hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_BUSY_RX;
+  if((hsai->Init.DataSize == SAI_DATASIZE_8) && (hsai->Init.CompandingMode == SAI_NOCOMPANDING))
+  {
+    hsai->InterruptServiceRoutine = SAI_Receive_IT8Bit;
+  }
+  else if(hsai->Init.DataSize <= SAI_DATASIZE_16)
+  {
+    hsai->InterruptServiceRoutine = SAI_Receive_IT16Bit;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    hsai->InterruptServiceRoutine = SAI_Receive_IT32Bit;
+  }
+  /* Enable the interrupts */
+  __HAL_SAI_ENABLE_IT(hsai, SAI_InterruptFlag(hsai, SAI_MODE_IT));
+  /* Check if the SAI is already enabled */ 
+  if((hsai->Instance->CR1 & SAI_xCR1_SAIEN) == RESET)
+  {
+    /* Enable SAI peripheral */
+    __HAL_SAI_ENABLE(hsai);
+  }
+error :
+  /* Process Unlocked */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hsai);
+  return errorcode;
+  * @brief Pause the audio stream playing from the Media.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_DMAPause(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* Process Locked */
+  __HAL_LOCK(hsai);
+  /* Pause the audio file playing by disabling the SAI DMA requests */
+  hsai->Instance->CR1 &= ~SAI_xCR1_DMAEN;
+  /* Process Unlocked */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hsai);
+  return HAL_OK; 
+  * @brief Resume the audio stream playing from the Media.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_DMAResume(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* Process Locked */
+  __HAL_LOCK(hsai);
+  /* Enable the SAI DMA requests */
+  hsai->Instance->CR1 |= SAI_xCR1_DMAEN;
+  /* If the SAI peripheral is still not enabled, enable it */
+  if ((hsai->Instance->CR1 & SAI_xCR1_SAIEN) == RESET)
+  {
+    /* Enable SAI peripheral */    
+    __HAL_SAI_ENABLE(hsai);
+  }
+  /* Process Unlocked */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hsai);
+  return HAL_OK;
+  * @brief Stop the audio stream playing from the Media.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_DMAStop(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* Process Locked */
+  __HAL_LOCK(hsai);
+  /* Disable the SAI DMA request */
+  hsai->Instance->CR1 &= ~SAI_xCR1_DMAEN;
+  /* Abort the SAI DMA Channel */
+  if(hsai->hdmatx != NULL)
+  {
+    HAL_DMA_Abort(hsai->hdmatx);
+  }
+  if(hsai->hdmarx != NULL)
+  {
+    HAL_DMA_Abort(hsai->hdmarx);
+  }
+  /* Disable SAI peripheral */
+  SAI_Disable(hsai);
+  hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_READY;
+  /* Process Unlocked */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hsai);
+  return HAL_OK;
+  * @brief Abort the current transfer and disable the SAI.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_Abort(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* Disable the SAI DMA request */
+  hsai->Instance->CR1 &= ~SAI_xCR1_DMAEN;
+  /* Abort the SAI DMA Channel */
+  if(hsai->hdmatx != NULL)
+  {
+    HAL_DMA_Abort(hsai->hdmatx);
+  }
+  if(hsai->hdmarx != NULL)
+  {
+    HAL_DMA_Abort(hsai->hdmarx);
+  }
+  /* Disabled All interrupt and clear all the flag */
+  hsai->Instance->IMR = 0;
+  hsai->Instance->CLRFR = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+  /* Disable SAI peripheral */
+  SAI_Disable(hsai);
+  /* Flush the fifo */
+  SET_BIT(hsai->Instance->CR2, SAI_xCR2_FFLUSH);
+  hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_READY;
+  /* Process Unlocked */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hsai);
+  return HAL_OK;
+  * @brief  Transmit an amount of data in non-blocking mode with DMA.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @param  pData: Pointer to data buffer
+  * @param  Size: Amount of data to be sent
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_Transmit_DMA(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)
