Time of Flight Sensor


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VL6180X Class Reference

VL6180X Class Reference

Class representing a VL6180X sensor component. More...

#include <VL6180X.h>

Public Member Functions

 VL6180X (DevI2C &i2c, DigitalOut &pin, PinName pin_gpio1, uint8_t DevAddr=DEFAULT_DEVICE_ADDRESS)
 Constructor 1 (DigitalOut)
 VL6180X (DevI2C &i2c, STMPE1600DigiOut &pin, PinName pin_gpio1, uint8_t DevAddr=DEFAULT_DEVICE_ADDRESS)
 Constructor 2 (STMPE1600DigiOut)
virtual ~VL6180X ()
void on (void)
 PowerOn the sensor.
void off (void)
 PowerOff the sensor.
int start_measurement (operating_mode_t operating_mode, void(*fptr)(void), uint16_t low, uint16_t high)
 Start the measure indicated by operating mode.
int get_measurement (operating_mode_t operating_mode, measure_data_t *Data)
 Get results for the measure indicated by operating mode.
int stop_measurement (operating_mode_t operating_mode)
 Stop the currently running measure indicate by operating_mode.
int handle_irq (operating_mode_t operating_mode, measure_data_t *Data)
 Interrupt handling func to be called by user after an INT is occourred.
void enable_interrupt_measure_detection_irq (void)
 Enable interrupt measure IRQ.
void disable_interrupt_measure_detection_irq (void)
 Disable interrupt measure IRQ.
void attach_interrupt_measure_detection_irq (void(*fptr)(void))
 Attach a function to call when an interrupt is detected, i.e.
unsigned present ()
 Check the sensor presence.
int wait_device_booted ()
 Wait for device booted after chip enable (hardware standby)
virtual int init (void *NewAddr)
 One time device initialization.
int setup_gpio_1 (uint8_t InitFunction, int ActiveHigh)
 Configure GPIO1 function and set polarity.
int prepare ()
 Prepare device for operation.
int range_start_continuous_mode ()
 Start continuous ranging mode.
int range_start_single_shot ()
 Start single shot ranging measure.
int range_set_max_convergence_time (uint8_t MaxConTime_msec)
 Set maximum convergence time.
int range_poll_measurement (VL6180X_RangeData_t *pRangeData)
 Single shot Range measurement in polling mode.
int _range_get_measurement_if_ready (VL6180X_RangeData_t *pRangeData)
 Check for measure readiness and get it if ready.
int range_get_measurement (VL6180X_RangeData_t *pRangeData)
 Retrieve range measurements set from device.
virtual int get_distance (uint32_t *pi_data)
 Get a single distance measure result.
int range_config_interrupt (uint8_t ConfigGpioInt)
 Configure ranging interrupt reported to application.
int range_get_interrupt_status (uint8_t *pIntStatus)
 Return ranging error interrupt status.
int als_poll_measurement (VL6180X_AlsData_t *pAlsData)
 Run a single ALS measurement in single shot polling mode.
int als_get_measurement (VL6180X_AlsData_t *pAlsData)
 Get actual ALS measurement.
int als_config_interrupt (uint8_t ConfigGpioInt)
 Configure ALS interrupts provide to application.
int als_set_integration_period (uint16_t period_ms)
 Set ALS integration period.
int als_set_inter_measurement_period (uint16_t intermeasurement_period_ms)
 Set ALS "inter-measurement period".
int als_set_analogue_gain (uint8_t gain)
 Set ALS analog gain code.
int als_set_thresholds (uint16_t lux_threshold_low, uint16_t lux_threshold_high)
 Set thresholds for ALS continuous mode.
int als_get_interrupt_status (uint8_t *pIntStatus)
 Read ALS interrupt status.
int static_init ()
 Low level ranging and ALS register static settings (you should call VL6180X_Prepare() function instead)
int range_wait_device_ready (int MaxLoop)
 Wait for device to be ready (before a new ranging command can be issued by application)
int range_set_inter_meas_period (uint32_t InterMeasTime_msec)
 Program Inter measurement period (used only in continuous mode)
int upscale_set_scaling (uint8_t scaling)
 Set device ranging scaling factor.
int upscale_get_scaling ()
 Get current ranging scaling factor.
uint16_t get_upper_limit ()
 Get the maximal distance for actual scaling.
int range_set_thresholds (uint16_t low, uint16_t high, int SafeHold)
 Apply low and high ranging thresholds that are considered only in continuous mode.
int range_get_thresholds (uint16_t *low, uint16_t *high)
 Get scaled high and low threshold from device.
int range_set_raw_thresholds (uint8_t low, uint8_t high)
 Set ranging raw thresholds (scaling not considered so not recommended to use it)
int range_set_ece_factor (uint16_t FactorM, uint16_t FactorD)
 Set Early Convergence Estimate ratio.
int range_set_ece_state (int enable)
 Set Early Convergence Estimate state (See SYSRANGE_RANGE_CHECK_ENABLES register)
int flter_set_state (int state)
 Set activation state of the wrap around filter.
int filter_get_state ()
 Get activation state of the wrap around filter.
int d_max_set_state (int state)
 Set activation state of DMax computation.
int d_max_get_state ()
 Get activation state of DMax computation.
int range_set_system_mode (uint8_t mode)
 Set ranging mode and start/stop measure (use high level functions instead : VL6180X_RangeStartSingleShot() or VL6180X_RangeStartContinuousMode())
int8_t get_offset_calibration_data ()
 Get part to part calibration offset.
void set_offset_calibration_data (int8_t offset)
 Set or over-write part to part calibration offset.
int set_x_talk_compensation_rate (FixPoint97_t Rate)
 Set Cross talk compensation rate.
int als_wait_device_ready (int MaxLoop)
 Wait for device to be ready for new als operation or max pollign loop (time out)
int als_set_system_mode (uint8_t mode)
 Set ALS system mode and start/stop measure.
int set_group_param_hold (int Hold)
 Set Group parameter Hold state.
int set_i2c_address (int NewAddr)
 Set new device i2c address.
int setup_gpio_x (int pin, uint8_t IntFunction, int ActiveHigh)
 Fully configure gpio 0/1 pin : polarity and functionality.
int set_gpio_x_polarity (int pin, int active_high)
 Set interrupt pin polarity for the given GPIO.
int set_gpio_x_functionality (int pin, uint8_t functionality)
 Select interrupt functionality for the given GPIO.
int disable_gpio_x_out (int pin)
 brief Disable and turn to Hi-Z gpio output pin
int get_interrupt_status (uint8_t *status)
 Get all interrupts cause.
int clear_interrupt (uint8_t IntClear)
 Clear given system interrupt condition.
virtual int get_lux (uint32_t *pi_data)
 Get a single light (in Lux) measure result.
int als_start_continuous_mode ()
 Start the ALS (light) measure in continous mode.
int als_start_single_shot ()
 Start the ALS (light) measure in single shot mode.

