Drivers for the mini robot designed for Princeton's MAE 433 course.

Dependencies:   mbed-dsp mbed-rtos mbed

Dependents:   MAE433_Library_Tester RobotBalancerv2

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for MAE433_Library


FixedRefresh This class is used in an RTOS to ensure that iterations of a loop happen at fixed time intervals, regardless of how long other code in the loop takes
FXOS8700CQ This class represents the FXOS8700CQ sensor
HBridge Encapsulates a physical H-Bridge from which the direction and PWM output can be controlled with separate pins
HC06Bluetooth This class creates an object representing the HC06 Bluetooth Module The baud rate for the device is configured to be 115200
QuadEnc Header file for a class which encapsulates a quadrature encoder