+  HAL_StatusTypeDef errorcode = HAL_OK;
+  /* Process Locked */
+  __HAL_LOCK(hsai);
+  if((pData == NULL) || (Size == 0)) 
+  {
+    errorcode = HAL_ERROR;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  if(hsai->State != HAL_SAI_STATE_READY)
+  {
+    errorcode = HAL_BUSY;
+    goto error;  
+  }
+  hsai->pBuffPtr = pData;
+  hsai->XferSize = Size;
+  hsai->XferCount = Size;
+  hsai->ErrorCode = HAL_SAI_ERROR_NONE;
+  hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_BUSY_TX;
+  /* Set the SAI Tx DMA Half transfer complete callback */
+  hsai->hdmatx->XferHalfCpltCallback = SAI_DMATxHalfCplt;
+  /* Set the SAI TxDMA transfer complete callback */
+  hsai->hdmatx->XferCpltCallback = SAI_DMATxCplt;
+  /* Set the DMA error callback */
+  hsai->hdmatx->XferErrorCallback = SAI_DMAError;
+  /* Enable the Tx DMA Channel */
+  HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hsai->hdmatx, (uint32_t)hsai->pBuffPtr, (uint32_t)&hsai->Instance->DR, hsai->XferSize);
+  /* Check if the SAI is already enabled */ 
+  if((hsai->Instance->CR1 & SAI_xCR1_SAIEN) == RESET)
+  {
+    /* Enable SAI peripheral */
+    __HAL_SAI_ENABLE(hsai);
+  }
+  /* Enable the interrupts for error handling */
+  __HAL_SAI_ENABLE_IT(hsai, SAI_InterruptFlag(hsai, SAI_MODE_DMA));
+  /* Enable SAI Tx DMA Request */  
+  hsai->Instance->CR1 |= SAI_xCR1_DMAEN;
+error :     
+  /* Process Unlocked */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hsai);
+  return errorcode;
+  * @brief  Receive an amount of data in non-blocking mode with DMA. 
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @param  pData: Pointer to data buffer
+  * @param  Size: Amount of data to be received
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_Receive_DMA(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)
+  HAL_StatusTypeDef errorcode = HAL_OK;
+  /* Process Locked */
+  __HAL_LOCK(hsai);
+  if((pData == NULL) || (Size == 0))
+  {
+    errorcode = HAL_ERROR;
+    goto error;
+  } 
+  if(hsai->State != HAL_SAI_STATE_READY)
+  {    
+    errorcode = HAL_BUSY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  hsai->pBuffPtr = pData;
+  hsai->XferSize = Size;
+  hsai->XferCount = Size;
+  hsai->ErrorCode = HAL_SAI_ERROR_NONE; 
+  hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_BUSY_RX;
+  /* Set the SAI Rx DMA Half transfer complete callback */
+  hsai->hdmarx->XferHalfCpltCallback = SAI_DMARxHalfCplt;
+  /* Set the SAI Rx DMA transfer complete callback */
+  hsai->hdmarx->XferCpltCallback = SAI_DMARxCplt;
+  /* Set the DMA error callback */
+  hsai->hdmarx->XferErrorCallback = SAI_DMAError;
+  /* Enable the Rx DMA Channel */
+  HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hsai->hdmarx, (uint32_t)&hsai->Instance->DR, (uint32_t)hsai->pBuffPtr, hsai->XferSize);
+  /* Check if the SAI is already enabled */
+  if((hsai->Instance->CR1 & SAI_xCR1_SAIEN) == RESET)
+  {
+    /* Enable SAI peripheral */
+    __HAL_SAI_ENABLE(hsai);
+  }
+  /* Enable the interrupts for error handling */
+  __HAL_SAI_ENABLE_IT(hsai, SAI_InterruptFlag(hsai, SAI_MODE_DMA));
+  /* Enable SAI Rx DMA Request */
+  hsai->Instance->CR1 |= SAI_xCR1_DMAEN;
+error :     
+  /* Process Unlocked */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hsai);
+  return errorcode;
+  * @brief  Enable the Tx mute mode.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @param  val:  value sent during the mute @ref SAI_Block_Mute_Value
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_EnableTxMuteMode(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint16_t val)
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_MUTE_VALUE(val));
+  if(hsai->State != HAL_SAI_STATE_RESET)
+  {
+    CLEAR_BIT(hsai->Instance->CR2, SAI_xCR2_MUTEVAL | SAI_xCR2_MUTE);