Detailed Description

Class representing a VL6180X sensor component.

Definition at line 124 of file VL6180X.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

VL6180X ( DevI2C &  i2c,
DigitalOut &  pin,
PinName  pin_gpio1,

Constructor 1 (DigitalOut)

[in]&i2cdevice I2C to be used for communication
[in]&pinMbed DigitalOut pin to be used as component GPIO_0 CE
[in]&pin_gpio1pin Mbed InterruptIn PinName to be used as component GPIO_1 INT
[in]DevAddrdevice address, 0x29 by default

Definition at line 133 of file VL6180X.h.

VL6180X ( DevI2C &  i2c,
STMPE1600DigiOut pin,
PinName  pin_gpio1,

Constructor 2 (STMPE1600DigiOut)

[in]i2cdevice I2C to be used for communication
[in]&pinGpio Expander STMPE1600DigiOut pin to be used as component GPIO_0 CE
[in]pin_gpio1pin Mbed InterruptIn PinName to be used as component GPIO_1 INT
[in]deviceaddress, 0x29 by default

Definition at line 152 of file VL6180X.h.

virtual ~VL6180X (  ) [virtual]


Definition at line 168 of file VL6180X.h.

Member Function Documentation

void attach_interrupt_measure_detection_irq ( void(*)(void)  fptr )

Attach a function to call when an interrupt is detected, i.e.

measurement is ready

[in]fptrpointer to call back function to be called whenever an interrupt occours
0 on Success

Definition at line 272 of file VL6180X.h.

void disable_interrupt_measure_detection_irq ( void   )

Disable interrupt measure IRQ.

0 on Success

Definition at line 259 of file VL6180X.h.

void enable_interrupt_measure_detection_irq ( void   )

Enable interrupt measure IRQ.

0 on Success

Definition at line 248 of file VL6180X.h.

void off ( void   )

PowerOff the sensor.


Definition at line 200 of file VL6180X.h.

void on ( void   )

PowerOn the sensor.


Definition at line 184 of file VL6180X.h.

unsigned present (  )

Check the sensor presence.

1 when device is present

Definition at line 283 of file VL6180X.h.