+    SET_BIT(hsai->Instance->CR2, SAI_xCR2_MUTE | val);
+    return HAL_OK;
+  }
+  return HAL_ERROR;
+  * @brief  Disable the Tx mute mode.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_DisableTxMuteMode(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  if(hsai->State != HAL_SAI_STATE_RESET)
+  {
+    CLEAR_BIT(hsai->Instance->CR2, SAI_xCR2_MUTEVAL | SAI_xCR2_MUTE);
+    return HAL_OK;
+  }
+  return HAL_ERROR;
+  * @brief  Enable the Rx mute detection.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @param  callback: function called when the mute is detected
+  * @param  counter: number a data before mute detection max 63.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_EnableRxMuteMode(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, SAIcallback callback, uint16_t counter)
+  assert_param(IS_SAI_BLOCK_MUTE_COUNTER(counter));
+  if(hsai->State != HAL_SAI_STATE_RESET)
+  {
+    /* set the mute counter */
+    CLEAR_BIT(hsai->Instance->CR2, SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT);
+    SET_BIT(hsai->Instance->CR2, ((uint32_t)counter << 6));
+    hsai->mutecallback = callback;
+    /* enable the IT interrupt */
+    return HAL_OK;
+  }
+  return HAL_ERROR;
+  * @brief  Disable the Rx mute detection.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SAI_DisableRxMuteMode(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  if(hsai->State != HAL_SAI_STATE_RESET)
+  {
+    /* set the mutecallback to NULL */
+    hsai->mutecallback = (SAIcallback)NULL;
+    /* enable the IT interrupt */
+    return HAL_OK;
+  }
+  return HAL_ERROR;
+  * @brief  Handle SAI interrupt request.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+void HAL_SAI_IRQHandler(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  if(hsai->State != HAL_SAI_STATE_RESET)
+  {
+    __IO uint32_t tmpFlag = hsai->Instance->SR;
+    __IO uint32_t tmpItSource = hsai->Instance->IMR; 
+    if(((tmpFlag & SAI_xSR_FREQ) == SAI_xSR_FREQ) && ((tmpItSource & SAI_IT_FREQ) == SAI_IT_FREQ))
+    {
+      hsai->InterruptServiceRoutine(hsai);
+      goto exit;
+    }
+    /* check the flag only if one of them is set */
+    if(tmpFlag != 0x00000000)
+    {
+      /* SAI Overrun error interrupt occurred ----------------------------------*/
+      if(((tmpFlag & SAI_FLAG_OVRUDR) == SAI_FLAG_OVRUDR) && ((tmpItSource & SAI_IT_OVRUDR) == SAI_IT_OVRUDR))
+      {
+        /* Clear the SAI Overrun flag */
+        /* Change the SAI error code */
+        hsai->ErrorCode = ((hsai->State == HAL_SAI_STATE_BUSY_RX) ? HAL_SAI_ERROR_OVR : HAL_SAI_ERROR_UDR);
+        /* the transfer is not stopped, we will forward the information to the user and we let the user decide what needs to be done */
+        HAL_SAI_ErrorCallback(hsai);
+        goto exit;
+      }
+      /* SAI mutedet interrupt occurred ----------------------------------*/
+      if(((tmpFlag & SAI_FLAG_MUTEDET) == SAI_FLAG_MUTEDET) && ((tmpItSource & SAI_IT_MUTEDET) == SAI_IT_MUTEDET))
+      {
+        /* Clear the SAI mutedet flag */
+        /* call the call back function */
+        if(hsai->mutecallback != (SAIcallback)NULL)
+        {
+          /* inform the user that an RX mute event has been detected */
+          hsai->mutecallback();
+        }
+        goto exit;
+      }
+      /* SAI AFSDET interrupt occurred ----------------------------------*/
+      if(((tmpFlag & SAI_FLAG_AFSDET) == SAI_FLAG_AFSDET) && ((tmpItSource & SAI_IT_AFSDET) == SAI_IT_AFSDET))
+      {
+        /* Change the SAI error code */
+        hsai->ErrorCode = HAL_SAI_ERROR_AFSDET;
+        goto error;
+      }
+      /* SAI LFSDET interrupt occurred ----------------------------------*/
+      if(((tmpFlag & SAI_FLAG_LFSDET) == SAI_FLAG_LFSDET) && ((tmpItSource & SAI_IT_LFSDET) == SAI_IT_LFSDET))
+      {
+        /* Change the SAI error code */
+        hsai->ErrorCode = HAL_SAI_ERROR_LFSDET;
+        goto error;
+      }
+      /* SAI WCKCFG interrupt occurred ----------------------------------*/
+      if(((tmpFlag & SAI_FLAG_WCKCFG) == SAI_FLAG_WCKCFG) && ((tmpItSource & SAI_IT_WCKCFG) == SAI_IT_WCKCFG))
+      {
+        /* Change the SAI error code */
+        hsai->ErrorCode = HAL_SAI_ERROR_WCKCFG;
+        goto error;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+exit :
+  return;
+error :
+  /* Abort the current communication, disable the SAI block, and clear all the flags */
+  HAL_SAI_Abort(hsai);
+  HAL_SAI_ErrorCallback(hsai);
+  return;
+  * @brief Tx Transfer completed callback.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+ __weak void HAL_SAI_TxCpltCallback(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+            the HAL_SAI_TxCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file
+   */ 
+  * @brief Tx Transfer Half completed callback.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+ __weak void HAL_SAI_TxHalfCpltCallback(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+            the HAL_SAI_TxHalfCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file
+   */ 
+  * @brief Rx Transfer completed callback.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+__weak void HAL_SAI_RxCpltCallback(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+            the HAL_SAI_RxCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file
+   */
+  * @brief Rx Transfer half completed callback.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+__weak void HAL_SAI_RxHalfCpltCallback(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+            the HAL_SAI_RxCpltCallback could be implemented in the user file
+   */
+  * @brief SAI error callback.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+__weak void HAL_SAI_ErrorCallback(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+            the HAL_SAI_ErrorCallback could be implemented in the user file
+   */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @defgroup SAI_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral State functions 
+ *  @brief   Peripheral State functions 
+ *
+ ===============================================================================
+                ##### Peripheral State and Errors functions #####
+ ===============================================================================  
+    [..]
+    This subsection permits to get in run-time the status of the peripheral 
+    and the data flow.
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief  Return the SAI handle state.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval HAL state
+  */
+HAL_SAI_StateTypeDef HAL_SAI_GetState(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* Return SAI handle state */
+  return hsai->State;
+* @brief  Return the SAI error code.
+* @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *              the configuration information for the specified SAI Block.
+* @retval SAI Error Code
+uint32_t HAL_SAI_GetError(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  return hsai->ErrorCode;
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup SAI_Private_Functions 
+ *  @brief   Private functions 
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief  Initialize the SAI I2S protocol according to the specified parameters 
+  *         in the SAI_InitTypeDef and create the associated handle.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @param  protocol: one of the supported protocol
+  * @param  datasize: one of the supported datasize @ref SAI_Protocol_DataSize
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @param  nbslot: number of slot minimum value is 2 and max is 16. 
+  *                    the value must be a multiple of 2.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+static HAL_StatusTypeDef SAI_InitI2S(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint32_t protocol, uint32_t datasize, uint32_t nbslot)
+  HAL_StatusTypeDef errorcode = HAL_OK;
+  hsai->Init.Protocol            = SAI_FREE_PROTOCOL;
+  hsai->Init.FirstBit            = SAI_FIRSTBIT_MSB;
+  hsai->Init.ClockStrobing       = SAI_CLOCKSTROBING_FALLINGEDGE;
+  hsai->FrameInit.FSDefinition   = SAI_FS_CHANNEL_IDENTIFICATION;
+  hsai->SlotInit.SlotActive      = SAI_SLOTACTIVE_ALL;
+  hsai->SlotInit.FirstBitOffset  = 0;
+  hsai->SlotInit.SlotNumber      = nbslot;
+  /* in IS2 the number of slot must be even */
+  if((nbslot & 0x1) != 0 )
+  {
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  switch(protocol)
+  {
+  case SAI_I2S_STANDARD :
+    hsai->FrameInit.FSPolarity = SAI_FS_ACTIVE_LOW;
+    hsai->FrameInit.FSOffset   = SAI_FS_BEFOREFIRSTBIT;
+    break;
+    hsai->FrameInit.FSPolarity = SAI_FS_ACTIVE_HIGH;
+    hsai->FrameInit.FSOffset   = SAI_FS_FIRSTBIT;
+    break;
+  default :
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  /* Frame definition */
+  hsai->Init.DataSize = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+  if(datasize == SAI_PROTOCOL_DATASIZE_16BIT)
+  {
+    hsai->Init.DataSize = SAI_DATASIZE_16;
+    hsai->FrameInit.FrameLength = 32*(nbslot/2);
+    hsai->FrameInit.ActiveFrameLength = 16*(nbslot/2);
+    hsai->SlotInit.SlotSize = SAI_SLOTSIZE_16B;
+  }
+  {
+    if(hsai->Init.DataSize == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+    {
+      hsai->Init.DataSize = SAI_DATASIZE_16;
+    }
+  }
+  else if(datasize == SAI_PROTOCOL_DATASIZE_24BIT)
+  { 
+    if(hsai->Init.DataSize == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+    {
+      hsai->Init.DataSize = SAI_DATASIZE_24;
+    }
+  }
+  else if(datasize == SAI_PROTOCOL_DATASIZE_32BIT)
+  {
+    if(hsai->Init.DataSize == 0xFFFFFFFF) 
+    {
+      hsai->Init.DataSize = SAI_DATASIZE_32;
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    errorcode = HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  if(errorcode == HAL_OK)
+  {
+    hsai->FrameInit.FrameLength = 64*(nbslot/2);
+    hsai->FrameInit.ActiveFrameLength = 32*(nbslot/2);
+    hsai->SlotInit.SlotSize = SAI_SLOTSIZE_32B;
+    if(protocol == SAI_I2S_LSBJUSTIFIED)
+    {
+      {
+        hsai->SlotInit.FirstBitOffset = 16;
+      }
+      else if (datasize == SAI_PROTOCOL_DATASIZE_24BIT)
+      {
+        hsai->SlotInit.FirstBitOffset = 8;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return errorcode;
+  * @brief  Initialize the SAI PCM protocol according to the specified parameters 
+  *         in the SAI_InitTypeDef and create the associated handle.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @param  protocol: one of the supported protocol
+  * @param  datasize: one of the supported datasize @ref SAI_Protocol_DataSize
+  * @param  nbslot: number of slot minimum value is 1 and the max is 16.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+static HAL_StatusTypeDef SAI_InitPCM(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint32_t protocol, uint32_t datasize, uint32_t nbslot)
+  hsai->Init.Protocol            = SAI_FREE_PROTOCOL;
+  hsai->Init.FirstBit            = SAI_FIRSTBIT_MSB;
+  hsai->Init.ClockStrobing       = SAI_CLOCKSTROBING_FALLINGEDGE;
+  hsai->FrameInit.FSDefinition   = SAI_FS_STARTFRAME;
+  hsai->FrameInit.FSPolarity     = SAI_FS_ACTIVE_HIGH;
+  hsai->FrameInit.FSOffset       = SAI_FS_BEFOREFIRSTBIT;
+  hsai->SlotInit.FirstBitOffset  = 0;
+  hsai->SlotInit.SlotNumber      = nbslot;
+  hsai->SlotInit.SlotActive      = SAI_SLOTACTIVE_ALL;
+  switch(protocol)
+  {
+  case SAI_PCM_SHORT :
+    hsai->FrameInit.ActiveFrameLength = 1;
+    break;
+  case SAI_PCM_LONG :
+    hsai->FrameInit.ActiveFrameLength = 13;
+    break;
+  default :
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  switch(datasize)
+  {
+    hsai->Init.DataSize = SAI_DATASIZE_16;
+    hsai->FrameInit.FrameLength = 16 * nbslot;
+    hsai->SlotInit.SlotSize = SAI_SLOTSIZE_16B;
+    break; 
+    hsai->Init.DataSize = SAI_DATASIZE_16;
+    hsai->FrameInit.FrameLength = 32 * nbslot;
+    hsai->SlotInit.SlotSize = SAI_SLOTSIZE_32B;
+    break;
+    hsai->Init.DataSize = SAI_DATASIZE_32;
+    hsai->FrameInit.FrameLength = 32 * nbslot;
+    hsai->SlotInit.SlotSize = SAI_SLOTSIZE_32B;
+    break;
+  default :
+    return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  return HAL_OK;
+  * @brief  Fill the fifo.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void SAI_FillFifo(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* fill the fifo with data before to enabled the SAI */
+  while((hsai->Instance->SR & SAI_xSR_FLVL) != SAI_FIFOSTATUS_FULL)
+  {
+    if((hsai->Init.DataSize == SAI_DATASIZE_8) && (hsai->Init.CompandingMode == SAI_NOCOMPANDING))
+    {
+      hsai->Instance->DR = (*hsai->pBuffPtr++);
+    }
+    else if(hsai->Init.DataSize <= SAI_DATASIZE_16)
+    {
+      hsai->Instance->DR = *((uint32_t *)hsai->pBuffPtr);
+      hsai->pBuffPtr+= 2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      hsai->Instance->DR = *((uint32_t *)hsai->pBuffPtr);
+      hsai->pBuffPtr+= 4;
+    }
+    hsai->XferCount--;
+  }
+  * @brief  Return the interrupt flag to set according the SAI setup.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @param  mode: SAI_MODE_DMA or SAI_MODE_IT
+  * @retval the list of the IT flag to enable
+ */
+static int32_t SAI_InterruptFlag(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint32_t mode)
+  int32_t tmpIT = SAI_IT_OVRUDR; 
+  if(mode == SAI_MODE_IT)
+  {
+    tmpIT|= SAI_IT_FREQ;
+  }
+  if((hsai->Init.AudioMode == SAI_MODESLAVE_RX) || (hsai->Init.AudioMode == SAI_MODESLAVE_TX))
+  {
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* hsai has been configured in master mode */
+    tmpIT|= SAI_IT_WCKCFG;
+  }
+  return tmpIT;
+  * @brief  Disable the SAI and wait for the disabling.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static HAL_StatusTypeDef SAI_Disable(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  uint32_t tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
+  HAL_StatusTypeDef errorcode = HAL_OK;
+  __HAL_SAI_DISABLE(hsai);
+  while((hsai->Instance->CR1 & SAI_xCR1_SAIEN) != RESET)
+  {
+    /* Check for the Timeout */
+    if((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > SAI_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
+    {
+      errorcode = HAL_TIMEOUT;
+      goto error;
+    }
+  }
+  return errorcode;
+  * @brief  Tx Handler for Transmit in Interrupt mode 8-bit transfer.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void SAI_Transmit_IT8Bit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* Write data on DR register */
+  hsai->Instance->DR = (*hsai->pBuffPtr++);
+  hsai->XferCount--;
+  /* Handle the end of the transmission */
+  if(hsai->XferCount == 0)
+  {
+    /* Disable FREQ and OVRUDR interrupts */
+    __HAL_SAI_DISABLE_IT(hsai, SAI_InterruptFlag(hsai, SAI_MODE_IT)); 
+    hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_READY;
+    HAL_SAI_TxCpltCallback(hsai);
+  }
+  * @brief  Tx Handler for Transmit in Interrupt mode for 16-bit transfer.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void SAI_Transmit_IT16Bit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* Write data on DR register */
+  hsai->Instance->DR = *(uint16_t *)hsai->pBuffPtr;
+  hsai->pBuffPtr+=2;
+  hsai->XferCount--;
+  /* Handle the end of the transmission */
+  if(hsai->XferCount == 0)
+  {
+    /* Disable FREQ and OVRUDR interrupts */
+    __HAL_SAI_DISABLE_IT(hsai, SAI_InterruptFlag(hsai, SAI_MODE_IT)); 
+    hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_READY;
+    HAL_SAI_TxCpltCallback(hsai);
+  }
+  * @brief  Tx Handler for Transmit in Interrupt mode for 32-bit transfer.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void SAI_Transmit_IT32Bit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* Write data on DR register */
+  hsai->Instance->DR = *(uint32_t *)hsai->pBuffPtr;
+  hsai->pBuffPtr+=4;
+  hsai->XferCount--;
+  /* Handle the end of the transmission */
+  if(hsai->XferCount == 0)
+  {
+    /* Disable FREQ and OVRUDR interrupts */
+    __HAL_SAI_DISABLE_IT(hsai, SAI_InterruptFlag(hsai, SAI_MODE_IT)); 
+    hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_READY;
+    HAL_SAI_TxCpltCallback(hsai);
+  }
+  * @brief  Rx Handler for Receive in Interrupt mode 8-bit transfer.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void SAI_Receive_IT8Bit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* Receive data */    
+  (*hsai->pBuffPtr++) = hsai->Instance->DR;
+  hsai->XferCount--;
+  /* Check end of the transfer */  
+  if(hsai->XferCount == 0)
+  {    
+    /* Disable TXE and OVRUDR interrupts */
+    __HAL_SAI_DISABLE_IT(hsai, SAI_InterruptFlag(hsai, SAI_MODE_IT));
+    /* Clear the SAI Overrun flag */
+    hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_READY;
+    HAL_SAI_RxCpltCallback(hsai); 
+  }
+  * @brief  Rx Handler for Receive in Interrupt mode for 16-bit transfer.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void SAI_Receive_IT16Bit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* Receive data */    
+  *(uint16_t*)hsai->pBuffPtr = hsai->Instance->DR;
+  hsai->pBuffPtr+=2;
+  hsai->XferCount--;
+  /* Check end of the transfer */  
+  if(hsai->XferCount == 0)
+  {    
+    /* Disable TXE and OVRUDR interrupts */
+    __HAL_SAI_DISABLE_IT(hsai, SAI_InterruptFlag(hsai, SAI_MODE_IT));
+    /* Clear the SAI Overrun flag */
+    hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_READY;
+    HAL_SAI_RxCpltCallback(hsai); 
+  }
+  * @brief  Rx Handler for Receive in Interrupt mode for 32-bit transfer.
+  * @param  hsai: pointer to a SAI_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for SAI module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void SAI_Receive_IT32Bit(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai)
+  /* Receive data */    
+  *(uint32_t*)hsai->pBuffPtr = hsai->Instance->DR;
+  hsai->pBuffPtr+=4;
+  hsai->XferCount--;
+  /* Check end of the transfer */  
+  if(hsai->XferCount == 0)
+  {    
+    /* Disable TXE and OVRUDR interrupts */
+    __HAL_SAI_DISABLE_IT(hsai, SAI_InterruptFlag(hsai, SAI_MODE_IT));
+    /* Clear the SAI Overrun flag */
+    hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_READY;
+    HAL_SAI_RxCpltCallback(hsai); 
+  }
+  * @brief DMA SAI transmit process complete callback.
+  * @param  hdma: pointer to a DMA_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for the specified DMA module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void SAI_DMATxCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)   
+  SAI_HandleTypeDef* hsai = (SAI_HandleTypeDef*)((DMA_HandleTypeDef* )hdma)->Parent;
+  if((hdma->Instance->CCR & DMA_CCR_CIRC) == 0)
+  { 
+    hsai->XferCount = 0;
+    /* Disable SAI Tx DMA Request */  
+    hsai->Instance->CR1 &= (uint32_t)(~SAI_xCR1_DMAEN);
+    /* Stop the interrupts error handling */
+    __HAL_SAI_DISABLE_IT(hsai, SAI_InterruptFlag(hsai, SAI_MODE_DMA));
+    hsai->State= HAL_SAI_STATE_READY;
+  }
+  HAL_SAI_TxCpltCallback(hsai);
+  * @brief DMA SAI transmit process half complete callback.
+  * @param  hdma: pointer to a DMA_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for the specified DMA module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void SAI_DMATxHalfCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)
+  SAI_HandleTypeDef* hsai = (SAI_HandleTypeDef*)((DMA_HandleTypeDef*)hdma)->Parent;
+  HAL_SAI_TxHalfCpltCallback(hsai);
+  * @brief DMA SAI receive process complete callback. 
+  * @param  hdma: pointer to a DMA_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for the specified DMA module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void SAI_DMARxCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)   
+  SAI_HandleTypeDef* hsai = ( SAI_HandleTypeDef* )((DMA_HandleTypeDef* )hdma)->Parent;
+  if((hdma->Instance->CCR & DMA_CCR_CIRC) == 0)
+  {
+    /* Disable Rx DMA Request */
+    hsai->Instance->CR1 &= (uint32_t)(~SAI_xCR1_DMAEN);
+    hsai->XferCount = 0;
+    /* Stop the interrupts error handling */
+    __HAL_SAI_DISABLE_IT(hsai, SAI_InterruptFlag(hsai, SAI_MODE_DMA));
+    hsai->State = HAL_SAI_STATE_READY;
+  }
+  HAL_SAI_RxCpltCallback(hsai); 
+  * @brief DMA SAI receive process half complete callback. 
+  * @param  hdma: pointer to a DMA_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for the specified DMA module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void SAI_DMARxHalfCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)
+  SAI_HandleTypeDef* hsai = (SAI_HandleTypeDef*)((DMA_HandleTypeDef*)hdma)->Parent;
+  HAL_SAI_RxHalfCpltCallback(hsai); 
+  * @brief DMA SAI communication error callback. 
+  * @param  hdma: pointer to a DMA_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for the specified DMA module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+static void SAI_DMAError(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)   
+  SAI_HandleTypeDef* hsai = ( SAI_HandleTypeDef* )((DMA_HandleTypeDef* )hdma)->Parent;
+  /* Stop the DMA transfer */
+  HAL_SAI_DMAStop(hsai);
+  /* Set the SAI state ready to be able to start again the process */
+  hsai->State= HAL_SAI_STATE_READY;
+  HAL_SAI_ErrorCallback(hsai);
+  hsai->XferCount = 0;
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/